Russell Leader, 31 Oct 1929, p. 1

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THE ON Y NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSOAY ocT 31, 1929 , tr me re § 450 A TEAR IN ADVANCE Dr. MANSON CRAIG ~ four Column J ta At the elections held yesterday Mr. Z. A.Seguin, Conservative candidate, was returned by about 200 majority; the first-inover 40 vears, The Ferguson Govern ment was retnrned with 85 seats out of 112 The Ladies' Guild oi Ss. Mary Anglica Church, Russell, will hold their annual Bazaar and Supper on Tuesday, Dccember ord. from 3 te 8.30 in the Forsaterz Hall Admission 35 and 25 Messrs, S. B. Lat: of Edwards, are disp Ligh class herd of I on Wedneeday, Nov. (:n are 50 eattiete be disou all are fully accraditoe thvm are registered. « particu'ars. J. W. eer. james & Born--At the Providence 1 al at Detroit, Mich., en Oct, 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Summers (formerly Marguerite Miller, of Russell), a son, (Gerald Walter). Both weil, © On Saturday afternoon, Nov. 9, a Mission Band Ru.y will be held in the United Churcn Hall. particulars next week. The pulpit of thd United Church will be eecupicd next Sunday by Rev. the Ynited Chuich of Canada. Mz Mervin Good, of Lot 33, Con. 11, Osgoode, will sell alot of good farmi steck om Thursday' Nov. 7 at 1 o'cleck. J. W. James auctioneer. Mr. Albert Hill, whe lives one mile north of Vars schoe}, will sell The Robt. Laird, the treasurer of pT r pa di On Thursday evening last Dr. Manson Graig, yeunge®t son of the late Hector Craig, of Keaniore, | passed" away at the homestead after ad iliness of 17 years. Hh had been an exceptionally bright student, and at Kemptville High Scheol and the University had always passed his exrms with LOUK oe Alter graduation he started to pracsice aud kept on with srugy laiending but tue SUA PIuved ow greet and he was | dElack: .. ch nervous troubleaud 5 lis pra@dice reiurnn ie. tle pever recov- {0 ap€llailis, sy el Jdtered greatly, death it Feiease. «iii took place Saturday ls late residence ace being conducted by H. Woodside, interment + mhde in the family plot at sringhul. He leaves to monrn, four brother Ale , at the homestead, Arthur C., barrister of Uttawa, and.James and vanie! of the West, and one sister, Mrs. Allan Stevenson, of Russell, Much spmpathy is eXtendsd to the bereaved. ALBERT HARRINGTON On Friday last death came to Mr. Albert Harrington, ene of 'the most highly respected citizens of tals district, ac ed residence ot his wo iaiRign torfow. Deceased, about twe years ago suffered from liver trouble, which necessitatee an operation. For a time he seemed to have regained his health, but about four month ago the trouble retunned and an ather operotion was perfer ed bnt he did notrecover and grew weake, ous tes, his stock and implements by pubs, ,1tii the end. lic auction en Tuesday, Noa, 5th. John. W. James auctioneer. On Tesday morning the barns ef Mr. Wm. Littie, the seassn's crop, were burned to the ground. Ne cause can be assignied for the jire cartaining We are pleased to centrodict the report that the house of Mr Alex Little, of Keamore, Was de stroyed by fire. The fire caught in the roof of the shed but was put out before serious damage damage BA very interesdis, wos dong « .(iTess OR Missionary Work Was lisiened to by the ladies of Si. Andrew's Presbyterian Church or Saturday evening. Lhe si: <r Was Miss © A. Lament, Fieid iatary. A] braneh « the WO 5, Was or ganized with the 'viewing offi cers-- Presidesi- vii. 1)unean Vice Presidecis-- Mrs Alfred Morrow and Mrs Wm Little Secretary--Mzes Fetterfey Tidings Secretary -- Mrs. N. Marcellus Organist--Mrs A Morrfgw The firs¢ meeting of the So ciety to be held at the home of the President on Mov, 10. The ladiss of the congregation ase lavited He was ome of the kindliest of men and duriag his working life of about 35 years he had made cheese anc never had any treuble in his factories. A goed citizen, he could alweys be coanted on to give of his time and means to any good cause and as a friend he was always ready with the helping hand. He never married and made his home with his brother Pavid. The funeral was held on Svnday afoernoon,service being conducted at the house by Rev. A. P Menzies assisted by Rev. Nlmmo. Inter ment was made in North Russell cemetery, and over a hundred cars attended, showing the esteem in which he was held. The deceased was tendered the last rites of the Orange ®rder, of whieh he was a iife long member. He leaves to mourn seven broth ers, Norman, of Washington, D. C., Henry, of @sgoode, David, James, John, Andrew and Thomas of Russell, and ene sister, Mrs. Hugh Morrow. The sympaty of all is extended to the bereaved. We regret to report the death of Mrs. Hugh Ctmmlag: one of the eldest and most respleted citizens of this district. The ftqeral is being held this afternoon. Fuller particulars Wii bo given later! 'Lola ef Ottawv. ARTHUR CAR! SCADDEN ----m On Friday nigh¢ there passed to oy r osst' Ss Acetophen his reward a mos a respecte resident of this sect i n, Mr. Arthur Cadscadden. A few yCars figo he eontracted anaemia, which i became por- nidious. and his health te iolly failed. : ¥ About 18 oath ago ! was taken to the hospital frr reat= ment and at lastreports v a :oing well. but ;pnenmonia ser i: about two weeks ago and he prsscd away Deceased was a life-'ong reside. t of this distr'ct and wae a quiet unassuming cit zen, Who minded iis own business and was a good worker tntil his illness. He married while a young man, \ise Morris, whe predeceased him about 15 years ago. To this union the Or:| tario Hospital, in ge perscn there was bora asen, and daugdter Clifton, of Syracuse, snd Miss Besides these he leaves to mourn one brether, Harry, of Russeil, and two sisters Mrs. Robt) MeKeowu, Osgoode, and Mrs. Wills Fulton, Ottawa. The remains Were brought to his brether's home on Sunday,and the funeral was held Monayafter. noon at}St. Mary's chuach Where service was conducted by Rev. F. Weegar, after which interment was madein the Anglican cemetery The sympathy'of a host of friends is extended te the bereaved. 'IN MEMORIAM QUAILE--In toving™ memory of ourdear Mother. Mrs: Wm. Quaile who depatted this life, ya 3l1st., 1927. Just two years ago oof left us. How we miss her loving face, But she left ue to remember None on earth can take herplace. The Family Mrs. G. R. Beoth, A. L. C. M., A. T. C M., teacher of Piano, limited number of pupils. m----. GOOD FARM FOR SALE Lot 9. Con. 4, Township of Russell, 140 acres, more or less, with the best of buildings, geod water, well fenced, and in a good tate of culivation. Situated with in two miles of Ruesell, and tbere fore convenient to steres, school, milk plant nd churehes. Will be sold with or witheut stock and implements. Teams can be arran ged. No reasonable of fer refused Apply to Hermon Fetteely Russell, Oat. IC CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. A. Little aac family wish to tlicnk helped te save their home from being destseyed by fire ea Oct. 17. The Sistess and Brothers of the late Albert Harwvingten wish te ex tend to their friends and seighbers their deep appreciation and thanks for the sympathy and Lindaces) extended to them duriog his Mines andia their reat bessavement. be Comp. No, 217 For Colds in the Head For Neuralgia For Headachs For Toethache For Lumbago At this seson of year you should keep a bettle in the he h ouse g; In Tubes, of 12 tablets--35 Cents KF 4 .. In bottles ef 100 Tablets--81 50 ~~ STEELE, = Your Druggist Phone 30 Is Open from? a.m. Our Garage « 1p. m, Bring pour car lo us for service, Work guaranteed and prices satisfactery. We bave én band at all times, Batterles: Tires, Tubes, Parts a5d Hccessories D. A. McARTHUR Phene 70 Pickling Season And we carry in stock everything need fal to assist gou in the Pickling such as pickling Spices, Tumeric Rowder, XXX Vin: 5 Voice and Theory, Will accept a| Ciaer Vinegar, Parowax, Certo, Sealers, Se aler Rings, and all other requisites for the Logg "of Pickles, Jellies, elc. Our stock Is fresh and o! best qmalitg. K. R. BURNS these who a dug giativiaetia, Mr, Customer Are your stables cold and draughty °? [ Are they dark and gloemy ? Wi : & EZA fewlboards here and there by way of repairs, or an extra wamdcw or two: will transferm them and pay in dividends as welp Why not enjoy ccmfott while you're young? Say yoitBwi, Lutaber and] Winds we. paieeli ol TI Kemmere 7 ~+ 3 D, CRRKNER '8 GQ, FI Wary B A Bo Outarte Fr Ce LE Ba P, 5:--\We m¢a a qilinigikf 2 teh Bim and Hamlgeh remnants 16 odoing Bae abi ue AMF PRIGE.

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