Russell Leader, 29 Oct 1936, p. 5

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i RAC rr a em ee ae Bit a =r a DO THIS when you wake up with a Headache ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU'VE FINISHED DRESSING "Aspirin" Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds by stop watch, am "Aspirin" tablet starts to disinte= grate and go to" work. |e Drop an "'Aspirin® tab- | let into a glass of water. By the time it hits the bottom ef the glass it is disintegrating. What happens in this glass . « « happens in your stomach. When you wake up with a head- ache, do this: Take two quick-act- ing, quick-dissolving "ASPIRIN" 'tablets with a little water. By the time you've finished dress- ing, nine chances in ten, you'll feel relief coming. "Aspirin" provides this quick relief because it is rated among the quickest methods for relief science has yet discovered. © "Aspirin" tablets are made in - Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look "for the name Bayer in the form of a cross. on every tablet. MARK REG. LOOK FOR THE BAYER CROSS Light Meals for Best Work A short time ago an American sci- entist expressed the view that as the process of digestion takes blood away from the brain men should not eat a hearty meal before devoting their thoughts to the solution of weighty problems, He found that office work- ers were more alert in the mornings after a light breakfast than they are in the afternoons, provided they in- dulge in heavy luncheons. As for successful work at night, it is almost impossible after a hearty dinner.-- Chatham News. CHAPPED SKIN Dilute Minard's with one-half sweet oil or cream. Apply once a day. For Frost Bite - use the Liniment freely and undiluted. No trouble. Very healing: 2 "KING OF PAIN". ILINiMENT . { MINING "own power; -it is believed that the FLASHES Atnel Mines, Ltd., has acquired: eight additional claims, six of which' are located. to the south and two on the north of the main property in the Michipicoten area. The new gives Atnel a total of 800 acres®and it is understood that the .Lompany may acquire further celaims which will give them a total of 1,000 acres. oe Installation of the 100-ton mill at the Morris Kirkland Gold Mines property has been completed andthe new unit will go into operation with- in: the next week or ten days. The mill has 'been designed so that with little cost it ean be stepped up tu 150 tons per day. Crushing of ore will be started this week to fill the mill bing in preparation for starting the ball mill October 26th. It is estimated it will take 10 days to two weeks to fill the circuit and tune up the mill. Results of work on the lower levels indicate the company will be able to provide mill fee? of a much higher grade than formerly estimated. Several veins have been cut on the new deep-levels between 750 and 1,250-foot, where ore is uniformally from 60 to 100 per cent higher in grade than on the levels above the 750-foot level. ©On sur- face another important development is taking place 150 feet from the shaft. ---- Following reports of further financing by New York interests, Bram Watkins, president of Cunip- tau Mines, stated that Mining Re- search Corp. have laid out a large program of development which has already commenced. Diamond drill- ing contracts are being let for un- derground and surface drilling cam- paigns on both the Cuniptau property and the Alexo property, which they recently acquired. While no confirmation of the new financ- ing was available, a statement from New York~-is expected shortly. ---- Noranda Mines will shortly com- mence construction of a hydro elec- tric power plant of 30,000 h.p. capacity at a cost of $5,000,000. for its own use, according to an an- nouncement made by James Y. Mur- dock, president. Work on the new plant will be started as soon as a few minor remaining details are approved by the Quebec Govern- ment, Mr. Murdock states ,in making the announcement. While he could not" estimate the saving that would be made by the production of their cost will 'be considerably lower than the cost of power presently con- tracted for. s----) inn Laguna Gold Mines' September production amounted to approximate- ly $28,600,as compared with $31,- 000 in August, according to J. H. C. Waite, president, who has, just re- turned from the property. This is considered satisfactory in view of the fact that during September the large part of mill feed came. from the dump, which has an estimated HERE Grip Tires surface--is Fi . ough deep mud, snow or un- improved roads -- Firestone Ground: without the use of chains. The pat- ented Ground Grip tread grips on any positive traction. of getting stuck in soft roads. Put a set of Ground Grip tires on your car or truck today. No increase in price. See the local Firestone Dealer. restone TRACTION TIRE --\ FOR SNOW AND the going is toughest-- take you safely through self-cleaning--and gives Don't take chances GROUND GRIP TIRES FOR CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS Eg grade considerably less than the mine The large amount of ore is now being drawn from the mine and it is expected that milllieads will Shaft sinking is preceeding and a station has been At least one more level is to be opened up im- The stopes average. show improvement. cut at 875-foot level. mediately at 1,000 feet. that are being opened on the 150- foot and 600-foot levels show indi- cations of being than the drifts, it is stated. --() ee Skookum Gold Mines' second dia- mond drill hole put down on the No. 3 vein has encountered two lamprophyre dykes separated by 40 feet of core length of sheared min- eralized granite, according to a wire received at the company head effice from J. D. Turner, resident engineer. A considerable quantity of quartz shows in both dykes and in the hanging and foot walls. Kineraliz- ation consists of pyrite and chalcopy- , rite. somewhat better "Forty Years On" Thousands of children leave school this year. Their entrance into working life will be accompanied by the dismal chorus of moaners who say that a child's chances of success grow fewer and fewer every year. Parents should accept this nonsense for what it is: obstinate pessimism with no basis on fact. The children who are leaving school should be told of the new industries which never existed when their parents were young. Aeroplanes; motor- cars; radie; modern transport; these are part of the exciting new world which accepts them. The manufac- ture, control, and' "sale of these things form the enviable heritage Chronicle. "Good common sense in political leadership is what we need now." --August Heckscher. On Extended "Tour of This Continent Major F. A. Bates and Mrs. Bates who arrived in Montreal in "Antonia", October 4th, for an extended tour of the United States and Canada, Major Bates is a Director of the Cunard White Star Line and a brother of Sir Percy Bates, Chairman of the Board of the same Company. 33 Our Newspaper William F. McDermott, in Cleve- 'land Plain Dealer, observes -- Thé¥ {| say that girls who work in a candy factory quickly learn to hate candy, By analogy, people who work for newspapers ought to hate newspa- pers. I imagine nothing could "be farther from the truth. £ In my own case, I find thatfyears of service in the galley i in- crease one's fondness for newspa- pers. I am not speaking of respect or admiration. In a moral sense, newspapers are no different from people. Some of them are honest, decent and able, and sone are not. For the moment, I any thinking of newspapers detached from their pol- icies, their strength or their weak- nesses. I am thinking/ of them con- i cretely in terms of the alive and | pulsing pieces of inky paper that you pick up in the morning. The pleasure that 1 get out of them is physical. I/like the smell of fresh ink on paper. I enjoy the feel of the pages as A turn them over. I revel in the sight of a newspaper that awaits reading. The fatter ..e paper the better, I like a stale news- paper no better than a stale egg. Newspapers must not be mussed and disordered by another hand before they get into yours. _ A plague on those people who can not pick up a newspaper without rumpling and scrambling it until it is fit for nothing but the wastepaper basket. They have no order in their minds and no reverence in their souls, and they are a confounded nuisance. The man who really does his best is a success whether the world #%inks. so or not. Let every oecasion be a great occasion, for you cannot tell when Fate may be taking your measure for a larger place. : A loafer complains that he has a wolf, but no door to keep him away from. REAL MQVIE CHINE. Com-= Positively no mon- ey to pay, given pléte with films, to you absolutely batteries and gil- | free afd guaran- ver screen, : ready' { teed. as represent- to operate," * 7% ed. . Simply send your name and address, we will mail you only 12 tinsof Hygeia Heal- ing Salve, which you sell at 25c. a box. Every home needs a tin. Sell within 3v days, remit $3.00, and we will send Movie Machine at once, postpaid, or cash com- mission. . HYGEIA CHEMICAL CO.; Dept. G.Bi4 Box 4383, Toronto, Ont. Alleged WIT| Mistress-- Marie, when you wait on the table tonight for my guests, please don't spill anything. Maid Don't worry, ma'am; I never talk much. hin tenn Blessed are the poor. They don't feel much of a bump when they hit the bottom. -- Friend--What did your son learn at college? ; Toronto Man --Well, sir, he-can ask for money in such a way .it seems like an honor to give it to him. The man who goes about with a chip on his shoulder, opines Horace, sooner or later develops a knot on his head. Ym Doctor--H'm! Your chest's a bit weak. You must avoid draughts. Patient--Oh! And how about my darts match next Saturday? PRI, Ta Step out of the shadows if you want to enjoy the bright things in life.. re (Ye A man never knows how many liars there are 4 this country, says Horace, until he runs for office. --0-- Prospective Employer--Avre you a clock watcher? Applicant----No, sir! I like out- door work; I guess you would call me a whistle listener. | Sas i "It's love that makes the worla go 'round; but it's liquor that makes us realize it. rl Hubby-- I'm half dead with this infernal cold. Wifey--Don't you suppose I could collect half your imsurance money? : a Straight whiskey will make those who lick it up walk crooked. mn in Mr. Jinks-- Ycu were no spring The 'Graphochart Shows how to read character from handwriting, at a glance 10c PREPAID Graphologist Room 421° 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto of youth today.--Manchester Sunday | DOUBL AUTOMATIC © ¢ ! "BOOKLET . J!" chicken when | married you. Mrs. Jinks--No, I was a little goose. wee Qe Sunday Scheel Teacher -- And why did Noah take two of each kind of animal into the ark? Bright Child-- Begause he didn't believe the story about the stork. , --a We have noticed that a husband who calls his wife "the old woman" usually is a pretty decent chap and seldom runs away with some other man's wife. Jerry--What is the way to teach a girl to swim? Hal--That's easy. First you put your arm around her waist; then you take her left hand-- Jerry--But this girl is my sister. Hal--Aw, push her off the pier. The farmer who needs relief the most is the one who has moved into town. ; ; . vee Pete--When I arrived in Toronto I didn't have a single cent in my pockets. In faet, I didn't even have any pockets. George--- How on earth did that happen? Pete--Oh, I was born there. . : Rh If the onion would only learn to use perfume it might work its way {up to the greenhouse, suggests Bill ---- Nothing has cut down the expense of travel quite as much as the news reel. : Young Farmer--I wonder where all my ducks have gome? His Bride--I'm sure I don't know. They were all swimming around an hour ago when I fed them those biscuits I made which you didn't like. Se em "I haven't changed my views or philosophy of life, and I never will change them, but I know I am too old to talk about it." : 7 +. --George Bernard Shaw. Milk Freezing Scheme May Allow Storage WASHINGTON --. Discovery of a process for keeping milk fresh for long periods was announced by the United States Agriculture Depart- ment. The Bureau of Dairly Indus- try called the discovery "a simple process of concentrating and freez- ing" the milk. An announcement by the Bureau said the new process will afford a practical means of providing good quality milk for use on board ships and in distant places where a sup- ply of fresh milk is unobtainable. The Bureau said it had found that by concentrating the milk toc one- half or one-third its original size it can be frozen without injuring its properties. Ordinarily when milik is frozen the emulsion is destroyed ana the thawed product falls short of the original properties. : "The frozen milk", the Bureau said, "may be shipped long distances and held for weeks until ready for use by the consumer, when it 1s per- mitted to thaw and enough water ginal volume." Manufacture of chemicals for water purification will begin soon at ha, Brazil. : Germany has decided to re-estab- lish the whaling industry to reduce imports of oils and fats. Flush Kidneys of Acid and Poisons Gain in Health and Stop Getting Up Nights weak---the bladder 1s irritated--often passage Is scanty and smarts and burns -- sleep is restless and nightly visits to the bathroom are frequent. The right safe hagmless and inexpensive way to stop this ®fuuble and restore healthy action to kidneys and bladder is to get from any druggist a 40-cent box of Gold - Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed -- you won't be disappointed. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haar- I'lem Oil Capsules -- the original and 'genuine --right from Haarlem in Holland -- a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic. Remember also that other symptoms of kidney and "bladder trouble are backache, leg cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms and nervousness. Issue No. 44 -- 36 a new plant established at Saramen- Heads in Alberta Larger than Others CALGARY -- Alberta women have larger heads than tieir sisters in other parts of Canada. This is the report of the general manager of an Eastern millinery eompany, Local milliners confirmed his statement." | Young and eld women wore large sized hats, according to the millinery is added to bring it back to ns or-|. authorities. The average headsize for Calgary's fair sex is 22%, and 4 number of orders for size 24--a size) seldom sold in other centres of the Dominion. | "No one seems to know why Alberta women have such large heads. Sug-| gested answers are: It may be the al- titude; perhaps they are brainier, or, perhaps, they are just proud of Al} berta. Classified Advertising, SALESMAN WANTED ALESMAN WANTED--FINANCIAL House, desires the services of a high class man! to represent them in this locality, We have & mining issue of real merit. We handle nothing else -- our last two issues were both winners with the properties in production; commission! basis. Apply Box 69. Wilson Publishing Co.,! 73 Adelaide St. W,, Toronto. 4 PERSONAL : REYING HAIR INSTANTLY Darkened. No. dye. Safe. 50c. Trial size 25c. An) nette, 220 McDermot, Winnipeg. INVENTORS! n OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List! of Wanted inventions and full information gent free. THE RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa,' Canada. STAMP COLLECTING ANZIEAR ~-- Also Sudan, Somaliland, Tigerstamps, Togoland, Caribbean, Algerl< an, Central Americans, British = Colonials. This Magnicarocious collection free for 5g. postage, GRAY STAMP Co., Dept. PC., Tos! ronto. FANNING MILL FANNING MILL -- Kline Champion, Farms! ers say - best made. Kline Company, 121 Empress Cres., Toronto. | TUITION FREE HAIRDRESSERS not doing Permanent Wav- ing, we teach and equip you free. Fur- ther particulars, write Box 8, Listowel, ont- "ario. ASTHMA SUFFERERS ASTHMA -- A missi¢nary from India com- pletely relieved of asthma 15 years ago will gladly send valuable informatiom to" any sufferer. Send name and address. Gladys Roberts, 302W Avenue Road. Toronto, Ont.' es " @®. EvepyW < 2 THEY SR Berrer! says James Stewart -- ac coal' HEATING EXPERT » When kidneys gare clogged they become | Last winter was one of the most severe ever known. Weeks of sub-zero weather tested fuels to the utmost --and found many wanting, One fuel came through that testing triumphantly. Thar was D.L. & W. Scranton Anthracite which is trade- marked--coloured blue to protect you against mixing or substitution. The 'blue coal' dealer will tell you more about this great fuel. Orderatontoday. 6-36 J ques Yok CONFIDENEE TO B22

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