Russell Leader, 5 May 1938, p. 7

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READ fin a NG" ¢ Classified | Advertising| AGENTS WANTED HAIR GOODS AGENT, HANDLE PROFITABLE FAST selling household products. 1736 Dun das West, Toronto. WANTED--_FARMERS AND AGENTS to sell chicks in your own locality for a hatchery that sells good chicks at a reasonable price. Liberal com- mission paid. For full details write Box No. 64, 73 Adelaide St. W., To- ronto. ART IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, SKETCH OR Paint, write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 52, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. BABY CHICKS POULTRY AND Ou LTRY EQUIPMENT GET BIG-4 PRICES FOR MAY DELIVERY. -- CHICKS backed by Guarantee that we hon- estly believe has never before been offered chick buyers. Our Catalogue tells you why. Big-4 Chicks have extra vitality and ability to lay more and larger eggs because they are backed by a definite breeding pro- gram. Breeders Government Inspect- ed, Blood-tested. Prices for delivery May 9th or any Thursday or Monday thereafter: Barred Rock Standards, $8.95; pullets, $14.50. Leghorn, New Hampshire, Standards, $7.95; pullets, $17.20. Guarantee 939, pullets. Cock- erels, $1.95 and up. Premiums $2.50 more. Write for special prices on Started Chicks, Pullets all ages, Cap- ons, and catalogue. Kitchener Big-4 Hatchery, 1083 King St. E., Kitch- ener, Ontario. WHY GAMBLE BUY HILLSIDE CHICKS BECAUSE they have proven themselves satis- factory and made extra profits for our customers for 17 years. Get the best under our guarantee. Plant under Government Inspection. Breeders blood-tested. Leghorns, Rocks, New Hampshires. Chicks $7.75 and up: pullets, $14.25 and up; day-old cock- ereis $1.75 and up. Write for cata- logue and complete prices. Hillside Poultry Farm, New Dundee, Ont. TWEDDLE CHICKS LIVE! THEY lay! They pay! And here is the proof. Seven farmers purchased 3575 Tweddle Chicks this year. At five weeks their total loss was 24 chicks. All these farmers have been Tweddle customers for years. Write for No. 2 Chicalogue and Reduced May Price List. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. WHY PAY MORE Leghorns Tc, FOR YOUR CHICKS? pullets 14c. Barred Rocks, N. H. Reds, 8c, pullets 12c¢, cockerels 6c. (Large Egg) quality le more. Chicks all from Government banded blood-tested stock. Started chicks 2 weeks old add 3c, 3 weeks old bec Free folder. Top Notch Chickeries, 16 Wilson §St.,, Guelph, Ont. NOW Zt AND FEED. NEXT Fall--get more eggs when prices are high. = Just order Bray's Started Puliets. Write for further informa- tion. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St.. North, Hamilton, Ontario. HATCHED THE NATURAL WAY, IN still-air compartment incubators, Bray chicks get a real head start in life. Poultrymen report Bray pullets well developed and laying under 5 months. See catalogue, Bray Hatch- ery, 130° John St. North, Hamilton, Ont. R. S's 402 BRAY PULLETS AVERAGE 201 eggs daily at 5 months, and 281 eggs at 6 months. Get high October- November egg prices with. May- hatched Bray chicks. Write for cata- logue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. SEND FOR MAY PRICE LIST AT once. Prices greatly reduced: After May 10th you can purchase Baden Government Approved Chicks from bloodtested breeders, Standard Qual- ity, at these prices: Leghorns, New Hampshire Reds, $7.95, Barred Rocks $8.95. Why Pay More? Baden Elec- tric Chick Hatchery Limited, Box 59, Baden. Ontario. BULBS SURPRISE GLADIOLI BULBS, Picardy, Bagdad, or mixed, %" to 1%", $1. 25 hundred prepaid. W. Glass, 38 Duff Street, Hamilton, Ont. WIGS, TOUPES, Lo Braids, (urls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst, Toron- to. HAIRDRESSING LADIES AND GENTLEMEN LEARN Hairdressing 6 months $75. Jones Hairdressing School, Listowel, Ont. HATCHING EGGS NEW HAMPSHIRES AND RHODE IS- land Reds. Heavy layers, exhibition winners. Fifteen eggs, $1.00; Fifty, $3.00. M. Fisher. Enterprise, Ontario. $1.00 LANDSCAPE BARGAIN! 23 PERENNIALS -- SHASTA DAISY, Catchfly, Coneflower, Goldentuft, Marguerite, Canterbury Bell, Gail- lardia, etc.--2 Evergreens; Tree; Shrub; 6 Bulbs; 250 Seeds. Prepaid. Two orders $1.80. Dollar Nurseries, Fonthill, Ontario. FOR SALE YORKSHIRES--AT THE HEAD OF Shadeland Farms herd the Grand Champion, sire of "Sainsbury Tro- phy" and "Best Market Pen" at Royal Winter Fair. Sows include First and Second winners Toronto and First Guelph. Young males with "Advanced Registry" backing. For Sale, Shadeland Farms, Box 7, Eden, Elgin Co. FURNITURE LYONS' ANNUAL SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Reconditioned Furniture We must have floor space regardless of cost. This is your opportunity to buy high class reconditioned furniture at a fraction of the actual value. Here are some of our amazing bargains picked at random from our enormous stock: -- $49 00 Beautiful-three piece Mohair - Suite, pillow arms, Marshall reversible cushions, thoroughly cleaned. $23 50 Large three piece repp Suite, . Marshall reversible cushions, full webb construction, thoroughly cleaned. $13.9 Large three-piece Suite in od English Tapestry, pillow arms and Marshall spring cushions. A real buy. $39 1) Smart 3-piece Chesterfield * Bed Suite in a good quality repp material (brown shade), with large wardrobe box, in splendid condi- jon. $9.95 Three Piece Suite in English tapestry covering. Reversible Marshall spring cushions, thoroughly cleaned. $39 00 Modern Bedroom Suite: Chif- . onier, vanity with venetian mirror, full size bed and sagless spring, completely refinished. $69 00 Large Suite in rich walnut . finish, dresser, chiffrobe, triple mirror, vanity. full size bed and sagless spring. Completely refinished. $49 00 Beautiful three-piece Suite in two-tone walnut finish, dress- er with swing mirror, chiffonier, full size bed complete with sagless spring. Thorou~hlv reconditioned. $21 50 Solid Oak Dining-room Suite «VU _Ruffet,, extension table and six leather seat chairs: new condition. solid oak, buffet, exten- sion table, i Fn cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. $65 00 Beautiful 9-piece Oak Suite, . buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather seat chairs. Com- nletelv refinished. $119. 00 English Oak Suite, sample, nine pieces: buffet, (cred- renza type). refectory table, closed front china cahinet and 6 leather up- Dining-room Extension Tables, Refrigerators. $4.95, Etc. Write for our free illustrated cata- logue of new and re-conditioned furni- ture and hundreds of valuable gifts free with purchases. All thoroughly cleaned and re-conditioned and sold under a definite money back gnarantee of eatisfaction. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. -- Toronto CLOTHING FOR SALE FREE HATS, SHOES, SHIRTS, TIES. LEARN TO FLY $45. 00 Nine Piece Dining-room Suite $6.50; merchandise China Has Often Fought The Japs Ti Khan Once Led an Expe- dition Against Japan Chinese relations with Japan began in 779 A.D. when the peaceful Sung dynasty was in power in China. Re- lations were of the friendliest, and all the Oriental blandishments of humility and extravagant courtesy went into, the _exchanges of diplomatic correspondence between the two na- tion. Dynasty Overthrown In the twelfth century, however, the Sung dynasty was overthrown by the war-loving Tartars and soon China had changed from a peaceful nation to a warlike nation. The famous Mon- gol warrior and emperor, Kublai Khan, looking for new lands to con- quer, spied the islands strung along the Chinese coast. These islands, al though volcanic and often shaken by tidal waves and earthquakes, were re- ported to be rich: in rice and food- stuffs. Kublai Khan sent an expedi- tion of 10,000 men against Japan. Accustomed to easy success when the very name of Kublai Khan was enough to induce wild terror, the Chinese forces met unexpectedly stub: born resistance and returned home in somewhat disgraceful defeat. In 1279 Kublai Khan sent an ultimatum borne by nine envoys. All nine were de- capitated by the Japanese, who had already begun mobilization to meet the invader. Kublai Khan proceeded to call out his mighty military machine, and prepared to embark on a voyage de- signated to teach the Japanese "up- starts" a proper respect for Chinese might. The Japanese, fighting .guerrilla warfare, and finally aided by a mighty typhoon which swept the huge but un- controllable Chinese vessels on to T--anese reefs, won a great victory. Again In 1894 It was the last time there was con- siderable communication between the two countries for many years. Then relations were re-established, and all was good-feeling and friendship . . . until 1894 when Japan, having under- taken the study of western civilized methods, and western military meth- ods, launched a smartly trained mili- tary force against a decadent and paralyzed China to inflict a stunning defeat upon the mainlanders, most of the fighting taking place in Chinese territory. Suicide Problem Is Responsibility The problem of suicide is vast and all-pervading ¢® every rank of society that it constitutes a medico-social ob- ligation of the first importance, Dr. holstered chairs. Da iotered ol ee mri Bresktasy] D5Yid Eenvedy Henderson, noted Suites, 6 pieces. $13.50; Singer Sewing Edinburgh psychiatrist, said last Machines, $1350: Gas Stoves, $4.95; week at the New York Academy of Medicine. Dr. Henderson, who is Physician Superintendent of the Royal Edin- Hospital for Mental Disorders and Professor of Psychiatry at the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, also discussed the social menace of alcoholism and drug addiction and the instability of the so-called genius-personality. Education Urged DUFFERIN FLYING SERVICE GETS As to the suicide problem, he stressed that it can be successfully met "only by education in its broad- est and finest sense." He acknowl- etc, with clothing purchase. Write your license on easy terms. Class for free illustrated catalogue of "A" Instructors. New Cubs. Address clothing bargains, Dept. N. Yonge Barker Field, Toronto, Ont. Street Clothing hia, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. PATENTS DEVELOPING AND PRINTING AN OFFER' TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- ROLI.S DEVELOPED, PRINTED, tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, 1 Re-prints 10 183% King E. free enlargement 25c. for 25c. DPhonto-Craft. Toronto ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Ningara Street. St. Cath- arines, Ont. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT Prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B Outremont. Que. EXTRA SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST --Two valuable premiums given with EVERY roll developed and border printed 28c, or with EVERY 12 re- prints 36c. Mention this advertise- ment when ordering. Fast Foto iFn- ishers, Winnipeg. FOR SALE PURE MAPLE SYRUP, first quality. 'Write for prices. Order early. John M. Gillespie, Abbotsford, Que. MALE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY BECOME AN AVIATION OR MARINE Radio Operator. Employment pros- pects are the brightest for years. Qur training prepares you for the Dept. of Transport examination. A high percentage of our graduates pass their examinations. STILL, MORE IMPORTANT -- THEY SECURE EMPLOYMENT Attractive work is offered in aviation, the forestry departments and other land services--marine radio also calls for men. For complete information write, giving age, education, nationality, and 'phone number to, Dept. CRO, Radio College of Canada 863 Bay St. Toronto, Ont. Registered 273 Bank St. Patent Attorneys. Ottawa. ('an PICRSONAL BE 'POPULAR: LEARN HOW. GET what you want by making people like you. Personal charm will give you more acquaintances, friendships, fun. Valuable social and contacts. Individual, confidential co- operation in easy lessons by mail. Send 25 cents for introductory trea- tise and membership. (Prompt re- fund if dissatistied.) Canadian Charm Club, 681 Broadview Ave. Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with. our No elastic or un- Write Smith advanced method. der-straps or steel. Manufacturing . Co.. Dept. 219. Pres- ton, Ont. KLIK HAIR REMOVER. PATENTS Klik is a tried and true remedy. Safe to use and sure in ac- tion. Klik contains no harmful in- gredients, leaves a clean, soft skin; is guaranteed to do the work or your money back. Klik, $1 per package, postpaid--$1, anywhere in Canada. A. Adams, Fort Langley, B.C. Refer- ences Royal Bank. Pending. romantic sweetheart with money, write: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis- souri. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, ETC. EAS- ily. Inexpensive home remedy. Guar- anteed. Testimonials. Advise free Box 1, Winnipeg. MARRY -- WOULD .YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property. Particulars, 10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club, Box 128, Calgary. Alta. PHOTOGRAPHY ENLARGEMENT FREE WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and eight prints 25¢. Reprints 3c. Estab- lished over 26 years. Brightling Studios 29 Richmond Street East, To- ronto. PIN WORMS ® MASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY ond is available for a limited time only. Write today, enclosing o self - addressed, stomped envelope and your birth-dete. Address--Raymar, MASON REMEDIES LIMITED 14 MCAUL ST. - TORONTO, CANADA Joe IF YOUR CHILDREN SUFFER FRQM these annoying pests, send two dol- lars for simple home remedy. Grat- tan Kelly, Postal Station XK, Toronto. business : IF. YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE, edged that an advance has been made to the extent that a person attempting suicide is no longer regarded as a felon, but as someone in need of help, a sick man who with suitable meas- ures may be reconstituted as a useful member of society. Their Orchestras This Year. Devotees of the dance and admirers of the "big name" bands of stage, screen and radio again will be catered to by the Canadian National Exhibi- tion management this year. The world's largest outdoor dance floor will be constructed on the wide plaza immediately west of the Electrical and Engineering Building. It will be en- closed and covered with decorative canvas walls and canopy. General Manager Elwood A. Hughes, now en route to Europe to engage at- tractions for this year's Exhibition, spent several days in New York ar- ranging for the appearance here this year of three of the outstanding bands of the day, Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians, Benny Boodman's and Tommy Dorsey's. The Ball Room in which famous bands and orchestras have appeared for several years will be devoted to the purposes of the British Government for an exhibit symbolizing Empire transportation and communication. Dance bands which have appeared at the Exhibition include those of Rudy Vallee, Horace Heidt, Duke Ell- ington, Abe Lyman and Guy Lom- bardo. The Royal Artillery Band of England with a strength of seventy- five musicians, will appear afternoon and evening in the band shell through- out the Exhibition. This organization is a combinat' = military band and symphony orchestra. Every church contains two kinds of people: (1) Those who run things; speak up. Hushand--'You say you can tell your wife wants money when she pouts?" Friend -- "Yes--by the way she purses up her lips." A husband can stand an oecasional tongue-lashing from his wife--and ex- pects it--but he is exceedingly tender on the subject of stock market oper- ations, and every humane woman with a grain of feeling ought to know it by this time. eg A Mother's Plaint of working, cooking meals, of mending stocking heels, of reading story books, of teaching manners, looks; Hours of patience, hours of hope, Hours with youthful minds to cope-- How I'd love to be alone And have one hour all my own! Hours Hours Hours Hours Smith--"We lost half our kitchen equipment when our country home burned." Jones--"Which was it, the can-op- ener or the corkscrew?" READ IT OR NOT: Ben Johnson, English writer, was buried in an up- right position in Westminster Abbey. Sweet Young Thing (coming in with attentive partner from a room where a bridge game has been in progress) --"Qh, Mother dear, I've just captured the booby." Mother--"Well, well! Come here AGONIZING ECZEMA ITCH Stopped on Second Day 4 Bel-Zema is an entirely new idea in a treatment for eczema and kindred skin disorders. It is easily applied. Itchiness is relieved immediately. In most cases scale disappears in a few days. Bel-Zema is non-greasy--has a pleas- ant odour--dries quickly--does not stain or discolour clothing or bed linen --vwashes off easily 'with warm or cold water--is soothing and non-irritating even in extreme cases. For Sale By All Druggists Send 10¢ for Generous Trial Sample Department "W-1" HENRY K. WAMPOLE & CO. LIMITED ® Mrs. X of Camp- bellton, N.B., writes: "I cannot tell you how much suffering it caused. ..I tried Bel- Zema . . . the second dayno itch. .. inside a week every sign of eczema was gone." and kiss me, both of you." What can't be diagrammed on a table cloth can't be explained -- by some people. Important Customer--"I want two strictly fresh eggs, poached medium soft, on buttered, not too brown, coffee with no sugar and plenty of pasteurized guernsey cream in it, and two doughnuts that aren't all holes." Waitress -- "Yes, sir! Would you like to order any special design on the dishes?" Here's One For You to Try Take your age-- ! Multiply by 2 Add 5 Multiply by 50 Add the loose change in your pocket under a dollar Substract 365 Add 115-- And the first two figures in the an- swer are your age and the last two are the change in your pocket. How do 'you know the man is a failure? Even a yes-man hasn't fail- ed if that is what he is trying to be. The fellow who uses rubber soles to sneak up on opportunity seldom puts it to good use. Perth, Ontario BEL-ZEMA A 1 Jotion for 5 Eczema Paoriasis Poison Ivy Dermatitis Pruritis Ani 1] POTATOES FOR SALE WE HAVE THE USUAL GOOD QUAL: ey. ity certifled extra No. 1 Do of toes for sale at 80c per bag. Giffen, Elmvale, Ontario. Issue No. 19--'38 A--C Kennedy & Menton 421 College St. Toronto Harley-Davidson Distributors Used Parts and Accessories Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arranged. And Tommy Dorsey Will Bring | Three Noted Bands Coming To C.N.E. Guy. Lombardo, Benny Goodman (2) Those who haven't the nerve to "Here you are - if you want a a B ------- = ™ Nandi AINA \ ho li Ni No 4 A di k NRW , | A ar, The PERFECT Chewing Tobacco Diamond Drill Results From Rand Malartic A copy of wire received from Jas. A. Mine, reads as follows: "Rand Malar- Mine, reads as follows: Rand Malar- tic hole thirty nine in addition to ten foot section reported previously assay- ing twenty-seven dollars excluding one foot high grade further ten feet as- says seven dollars seventeen cents Stop. Erickson reports average assay value of seven dollars fifty one cents excluding high grade over forty seven. and half feet from footage two hund- red thirty eight and half to footage two hundred eighty six. Stop. Also fur- ther five feet from footage three hund- red twenty three assays eleven dol- lars fifty five cents. Stop. Drill hole forty going down fifty feet west of thirty nine and has excellent possibil- ities." Flu Preventative Works With Mice A new medicine that prevents flu in mice was reported to the Ameri- can Chemical Society last month. It has not been tested on humans, but the prospect is favorable. The medi- cine is made from sulfanilamide, the sensational new drug made from a red dye which has cured blood pois- oning and helped to kill many dif- ferent germ infections in man. Two New Countries Will Display Here Norway And The Netherlands Are Entering Exhibits at >The 1938 C.N.E. Norway and The Netherlands have joined the ranks of foreign countries to be represented in the International Pavilion at the Canadian National Ex- hibition this year. Albert Nordhei- mer, Consul-General of The Nether- lands for Ontario, has been notified by his government at Amsterdam that an exhibit is being assembled for, shipment to Toronto. Carl J. Printz, Royal Vice- Consul| of Norway for Ontario, has advised Exhibition authorities that his govern- ment has asked him to open Regotiad tions looking to representation thig year. The Exhibition od has assured the government of Nor way that its display and represent: tives will be accorded generous treat! ment. To date the foreign countries ve terested in the development of trai d in Canada on a reciprocal basis an that will be represented at the EX bition this year are Finland, The Neth erlands, Poland, Czechoslovakia, JNor- way and Germany. Jan Pawlica, Consul-General tor, Poland in Canada, has been notifigd by the State Export Institute in, saw that a shipment of fifteen tons of exhibit material will be sent to Toronto for the Exhibition. ES ee aN .... Gardening Notes... Climbing plants or vines play an important part in any scheme of land- scape gardening, adding a finishing touch to wall, fence or verandah that is not possible by any other means. There is a mistaken idea that such plants may be harmful to brick or stone-work. Aside from the fact that climbers add a little trouble to the job of painting the wood-work around the doors and windows, authorities claim that there are no harmful effects whatever but, on the other hand, there are several substantial advantages. A house with the 'walls. well screen- ed is much cooler in the hot weather for the simple reason that sun does not reach heat absorbing brick or stone. As for verandahs, the advant- age in shade, coolness and privacy of such natural screens is too obvious to need detailed explanation. There are many type of both quick- growing annuals or perennials, among them ones hardy enough for most sec- tions of this province. Productive Vegetables The gardener with only a little land to spare should concentrate on those vegetables which give the biggest re- turns for the smallest space occupied. Among such kinds are beans, carrots, onions, lettuce, swiss chard, spinach, cucumbers and beets. In the lesser- known vegetables are: leeks, egg and pepper plants, broad beans and cos let- tuce. These can all be grown in most districts. Experts advise the inclusion of something new in the vegetable line each year so that variety will be gradually widened. Filling In It is a good plan to use started an- nual flower plants for planting among tulips and other spring flowering bulbs which will be past their best in a few more weeks. They need something to CUTS & SORES Apply Minard's freely. It washes out poison sud <i nses. quickly Poin Bie al There's nothing beter? hide dying foliage. Then again, qui growing annuals will always be usef! for filling in any blind spots in t perennial beds where winter has been unusually severe. * An Alkaline Soil | Most trees, shrubs, flowers andl grass grow best in a neutral or alkh: line soil. Only a few varieties of plants need an acid condition. Ho can we tell what kind of soil we have? Buy at any drug store 10 cents wor ) of litmus paper, take a cupful of the goil, add water and if a blue litmus paper turns red the soil is acid. If it stays blue it is on the alkaline si In order to make an acid soll "gweet" or alkaline, first get air Int the soil by adding sifted coal ashes, cinders, strawy manure, agriculturdl slag from blast furnaces, or agricul- tural lime. Soil must also have drainage for) taking away excess water. Plants can-/ not get food from waterlogged -earth.! The soil may be clay or gand and in! either case it must contain humus ti supply plant food. Humus is decayed a vegetable matter. oil from the top of the ground where 'vegetables or far crops have been raised contains humus 'and 's called topsoil. your Pots, Pans & dairy Equipment 14 HOR BE

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