Russell Leader, 8 May 1930, p. 1

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THE ONLY MENS PAPER PUBLISHED La RUSESI 1. COUT en . pie i -------- ' I ------ Se I ei | se REDGY Mo. 8 RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSPAY MX¢ 8 1330 CE PAB ASR EER wm; maa ro - =n een a eth TE La TIE gr aaa a TIN RM RRS wn ~~ four Colum The Avon Pleyers, a dramatic eompauy, who come with geod recommendations, will present Shakespeash,s 'Macb:gh" asd the Triz! Scene from The Merchant of Vaiize, in MacEwen and Stephen. senn's Hal, Russell, to--..errow iday) evening. under thé aus- sf Russell C. S. Thosewho are ingsrasten in the Shakesperian £272 2x shou d attend. Ses adv. an .nsxi€ Page. A: ey Loucks hasmeved inte the '. tombe gh heuse en 2nd. 'Avenue. Spring house cleaning is now in ever, and griend husband is gon! spicucus hy his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lembert and family fave remove! to Ott- awa, where Mr. Lambert has bees employed for some time. We with them sucbess. The Foetball season bas opened and the Russell team has eatered the Ottawa League. The masa- ger, Mr. H. A, Co-"'-!!, is arrang- ing the games for ti.c season. The team gave z good acount of them selves last year, and deserve yenr support. Wa bave moved inte 'our 'ew We, emises en Castor St., where we will be pleased 10 meet old and nsw eustomers. Mr. Trevor Armstrong, Whe lives a mile north ov Vars, having disposed or his farm, will sell his farm steck and implements by vublie auction, on Monday, May 12th. John W. James auetieneer The fine weather of the past fow days has encouraged the farmer and seeding is in full swing. The death oceurred at Prescot' or Thutsday of Mrs. Thos. Irving, wifz of Mr. Irving, the one-time augtieneer. The seeds and plants frem the Herticultural Soeiety have arrivad and houreholdera are busy laying out their gardens. Mr. J. ©. Hamlliten has pit ia a gas pnmp and wi'l handle Super- id | est gas. Mr. Jehn Paul has purchased tke Arthur Skelp farm in Marth Russell. Mr. Bd. Wynn. aud son, of Kenmore, hane purchased the Albert Halrington cheese factory and started operations Monday. Mr. Gee. Binks returmsd on Tuesday lrem a visit te his sen in New York City. My. Wm. McArthur leaves 2o- day to spend the summer at St. €Catberines and the Niagara penin- sular We are teo busy with meving and arreerr of werk to ge eut it if you will call and see us as we need the meney. Mr. Jas. Eastmsa has agaim returned te the village. wh. re he will residein future. We are glad te have him back, buf sorry tha kis health is the cause of bia re- tura. Se { Shirley Rombough aad Raoul Blais, two 12 year old beys, land- ed a 12 pound fish on Siturday last. Opinions differ as te wheth- er it was a pike or a small luage, but it was a fime fish anyway. Me. Clifford Fetterly, of Smith's Palls spert 2 couple of days wita his father, Mr. Martin Petterly. Den't torget the dsacs on Sat- urday might. Don jehmstez ang hi: erechestra fusmish the music. Come and frelie a bit. ------. -- EA ol. §S Baby Chicks Owing te inquiries im previous ygearswe haveprepa r ed to hatch and asll Baby Chicks From Our Trepmested Stock of High Producing Single Comb Whibe Leghoras Ne sgge but these from our own flock will be set, 29 you are assured of the best thet meney can buy. Our Contést Pan, sn the Oataric Costest, Ottawa, collecting, eo we will appresiate' iniskiad ninth out of 60;pens emfered, with sesond high hen for nambes of epgs, and sisd with thisd high hea fer peimts. Ous'imculiating eapasity being Hmited, we would ask that you order easly, A Ten per cent deposit is requised with ordes, PRICED RIGMT--$26.00 per 100 €hicks Den't miss this Oppertunity SUNSHINE POULTRY YARDS L.A, Kerringten &aussell, Ontario @cder at once! APKil REPORT FELTON SCHOOL MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS DeneldiHay.... .... . .. 7.2 x Katie Cummiasy ...... ..42 fil MacWade......=>...... .. 6g.7 Gordol Arbuthrior See... D4 Jokn Hitsmam.:. ... .. . Lenid8T Sri 11 @eorgin? Martel, SUES, 77 Charlie Mactel.. ,........... 76 Hugh Cammming.. ........... 64 Daltem MeLaren.............. 62 Grace &raham... ....... Bl. .60 In. in G ra: t Cumming, Kenneth Arcoad. Rey Shepherd... ............ 56 Sgresn deets ate being put on gnd sterm windews put in the attic. The fine days are turniag our theughts te simmer "Mr. Hogarth's vale of Berses en Tuesday was quite emecessfnl, 14 of thmm gelling at {alr prisge. Mr. and Mm, Haldane Durant, ascompanied by Wirs. bf. B, Ford, a'l of Chesterville, were Suaday guste of Mo. and Mrs, j. C. Hamilton. Mrs. Ford is remaibed for a oeupl of weeks. Aa old time dante will be Reid at ¢Reheme of Mr. {arold @zakam 9th, Con. Bsgoeds, tke jas White side farm, 6a Wednesday, May 14, Coed muapic and Jt wenn Admissler 75 safts FURNITURE POR CARB 6 Disbeg Rec: Wales: Ghaibs T Walnut Luffet tp mated; new © Class 1V Douglas Cumwing.......... 70.5 Geerga Sheghard. . .... ... 67.1 Cecil Hitsman J... ... ... .(c 2] Lillian Wade... .. CaS TEE 61.¢: Mabel Have. ooo viv... J 60.7 Grage Arbuthnot, ......... 50.1 Dorethy Marquis... ..... 547 Jennie MegLaren . ....... 5-5 Rodelph Bodowin ........... 50 Class i Stephen @raham.__......... 78.6 Ceril Latour... .......... 7 'Margaret Mclaren. ........... 71 Glenn Cummirg.. .......... 64.4 Adeler Martel. ........ Ee 62.8 Garland Hiteman. .. ....... 60.2 : PRIMER Acthur Faubeot. ............. 90 Lorre Wade.................. 88 Ray Arcand... i........... 86 Ormoud Sabourin. ........ ..83 George Hitama For veins: 8p. Jehat VP aren TE ESE Arehie Graham... ......... t.. 75% Eugene Faubert.............. 73 Oscar Sabeurin............. B70 Grace Pasvis. ................ &5 Elizabeth Fausbert..........:.62 Mabel Saueurin. ......o...... 60) Perfees Attendance............ x Mary €. Bercksted------TFcacher Rsmembed Mother on Zhe" Day of Days with a ..ceting Card, 10. 15 and 25 cents Te accomPany this card send a box of Fresh cilson's Crocoiates $1.00. $1.50 and $2 O00 a bOx We clso carry Evergday Greeting Cards, Birtn- day Cards, >ymyalhy Cards. Birth ZAnnounceriaeats, Congratulations, Wedding Anniversary {| Looal Views, Come and Inspect eur stock STEELE, Your Drucgist Phone 30 The Store With the Bis 3 uc: Gent's "urnishing; Men's Fine Skirts Co'ler attach=d anc 1,50 to 4.50 each. A pice assorimenl of Mon,s Ties. 75 te | 5C eaefl The New Sport Bow tie at 50 c. each A new shipment of Men's unlined Gloves /iist i» Men's Silk Underwear Combinations at 1.50 sui, Qlher lipes underwear from 95¢, to1.5C a suit, Men's Famcy Socks fer summer 39¢ to 1.00 pr. Under Braces tor hot weather 50c¢ LeatherBelts 75¢c to 1.45 each New Felt Hats. Grey and Brown 2.98 to 4.50ea¢ch Men's Oxfords 3.50 to 6.50 peir. M ns Canvas Shees 1.25 &o 1.75 palr Be si sare andisee our sicckot clothing before buy Fe 4 "pg yowr mew spring suit or top coat, SPECIALS TOI GATUZSAYCIAK 4s Groceries Royal Purple Garden Seeds 6 pkgs for 95cts Sugar Krisp €orn Flakes 5 pigs for 22¢ts Pot Barisyg > 1bs for 17> Split Peas 3 Ibsfor 25c¢ Rice 3 1bs for 2Ic Crosse and Blackwells Tomato Catsup 29c¢ bottle Lemon Pie Filling 2 tims for 29¢ Pure Homey 5 ib pail for 49c each Orange Pedoe Black Tea 55¢ per 1h Premfee Sa!ad bressing reg 75 fos c Quick Napili. Soap Flakes P pigs roy 20 Sunlight Soap 3 bars fer icc LUry Geod: Prinsed Velles rec. 55¢ far 5%: Ladies Mercerizcu (inish Celtics data. kod 4] y 168 Ife Cotton Thread. 3 Speesis 2} cent 10 per een' off ali Ledles Drag: Seeds end Scav OF i We still have a small quantity © vers Seed Timethy and Alsike Mixed Secd ox 4. us seec and Seed Corn ft the fo.lowimg variztses Lorzfil ow, Compten's Es ad "4 Danets. Pride oi Nisha, Parly Bailey, Wisc 7. White Cap, Southern weet, Improved | ising. Belden Glow. Letus hevBywur order while ovr oatoek is exmplete desis, Plane, Bolid Ot Din'ag Room Brieasjon Ta" e All priced res enable. Apply al | K. K. Biwa's Sie, We have Marquis Sed Whea: aad C A.C: Ne. 21 Chick Feeders Seed Barley Galvanised Chick Peeders for Dry Mash g - 12 inches loag, 16 holes, at 88 cents eath 1 24 inches leng, 34 holes atl BO centieach | Dyinking Fountains 75 cents each MeArtbu- Warner Limited Russedl Ont, a s&s a A

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