Russell Leader, 18 Jan 1934, p. 1

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RUSSELL LEA THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY <= DER RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JAN. 18,1934 re YOUR COLUMN Mr, .nd Mrs. Leonard Mac: Ew:n and daughters A,nsle¢ and Audrey attend(d the golden wed_ dirg anviversary of Mes, Mac- Ewen's va.enis. Mr, end Mrs. L. M(Naughtcu, at Maxville, last Monday Mr. Roy Hay returned to his home_in.Irma, Al.t, jesterday, havi g to attend to his duties as and ireasurer of the m nicipality. The hockey team won 4 to 2 in ,league match at Finch Tue:day evering. Where are those people who said we .encr have an old fashfened winter, Twn curling teams skipped by , ©. MLaurey anl joon fir- rington are playing for tte tie Cup in Wit cheater, this even- ing. Twu- roads are bleckeu in some plac: 8 ard cars are having trouble gettin, t rough. Mr. Harry Stoodley, Ormond, ied on Monday last :fter an ill- 1 e:8 of ahent two years. The fune al was he'd yesterday to the 'Pewar cime.€ry. A hockey toutname t for the Russell Cup between teams from' Metcalfe, Kenmo-e Vers, Fussell overs ex: Russell High. School wil! be held in the "Arena bere on Fridav evening. Games start at 7 30 sharp. The winneis of the first round will pl.y "off for the cnp on Friday evenirg, Jan. "6th. Admissio 25 cent each game A whole season's hockey for the price cfoneca e. Teams representing Merc fe High and Fublic Schools met the teams from Russ¢!l Hign and Pub Jic Schools on Friday evening at dle 'resa and tw good games wis. Jt=d in victorie for Metcalfe. Dr; wood is getting scare . A great many pee,ie thought they had enong for winter ul the very severe cold nsed more than usncl. Twe riuka competed in the Vic. toria Jnbilee Competition in Ota wa on Tuesday and Wednesday everirgs. and put up a creditabe game but lost ont. Mr. Jobn Boland sold a horse to #& Potsdam buycr and delivered it to Wad lington cn Tuesday. A goed deal of ice Las been harvested on tue shale pond, but none has yet bcen (ui cn tne river. An auction sale of hay, straw and graia wi'l be held at the farm of G. Cou sineau, sane mil: east of Marionviile, on Wed. Jau. 24th, at 2 p. m. Terms C sh. Mr D. P. Germley has teen confined to his bed fo about twe weeks with varie se veins in his leg. Ve nder:tand he Is getiing br ster. : |EDWIN H, CHARLESON B.A.,L.L.B. Barrister, Etc. Will be at his office in MacEwen & Stephenson Block on Monday of each week. Ottawa Office, 707 Blackburu Bleg. Phone--Queen 644 - GC, E. L, NORROW B.Sc. M,D.C.M. Russell Phone--40 Office Hcurs--1 to 3 p. m. or by 2ppo'ntmeat At Mrs. Robt, Long's Dugald MacLean,V.S. B'V, 8c. "i VETEBINARIAN Ts a aunuemer, Ont, General Practice Moderate Hates Phone 96 or 614 5156 DISTRIET MEETING The Arnval Meeiirg of L. O. L. Russell District No. 2, was held at Metcalfe on Tuesday of last week, with Wor. Bro. .. M. Bructon, district master, presiding The treazure:'s report sh" wed tLe financial rituition as good, while the reports of the secretary and various lodges showed mem- be! -hip on thei crease. The e'cction of o'ficers was con- ducted Ly V. Wor.'B.o. Jas. Mc» Shea, P. C. M. and resu'ted as follows ;-- W., M.--E. Aerts, 'ernon D. M®2--.v. A, McEowell, Greely R. §.--H. Morrow, N. Russel} F.8.--N.J] McCormick, Mar velville Irraes --F. '4 K§ wn, Ed ards Chap. --C. Cherry. N. Rus:ell 1st. { ec.--J. Ha:rigson, Cc warls 2nd. Lec.--W. Andersn, Greeley Mar --J, iv. Boct.e, N. Russell lustollat on was conducted by W. Bro. R. N. Hanlon, P, C. M. Thre newly ele ted officers spoke briefly, as did" also "1. W. Sir Knight j. L. Stecle,Grard Mas- ter R. B. K. of Erstern Outario, R. W. Sir Knight A, E. Long, C.M. cf Ottawa Va'lay R. B. K. V. Wor. Br.. Jas. McShea, and V. Wor. B.o. R, N. Hamilion, LRefresknienis were :eruel by Meicalfe Jodge. Messrs . Fred Loncks, William Cochrane and Wm, Boothe h ve finished their joint conttact in he woicds and tave the wood home. It has yet to be sawed and Fred is th. catened with a sar. hack. The acnual meeting of le Rustell Herticujtura Sce ety wag held en Saturday evening at ¢he pome of Mrf. Geo. Browne, A report ef the officers and business wiil aappear next week, {ed att a -- Russeli United Church Rev. Thos. McNaught B.P., Minister 11 a, m.,--N essage, Go For- ward. 7.30 p. m.--Public Wors ip. Sundav School will assemble at 10a. m. A Christian Welcome to All JOSEPH DP. EADIE The fun ral of J sph D. Eadie, who died suddenly at his home in Ottawa early Wednesday mu roing, Jan. 10th., was held om Friday afternoon. S rvice was cenduct" ¢ house by Very Rev. Dr. Robt. Jelnston and Rev. Logan- Vercta. 'During (Le Service Miss Lois Percival rendered a favorite Lymn of 'he deceased, A le Wit: Me. Following the semice. the cortege proceeded to No th Rus- sell cemetery where a s rvice at thc graveside was conuucted ty Rev, !'r. Nimmo of Morewood Presbyterian Church, an. Rev. T, McNaugat. of the Russel United Church. Meny beautiful fioral (ricutes were received, among which were pieces from the staff of Kemptville Agricultural School, and drivers of the Piamoud Truck Co. He leaves 10 mourn hi: wife, a gon. alton, of Orta 'a, two sist. ers, Mrs. Frank Have , Bear- brook, snd Mrs. Alex Fra er, of WE die, of Butte, Mon:. and Robt L Failie,of Vars. CARD OF THANKS I wish to xtend my sincere thaoks and apprecistion. to the members of the Womens Institute fo: the box :cnt to ne Wisking your Institute every success in the the coming year. Mrs. John Summers FOR SALE Threa Miich Cows, two are now freshened aud one t- freshen s em, also young horse, sound and right, Hacket: Cherry Rn sel, OatJ The annual meeting of Ruse'! Agricu'tural Society "will be held' in the Forester's Hail Saturday afternoon, jan. 20th., at 1 30. Reports of efficers, election of effi. cers end general busir ess, Howard Ham ilten, Sec. FOR SALE Quantity of ood loose Hay. Priced right. EB. E. W lsorn--Kenmore LOST In Russell. oo Wednesday, Jan, 3rd., a red and white colliz dog. Anyone seeing him please notify E. Rice Kenmore, Ont, Port Elgin, and twe be thes Jas. | ~Mi0 8 hf. -- ---- READ GOOD EOOKS a Used Litrory Boels; of Fiction, by writers sg Temple Bailey, Faith Baldwim, Edna Ferter. Zane C sey, BEmge] son Hough, Oppe. heim, Edgar Wallseo, Mulford, Aemelius Bovis Ethel M. Del, Gr gery. «tc, ' Now or .ale at §0 ceats a copy Take advan age of the Low Pric: and stock up with Good Glean Fiction STEELE, ~~" Phone 30 Y our Dry sist | Dry Slove and Furnace Wood for Sase We have 17 inch slabs, ar 1.50 per "cord| hers, Also Elm, split coarse, about 12 inebes long, a¢$2.18 per cord here, : { CHEAP REPAIR LUMBER For repairing your stabe floors, eic., betors put- tiug your cattle in. 1 and 2 inch eln, 1. 'ad 12 feet jong, Remnants, good for cutting up, at $12,850 per M. Fe We have better grades at low prices. Other ium ber, = both-planed and rough, and rougr Sesh oecs made to order asu. ual ue aD D. CARMNER & CO: Kenmore 1)ntarl Tel-phone Metcaltc Rural 28 ring]2 Insurance Maybe you are thinking of changing Iyours insurance, (rt maybe you want to put on another policy. Whateveriyour seeds let us teyand fill th: q, " We are agents for all the :different : 5 class; 5 7of comapanies--Tariff, Non-Tariff and Mutual. i 50d Yours for service ALEX. FRASEEK Kenmore Ont. A} --__ We Have in Stock Storm Sash, Sterm Docre, Gyproe. Lime, Plagters Wall Boapd® : / Roofing and Building Paper, Shingles, etc. OUR LAYING MASH s still the Lest for the money GRINCING AND ROLLING every day ~~ ed Walker's Mill

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