Russell Leader, 29 Oct 1936, p. 1

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3an193¢ The Russell Lea er - Printed at Prescott, Ont. : THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1936 No. 44 5 ® Bertrand and Latreille |Tabloid . Size Paper i 3 G ® kd Given 15-Year Terms Unfavorably Received ' sucnera erchandise : €Cics Loud ru 4 & GE GR .. 3 £ 1.Orignal, Oct. 23.--J. A. Leo| Last Marys Base 5 The L Sader LE 4 : : . si &| Bertrand, 22, of 136 Bay street and [was in tabloid form and was so de- A pleasant tasting combination of Horehound and H ith § Before busing your winter requirements be sure and vist | R12) S198 D0 SME Tia Coop ho ur | Whi Pies Wi Chery BH Be, Womb es u : h lit id d At r tor ou SEE % Street, Ov.awe, ere both found decided to return the paper to its threatens, commence treatme t"at once with this Special Cough! % ouses, quality considered. ou store Vy %| guilty by a jury here tonight of the former size. It was an experiment Mixt N HE. ¥ what you buy and you can get nearly anything you 3 | attempted holdup, while armed, of | Hg : ; "Nixture ever neglect even %the simplest cold. % want -- in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, %|a Russell bank and each sentenced With a sincere desire tv give io ihe Price 50c bottle i 5 1 C Plaster. Fl Joints. &| to 15 vears in penitentiary by Mr. wide area of readers a different type rice 50c bottle. For both adults and children. Hardware, Flour, Feed, Cement, Plaster, Floor Joints, 3 1 £ Ete. Et d don't forget our Ready-Made Clothing § | Jughce Cheviier, of newspaper but the comments-- '- & ¢., Ete.,-- and don't forget ou aay g : Before sentence was passed and | they forgot to wash The Leader in STEELE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT & for men -- Suits and Overcoats. : § | while Latics Chevrier was address Lux and it shetmk--that was one of LE : @ | sing the convicted men, Bertrand, the wisest. of wisecracks 1 Builds up the system, ularly the lungs, giving you stronge " m fu al. > ; your gleaner : = cu a ' ger i Read Each Ite Care lly 3 pe go bn J eh ie had 2 Joe of news had pinned on him. Some Told Resisuess Contains pet of malt, extract of Cod Liver Oil Zz Below you will find only a few of our prices for Saturday 3 | the trial, partially collapsed and had | comments are printable but some-- po : a Poi, @ tonic which does not cause nausea or ba and Monday, Oct. 31 and Nov. 2. Cash or produce. % to Si down in the priser > bog: He | decidedly not, but the point that en- ge the mo cate h. Prite $1.00 for a 16-0z. bottle. 4 Men's Navy Blue Overcoats new stock, priced $10.98 each 21" Tatreille, orl ond 1ook on his |courages us most is that by the very Commence the winter with Good Health by safe guarding with % Men's Fleece Lined Combination Underwear--Suit $1.19 | face, took the sentence with no ap- nature of the comments we know Cod Liver Extract. & Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts, size 26 to 34 -- each 29¢ i parent outward emotion. He 30d ghat Seale are interested in 4 ' Aa a 18c, 29¢c, 50c | in the docket with his hands at his the growth of the paper and its con- 3 Men's Wool Socks-- per pair ail 3 sides and his eves directed towards |tents. And because this fact sticks =, Phm. B. p . : & | the judge. ; lik re fi h y 3 ' RED 3 out like a sore finger we are happy 4 M m "ee John B. Woods, of Hawkesbury, . RUGGIST -- % ens Gu Rubbers, SOLE $1. 0 9 % who defended the men, when seen at to return to you the paper that & & | the conclusion of the sl, would | appealed cia * truly you: home town Boys' Gum Rubbers, Red Sole, per pair os $1.49 % | offer no comment on whether an ap- |paper. n all sincerity this is your : . & | peal would be entered. He said: "I |paper and to those who are far away Men's Plain Over Rubbers, Red Sole, per pair 79 Eli -ve yoding to 543 for publication ; awa ¢ Heavy Flannelette Blankets, large size, per pair $2.59 #% ; k only. 0 minates to F tucked away in a small section or Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, per pair ll being £0 EL The Juv ok Tg id THNUYES 29 fin the larger centres of this great big ' ° : * Boys' Coat Sweaters, each 89c %! The trial of the Ottawa men on country of ours, it is still your paper B f 11 d M | ys 1 ? @ charges arising out of the holdup of [and one of our greatest pleasures is ar alns HSE 1 cd € ji , - % | the Bank of Nova Scotia at Russell iin bringing you each week the < Ladies' Rubber Overshoes, pair 98¢ Fon june 16 last, commented on Mon- ligoin's" in your old home town. en & : I | day, when the Indicimenty Ware gin Sincerely : ¢ : "| en to the grand jury at the unite hil ees oF i GROCERIES | counties of Prescott and Russell as- GAR. FINAL CLE. CE OF USED CARS 3 ~ % sizes here. A true bill was return- yh Las % . : "| ed on Tuesday morning and since i 8 1 large package Lux and 1 cake Lifebuoy Soap for 26c 3 | that time the Crown brought forth The sudden cold spell caught quite G.M.A.C. Low Finance Charges » Chase and Sanborn's Coffee, 1 pound tin for 39¢ 4 42 witneets and filed nearly as mer local Sptieultupisly Yi S, & | many exhibits. i crop still in e field. - : P x G S 6 k £ 19 é Justice Chevrier's Fas : Many of them were afraid it would 1928 CHEVROLET COACH = $75 & oap, cages 10r C | This trial was Justice hevrier's | pe a repetition of three years ago 3 : = : & | first criminal case since he was ap- ; SE 1930 F " & | pointed to the Ontario Supreme Fen > Totiesly The Tiilite XD Jug ORD COACH -- $225 1 Court bench ntly. H as for- , nditions . Wealthy Apples 5 f11s per bushel -- 1 Jor ghe i -- NP. foteny Oto ® TOT this year seem inclined to be 'more 1932 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $375 Cronnlornd Secar BSperS rin 10 Ibe o> 510 & Fili the versies had Been render; favorable and this valuable crop will ! . 3 ps : i . % | ed Justice evrier turned to the |be saved. < Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. for 22¢ £ jury and said: "I thank you for the 1929 G.M.C. TRUCK, stake body $250 . Domestic Shortening ____ 4 lbs. for 48c 4 | mammer you have discharged your "| duties. You are now discharged." draw vour o $nd : 1930 PURANT SEDAN . : Redpath's Sugar bag $ 4 79 % 1 re that Stance De Jassed y Phu Misoerricd 5 Sa $225 : ' . «| on both accused," sai oseph "They went to the bank and en- & #| Sedgewick, K.C., of the attorney: | tered with drawn revolvers. Ber- 1930 BUICK SPECIAL $350 ; Canned Peas : 2 tins for 18c Z gensrals deparument, Putonse, Whe trend held up je manager ud La- . 4 i reiile e a - Aylmer Orange Marmalade 32:0z. jar for 28¢ %| [i thon proceeded to read the Presi Their: tlie mised boners: 1929 BUICK 7-Passenger SEDAN. $275 3 Chouglate Bar Biscuits 2 Jbe. for 23¢ % | vious convictions that Nute against | They found a courageous bank man- -- i, Soap Flakes s. for 22c | the accused, saying: "There is mM0- | ager there who decided to resist - % Crosse and Blackwell's Tomato Soup 3 tins for 21c % | thing in the records that call for le- | possibly at the risk of his own life. ny ; 2 DRY WOOD 1F $1.75 3 nieney in this cage. It is not only 2 They found themselves faced with 2 : : ; ') -- per cord from 75 up 4 | punishment to them but a warn a man armed as they were and wil- C I 'BE I 0 or a es ; : | to others. : 'Jing to shoot it out with them. They B. GOOD QUALITY MILL SCREENINGS-- per bag $1.30 Justice Chevrier then asked the | were surprised, they did not expect x= : i % i accused if they had nothing to say |to find armed resistance. They RUSSELL. ONT. TELEPHO & why sentence should not be passed, | turned in flight, knowing the hold- ' . 2 - - NE 44 ¥ ; 4 | to which they replied in the nega- | up was useless," contended the : McArthur - Warner {| Ea < ; & "Bertrand and Latreille, you have "Probably the most important 2 2 ; ~ Dp % i = 4 | both been found guilty of a serious | thing of all is the silent witness-- ® iil 3 General Merchants and Funeral Directors % | crime. You were ably defended and | the grey felt hat. We found the EE 2 3 24-H bul S i % | no stone was left unturned by your | sweatband with the overalls and on -Hour Ambulance Service % | counsel. Latreille, on a number of | the band were initials N.L. At J a- > 2 " Sdadaed TELEPHONE 11 * RUSSELL, ONT. P 0000000000009 000000000000000000000000000000000000400¢ | RADIO REPAIRING We are equipped to do guaranteed work on all types of radios. AGENTS FOR . VICTOR R.C.A. STEWART-WARNER THOS. C. SWITZER PHONE 26 RUSSELL WE DELIVER P000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000] Battery Set EI IT I I RS SE SS SS NS SSC SPS JE TE SPC TE TOC TE TE TE GE RE TE TRE TE J ER J. J > regeataedefrefentssfeaecfeatosieatecfentesfoctusfentecfentuefentralentunoelraiondsaocdraotrafoads fect afociualedecfeeifeesieecialecieniodiedle CHICKEN SUPPER KENMORE UNITED CHURCH under the auspices of the Women's Association on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6. & be °, "' QR CW) "' oo) *. " > , "e*%' oe, 2, 2, "' joe) , "s' , "* Sos. XIX > 2, " > 2, XT 2, "* Special Lecture by Rev. MacGillivray of Ottawa -- Local Talent " Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission 20c and 35c¢ La a Ca Sa Xa Na Xa Xa Kg Xa Xa Xa Naat 2, »' NLC IPL SUC TCC SO 0 Sg SN 3 E) REX 's' I TLL LIN TULL IL ILI INT ICI ISL SOLIS SSS J TE SSC SE IC JOC TE SC SGC TR SSG TO SC SOR I I SPN I, OCI I I I HE eedeeloidesfeadoidedtodoitoddedoidecteddaadeidecteifociecientaiiesfociantaiosfoaiocfotaiioifedaiocfociiesfedeifocfecieefe ene deladods CCIE J J J TR rr» OE CR RE RE RR 2 *, * C2 OT SS CRN SR SE J SC SE SC a Qoideidedefodfetosdoctociocdeideidedocfocfecieciocieiiosiaafefecfeifodioifoieifdeafdeddesfecfeciodfesieiaieeeacieedfeciecfocedonen AUCTION SALE OF GOODS An auction sale of goods will be held by the Russell United Church on the church grounds on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 1936. », Ca Joos * > "s -, "s oo, * "s' deodaedraladdeilande pageel ee EXD es" " Joo Sale commences at 2.30 p.m. sharp and will include besides other articles 1 registered Ayrshire Bull Calf 10 months old, accre- dited and blood tested. See bills for further particulars and list of articles. * %s . i "s °, LEX 4 Cates "' 2 Xe) "s 2 Rac * COW CI PC EC RE CWC OE ER estes' ROW Poets tectectectoc RD oe' eegealeidecieateaecieateatesienteaisifecfecieaocirafocfecienteaieiociecieaieiocisaosfocisaloaenfeteaesfecfeaefonirafocfeieifocfefeaieforfeae oP, * Cream Wanted PAYMENTS TWICE MONTHLY 'No. 1 BUTTER FOR SALE -- Wholesale or Retail HIGHEST PRICES PAID - TEST GUARANTEED ST. ONGE CREAMERY PHONE No. 8 - EMBRUN, ONT. A. BOURBONNALIS, Prop. TREE XEXXXXIXXIXIZIXZIAAAA IAAL c41-42-43-44 occasions you have been sentenced and the punishment under the law must be adequate and it must serve as a protection to the state," said His Lordship. Close to Murder : "Mind you, you were within six inches of standing in that box in- dicted with murder, so close did 'you come to shooting the bank manager When you are in jail think of how lucky you were that you were not indicted for murder." It was at this point that Bertrand partially collapsed, but soon re- gained his composure. Justice Chev- rier then pronounced the sentence of 15 years each in Bl@rtsmouth peni tentiary. The spectators filed from the courtroom and the sentenced men were led off to a cell in the jail there to await transfer to the peni- tentiary in the course of a few days or a week. 1 : In opening his charge to the jury Justice Chevrier reminded. them of their duty, saying that they were to give a true verdict according to the evidence: "I congratulate you and thank you for the manner in which you have listened to this drawn out trial,' commenced Justice Chevrier. =a "As the result of investigations conducted by the police, the Crown has submitted to you the evidence the police gathered. From the facts it is for you to say if these two men are guilty of the crime with which they are charged. The Crown must prove them guilty beyond a reason- able doubt." He then explained the meaning of reasonable doubt. "If there is no reasonable : doubt in your minds it is your duty to re- turn a verdict accordingly. The in- dictment is a joint one and the evi- dence was submitted jointly," con- cluded His Lordship. The jury then retired. Sedgewick's Summary Mr. Sedgewick's address lasted one hour and fifteen minutes. "We now come to the end of this long trial. I want to thank you for your kind attention and patience," com- menced Mr. Sedgewick. "1 will point out to you the hold- up was planned. The theory of the Crown is 'that they stopped on the Loucks road to make final arrange- ments for the hold-up and to put 1935 license markers on the car. They put the license plates on with white tape, some of which was later found in Bertrand's car. They also put on their disguises at this point. "Tt is probable that Latreille tore the hat band from the hat so it would fit down on his bushy head more snugly. You are entitled to treille's residence we found a grey felt hat without a sweatband. We found that a hat with the initials N.L. in the sweatband had been de- livered to Latreille's home some time previous. Then you have the evidence of the chemist who ex- 'mined the hat piece by piece. He had. no hesitation in saying that the hat which was found in the La- treille's apartment was the one from which the sweatband came. Isn't that conclusive enough evi- dence to connect Latreille with the crime and does it not fit in like a piece of a puzzle into the picture? Bertrand's Friend "I brought out the evidence of Florence Fauteux unwillingly. She was Bertrand's friend. She received letters from him while he was in jail. Isn't her story as she told it an unwilling one--only the more damaging. ; "He said to her he mussed up the car and changed the plates. Can you avoid that? This is cnemy witness. This is one who likes him and probably loves him. "He wanted to boast te his girl about the holdup. He wanted to tell her he held up the bank and fooled the police. He was a braggart. "You cannot aveid the conclusion that they are both guilty and your verdict should be one of guilty," concluded Mr. Sedgewick. i Defence's Plea Asking for the acquittal of Ana- tole Latreille, Mr. Woods said that the identification of Latreille by Norval Kay, bank clerk, was highly unsatisfaetory. He also said that no proof had been abduced, That La- treille had ever purchased a hat, such as police found in his home. Defence counsel declared that two Crown witnesses, Eugene Blondin and Oscar Sauve, had sworn that Bertrand was at his taxi stand in Hull at 1.30 o'clock the day of the holdup. This evidence automatically proved that he could not possibly have participated in the Russell bank attempted robbery. Mr. Woods stated also 'that evi- dence given by Miss Florence Fau- teux to the effect that Bertrand had admitted staging the holdup not be considered seriously since her under duress. Mr. Woods declared himself dis- satisfied over the manner in which both prisoners were identified in the police lineup at the L'Original jail. He submitted that sinece- there was a reasonable doubt that either of the accused had taken part in the attempted looting of the bank that it was the jury's duty to bring' in a verdict of acquittal. not an & could |. statements were given to police Besarnies Eve Service Thirty-five years of succelstul Optical Practice should guide your footsteps fo Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S'EYE SERVICE A N --. Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. 'KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist - ro 0 e065 %0 o%0 4% 20% *a ss s%0% . XE aX] hoealenosienionionionfosioniendesiaciaddrcdesieds me ar = (c] peel Xe "' dust, and will avail him- e have about six loads of Will remember the rush last self of the opportunity to get. seasoned sawdust on hand. 2 YOUR S SUPPLIES : Are not complete without a. 'our Slabwood at $1.75 in our yard. - R 0% stance *. poadregrairalsedsofeafeadaedriieaesdsafeaeatsigaal age Seadnadaeiaadsdsedantentse ®t "s' ALEX. FRASER toogeeiesgesd Ea a a a a BA I od cilia Eo 3 # yo a i Li ; i# » a i 2 ' 5 Popa of fl

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