Two newspaper clippings about an appreciation night for Volunteers in the Township of Humphrey.
A newspaper clippping and photograph Congratulating three men for 30 years of volunteer firefighting from the Municipallity of Humphrey and the ...
A newspaper clipping with a photograph that is honouring three men on twenty years of volunteer firefighting.
A newspaper clipping with a photograph of a new fire truck, with men standing on it, that the community helped purchase.
A newspaper clipping that is honouring members of the Humphrey Volunteer Fire Department with exemplary service awards.
A folder that contains newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and history about the Humphrey Public Library
A black and white photograph of a man sitting with a young boy on his lap, another young boy standing in font of him, and two boys standing slightly ...
A black and white photograph of a group of men standing behind their father who is sitting. They all have guns.
A black and white photograph of a man and woman, who are all dressed up, standing outside for a photograph.
A black and white photograph of a family. They are all dressed in their best clothes as it is one of the woman's wedding.
A black and white photograph of a man, wearing a Military uniform, standing with a woman, wearing a dress and overcoat.
A black and white photograph of a young man leaning on a Model T-Ford in front of a house.
A black and white photograph depicting a group of wooden buildings amongst denuded trees near a body of water.
A black and white photograph depicting a group of wooden buildings near a body of water.
A black and white photograph depicting an older woman in black holding up a small child near an open door.
A black and white photograph depicting a young woman standing outdoors near a clothesline and wearing a fashionable outfit.
A black and white photograph depicting a young woman with neatly parted short hair standing near a verandah. A wooden rain barrel is in the ...
A black and white photograph depicting a young woman posing in a snow covered field with her dog.
A black and white photograph depicting an older man wearing a hat and standing outdoors with a fish in each hand.
A black and white photograph depicting three women, two men and a dog posing on a verandah.
A black and white photograph depicting a well dressed couple posing outdoors with wooden outbuildings in the background. They both wear hats.
A black and white photograph depicting a man in a suit, an older woman in a black dress, another woman in fashionable clothing, and a black and white ...
A black and white photograph depicting a man and his young daughter posing outdoors with their dog.
A black and white photograph depicting a man and his young daughter posing outdoors wearing their 'Sunday Best'.
A black and white photograph depicting a smiling young woman with her dog posing on a wooden porch.
A black and white photograph depicting a family posing outdoors on a verandah in summer.
A black and white photograph depicting a man and his daughter posing near some large logs in the winter. A dog stands atop one of the logs.
A black and white photograph depicting two young women in winter coats, arms linked, standing in a snow covered field in bright sunlight.
A black and white photograph depicting a young woman in a winter coat smiling at the camera while standing in a snow covered field.
A black and white photograph depicting two young women in winter coats, arms linked, standing in a snow covered field in bright sunlight.
A black and white photograph depicting a young woman in a coat and hat standing in a snow covered field.