Russell Leader, 20 Jul 1933, p. 1

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mitzpateids Mak Andrew THE RUSS THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED | ------ Ist 1928 TR ie Se Ate = Ca - --5 I IN RUSSELL COUNTY YL RUSSEEL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JULY 20 1933 --d SLED A YEAR GN BOS Gg YOUR COLUMN The Women's Association of the Russell Un'ted Church will hold a Lawn Social at Mr. J. A. Gamble's on Wednesdav, July 26th. Good program is being prepared' also a Fish Pond, Program 'starts at 8, followed by refreshments. Admis- sion 25 and 1b cents. Mrs. S. J] Kyle left ou Monday | for a motor trip to Toronto, St. Catherines, Goderich, and other points in Western Ontario. She expects to spend a couple cf weeks Miss Olive Park, of Mattewach ean, is spending the holidays a hsr home in Kenmore. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dalgleish, and children, of Detroit, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Dalgleish, and Mrs D. Carkner, Kenmore We are pleased to repost that Mr. Herman Fetterly is improving slowly . Quite a number from here at tended the celebration of Dist ict No. 1, at Vars on July 12th. and "report a good tim®. Miss Flora Wood "will teach a Reid's Mills ihis year. : Mrs. Wm. Stevenson and he' daughter, of Richlea, sask., are ~~eending some holi lays with her brother, L. T. Stanley and Mrs, gtanley gnd other frieads. Miss I lorsnce VicDonaid Of Jie taw,a is holidaying with friends in town. Mrs. Chas. Carkner* and sen Edward,ere spending a few days]. with her mother, Mrs. Robt. "cng. Mrs. Jas Sullivan is recovering nicely from her mastoid operation being able to have the bandages removed, and the incision healing well, The bridge is not yet a certainty. The county road commiftee met 1ast week and the warden has called a fall meeting of the Count® fes Council to talk hhe matter The meeting will" be held over. July 27th. In all likelihood the bridge will go on. but it is not yet definitely settled. We have often heard of milk fed chicken-, also milk diet, milk toast and several other milk preparat= jons, but Adelaad Laplante bas sprung a new one in milk paint. Hh has painted his house and it ooks well. The cost of material, B.&.,L.L.B. Barrister, Etc. Will be at his office in MacEwen | of each week Ottawa Office, Phone--Queen 644 The Anniversary Services of St. Andrew's Psesbyteria Chu ch will be held Sunday, Ju,y 23rd; at 11a. m, and 7.¢0 p. m., with | Rev | Turne] of W.ncheste as the peeial - speaker. On Monday evening Supper will be served from 6 to 8, followed by a Concert Mr. aad Ms. Robt. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Stewart, of Vars, and Dr. P. B. Proudfoot, are in Hamilton this week. The med are in attendance at Mascnic Grand Lodge. The Entrance results give 14 success'ul pupifs to Rnscell. Mr, R. C. Dillabough has 21 out of 22 to his credit. Rev. McNaught, of Balderson, has accepted a call to Russell Un. ited Church, and will e indneted early in August. Rev. Munro will preach his farew_|! sermon on July 30th. before leaving to_ take his new charge in Carletcn. Place. Miss Doris Leng has secured a positio in the Quaile school, north | of Metealfe. = Carisbad Sites Lodge went to Finch on July 12th., and got off the road, going to Embrun, St, Albert and Casselman. Mrs. L. W, Latimer. Ottawa, is ap nding the weed with Mr. aip Mrs. J. E. Kple. Mrs. Donaldson, of Ottawa, fs the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. F. McArthur and Mr. McArthur. The directers of the Fais are husy at the prize lists and expect to have one of the best lists of premiums in years. MAR RIEL --On Wednesday, July 10th ., 1933, at the Baptist par- souage, Kenmore, by Rev. H. P. Morphy, Mr. Paul Curry to Miss Hazel Shelp, both of Russell. The soft bail on Tuesdays Thuis days and Saturdays in the Town League is creating a great deal of interest, East is leading, West is second, and North third. This North team has upset the dope by beating the other teams when least expected other than milk, so he tells ws, 1s 75 cents for e ough to paint hig house. 17e claims it will last five years. We believe . it sbould be called Depiessioe Paint. The Normal results appeared last week and all but oue from Russell High School, were suceess ful, and quite a number of them haye secured pesitions. Mrs. Geo. A. Graham, Winnipeg i spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson and other friends. A dance will be held in Harms ony Hall, Vars, on Wedoesday; July 26ih. Dugque.tes 7 picce or- chiestra. See bills for particulara. IN MEMORIAM MORRIS--In loving memory of Our Dear Fzther, James Morris, who died July 22nd., 1920. Just a "tribute of loving remem- brance. PARKER'S Genuine Dry Cleaning and Dgeing Ar. now offerina a Special Rural Delivery MOMDAY and THURSDAY Orrers left ene day will be deliv- TT 77 . ered tte next RUSSELL PHAIR'S BARBER EDWIN H CHARLESON| 707 Blackburu Bleg. | ENTRANCZ RESULTS a RUSSELL Isobei Allison Belle Becks*ead Jess'e Bootha (ken) & Stephenson Block on Monday | Mar-aret Brooks Lorne Carson Kathleen Dugd:le Hugh Eadie James Ellis Frank Forsythe John Gait Margaret Gamble Grace Graram Sarah Graham - Jean Hamilton Myrtle Harrington Kennetb Dugdale Douald Hay Jean James (hon} Ruby James Robert Long Stewart Long Donalp F. McDougall Aynsiee McEwen James McGregor Arthur May Nitia I. Mi chell Edith Pescod Alire Rickerd Helena Rickerd {hon} Ra'ph Shirley Edna Stewart Eric Twiname Fielen Waddell Russell VWade EMBRUN French subjects included: Bruno Brisson 4 Solange Brlsson Simone Bruyere Rolland.Daze Laurette Debouvilie Jeanne Denis Ernest Desjardins Laure t Desrosiers Raymond Derocher Gilbert Emard C:cile Gagn= Flerence Gibeau't Arthu- Gregoire Fernand La Macde'eine Lumena Lapointe Irenee Latrmouille Parl Emile Latremouilie Hector Lauzon Therese Lemieux Laurier Lepage Lucille Marleau Octave Regimbald Gerard Seguin jeanne Segu'n Aline : eguin Florence Tessier Mariette Thibault The Saturday night dances in Stephenson's Hall are eontinuing In popularity, and the one on Saturday night, July 220d, will be no exception. The quar rly meeting of St. Mary's Guild is being held at fhe heme of Mss. L, T. Stamley this afternoon, A shower was held at rhe home of Miss Matilda Hitsman Tuesday eveniug in honer of Miss Harel Shelp, with about 40 paesent, Many handsome and sseful gifts werereceived. Refreshments were served, and the evening spent in musi¢ and games. | SHOP | | A Few Summer Special Prices Regular 85¢c for 10e Regular 50c for 15¢ Regular 75¢ for 5C¢ Powder Pufis Perfume Vials Day Dream Powder Face Clea; ers Regulal 2%c for ! 8c Glass Push Pins Regular 15c for Se Regular 18¢ for Be Regular 10c for 5¢ Regular §c--2 for 5c 20 for 5¢ Brass Picture Hangers Camphorated Chalk fcr Fly Pads Serviettes the Teeth Many other Attractive Prices " STEELE, Your Druggist Phone 3073 ~D. CARKRNER & CO Lumber, Lath, Shingles Rough and Dresscd Lumber Millwork of All Kinds Kemnore : : Tel:phone--Metcalte Kural 28 ring 2 FALE SN PE Insurance . Maybe you are thinking of changing your insurance, «tr maybe you want to put on another policy. Whatever your needs /et us try and fill em. ~~» We are agents for all the diffarent class of corapanies--Tariff, Nr 1-Tariff and Mutual. : Yours for service ALEX..FRASEK Kenmore Ont. LAYING MASH Rogar Purple Concenlrate [Made of Cleaned ana Gradea Grain Protein § Constituenl up to tre full requirement for egg producliou L : Tiis is 'wlat ycu Fave Leer lccking forh high [ cless procuct et a recesCreble price, Try a bag and be convinced. > Price $2 (00 cunt, Walker's Mill a

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