Russell Leader, 21 Jun 1933, p. 4

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---- -- : ----------------t te ---- POAPS--SHELP : : A pretty wedding took place at A RTH URFLYN N McARTHUR-WARNER LITE D ene of he rites sarentron| s,s icier, Notary : when Clara, daughte of Mr. and Conveyancer Etc. : 3 Mrs. Fred Shelp became the bride| Russell Office open Wednesday The Sfore Where row bon Buy Nearly tery thing of Mr. nln Poaps, stn of Mr.|in the Flynn Block Broadway ou Want : a d Mrs. Robert Poaps, Leonard. Rev. Vickery officiated. Given in marriage 'y her father the bride Money to loan on easy terms onFarm Property ern hla looked charming in a white satin|RUSSELL oNT ; J y ' : . wn fashioned f 1 linec Another L ot of Ladies Men's Balbrigan Bie repeat Jatker of COACHING. CLASSES. AND Dresses Arrived this Combination Uderwear!iec:. She carried a bouquet of COMPETITIONS. FOR FARM . Peonies d ferns. The flower|GIRLS IN PRESCOTT AND week at Q8 cent § each per Suir 385 ak 98c girl, ret Were 0] sister of the RUSSELL COUNTIES 3 2 bride, was lovely in a rose brocaded| The Women's Institutes Branch A nice ran ge of PepmanS Mev's Canvas hoes satin dress with hose to match and |is again this year organizing eoach- . . . carried a basket of Peonies. The|ing classes and cempetitions i ful-tashioned Sirk Hose per pair witnesses were, Miss Hazel Shelp, | Household Science for farm hi al 75 and 9 Pe] cenls Oo 8c, 1,245nd 1.458 sister of the bride, and Mr. Austin| The coaching classes aad compe Poaps, brother of the groom, The! titions for Prescott and Russell : : ; -- wedding musie was played by Miss| will be held as follows; For Russel Now in stock-Paris Green | Get our prices ~~ a vo hod as olows Roe Russel Arsenate of Lead and of to the pianisi was a white purse. 3rd. and dth., at Leonard and . . Fcllowing the ceremony a daiuty|competitien on on July 15th at the Aing Bug Kil ler Horse ForkRepe dinner was served to about forty|same place. For Prescott County; . guests, after which daneing was|coacking classes on July 5th. and Men 'S Fine Oxfords Herse Forks Ces enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Peaps|6th. at Vankleek Hill and compe ir 4 2 ) 5 . ' 2 left on a honeymoon trip to Niag-| titien at same plaee on Juiy 14th, cin . pair up Pulleys, kc. ara apd other points, the bride| During the coaching classes the ¢ryvelling in a pink georgette dress) girls will be trained and they will . . with white hat, shoes, gloves and be asked to ceach other girfs is Eggs &re up in price, SO bring gour prduce purse.--Con. | their district and bring back fos : om | the competition a team of their Saturday and Monday ""=Jdulg 1st. an 3rd, |runeraL oF THE > LATE ROBERT LONG Heuseho'd Science Judging Compe Note a Few of Our Prices for Cash or Produce On Friday afternoon the remain | tion at the C. C. E. wiil be select ' a 3 of the late Robert Loug were laid | ed. Men's Bow Ti.s ~ Pink Salmon,Red Coat 23 Shredded Wrat 11 to rest in North Russell cemetery .| I hope that a large number of Each 1J3¢, 2 for 5 Brond, Ib. tins, 2 for yer pkg + The funeral prec s ion left hi® farm girls will take advantage of residence at 2. p.m, headed by the | these courses which will be held at Men's Fancy Socks 19 Fresh Dates 5 Seedlass Rains brethren of the Orange Order, of a time of the year when it is very per pair 3 lbs. for 2 | 1bs. for 22 which deceased had been a mem. convenient for them to attend. : TE ber for over 40 years, and pra - Miss Ethel Rivington, Depart- Men's WOrl: Pants 1 70 Ground Wheat for 25 Pure Cream aTartar 12 ceeded to the United church wherd mental Coach, of Navan. will have a per pair Porr dge 8 lbs. for 1-4lb. for service wds conducted by his pas-|charge of theso coaching classes tor, Rev. D. C, Munro, who|aod competitions. Men's Fine Shirfs C rto per bottle * preached a sermon on "Faia". | F. Larose Collar attached 59 p b 32 Gele-E Jelly wders 23 5 The church was filled ta the Agricultura! Representative 5 pks. for doors with friends who came to pay their last respects. i Greev Tumbler and The remains were then convey 11arge Milk Pail and I0 bars "1Q) Y Tumbler 4nd Ls ai 3S ars er Celie .eap ier ot Sarprise Soap fer moving away," said Mrs. Drummond to her husband. ed tn the family plot in North| ; Boii'e A Tn | Russell cemetery for interment. | | ie Aylmer Pork & Beans 4 ©|"ylmer Catsup 1 .3/Libby's Sliced Peaches Foliowing the committal by | 122 tlre Iatge tems each per bottle ef | er tin 21 Rev. Munro' the last ries of the | i 2 £apting % Pure M i Orange Order wer: given to the SBS Pnre Honey ure Afaple Syrup 5 Maxwell ° deceased brether, WW. Bro. O A. o ry LET : 5 Ib pail 42 per gal 1.6 Coffee Hous: 4h Sullivan conducting zs Master, get away Nr 2 el assisted bv W. Bro. Jas. McShea, from you ¢ Special Black Tea Plain Biscnit 'M = as chaplain, and Bro. J. C. Hams P per 4 2 lbs 25 eee is 323 ilton as Deputy. Abeut 60 mem "I'm sorry the Martins are | bers of the order were present. = > Besides his wife he leaves to "It will oun, Sint We are : mourn two daughters, Mrs. G. H, E0Ing 10 086 1 A x Ox Some Granulated Sugar Growing Mash for your [York Oshawa, and Mrs Charleg od; i P a st ghosld : . Carkncr, Ottawa, two sons, Arthur If on Eg Ah y of mine per bay $6. 74> Chicks 1. (5S bag and Roy, of Russell, also two hy we follow him sisters, Mrs. Johnsten, London, up by lone Lg As. Ont, , and Mrs. John Sammers, of tance separate you from the Russell. Martins!" Ad ® Deceased was a kind affectionate A great change has a C It = : husband and father, a good neigh- eo a lo " bor, a worthy citizen, a faithful as rapid as local elephoge- ? Sebel of He Sues and lodge, tan thn Eitan mbes po! Sr and his many friends made during a great majo PHONE I1"FOR SERVICE hie life join in extending sincere SEE oe oie. dls sympathy te the bereaved. the lime. The Dis- nis : tance op wilh ook up --- don't i tell you what it Still better, give us a list of the friends or custemers f Y ir

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