Russell Leader, 24 Dec 1931, p. 1

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2 Louse Lod THE RUSSELL LEADER THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY June Ist 1988 RUSSELL, ONTARI O,THURSBAY DEC. 24, 193! Che 91S 5 TEAR TN ADVANGE Cad YOUR COLUMN "MERRY CHRISTMAS" The same old werd: But they're well worth while. Are'nt you glad they haven't Gane out of style ? The Christwas shopping this year has been confined mestly to practical gifts, and while the total will be large, neveltizs will be in the minoity. Ia vommon with other munici- palities taxes ase heavy in this township and the burden fells hard on tue farmers, with the low prices for produce. Several eoua- organizatiens are being formed, whose representatives w.ll wait on the goveinment to see what relief is pessible, and relief must eome, or the results will be hard te anticipate. The Christmas lighting In town is mest beautiful this vear. The most not ceable ar: the treesjat 0. A. M Arthur's, Eddie Lacel e's, and Milton Walkhrs and the win dows at Glen Campbell,s McAr. thar-Warner,s and T. C. Swit: ze's. We wish te extend our thanks to Mr. J. Kyle, agent for Mutual Life Insurance Co., Chas. Bush, Ltd., Rolpi-Clark-Stone. Miller and Richard. J. L. Steele and Ly T. stonley fot choice ealendars for 1933.. A Missionary tea, in aid of the W. M. S. o! the [Presbyterian Church, Russ:ll, wil] be held at the home of Misg A Duncan, on Tuwds, next, Dec. 29, from 4 te ® p. m. Everybody welcome. Silver collection Dana's fotget the dance in Mac Ewen's Mal! to-nght. Fairbanks orchestra A . vistas Eve got together. : Let's be happy. Forget the Depression by Dancing the eold|( pear out in Harmeny Hall, Vars. City erchestra. Medera and old time Dances. Admission 25¢cents, Refreshments. Being your wile aid family and all join bands. PASSES AT CANNAMORE ON DEC, 19th Attended by many friends and relatives, the funeral of the late a well Mrs. George E. Smith, FUNERAL OF ONE OE RUS SELL'S OLDEST RESIDENTS Tribute to the memory of Mrs. Thomas Stanley, who died on Fri- day, Dec. 18th. wes paid Sunday afterasdn by many friends, who known resident of this village was held Monday afternon from her late home to Morewood Unitdd Church where service was conduc- attended Yer funora! which ook place from the heme of her sur Melvin to ¥ © Russell cemetery. ted by Rev. Armstrong, assisted by Rev. Nimmo' of Morewood,and * Intes- the Russell Rev. Munroe, of Russell. ment was made in Mathrdist cemctery. Mrs. Smith, formerly (Sadie) May Bcothe, a daughter of Mrs. Beothe and the late Mark Boothe,of Ru:sell, died suddenly on Saturday aftesnocn. She bad been in failing health for the past three years. Born in Ru-sell in The service was conducted by Rev, F. Weegar. Vector of Sr. Mary's Anglican Church, Russell. There were numerous floral trip- ater which bere testimony to the Sarah |este m in which Mrs. Stanley was held. Member af a pioneer family of this district and a resident for 63 vears of her 86 years, Mrs. Stan- ley, formerly Eliza Jane Melvin, was bora at Osgoede in 1845, com- ing 'to North Russell after her marriag> She had been iil only afew d ys. Before 'that she had been around the home every day vary active and bright. She was of Irish descent. S»rviving are four sons, Melvin and Leonard, Russel, Ont.. Al" bert, Metcalfe. Ernest, Hecksten, three daughters, Mrs W. R. Stev- enson, Richlea, Sask, Mrs. Tom Kinkain, Russell, Mrs. John Nel son, Toronto, one sister, Mrs. WS H. H. Csture, Leonard, Ont., alse cighteen 'grandchildren and six reat gr andchildren. 1889. After her marriage moved to Cannamore, where she resided for the past 18 years. She was ae- ive in tae work of the many so. cities of the United Church, o° which she had been a member. Mr. Wesley Reveler, assisted by the choir sano her most favor- ite hymn, "The Old Rugged Cress.' The chief mourners are her has- band and family of four, namely Jean, Lawrence, Mary ang, Irvine, all at home, an aged Mother, one sister, Mrs. Fred Loucks, and one breteer; Mr. Willie Boothe, ail of Russell. Many and beautiful fleral o fer- ings weae contributed by .~= Pillow --Family $prays--Moether, Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Loucks and Wiliie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boethe and family, M; Fs ! CARGIOF. THANKS wish to extlad to their many kind friends and neighbors their sincere appreciation for their many acts of kindness during their recent and Mrs, Perey Rombcugh, Mr. |pereavemen, and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy. Russel; United Chur-k Choir, sons 1 Wreatha--Mis. A, E. Glasgow and family; 1. 0. O. F,, No. 288 Morewood, Parrons of ©anna- more eheese factory. Gut Flowers--Mr. aad Mrs. Chas E. Roberts, Cornwall. The palibearers-- Thomas Rev- eler, Roy Fetterly, Veraod Fetter. ly, Clarke Smith, Cam Thompson malvia Gorden. CARD OF THANKS We wish to 'hank cur meny {riends and neighbors for their indness and sympathy aud flesal fferings received durin. the sick- ness and death of our dead Wife and Mother. Mr. George Smith and Family Mrs. Boothe and Family "Oh Bill, That,s one on yeou", a play will be presented by he Maiivelville yousg people om Thursday, Dec. 31st, in Masvel- ville United chuzeh. Thes tal ented young peeple need 1.0 intro ductieu as eatertainers. Plan to be there. aa) Mr. and Mrr, Wilfred Bopd, >, Thorold, are spending the holday with his me her, Mee. Ww. C. Boye WE THANK You). At: thie neppr holiday time. we are sineorly appreciative o of ofr eusteanere wd frjends.. wee: 'have made possible BE pear. foe our Basisereis 30. .. The Annual Christmas Tree and Entertainmedt of the Baptist Son day School was heli Tuesday eve oning, the 23ad. A geod preg. gramme of chi suies, veeal and by the shildres aad adults, afte which a brilliantly lighted aad or. samenied tren wae diemauntied Dy santa : @lage.- Fhe . chered - we es Che rb We RUA RGE beautifully decorated : fos the oe- wr; EL) oon. of amtitnde that we 0t04 | cries, aad all ssiored o pleasent "Segen ivury died wink "fov Ohrin ol. PE Tear. Before we ge te gress agals o», Homisoetion for Msalelpel Reser, Te ond the ansselsedoe! suetiang wil] oo | DE ovals inteseet lo (@aaifistelt (bls yous. Let we trp a pail together: for: 18s altimate raat hatasasie of We commeaity; ir. and aMB "Melvin Staalevt™ pisne duets, soles, musical - ene- | logues. and dialogues were gives - RT---- Last M inute Gifts Neilson's Chccolates $Cc, 60¢, $1.0C, $1.50 and $2.00 d0c, 75c, $1.00 $1.25, $1 50, $1.75 30c, 75¢c, $1.00, $1.50, $3 @0 $1.00, 81.50, $3.50, $500, $9,009 €igars, Cigfjretiee and Yobaecos 50c, 65¢, $1.00, 81.25 Alse Thark You and New Year's Greeting Carde. STEELR, Your Druggist Phene 30 OR a ta] Special for Christmas Week Ganong's Chocolates in Fancy Boxes of 11 2 and 3 lbs. Nice Lot ot Choeelales in S Ib boxes for $1.19 Christmas Mixtures, Creams, Je ly Suuares, etc. Brazil Walnut. Filberts and Peanu:s Crane's Stationery Compacts gnd Perfumes Fountaia Pens and Pencils Christmas Cakes, iced or plain Plum Pudding. half or | pound Spacia] laing Sugar and Cake Decoratiens : VEGETABLES--Iceberg Lettuce, Celery, Onions and Cabbage, FRUITS--Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, Bananas aad Appies. Ottawa Dairy Ice Cream--Speciil Christmas Bricks delivered at any hour on Chris'mas Day SWITZER'S Grocery and Iee Cream Parlor Phone 26 T8r Quality Goods and Prompt Delivery Service Christmas Weul/d not be compiele without Candy. We have a good assortment both Boxes amd Buik, al prices toswuit your Purse A full line of Groceries conslantl Im stock. Otlawa Dairy Butler Sunoco Cas and Oils HAMILTON'S Grocery and/ce Cream Parler Nest McArthur's Garage Pheme 837 Give usa calt A MISTAKE Made by maay is their peglect t Togair thebe buildings' The resilts are bad ;-- Animals are uacomjertable Feed is wasted : . Machinery is #0emopoiled Aad ultimate tepa're SC0 more skpousive A bears or plank hese snd there, or & glasels may be all that is required. Materiel prices eid now than thea hep Save boea for years. seed for cutting op 81 015.00 per o.. We often have. semuante of I | ohonyp. gro b: CRRERRRI oo. . ART 2 Gubarte 4 Seep enstigond 0 de § ode We have a quantity of ene and twe took Pre ERE

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