Russell Leader, 21 Jun 1933, p. 1

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Andrew F, 1tzpatrick THE RUSSELL LEA Mar, 1st I928 THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY RUSSELL, CNTARIO, THURSDAY JNE 20 1933 . 40 A YEAR 00 ADSRESy _-- YOUR COLUMN The Annual Field Day of Sports at Keamore is to be held this year EDWIN H, CHARLESON B:A,L.L.B. Barrister, Etc. on Friday. next, June 3oth., in the| Will be at his office in MacEwen McTavish Grove. Asmnsu:l a good & Stephenson Block on Monday program is being given, cf all kinds| of each week. of sports and prizes are generous. A soft bal tournament, jumping, races, horseshoe pitching and many other items. Refreshment booths on the grounds, Everybody come. See bills for partfculars. Miss Christina York, of Ottawa spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Geo. Cochrane. On Thursday evening last, fire of unknown origin destroyed the fine barns of Mr. Wm. Woods, of He and his son Ncrth Russell, were absent when the fire started. This is the second time the barns haye burned, and last one was erected only a few years agc. With sickness and other things Mr, Woods has had a vary bag run of luck. Mr. Atnold Feldman Montreal, is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. H. Lepine. Miss Serimgour, Mr. and Mrs. Admiszion 25 and 15 cents Ottawa Office, 707 Blackburu Bleg. Phone--Queen 644 The District Meeting of the Ontario Horticultural Society will bea held at tbe Centfal Experimen- tal Farm on Friday, June 30th. A fine program has been prepared. Addresses will be delivered by some of the best authorities on roses ann horticniture in gemeral. Every member of the Rnssell So- ciety is invited to attend. Bring your basket' add tea and coffee will be furnished at the farm Be sure tc attend, A Dominion Day Celebration here on Saiurday, July 1st, under the anspices of the Athletic Asso" ciation. Soft Ball, and a full tine ot sports, including horseshoe pitching for the Goulet Cup in the afternoon, Admission 15 and 10, In the evening a box lacrosse malch will be held in the Arena Jas. Griffin and family, all of between Gttawa Shamrocks and Ottawa, spent Sunday with MF. and Mrs. Thos. Kinchen. them. The North Russell W. 1. Farm on Tuesday. The alfalfa hay crop is being havested and the hot weather helps to cure it quickly. A rumor that Mrs. Woods, of Winnipeg, formerly Miss Melissa Wilson, North Russell, was dead, is not correct, as last reports she was well. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. York ard | g,endation. Mrs, Kinchen returned to Ottawa with heid picnic at the Central Experimental Russell. Tug of war between the periods. Admission 25 and 15, See bills for particulars. For the past couple of years or so much comment bas been made by the press and otherwise about Dr. Locke and his cures. We give him all the credit com ng to him, But we believe, and you will agree, that the local doctor, who- ever he may be, whe goes about his general practice, dealing with every case 'as it comes to hand, oftenwith very inadequate equip- ment, and comes through with a victoty, is juse as worthy of com He goes his rounds, sons, of Oshawa, have returned |and any extra hard job is all in home after attending tbe fnneral of the day's work. He blows no her father, Mr. Robt. Long. Mr. Theodore Sparks of Mani. toba, spent Sunday with his broth" er, Mr. Thos: Sparks. He is eas, on a husiness trip and reports tha conditions are brighter. trumpet, and is at the call of his patients day or night, The country doctor is the salt os the earth, and and deserves our best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, of Ottawa. spent Sunday wiih Mr. Mrs. John Stevenson, Sr., 94|and Mrs. Hackett Cherry. years of age, is seriously ill a homa of her daughter, Mrs. Wm, Hyyes. "The aged lady is making a gallant fight and her many friends are hopin, she will recover. As we go te press we learn with regret thas Mrs. Stevensen has passed away, Mr. Finley McArthur, Alberta, who is holidaying at his old heme at Ormond, called en Mr. C. H. Stewart last week. Ms. D. E. Scott, principal of Dryden High School, who was in town attending his faiher's funeral, leaves toemorre for Dryden. We regret to notice the death of an old personal friead, Mr. Nap Longtin, af Bourget. Me was a yearly visiter te Russell Fair, sad took a keem interest in politics. A sumber from here attemded his jemeral sa Monday mefning. Le the Prospects are goed for a new bridge across the Castore in this village. At the Ceunty Couneil last week the matter was brought up, and the road committee have the matter ih hand, The bridge is te be a 90 foot span withfa side walk en the west side, and the probabilities are that the werk will start soon, The Orangemen of this section will attead Divine Service hext Sunday afternoon in the Presby- terian churgh. L.O. L. No. 268, with the O, Y. B. and L. T. B, ledges are spensoring thh service, and = cordial invitatien is given te all Orangemen, Britens and True Blues te attead. Rev. Nimme will be the speaker. Mr. John Sfeverson, of Saskat~ chewaan, arrived home on Tuesday, ou acconat of the illness of his mother. -- --- MR. ROBE SCOTT The Grim Rear again visited this district on Szday last and removed anotherld and highly respected reside {th perscn of Mr Robert Scosh bis 77th year. Deceased hadien failing in bealth for abou jur years, but was able to go att and do light werk, was zrouns usual the first of the week. but rly Wednesd~y morning he was icksn with par- alysis, from whi he failed to rally, passing aw on Satnrday motning, He was bern d grew up in North Russell, ping clear his father's farm frcathe bueh, and could tell many iles oj pioneer life. He was qrriee while a young man to Hs Woods, who survives him, Ty settled oma farm a short diance from his birthplace, whey they raised a English Toilet Goods We havll just received a shipme.t of Old English Toilet Gaods Ths Geods are right and so is the price Face Pawder 25 cents Vanishing Cream 15 eents €o!d Cream 15 cents Shampoo Powder 10 cents Rubber Toilet Sponges 80 eents Aud mwaay other articles No Luxury Tax on these lines +» STEELE, Your Druggist i Phone 30 family of two daghters and four sons, viz, Mn J. A, Bneking= ham and Mrs. ! B. Graham. of Russell, Messr, William and Fred, of Russd, H. Scott, of Ottawa, aud E, |. Scott, Dryden, Out. a Mr. Scott waia member of the council some yess ago. He had also been presient of the local Agric ltural -Sgiety and for a umber of yearia trustee of the church. A Praby erian be later joined the Unis Church, where hc was faithful in attendance. The fnn:ral war held Monday at2.00p. m from the residence of his daugh®4 Mrs. Buckingham to the United Church, where the servioe was conducted by his pas. tor, Rev. D. C, |Maganro, assisted by Rev. Lr. Ross, of Erskine Church, Ottawa, The funeral was under the Or- ange Order, of which deceased had been a member for over half a csutury, and at the time of his| death he was ihe oldesf member of the Royal Scarlet Chapter. Interment was made in th€ fami.y plot in North Rusrell cem- etsry. He war the type of [eitizen who will be missed in his family eircle, his church, his lodge and commun- ity. The sympaty of allis extended to the bereaved. CARD OF THANKS We wisk to thank our kind friends and neighbors for their acts of love and sympathy during our recent loss of husbard and father, and also to extend our sincere thanks for the beautifu] floral tributes for our loved one. ji§ Mrs, Robert Long and Pamily A young lad named Merin was drowned in the Castore River on the bsundary, abeut 2 miles east of Embrun, yesterday aftermoon, while in bathing, Mr. J. E. Kyle has a fige showing ef reses on his lawn et the corner of Craig St., aad the well kept lawu with the houge in the backgryund makes a pleasing pisture, D. CARKNER & CO Lumber, Lath, Shingles Rough anduDressvd Eumber Millwork of All Kinds Kemnore 9Intarie Tel-phone--Metcalte Fural 28 ring 2 Insurance : Maybe you are thinking of fchanging your Insurance, cr maybe you want to put on another policy! Ed Whatever your needs Jet us try and fill em. We are agents for all the difforent class © corapanies-- Tariff, Nc 1-Tariff and Mutual. Yours for service ALEX..FRASEEK Kenmore Ont. & LAYINC MASH Rogar, Purple Concenlrale Made of Cleaned ana} Gradea Grain ED Protein Constituent up to the full requirement for egg producliou TlLis is whet you have beer lcoking for. high class procuct at a 1¢asOneble price, Try a bag and be ccnvinced. Price $2 (0 cat, Walker's Mill dust a EE EA Th de A

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