Russell Leader, 16 Jun 1932, p. 1

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x Field Day at Kemptville yesterday Sama ---- 5 © Duisbesit, pian, 1658 E RUSSELL LE! THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY --_------ 1932 Sl nd JUNE 16 a a ------ i LB & TRAS SN ABRSEGE YOUR COLUMN It is with regret that we report that Mr. R. C. Dillabough, prin cipa! of the Public Scheol will sever his connection with Russel! at the end of the present term. Besides being a most successful teacher, he has proved to be al good citizen. He has secursd a| similagy position in Chesterville Duri. g his 17 years here be has es" tablished an enviable recerd, and what will be our loss wil! be Chest. erville's gain. The best wishes of a host of warm friends will follow him and . is to their new hou e. "THE TWO IDIUIS,, The farce comedy, "The Two Idie's'!, presented on Friday ev- ening last in the Church Hall by the Y. P. S. of the United church was a mest mirth provoking pres- entation. The plot wa that of an egeentiig ancestor who willed his fortune te his two grandchildren w'th the understanding that they married each other before they were 22. CARSCADDN--CAGSON A very pretiy wedding tock place cn Wednes ay a one o'clock, Pp. | m., in St, Mary's Anglican hvrch when Miss Edn Carfon' second marriage to N11 Willis Kemp Carsdden, eldes: soa of Mr. and] Mrs H. F. €arscadden, all of | Russell. The shurch ges tastfu'ly de- He appointed his sen, Colonel Bradley as guardian ef the pair. This part was taken by Edgar Loucks, while his sister, Miss Lu- eretia Bradley was represented by Miss Elia Hamilton. The pro- spective groem, Peter Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Latimer, of Ottawe. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kyle. Mr. Jas. Cochran e, ef Ottawa, gpent Sunday with Mr. ard Mrs Geo. Gochraae. A coat of gravel has been rlac d on Castor street, which will be appreciated in muddy weather. A gang of local workmen ar® busy s'raighteniog the Hydre poles and otherwise improving the jive. Mr. Thos. Barrington, of Regina, is spending a few days in tewn, and looks well. He r porte that conditions are much worse in the Waetern Provineesi than in the east. The warm days are very much appreciated by everybedp, but a few showers are needed for the hay crop, which will otherwise be li; ht. Several welcome they are disappointing. Mrs. Robt. Bunyan, of Carls- bad, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Jas. Robinsen and Mrs. Jas Mc Shea. Shels 83 years of aoe, but still active and able to be around. @ne of the busiest evenings in L. ©. L , No, 1095, Veraon, was held on Tuesday evemirg, when the Royal Scarlet Chapter met in the hall, with about 30 in attend- ance, and as candidates were pres- ent for the Blue and Royal Arch degree, the visiting brethren con- ferred these degrees. The Roya] Scarlet Chapter then convened and a Royal Searlet degree was conferred. The members of Ver- aon lodge served refreshments ard a social evening was spent, A Depression Banquet will be given by the eitizens of Russell and vicinity at Gormley's Hatel, Tuesday, June 21st. at 8 o'c'eck, in hener of our esteemed citizens, R. C. Dillabeugh and L. W. $rephe 1s0n, who are about to leave us. Tickets may be secured frem C.F. McArthur, C. H. stewart, H. H Shepherd. Hedley Boyd and C. E. Mclaffrey. An old tims pregram will be givea by lecé al talent. The Russell Girls Seftball team won the Cup at the JuniorjFarmers cheese factories have! paid and while the returns are was played by Ken Hay, and thet of his friend. Dr. Gunter, by Har- old Gamble. The bride-to-be Miss Lester. was Miss Flora Word and her cousin and the Colomel's daughter. was taken by Miss Eds na York. The young eoupie, having lived to marriage with oreanother,a and the Colanel, who was somewhat sheri i + the grain, gets gonsider ably out of patience :n his elfores to recenei'e the parties. Aunt Lueretia, trying to be keipful, ups gets the apple cart, but gventually things smoeth out. laugh. The young people took of Friday night. over big. eid friends in new rsles, Mrs. ion. and were agreeably surprised en mary future eceasions. Rev. D. Munre capably dis charged the duties of chairman. iqne long laugh, death of Mrs. Albert Marshall, o Vars as the result of a stroke Tea last evening and was as wel as usual. Garson. " asother page. Mrs. HF. Hughes, of Ottawa, spent the week end with her moth er. Mrs. Reveler, |< in different localities wert averse The play was one ¢cn inuous their parts well, aad showed that congcientieus eifert had been giv- en to prepaaation. Mrs. C. H. Riewast, "astiucton, Jecervos great credit for the finished productien Between the acts a trio, consist" ing ef vielln,piane and aseerdion rendered southernmairs, wich went In this twio we encountered three Tweed, violin, Mrs. Kyle piano, and Mr. EI, H. Shepherd, accoid- They will nc doubt be in demand -|THE BROWN LANTERN We can assure dyspepties, that if laughter aids digestion, they bad bstter see this @lpy. as it is As we ge to prees we learn of the She had jattended a Ladies' Aid Deceassd, who was in her 39th. ae®r, was Miss Hanmauh @arson, daughter of Mr. J. P] Attention is directed te thh advt of ¥. T. Beattie, optometrist, on corated with ail the spring fio wers | jand Besten Maiden Hair Ferns. | The bride lcq:ing charminein a (gow of wd'te saorgetie, with veil | land crange blooms lan arm bouquet of Ophs'ia roses. | entered the «his h un the arm of | | her brother ini: +, Mr, M. Reanev the Weddibg | ji ,acdcarrying | the s rain; of Ma:zch played | Carscacden | She was + ¢ rof the groom. atic ded by her litile sister Mabikl, a flower girl and the Nuptiale were pericrmed by Rev. | DD, T. Weegar. The choir sang an anthem duping 'he signing ef the register. After (he luneh was served to the inimediate friends of the contracting partiss, | at the heme of the b.ide's mother. Lgiemony a dainty The young esuple left by motor for a short nonevmoon at Norway Bay, Guelph, and Western Onter- lio, the bride travelling in an en" sembie of pink crepe with hai, shoes hese, gloves and accessories to maech On their return they wili recide gn gue groom's farm The bride was the recipient of a large number of useful and costly gifts, The best wishes of a lage cire'e of friends are extended for health, happiness and prosperity. [maail BERETS €rab-nel B.rets, very smart and / new, ail co'ors. Enquire at Leader Office. Aiiss Ge truce] = There is a oeost in a single acc'dent. For those who pr.fer tis b and 3 j ) p this band of Soap we have on ha 41% F ! ho s rd, at daughter of ths Jute David Carson, Vi ial rier of 8 cak=s for 23 ce ts, 3 : Ajtard cos t2 ir rob hrc £ Bd . and Mrs. Carson was united ini fimited quan'ity of absolutely pure Castile 'Den't { rge 111 rE bas y en"t forget our Lemonkist » for Hard er Soft water at 3 bars fer 25 cents Ordsre t.1- 'nn far Floves i 1 } A of VWUKPH "OTF ¢ lOVWers {or ¢ LC ast 4 8. YWrcathsetr, iene, Cut Hiway, STEELE, Phone 30 Your Druggist Difference Io the way houses are kept, Bro. n Steps and Veranda Fleers sre msightly and dangerous, Repairs In tim: mey save many times their A Trellis or bit of Lattice Work advantageeusly piaced will add much tc the atiraciiveness of your place. D. CARKMNER & CO Kenmore Ontario Telephone--Met: alf: Rural 23 1ing 2 P.8,--You will save by burning summer wood row. We haw quantity & 57 inch glabs at $2.71 cord here, Insurance ; Maybe you are thinking of changing your insurance, or meybe you want toput on another poliey. Whatever your needs /et us try and fill them. We are agents for all the difforsnt elass~s of companies-- Tariff, Non-Tariff and Mutual. No risk too small, and the 'arger the better. ON THE PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY Morrisburg Ontario Comfortable Rooms and Bath Rates Reasonable Firee Garage & Parking fi Phone 64 THE Missgs BrowN Mr. F. A. Larose, Agrieultura] Representative, will hold a Meet- ing of those interested in the Cow Testing Asseeiation, in Germley's Hotel, Russell, on Saturday night, June 25th, at 7.30 sharp. All persons interested are requested te attend. 3 [3 NOTICE Yours for service ALEX. FRASER Kenmote Ont. Rel Cr Our Charges For (Cleaning Seeds and Grain, Clover and Fimeothy, two runs Timetay anc Clever Seed, 2 runs Up to 560 lbs 78¢ per cw 500 to 10001! & 76c per cwt 1066 te 20060 lbs 60c per ewt @ver 2000 lbs 50c per cwt @ats cleaned ar.d graded, 20 buslels #nd under le cents bush Over 2e bushels 7 cents tusk Barley and Wheat, 20 bushei? and under 10 cents bush 20 bushels 8 1-2 eeNfs bush Grinding and Roi Fng @rain 12 1-2 cents ewt or 15 Ibs f Grain All Taxe' for the Township of Russell must be paid by Aug, 15, or proceedings will be taken to} collect Jos. A. Bourdeau Tp E€lerk LE Pe TNE AR STEPS, Ma ST STE 2 ICE >) SERD BYUCKWHEAT A limiie€ quantity of Seed Buck wheat for gale. Apply to Melson Bt. Amour on Piche farm just west of schooy| heuse, 5th. @pa. : Terms Cash or Produce - Walker's Mill

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