Russell Leader, 31 Oct 1929, p. 5

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i x + Store with AE BIG STOCK "mater Overceats Men's Navy Blue Ovcrcoats at $16,90, 19.60 24.90 and 27.50 Men's heavy Overcoals in fancy patterns priced from $18.50 fo 26.00 Boy's Navy Birre overcoats $11.50 to 16.50 Be suvrejand see oi r stock offcoals before buy- Ing. NEW FELT HATS Mens feit hats for fall and winter wear in Light grey, Pear: and dark grey, aiso Sand and brows ip snap and welled brim prices $3.00 to 4.50 Mens Fall Caps $150 £09.95 Get our p. Je. ou cressed Foultry for Thanksgiv- ing. APPLES APPLES Let us have yovr oider for gour Winter Apples: -- Hussels, Talman Sweels, Peewaukie, Seelis: Spies, elc. Speciale for Saturday, Nov. 8nd Jam rFitied Biscaits 21bs 22c Boys Heavy Ribbed Goif Hose, reg, 59c for 35c Children's Wool Cashmere Hose in brown, reg. 30c¢ for 53c, 70c for 49c, 82c for 59c. 90c for 65c¢ . Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 22c. rlagic Baking Powder, 1 I'tin 36¢ 2 [bs Rice and | can Peas £5c : 1 1b Buik Cocoa and can Pork and Beans 25c¢ 2 Ibs Seediess Raisins an I1b Sode Biscuits 39c 1 40 oz jar Smith's Marmeiade and 1 Ib Japan Green Tea for 74c M Arthur-Warner art Get orr priceson Dressed Poultry, We buy every Wednesc ap PHONE 13) a Lit JOHN F. GIBSON ¢ SHOPS AT WINCHESTER ONT. Telephone 75 P. Q. Box 395 Manufacturer and importer of Marble and granite Monuments Cemetery feices Uopings ate Seotch Gramies a, specialty DR. G. R. BOOTH - B.V.S. C ° * Veterinarian Graduate 'Toronto University OFFICE --- FLYNN BLOCK Russell Ont, ARTHUR - FLYNN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyaneer Etc. Russell Offise open on Wednesdays in the Flynn Block, Btfoadway, Money to loan on easy terms on Farm Property RUSSELL -- -_---- --ONT The Brown Lantern Inn" For Tourists On Provincial Highway MORRISBURG TOWHNSH!P OF OSGOODE By-Law No. 16. 1929 A BY-T.AW to raise $50,000f te aid in the cansttaction of tile, stone or timber drairc, The Council of the Municipality of the Tow~<h'p ~f Nsgnade nur. suant to the nrevisiors of the Tile Drainage Act. anapts as follows mm 1. That the Rerve mav from time te'time, eirhiact te tha nraviciang of thly Rv-Taw, harrow 0 tha credit of the cornoration of the said Munrcigality euch, enme net exceeding in the wholn 50.001, ag mav be determined bv the Council and mav in manner kereirafter nrovided, iceue dehentiires of the said eornaration 1m cach cums ag th> Council mav deem nraper for the amount ca horrowed. with cea- pens attached ac nrovided in section 5 of the arid Act 2 That when the Counc! chall ba of opininn that the application of anv persoR to borrow monev ior the | purnese of conctructing a tile stone or timber drain should he orantsd in whole er in part, the Council mav, byresolution, direct theReecve to issue debentures as aforesa'd; and to borrow a sum Pot exceeding (tht amourt anplied fer. and may lend the same te the annlicant oR the completisan of the drainage I | wark, 13 A anecial annual rate shail be imposed, levied and collected over RATES REASONABLE THE MISSES BROWN PANA Lleyd and Edna Merrow spent Monday in the eity. Mrs. A. Rodney, Edwards, spent the week-end with her mother' Mrs. George James. | BORN--On Menday, Oct. 28 to Mr. and M3s, Earl Stan- ley, a daughter. Herbert James apent Men- day in Winchester Chicken thieves are report- ed to be busy in this vicinity again. : James Wilson, Who has been confined to his bed fer the past year, went to the Civic Hespital fer special t-eat-! ment. Mrs. armest Hamilton was in the city on Monday. Springhill Factcly No. 2 has elosed fer tha seszson. Comfortable Rooms And Bat} an? ahnse all ether rates unon the t1and in respect of which the said money shall beborrawed, suffieient for the payment of the vrincipal and interest as provided by the Act. Pacced the 14th, day of October, 2929, J. H, Nixon Reeve R. A. F. Blair Clerk ( Corporate Seal ) NOTICE Municipality of the Township of Osgoode. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a by-law passed by the Municipal Ceuncil of the Town- ship of @sgeede on the 14th. day of October 1929, ard all persons are required te take metice that anv one who desires te apply io have such by law or any part there- ef quashed must serve notice of birapplicatien upen the Head or Clerk of this municipality withig twenty days after the date of the 'ast publieatien of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontasie Within one month aftlr the said date. This metice was first pub- lished ea the 17th, day of Octebe (1929 and the last publicatien will be on the 31st; day or Oatober, 2929.1 R. A. F. Blair Clerk Herbs That Heal When 'Lungs and Breachial Tubes Seem all on Fire wh 4; Ss "cra As ---- pe Lipp

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