Russell Leader, 25 Jan 1934, p. 1

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RUS wid _THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY wh RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JAN. 25, 934 Ee YOUR COLUMN It has Leen gaid that "The al. niighty dollar is your bes. friend." If this be true, tien we have fen be:t friends. Miss. Knapp, of Toronto, who has been the guest of [| rs. Howes for a week retuirded to ber home 'en Tuesday. Mr. Homer Mckeown spent the week end vith friends in Ottawa. Our t wn is getticg more like New Ycrk every dav. On Friday evening last we had four hockey "teams representing the town all in actien. One at Maxville, one at Metcalfe, and two at home, with material {ir a souple more parad ing aronnd who missed the fist of he ournam nt sure missed a lot of fun? The hockey was not a finished brand; bu: the efloris were si-enuous. Our eongra ulations to eur reeve Mr. A. L' rier, who was elected Yarden cf the United Counties of Prescott and Ruasscll, at the meet- jog «f the Counties Council in L'Origual on Tu: day. The rreve = has our test wishes for a successs ful ye:r in .ffice. Curling is again under way afte; the soft weather. + Rus: lest a had fovhtinar i} here Tresday night to Chesterville ty cre coal ia an overtime game. The play was fast. b t Chester- ville was lugky to get the decisi. n as the home .eam had a good marg n on the play. Chesterville leads with Rnssel. second. vhe league Douglas, tle 13 year old son of © Mr. Doug.l Cummicg was taken to t: e hospital on Frli.y pigin with an acute case of appendicitis and underwent an op.ration. He fs doin well ind will soon be hone. The infant son cf Mr. ann Mrs. Stan.ey Stephe. son was taken to the h.spital ear'y Satrday morn- ing for treatmcnt for ear tlouble. The litt.e lad is new some bett r and it is te k= hoped that be will recover without ary bad effects, Tee Young Peo le of Russell United Church are busy preparing another play. _The finals for the Russell Cup were played off last night, when Embrun tem won from the Rov ers, and tlen turced aromud and lost to Vars team, who drew the bye. Embrun team pat up ~ goed fight. but were tired owt. It ie expected that several challenges will be put in for the oup and s(me | good games will be seen. Kuesell hookey team plays at Chester v, le temersew night, The Busy Bee Ice Geo. started op:rations on the river last week] and repert 27 inches of oleur it 3¢¢ houses are being Mied guiekiyy EDWIN H, CHARLESON B.A.,L.L.B. Barrister, Etc. Will be at his office in MacEwen & Stephenson Block on Monday of each week. Ortawa Office, 707 Blackburu Bleg. Phone--Queen 644 C. E. L. MORROW " B.Se. M.D.C.M., Russe!/l Phone--40 Office Hcurs--1 to 3 p. m. or by ¢pro'ntmeat At Mrs. Robt. Leng's The Annual Meeting of the con- gregation of S¢. Andrew's and St. Paul's Uni ed Church ¢f Russell, was held cn Thursnay enenirg, Jan. 18th , 1934 with a good at- teddange of members. Rev. T, McNaught was el airman and the differeut reports were heard The auditors' rejort showed that all local expenses had been paid and $633.00 spent on repairs to the mange, leaving a small balance in Bank to the credit of the church. Owing to extra expense on the manse this ye:r there has been no red tion of the debt ou the cturch. The Treasurer's report arent, thar skeen be an ivorecsed and more systemytic use of the envelopes this year. The Wom- en's Association reported a good year, havicg raised $575 00 of " ! which $375 hac been donated to the chutch funds. They also collected a large bale of clothing for Northern Ontario. The W, M.S. sent $197 to the Presbyterirl treasurer, which was an advance of $36 over 'a t year and they sent a bale to Ottawa valued ot $15. They reported regular 2nd interesting stu 'y meat. ings and Thank-c {fering meetings, when they entertiined the othe' W. M. S. of the village, A life Russel De -psey. 7 his socicty will eelebrate its 80th. annivere sary in March, The Mission Band al-o reported study meetings and three evening meetings when tea was served and a nregram given, They sent 841 to the Presbyterial Trecsurer. The Y. P. Scelety also had a good year in their meetidgs, and several attended the Presbytery convention at Siaw. ville in October. The district coaventionjwas held at Russell in December. They gate $18.88 to the M and M. fund] and $12.(0 to the expenstés. The Sun- day Schco! reperted 14 teachers land 168 members. They gave $45 to the M..and M. fund and '$3 to the Ontario Religious A:so° ciation. Three of the teachers at= - |tended the sonvention at €aaleton Place in the fall. They alse had a White Christmas tree and s¢nt » parcel of toys and clethiag to [Northern @ntario, The Misslenssy and Mainte- 10¢3 | nance Fund aceants to $001 with number of @uat.a-meal Wemes Beet reported you: remberst i: was pre:ented to Mrs, Russeli United Church | Rev. Thos McNaught B.D., Minister 11a, m, =The § farredness and Value «f Caildhood. 739 p. m.--Mi. Hasold Snell will speak upon Girl's and Boy's Work. Mr. Saell is ar experienced worker in taig very important de partment ¢! Chore Work. Sundav Scnool will assemble at 10 a. m. A Christian Welcome to All Dugald M.acLean,V.S. B'V,,Sc. VETERINARIAN Winchester, Ca, General Practice Maderate Rate: Phone 96 or 6.4 r18 Votes of tLatks were extended to the pasta, Mr. McNaught, for his work as pastor avd minister since comin to us in Seplember, and to the tarionz volunteer worzers of the church, and es pecially to the choir who are so faithfu! in attendouce twice a day on the Sabbath. Afier th. meeting supper was served by a committee of ladies and a pleasant :cocial hoir spent, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The Annna: Meeting of {ussell Agricultuial Society was held in th: Forester's Hall, with John Paul, Presirent. occuping the chair. Committee reparts and the genrral business were dealt with. Tne Fair dztes for 1934 are Tues- diy end Wednesioy, Septem' er 11to and 12th, Jobn Paul vacated the chair and J. E. Kyle presided during the electicn of ofticcrs which resulted a: follows: -- {here Pure Cod Liver Oil: wilh Vitamins 4 and D Not just ordinzry Plaim Ced Live: Oil s.¢' a3 yYéu used to buy years agr . Bu Standardized by Test to contain 800 Vitamin A units Ard 250 Vitamin L units Medical Scienge has 'proven th. vast difference obtained from the usc ef Ordinary Cod Lives O | and Vitami: Test. 4 God Two cents and $1.) b tle Iusist on Viram,n Teste} Standar iized C:d Liv You owe it to your childienf STEELE, Phone 30 < ! Liva: oY id Your Druggist pro] Dry Slove and Furnace - : Wood for Sue We have 17 inch slabs, ar 1.50 per _cord| Also Elm, cord here, CHEAP REPAIR _.UMBER For repairing your stabe floors, e tiug your cattle im. | and! jong." Keminants, good for here, } split coarse, about 12 inebes long, at$2.15 per ; I i e.c., betore put: | inch elm, 1 nd 2 feet | |» utting up,at $12.50 per M, We have better grades at low rices, ber, both planed and rough, and ag made to order as u ual D. CARKNER & CO; Other iam- roug: * "ash and Doers Kenmore nbara Tel:phone Metcaite Rural 28 ring 2 Pres~-Wm. L. Boothe 1st, Vice Pre; --Andaew Walker 2nd. Vide--Jjohn Mcirice Sec -Tr:as.--H. «-. H milton Directers--H. A. Gisham, GC. R. Cherry, A. E. ous, John Panl E. Barton, Tace wade, R:lph Wade, J. E. Kyle, R. J. MacEw- en, Chas. Hitsman, uncon Cum- | ming, R. M. Warrer, J. A. Gum (tle, C. E. McCaffrey, Garland Hali . Lady Divestorc--Miss Bila Hamil- ton, Mise Edna Yurk, Mrs. C. E McCaffiey, Mis. Geo. Browne, Mis. Russell Phaia. Mrs. H, A. Graham. HAY FOR SALE 18 tous pressed hay. Mixed ajfalfa and Simothy. Prigeu right for-ca k tale. K. E. Kilsaid : Keumore Messrs. Loine Steph:ason aad Jas. Johnewn, of Barford, are in} town superintending the shipment of tive rest of she magh.gery 'the @. DM. P it |OUR LAYING MASH s stil she fort for the mcney TT Insurance Maybe you are thinking of insurance, cr maybe you wa % a Changing your nt to put on another policy, Whatever your needs let us toy and fill them, - § We are agents for "ail the diff corapanies--Tariff, Non- Tariff Sout Slam, "of i and Mutual. Yours for service sLEX. FRASEK Kenme: e Ont. ----. We Have in Stoek | Storm Sash, Sverm Docrs, €yproe. Limo, Plaster] Wail Board®; Recline an' Building Paper, Shingles, etc. RINDING AND ROLEING every da : Walker's Mill | wid

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