Russell Leader, 11 Jan 1934, p. 1

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oles ei a THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBL!S™TT Bi KUSSELL COUNTY l ------------------ -- A EN wie RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JAN. 11,1934 - M50 A TMA Say m---- = m----e r-- YOUR COLUM Mrs. Kinchen returnec Sunday after spending a few days with Mr. and M.t. Jas. Griffin ia Ottawa. Ms. A. Gouletf M. P.. had the misfortune to lose his- beautiful hone at Bourget by fire Monday. The Annual }Meetirg of L.O. L. District No. 2 was hcld at Metcalfc on Tuesday. A report wil! be given later. Little Miss Jean Hamilton hal the bard lack to fall while skating on Saturday night and break her a:m near ihe stoulder. The arm is incased iu a plaster cast; and she will be laid up for a time, After winning their first three} ga es Russell dropped Tuesday night®s game to Chestetvillz by a sens-of $to 1, M.s. week to spend winter wit: her dag ter, Mrs, Molmes and Mr. Holmes at Nap- ance. The many friends of here of Mr. Jos. B. Eadie, formerly of Rus:ell, will regret to hear of his gudden death at his home in Ott- The fneral will be hei! on Fraay af- ternoet: fr¢m his lare residence 10 awa on Wednesday evening, Neretk Russell cemetery. The new council met Monday SURO tok the osthremsiice." A new man in the personel sel dom gingers up the organization &s the incroeduction of Mr. Briszon stems to have done to the Coun- cil. of I'mbrun Hall jobs and cut salasies. The appeintmenat of assessar was left for thefig X } necting. The majority of the business 'was done Ly three men. Some dissatisfaction was express ed. bat the proceedirgs of tu. cou cl will be w.tched very elosely, ana it iz to be hoped that no friction wiil arise to mar the good feeling which has pievailed for the past number of years. Word was received by fs'ends here of tie death of Mrs. wm. Frases, of Halifax, N. S ,on Jan. 4th, She was the mother of Mr. H, V. goreman at McArthurs garage. Mr. stroke of paralysis. We would ask those inbebted «0 me to coll and pay us something __ af our creditors want their mosey We and we want to pay them, caunot live on air. Help us vol antarily or we will be foieed to take ste; s which yeu wi l not line, and whish we would net tobe 1 a Joss compelled . A. Fitzpatrick left this the rest of the They proceeded to clean house. Every cfficial under their power was changed except the caretaker They divided I'raser, formerly garage Roy Hay, of Irma, Albt. is spending a few days with his father,:Mr. Arthur Hay, who is seriomnsly ill, baving suffe ed a { EDWIN H CHARLESON| . B.A.,,L.L.B. Barrister, Etc. Will be at his office in MacEwen & Stephenson Block on Monday of each week. Ortawa Office, 707 Blackburu Bieg. Phone--Queen 644 ° C, E. L. MORROW B.Sc. M.D.C..l. Russell Phone--40 Office Hourz--1 tc 3 p. 'm. or by zpgointmeat At Mrs. Robt. Long's Dugald MacLean,V.S. B'V, Sc. - VETERRVARIAN v ""iachester, Cat, General Practice Moderate Rates. Phone 96 or 614 rls DISASTRCUS FIRE On Monday evening our town wsa vititel, *y on: cf tbe most disastrons fiies in it- history which broke, out in te factory of the Williams Chemical Co. about 8 o'clock. Being situate: at the station it had gained ccnsiderable headway Lefore bezg digsgvered, and an open windo on the east si e with a lar t-rn which har een left in- side standing on the snow nearby, leads to he} belief that thieves = re responsi.le. The Chemical buiidiug burned ier ely, and the chemicals stored made it dangercus to be around, as sev:ral explosions -ccurred, gendir g¢ embers flying in al! direc= tions. The foctory was -adjoined by eoal sheds on both sides and cn either ends were feed warehous:s belonging te "/acEwen and Steph: enson amd Mcirthur-Warner, Ltd. MacEwen & Stephersons lost two c al e eds and fe2d warehonsce with several hnndred bags of feed. McArthur Warner saved about thre> .tors of clcver, alsike and Timothy seed. bnt 10st a few tons of mill feed. A warehonse abort 12 feet wes? was saved 'y the hard wo.k of :elnnteers assisted by the loc | chemic:1 engine. The O ana N. Y. statlop was in denger for a time bnt a shift of pat it out of "anger : The Imperial Oil Company's storage tau ks were jnst east «f the fi.e bnt escaped injnry. It was a me t spectacular fire and attracted crowds rom nearby tOWLS. The loss is scmewhere about $20,000 with insnzahce of about $12,000. The William. Chemical Co. are alreacy making plans to rebuild a | iroprosl strastar and the ethers wi eiugd in the near fatade. "3 | | te Russeli United Church| Rev. Thos. McNaught B.D, Minister 11a, m.,--Message, The Call of Isaiah. 7.39 p. m.--Public Wors ip. Sundav School will assemble at 10a. m. A Christian Welcome to All CARL OF THANKS Werds fail us to express what is in memory of ths favors, kindness and sympathy shown to us by friends and neigh-ors, and especi. ally by Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Cumming and Mr. P. A, ""cGreg- cr, during t"e iliness, death, and burial of my beloved husband father and brorber, and spseial thanks to Mrs. Tws:d o. g1nist, Mre. John A, Mcl aren and Family - Miss Margaret M1. iren CARD QF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks aud appreciition to the voters, toth ma! ani female, for the exeellent support they gave me in the recent Municipal eiec= tion, and will endeavo in the futnre to be worthy cf their con® tin Red-\ ppor:. Adrien L* 'riger Reeve 7 OR SALE Three Milch Cows, two are now freshened and one tc freshen s. on also young horse, sound and rizht Hackett Chetry Rnsseli, Ont, The annual meeting of Russell Horticultur.l Socie'y will be held at the home of Mrs. Gee. Browne, on Saturday evening, Jam. 13th, at 8 o'clock. Election of e%icers and ge eral by.iscss, Heward [1a.uiiton, Sec. The annual meeting of Russell Agricultural Seciety "will be held in the Forester's Hajl Saturday Reports of efficers, election of effi. cer: end gexeral busicess. Howard Ham il ten, Scc. LOST In Ruseell. on Wednesday, Jan, 3rd., a red and white colliz dog. Anyone seeing hini- please notify E. Rice Kenmore, Ont. TENDERS FuR WOOD Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, Jan, 16th ., 1934, for a supply of Hard Maple or Elm Woéd for S. S. 17} and 18 Russell and Cumberland} Weed to be delivesed at sehiool] Lotion; Face Lot'on and After Shave. og Insurance afternoon, jan. 20th., at 1.36. |} Se. PERSIAN BALM A mcst pleasantly perfun.ed and quickly absorbed Hand ] A preparation trem Witch Hazol and Qaince Sead N w on the mar:et in smaller sizes than Lefere Net 2 1.2 ozs -- 25 eznts Does net Bite or Sting, Is net alcotelic but leaves a pleasant, soot. ing .urface. TRY PERSIAN BALM STEELE, Fd, €: Your Dru; sist Phone 30 Dry S!ove and Furnace ahd Wood for Sase We have 17 inch slabs, ar 1.59 per cord here, Also Elm, split coarse, about 12 inebes long, at$2.15 pay cord here, : Si CHEAP REPAIR _.UMBER For repairing your stabe floors, e :c., before pute tiug your cattle in. long. Remnants, - I and 2 inch elin, 1. 'nd 12 feet good for cutting up,at $12.50 per M. We have better grades it low prices. Other lume ber, both planed and rough, and rougr! S made to order as u ual 8 sheng Dosrs D. CARKNER & CO Kenmore oe 'ontart Telzphone : Metcalte Rural 28 ring 2 Saw) + Maybe you are thinking of changi ging your insurance, (vt maybe you want to put on another PE Be or Whateveriyour needs let us try and fill them, 1 -d We are agents forall the different class; . cetapanies--Tariff, Non-Tariff and Mutual. of Yours for service ALEX. FRASEEK La ---- Kenmore Ont, RS ame SE SS -) : We Have in Stock Storm Sash, Sterm "ocr, Gyproe. L'mo. Plaster Wall Board: Roofing an. Building Pap:r, Shingles, etc. : OUR LAYING MASH 's stil the ! est for the mcney GRINDING AND ROLLING every day Walker's Mill ®

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