Russell Leader, 31 Oct 1929, p. 3

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Does rheumatism hinder your work Wie working in a quarry as a driller," was seized with rheuma- tism in the left shoulder. |! I followed treatments for some time without relief. I had heard so much con- matism. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your diug- gist's or any dealer in medi- cine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Wil- PER BOY PINK PILLS "'A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN B4 COUNTRIES' Waxwork Secrets New Wonders of Great-Grand- son of Madame Tussaud gz a Dogar. of H--%h When the school bells rang in On- tario on September 3rd thousands of small boys and girls started on the greatest adventure of childhood -- Going to school, c= s Every Starter a Healthy Scholar Upon the health of the child as he enters school depends, to a large ex- tent, ais success or failure as a scholar. Everything that is done from the time a child is born to not cnly are likely to miss school often, hut they can 10t do the best work when they are in schoot It takes a strong, vigorous child to get the most out of schoul life, diphtheria is disease -which| is particularly dangerous in childhood. There are very few deaths frcm this disease araong grown-ups; it takes its greatest toll from among young diphtheria, for the reason that science has perfected a preveutive which fis supplied free of charge to physicians for the use of all children within the province. Toxoid is the name of this preventive; is given in three doses three weeks apart injected into the skin of the forearm. Mothers and fathers would be will ing to risk their lives to save a baby even if it meant pulling him from the railway track in face of an approach- ing train or dashing in front of a rac- ing motor car. Yet the danger of diphtheria is an ever-present one for the unprotected child from one to ten years of age. Toxoid is a provzan protection against this danger of childhood; it is insurance for the child and the parent--and is supplied i free by the Department of Health of ' Ontario. *, ge London.--The famous Madame Tus- Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment. saud"s has heen modernized in sur- prising fashicn. 7 Ta old visitors the greatest surprise fs to be able to step across the new Pre ud's restaurant to see and hear Be thifiz in talkies, °° Mr. John T. Tussaud, the great- grandson of the original Madame, is now the presiding genius. He still i i i i Its t b- | holds family secrets in the making of for his Yost dis empl labors, Ds with the results to be o IN NOSTRILS 5100 EAR OIL waxwork portrait figures about which ¢ Xo 8 are ios i a Success. i Ha Fox Descriptive folder on request. the world wonders. Madame Tus. ul 'conclusion io his investigations. TN TELL GENE 7 NARD, Inc. saud"s has been entirely rebuilt and modernized since the fire in March, 1925. ° x Sir W. Beach Thomas in the 'Boston Atlantic Monthly: hunting and other "blood sports' have been denounceac by humanitarians). So far as we, with our limited imagina- tion, can see, the sport of hunting plays -- for the moment -- an almost necessary part in the world's econ- omy. The most professional of killers 1s known technically on British sport- ing estates as "keeper." It sounds a satiric title; but it remains that the of wild animals that roam the greatest hunting ground in the world--in Ken- ya, Tanganyika , and East Africa-- would have been clean wiped out but for sportsmen. They were the people she can do much to'lessen the sever- ity of these troubles. The mother should he constantly on her guard to prevent childhood ailments, or if they come on suddenly, as they usually do, found Baby's Own Tablets the ideal remedy for little ones--thousands of mothers always ikeep the 'Tablets in the house as a safeguard against the sudden illness of their little ones. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach and thus banish constipation 'and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make the cutting of teeth easy. The | Tablets are absolutely guaranteed free from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with per- fect safety. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25¢ a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 0 Pe Science and Industry Johannesburg Sunday Times: It would be well for Johannesburg-- which is inclined to place material prosperity to the forefront of worship- ful images--tn dwell with some humil- ity on the debt which industry (in- cluding gold-mining), in common with many other fields of human endeavor, already owes "td pure and applied science. Your genuine scientist is a real servant of the public, seeking, more often than not, no other reward Were such men recompensed on a scale commensurate with their ser- vice and ability they would indeed be rich. But few of them have great possessions, and they are content to (Since the War fox |: TR iy gy 3 (= De ES SBC LC 30 peopl EU with the same care--as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package. 63 RED TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra a good greatest improvements in the appear- ance of their dwellings and their surroundings during the past sum- mer season. It is unfcrtunate but none the less tion they might to the appearance of their houses the creation of lawns, the planting of trees ,shrubs and flowers around them--above all, to the painting or even whitewashing of houses, barns or outbuildings. Far too often the Canadian farmhouse and its immediate surroundings con- stitute an eyesore rather than an at- tractive feature of the rural lands- cape, : Qur American neighbors as a rule set us an example in this respect that we might well follow. To-day, at least in the older pertions of their country, farm houses are neat, clean, attractive, with well-kept lawns, bright flowers, healthy and well-plac- ed trees, The motorist who crosses the border can, too commonly, tell that he has done so if by nothing else than the change from the trim, pro- .gressive-looking. country-homes south of the line to the down-at-heel, shab- by and generally neglected appearance EINE STEAM BOILER, 150 H.P, very cheap. apply Watkins. Room 421 173 Adelaide Street West Toronto. The Exception But sweet is his cup Who has money saved up So he can enjoy a vacation. The candidate was confident of "get- ting in." He had personally canvass- ed from door to door the whole con- stituency, and the promises assured him Jhat the seac was his. When the poll was declared, he found himself at the bottom of the poll. The usual after result speechzs from camdidates were called for, and the only sentence he said was. "I am glad that I am not to represent such a lot of d----d liars as you." At the next election he was cop of the poll. of large numbers of Canadian farm houses. It wculd Le a fine thing if the ex- periment that has just been conclud- ed so successfully around St. Johns would attract wide attention and imit- ation. The cost and the labor in- We lie in the lap of immense intel ligence, which makes us organs of its activity and receivers of its truth. volved would be very slight in com-|. : Fragrant, Aniseptié clngngodtemiing RUB IN BACK OF EARS ~ INSERT / 70 Fifth Ave., New York City . lop in him a strong, sound body * writes Mr. John J. Hogan deve : Trem of South Soha J, Hogan Is a contribution to his school suc [SPortsmen are everywhere the leaders ~ ? 8 cess. Malnourished, siciwv children [Of Prservation. Those immense herds liams Medicine Co., Brock. children. [n Ontario to-day there is ; : ' Most of us must grind ville, Ont. no excuse for any child starting Haye Js [ears i hang to r Sieve true hat very many country dwellers Each day just to find ) 5.36 school without protection| against em. ou § of mothers have in Canada have never paid the atten- The money for alimentation < cerning Dr. Williams?' Parents who have children enter-|who cared. It is the commercial mind, -- Pink Pills that I decided ing school tor the .rst lime this fall {not the sporting, that is reckless and {| ¢¢ Classified Advertisements to give them a trial. They { | owe it to their children to have every-jcapable of a policy of extermination. Sprucing Up" rE . : . | possible handicap removed, every de- ee dt i : vere certainly the medi i | fect remedied which medical and den. | 5 . The Farm House HOICES1 ANGORAS, CHINCHIL- cine that I needed for it |: : ; ANG TH X N LAS. Sables, $5.00 each. . Glen Allyn was not Ions before I was tal science can correct. This com: A 1 2 I] MN TO hi {l] HERS Po As. Sabi Catharines Ore ng belo men-sense idea of sticting school Awards have been announced in a as 'well as ever. Now I without a bandicap on the health| Clemens ny 2 "5 little contest held among some farm- CAH FOR YOUR TI ROPERTY, PARM,: take them every Spring as score is fast becoming very populac| Watch +7 - 10 i «i Your Li'tle |ers around St. Johns, N.B., which might Sf Susiness, Oe ilence, Do matter ' a tonic." in Ontario and hundreds of children Ones at All Times well be extended all through the pational Realty Co., 643 Pelissier. Wind- This is one of hundreds of are now entering school with health country. Prizes were given for dis-|So% 90 cases in which these blood- 100% erfect. No mother can expect thai her child | ¢1ipbytion among farmers whose prop- WO STEAM PUMPS, IN PERFECT enriching pills have proved Protection Which Means Much will escape all the ills to which baby-| ortjes fronted on two provincial high- Aone, Lara A et aris effective in eradicating rheu- hood and childhood' are subject, but | wavs to go to the men who made the - The Sphinx and the Nile spend their lives, and sometimes to py 3 London Observe: (Ind.): The A.glo- sacrifice them, in the cause of human ¥ Egyptian agreement awaits the judg-| Old Timer: That chap hasn't got Drogress and enlightenment. Edge-Holding ment of the and Egypt. The treaty which it con- templates is contingent on their ap- proval. But more is at issue than the relations between two States whose destinies history and geography have linked together. The new proposals must needs react upon the situation in India. They are of intimate con- cern to the Dominions. directly upon the moral prestige of Britain throughout the world. LUXO i i Parliaments of Britain | all his buttons. Up-to-Dater: (radio fan): You mean he hasn't got all his tubes. 2, 3 CIRCUMSTANCES Man was meant to be not the slave, but the master, of circumstances; and n proportion as he recovers his They bear humanity, in proportion as he gets back the spirit of manliness, which is self-sacrifice, affection, loyalty to an dea beyond himself a God above him- self, so far will he rise above circum- stances.--Kingsley. s. -- The old gentleman's namc was Page *, of HAVING THE LAST WORD An epitaph has given many a hen- pecked husband the opportunity of having the last word, and some of them have made the most cf it No conventional respect for the dead stopped the man who had this apitaph carved on his wife's tomb: -- "Here lies my wife, poor Molly; let her lie. She finds repose at last, and so do 1." It was a Ccrnish husband who found it in his heart to inscribe upon a tombstone: "My wife is dead" and here she lies, No man laughs, and no man cries, Where's gone, or how she fares, Fast Easy-Cutting SIMONDS R SAWS Guaranteed becausemade from our own steel SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD, MONTREAL . VANCOUVER, ST.JOHN,N.B.. TORONTO A Af V13-29 h (0) 01 00a year Sater. ASTORIA FOR QUICK, HARMLESS COMFORT Children Cry for It TOR CONSTIPATION, DIARRHEA, FEVERISHNESS --F Boils Dry up boils with Minard's. Its antiseptic qualities kill the poison and draw out inflammation. MINARD'S ¢ & o& AD --by qualifying as Agent Telegrapher. Course approved by the railways. We secure positions, Write for Free Folder TODAY. Day or Mail courses. Dominion School Telegraphy Ltd. Dept. W.L. 2 Toronto and he received the followng unex- pected epgrammatic reply which cha- grined him so much that he left the neighborhood : Nobody knows, and nobcdy cares." Here is another: "Beneath this stone a lump of clay' Lies Arabella Young Who on the twenty-fourth of May Began to hold her tcngue." WASTE NOT TIME An Italian philosopher expressed, in his motto, that time was his estate; an estate, indeed, that will produce nothing without cultivation, but will always abundantly repay the labors of industry, if no part of it be suffered. to lie waste by negligence, to be over- || ment. Good reason for selling. 00 run by noxious plants.--Dr. Johnson. Apply Box 8, Wo WILSON PUBLISHING CO. LTD. Minard's Liniment--Used for 50 years || 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto ~~ There's Hope Yet Boston Transcript. Andre Siegfried, | J yi + 73 author of "America Comes of Age," laments that the United States has no You will never use crude methods leisure class, which, he says, it must before it can have a cultured FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber--He Knows LINiMENT DADDY CAN NOW © EAT ANYTHING 3 FOR SALE colin 1 4 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER He dearly loved a rich tit-bit. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. § Whenever he ate anything rich, his boys SR used to say, * Poor dad, he will pay the $ penalty to-morrow." Read the sequel at in his own words :-- "Since taking the regular dose of Kruschen Salts it is quite different, and my boys enjoy themselves seeing me eat what I dare not touch before. My eldest son was the same, but since he has taken Kruschen Salts he can eat and enjoy whatever is put in front of him. "» { Modern artificial conditions, errors of diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and so on, are bound to have injurious 'effects in the long run providing due precaution is not taken. - 445 St. F. Xavier, Montreal Kruschen Salts should be Your safe- guard. Besides cleansing the 'body of - impurities gently, surely and painlessly, they possess a vital power of giving new N | S life and vitality to the countless ions List of "Wanted Inventions" of cells of which eve bod y is composed. 2nd pull Information Sent Free mpat js why I never hesitate THE RAMSAY CO., Dept. W. | to recommend Kruschen Salts. 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. Well equipped for publishing and printing, doing .good business. Must have substantial down pay- ~» Women Earn up to to $30 weekly, sewing, spare time, House Frocks Home, plain easy sewing, experience un- _ necessary, materials ready cut, instructions furnished. Dress Specialty Co. DeptE Many people, two hours after eating, 'suffer indigestion as they call it. It is! when you know this better method. 'have usually excess aid, Correct it with an: And you will never suffer from excess class. Speaking only for Boston, we alkali. The best way, the quick, harm: |acid when you prove out this easy re fear that Dr. Siegfried never has less and efficient way, is Phillips' Milk | lief. Please do that--for your own strolled over Boston Common. of Magnesia. It has remained for 60 | sake--now. i af iyears the standard with physicians.| Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' "Your wife does so deniiid me of One spoonful in water neutralizes | Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi: my elder sister." "She reminds me many times its volume in stomach {cians for 50 years in correting excess a great deal of her first husband." acids, and at once. The symptoms acids. Each bottle contains full direc- disappear in five minutes. tions--any drugstore, | ISSUE No. 38--'29 AY 5 at Ao DB th BAA it A Mei, A000, eB Po ii Ea] ee es SH i 3. -- ------ - a ------------ ------ -- ha _-- -- . a ------ a ll ---- At > a A

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