Russell Leader, 24 Dec 1931, p. 8

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Seod Cleaning Timotay and "lover Seed, 2 ruas Up te 500 lbs : Boge tbls 1 TH A 10¢0 to 2000 lbs 2000 lbs ol over Owing ¢0 the financial sitaation we are this spyciad prica for this season Selieiting your patronage, we Are Sincerely yours 79¢ per cwt "foc Perit 60c per ewt 50c per cwt « FF Walker's Milil R. BURNS Wishing One and All HH Merry Christmas Onr Christmas stock eof Mixed Candy, Mixed Nuts Fruit, and Vegetables is eomplete, fr sh and very low in price, Ses our Special Table of Christmas Suggestions Suggestions at prices that are very interesting Saturday amd Monday Specials Jwift,s Breakfast Bacon] sliced i19c 1b Cranberries, fine quality 17¢ 1b Blue Bell Coffee 24c 1b Datas, fresh and bright 2 lbs 16¢ Mineemeat, best quallty 15¢ 1b Su-kis: Orangss,'swe t aud juicy 2°¢c doz Yel'ow Onions, No 1 quality 8 bs 22¢ Men's All Woal Socks, Special 25c pair Producers Ice Cpcam, Butter amd Klaska Bon-Boas orders taken f.r Producer's Ice Cream or Ppecial Christmas Bricks and delivered to your hom: when wanted en Christmas Day Have you tried our Perk 3ausaze. Frehh evsry Fridav Breakfost, Pes : "eal and Back Windsor Ba on, Pork. 336 37. Reuben Armstrong, 8s Ww % ........cccieieiieeeen on 3ausage, Caoked Ham, erc. Red and White Store RUSSELL, ONT, Take this epportunity of Wishiag Cnc and All R Merry GbrisStmas 'ae Frospetous New Year nhs RH MaeLwen & Stephenson makig|. .. ~ Towns oF ALFRED: , [ TREZSURER'S SALE OF LANDS OF TEXES UNITED COUNTIES OF PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL: . By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden and the Seal of the United Counties of Prescot and. Russell, bearing date the 24th day of July, A.D., 1931, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter described for the arrears of taxes together with all costs incuered, I hereby give notice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, Chapter 238, R.8.0. 1927, Section 145, I will on Friday, the 27th day of November, A.D 1931, at the hour of One O'clock P.M. at the Court House, in the Village of L'Orignal, in the County of Prescott, one, udothe 2 Said | bed. .Counties, Drggeed to sell by Public 'Auction as much of the said lands, 'as are in the said Unite Counties" or so much thereof as may | 'be necessary, to discharge the Arrears of Taxes and the charges there on undsss-such Arsenrsidtid: chareswhallshave: been sooner paid. The following di described I das; TO WIT t-- NE > rat "fot. 'Con. Acres Taxes my Total! iets or ot : L S. Scutkzcly nes¥4: -.6 B50 24.81 8.82 28.63 22 C. D.. Hav w 7 7 . 7 972-852.11 4.50 - 56.61 8: te de Pcl '7 195 48.27 441 52.68 4 ph. McCullough, s, % x 13 100 10549 5.84 111.38 TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA. 5. Mrs. B. Brdzeau, ne % ce er ee... 38 8 50 8448 5,31 _ 89.79 6." Willic Bradley; ni Z6 8c. 0£ © TB. yusvirvsnisirsss nei ne vo oh 21 4 26 5176 4.49 56.26 TOWNSHIP NORTH PLANTAGENET." ve 7. . Antoine Benoit, 3-5 of 5 3 less 5 acres .......o00v0 on coll nnn 32 2 55 104.18 8.80 109.9% 8. Mrs. H. A. Shane, Water St. W. Rd. cov vnennnrnns oo oo anon. 2 4 13 49.94 445 54.39 9. Archie*JORASION, S 2% .. --:.eoeevssvanese ARE 21 4 100 36.20 4.11 40.31 10. Eric Benson, eptofe % ........... erassartiense sv nv weendB i 9 84 NBEY0 1543 TINY TOWNSHIP OF EAST HAWKESBURY. : 11. Bothwell Cole, ne pt ..... Lbs his Busse amen en on Foun 1.03. 3%. S471 N80 op VILLAGE OF L'ORIGNAL 12. Henri Guindon, Victoria St. pt ....cccveveneecrees ov 00 vere 5 % 17.96 3.65 21.81 13. Nap. Portelance, Sandy Hill e pt «......cc0nveeeee «0 oo vsee 82 2 15.27 3.68 18.86 14. Romeo Pharand, King St. Pt. ...... En ee SUT Ee 13 ¥% 47.27 4.38 51.65 15. Geo. H. Pharand, Longueuil pt .. cecveerecccceees on 0s ven 7 % 39.94 4.20 44.14 16. C.F. Kans, King St. Pb .. -«ocevnsesnsvrrsrasans ov sriuvens 16 1 52.96 452 57.48 17. do BO ii dorsi arses ane ae va 17 1 52.96 4.52 57.48 18. do . Queen St. pt... eiieeenn pada te adios; 18 1 387.58 4.19 41.72 19. do oo RIDE CT Se Sie SE 19 1 37.53 4.19 41.72 VILLAGE OF CASSELMAN. 90. "Fld. Beauchesne, Nation St. W. Pt ..ovueneeneninen on oo ...10 15000sq. ft 13.11 8.53 16.64 "TOWNSHIP OF CLARENCE. 21. Severe, Brunet, part .. «....ccceciiieiiiiiienn ee on ..23-24 10S Y% 119.46 6.19 3 . . .19 125.65 22. Nap. Charette, Part .. .......cocoveoeencccnceens oo ..-.24 108 1 159.57 7.19 166.76 23. Aldege Lauzon, part .. .. «coer seccencrcananscs on vo cians 2310S % 71.96 5.00 76.96 24. Joseph Seguin, part ee ov 900000060000 000000 AES C0 oo wees 24 108 % 82.90 5.27 $8.17 25. John Simpson, n % 8 %2 Nn 2-3 .......chiiiiniiee on on cee 22 1 25 84.53 5.31 89.84 26. J. 1 LAlONda, NW Db siesvss «stn sh tains vavennnsfeniais suns B 2 50 68.84 492 73.76. 27. Jos. Villeneuve, spt of Ww pt ...oooieniiiiionnnnnes cn on ....13 208 25 30.32 3.96 34.28 28. do @ PLO WPL «vest dhiipinn sinnannns ine oa yuu 13 208 65 130.58 6.46 137.04 29. Anthime Bisson, Ss W % ....ccnveercririaneaneans oo tn canny 26 3 bL 167.95 7.40 175.3 30. Agnas Provost, NW 4 ....oeveenernnrcanrennesen oo on nnn 26 8 50 65.26 4.83 70. 5 31. WIlrid SexfEiaPri Ve J ....cvnsesecnsnassnssnts 25 ve saa, 1 3 50 S545. 459 hn 3. OUVISE DONZHD, Wh 27 sessisnsanssssarsvinnpnrs ne saints 114 3 84 149.50 6.94 156.44 33. Jos. Demulty JL, WBE «evvsurresvunsnnnsnnnnaaats oon ne 20 4 3% 120.65 6.22 126.87 34 Jou. DIATE, S@ Tp vi ris eun ai as danni via iiiins shiva Seen 15 4 50 225.15 8.83 233.9% 35. Varnel JHMY, WM i scutes saan danisnsrnindansivs wri, 17 5 80 101.19 5.73 106.92 Flor ATHSONg, S TIFOEW 3c. vurusssssnrnrsios an mhrss 14 6 70 86.65 5.37 92.02 i erin 13 6 50 39.95 420 441 7 5 15 38. do MW J oy vs isiddsdiveaisisas rs asivavn sin ue ee...13 6 50 39.95 4.20 44.15 39. Omer Diotte, w % .. .. .... EERE EPRRRRE RY vaessiien vs navel. 18 6 95 567.35 17.38 584.73 40. J.B. Groulx, Ww % 0f € 28 ...coounerrannnenannns on an anus 25 6 50 73.11 5.08 78.14 41. Ducher Lagrois, NW YH oie ininreasessnsssonsesass oo so sen n 25 6 50 238.36 9.16 247.52 42. Alex. Varin Sr, S Pb overrun raven cassaassssssass oo os soon 19 6 55 3853.39 12.08 365.42 45 Mye Ernost BoWior, 8 Jon % oie sersssnvarssits br snsee 15 6 B50 8298 5.27 88 44. Est. Etienne Bouvier, 8 € € ..... cise esccsnesnes oo oo conan 21 6 3 13.55 3.54 $5.25 45. Elmer Armstrong, s € M4 ......ccivuieronnnencars on 00 cone 14 7 50 151.36 6.98 Sig) 46. dt HET Tons none hobble avd See a 14 7 50 160.73 7.22 167.95 47. Wm. Armstrong, W 2 .. oo cccceconccacconnnners sr cn cana 15 7 100 107.39 5.88 113 48. Michael Woods, Nn % ..ccuvuienovncnoncccccans 20 ov ouen 15 7 49 192.37 8.01 27 49. J.P. Armstrong, @ Pt . cc ev reerni tro itanens se ee seen 17 8 1 46.64 4.37 Roam 50. Miss A, MeLary, se Th .. ...vivacnsssonsitnunssinn or sean 13 8 50 281.58 10.24 Pi 51. 40 MK OOM ..eiiiriiiiiiiiine ee ae 14 8 25 AIT 5.57 100.34 52. W. A. Pinard, e % ..oooenoreriiiitiiiiiiiiin se ne nn 25 10 100 © .7.12 6.38 133.50 53. Jos. Toupin,n % .. .. ... Ie BE Le, 17 10 48 22047 gro 228.77 TOWNSHIP OF CAMBRIDGE. : B4. Jos. Tessier, w %2 of 8 38 ...... cocaine vnncnreen 13 1 50 sr reveve se we. waives 62.78 4.77 64. 55. Arthur Delisle, Bn % .. .. ceouvneeecvicnnnaceens on on ann. 14 2 100 130.14 6.45 136 4s 56. Mrs. Mary Levert, vIK & D W pt B WE os ee 2 53.79 4.54 68.33 $7. Moise Lafleur, 8s Ww 2% ...ccvecncenennn. coisas ve meres inane S$ 680 143.64 6.79 1 -33 58. Alex. Pominville, 8 € € seer eerevenciennnenens ve be se wvesalB $ % 25.94 : 3.85 wh 59. do BYE. 5. srs cams nruta nants delay runs 2¢ 3% 2124 373 2497 60. A. Davidson, n WDE W OL € ..eeeeneannneneenns sont cai iies 24 3X 2124 873 249 61. Mrs. Felix Allairo, n wpt wofr ........ rersis ce er er .ee 8 B50 31210 11.00 ay 62. F. Bourgom 3 e M .. ...oociiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins on on een 8 10 50 63.85 485 58.40 TOWNSHIP OF CUMBERLAND. i AY 63. Ang. Cameron, Jr,eptvIiSs Queen St. pt........ -. .. .....14 108 137 2498 8.83 128.39 5 Belcourt & Leduc, m % ....occcvnnnes teeta snees oo oo see. 17 10 100 126.58 0.36 132.94 65. do mel sieieinie nin aie cecesen essssssassans os oo sevesl® 13 50 48.02 4.40 G34p POOW MH Loeeiiiiiieiiaiinnioeces oo oe cone 1T 11 88% 4182 428 WG TOWNSHIP OF RUSSEIL. iE 66. Rummel! Woollep Mills, ¢ % of w 4% v 15 Mill J. pt 1 e ¥ a 4 J . ee ec se sede AR é 'o! ¢7. Bumel! Craig Net., v1 81-83-63-84-55-80-N Craig ®. " " BUBBOMER .........oiiiiennnnn ne oy seer 4187 4.09 nm TEE ADJOUBNED SALE of all lands comaidtug wasoid will be Mald ob L'Orignel ea Tomb, of Joawary, A.D. 1832, ot (he hear efoveimid. 2 wi mie th ee = be snort sar im 4 tw id det, if 4 She iris oA Comal MOY. Deed this 08 4n7 of Avgsits 45. 1091. Wmnacs Give, (/Oumel, Gu: PECL ER Jr 4 CEN ada

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