Russell Leader, 19 Sep 1929, p. 8

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a ad SET, 4 > 2 i oF 4 Lh bn, Stn _ ¥ £ A : : TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES UNITED COUNTIES OFFPRESCOTT AND RUSSELL: TO WIT: -- ¥ By virtue of a warrant under the hand of the Warden and the Seal of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, bearing date the 27th day of July, A.D. 1929, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter des- cribed for the arrears of taxes together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, Chapter 238, R.S.0. 1927 Section 145, 1 will on Tuesday, the - 19th day of November, A.D. 1929, at the hour of One|. o'clock P.M. at the Court House, in the Village of L'Orignal, in the County of Prescott, one of the said United Counties, proceed to sell by Public Auction as much of the said lands as are in the said United Counties, or so much thereof as may be Hsiessary to discakrage the Arrears of Taxes and the charges thereon unless such Arrears and charges shall have been sooner id. = The following dexcribed lands are all patented. TOWNSHIP OFfALFRED Nos. Names : Part ofiLot | Lot7| Con. | Acres| Taxes | Expns. Total 1 | Emery Larocque.....<..... WY ae ee 10 7 49 | 66.04 4.77 70.81 Si Mrs: A Hagar........c..0.. Blot a. ar, 12 9 75 19.13 3.60 22.73 StH. M Digna... ooo. ElSac. of E3bac tn cy. 8 11 18 37.46 4.06 41.52 4 | Molloy's Estate........ Ti nt Ng of Sg. 5 vn oo 13 11 50 | 270.73 9.89 280.62 5! Mrs. A Hagar................ Wl Se gies 3 12 100 50.68 4.39 55.07 Bi MolllysEstate................ ......... 0... vane ae, 6 if 200 | 450.53 14.39 464.92 TOWNSHIP OF CALEDONIA} %. | Adolphe Seguin..'.............. SEM. oar en A 43 3 50 | 184.98 7.74 102.72 5 H, M Dignam. ...... ..<.. Soy ¥ be of EM... oo aaa i 24 4 50 16.27 3.53 19.80 - TE gmat iE Oa Nig arr taa 16 4 100 | 245.61 9.26 254.87 ; {3 Pang Na =e 10 do Lilli Nig Joe 18 4) 100) 237.33) 9.05 246. 4 even Cakliand's own » 0 eee ie EEE ae 22 29 .62 4.31 51.93 * : ® 12 d0 iii hie NW... ee 24 5| 50) 74.88) 4.99] 79.87 BP iy : 13_ID. L. Johnston's Estate. ........ PtNLs.. Asia a 18 5 50 11.33 3.40 14.73 opular ity records vy ! % TOWNSHIP, OF [PLANTAGENET : ; would be eclipsed 2 EM om enn Ee bd | a HE enthusiasm of the Oakland owner grows with 16 | Polidore Jolicoeur. «+ aueuen... NltotSs cv | 13 6 every mile he drives his car . . with every 17 | Mervin Beauvais.............. N23 i ea 17 7 month he owns it. 18 edo aan A NY conn {18 7% Le 50.08 4.60 | He learns what Oakland's 228 cu. inch six-cylinder 19 { Placide Scotts... vvveina ns SEY LS raion PF 12. 8 501150.101 6.87} 5. engine means in surplus power on hills, in breath. TOWNSHIP OF; SOUTH, PLANTAGENET king speed, in spistied acceleration . . how the : = : JM.R. cylinder head gives high-compression per. 20 | Geo. Harrigan. .......coevvi... Wine oo 12 wo] 2050) 3.5] 33.30 Tag : : gnrom] P 21 (Aled Bardean.. =~ NL Pe ee | 22| 13{ '662 15103] 7. 191.75] Jormaance, even with ordinary gasoline . . how the 25.1 Arthur McFall... o.oo .v.. Wile ooo ae 101 101 1001426.05}1 13.781 440.28 sae sd oii Beuiglices torsional vibration oie ow i fe ° TOWNSHIP, OF EAST HAWKESBURY wheel reals Rh ouerpanding foe n 23 | Andre Sabourin. .........:.... NECAE WB rc. avs I 1 4 1 fa71] 337) 808 learns the luxury, the ease and the Ai de 24 John Sproule Ca N E Pe. a 83 5 = 61 60 4.66 66.35 i ability of Body by Fisher rant Fraser... ............. S Pt, i 7 BZ 8. 3.37 12.25 { 1 f Bo Mera Bord. NWCnorGonl al ol "3 sem! wl ise 1; eversone knew what Oakland owners know . : BTL 2 yone would realize, as Oakland owners do, that : : : there is no other car in Oakland's price elass that 27 | Wilfrid Cusson.......... ..... Front Road Pt................ 8 PI | 18e7| 3.58] 22.08 ~ ffers so much in quality or in value. Before you 8 i ElieParisien........oivee ives Allred SE. N.S. PEW. GCG... 4 66.01 4.77 70.78 decide on a car . . come in and find out the reasons 291 Geo, Pharand, ........... osx King St. Fro&10......... YU 62.85 4.69 67.54 : for Oakland's undeniable superioriti 30 | Mrs, Ald. Dallaire. ............| Longueuil St. E. Pt............ 25 $$ | 152] 3353 2005] | ° Sdporiohine 5 Yous Despatis ERE cirvsees Longueuil ay ivan ees 3 i 83.23 5.20 88.43 3 Compa ; Alberta Bennett. ........évere alflaneS. Pe. ............ 3 23.78 3.71 27.49 , re : 83 | Peter Charbonneau.......... yr BHalklane N.S Peo... 0 0 Z 1 29.91 3.87 33.78 : P "a the Prices 84 | Mrs. Ald. Dallaire... .-... 5... Vege SP... oon] i | e103] 5.42] 97.35 hod Sedu - Flas All prices a factory, VILLAGE OF CASSELMAN : Go Lantus Soden 1,783 Government reser, bumper - = \ et - 1,690 and bumperetish 'exivd. B85 Goo Bertrand... sis oJ CopcessionSLE.PL of. {8d | |=6t.02] 4.721 fes.7a| | wpe - - + + 14B0 The 0 Beja TOWNSHIP OF CLARENCE Duan» lin Hdl WW a 86 | Aurelien Trepanier............. SWC... hh {13% Gp le paoor | 3.97] 13.44 OA-bées.25 Tia BT Jos Vilnenve, - alien NE oa I-A 1 1 8109 | 3.02| 35.91 | MSBUGT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF GANADA, LivrTED SN-------- 88 | Albert Edwards.............c.. N 34 | .31{10S 155-1 547.01 16.80 563.81 ic 2 Env oe oy 8 2 nh Maloun ee er ns LW. Cia iivenn 1 2 0 14 | 164.03 7.22 171.25 2; ws : Es : == illie Desjardins... .,........ | 87 | 194.94 7.99 | 202.93 ot F : : 41 | Onesisme Tessier. 0.0 lull x | or| 5) -50| 56:83] 4.54] 61.37 3 D. A. McARTHUR : dp eee 7 {uo 5! 50 79.88) 5.12 | 85.00 il - £1 Peelorl. 14 23 6{ 10017573 7.51 183.24! Cui Russell Ontario 44 | Hermas Lebrun. ..... 27 7| 50[229.35| 8.85! 23g 30! -- 45 | Harold Armstrong... 15 7 1 5.25 3.37 3.62 re = or 46 | H, M. Dignani. ©. 77% 9% 7 01 53.21 a.45 57.66 5 ' 47 | Mrs, Modeste Leduc. . . wt NE Serr bo 1 7| 60 66.62 4.79 | 71.41 : 48 | H, M. Dignan. .....eveernn... te EE 8 8 50 ( 56.79 4.54 61.23 | 40 | Aldege Montsion. . 15 8) 75|141.52| 6.66) 148.18 80 | Louis Gagnier...".." 27 8 50} 12.11 3.42 15.53 ; 81: Henri St. Jacques... ovens. J 14 25 91 100| 79.26 5.10 84.36 - 5% { Ferdinand Houle... .......... 1 10 Y 6.99 3.37 10.36 53 | Amedee Payant........... Soni Eee Ded evcaiis 15 10 | 100 | 543.98 16:72 | 560.7 84 JonS Dignam.....o.0vess. 2 50] 78.85 | 5.00 83.94 85 | H. M. Dignam..... venue veves 3 50 | 51.34 | 4.40 55.74 86 | Leonard 1. 3 3| 47.40 4.31 51.71 5 Soke Meunier Se ieieenis Ww 14 jmritire een 20 3 100 | 30.42 3.88 8%. 30 : ag. D'Amour... ea LP a eae es 10 3 1§ 12.79 3.44 : P E) IME Cattrall Ll iin 28 | 5| 9134 158.04 | 7.07 | 165.11 ia [/il1 00 60 [ John Giroux....... ... cases ail Ae rites Taneneeren 23 9 100 | 367.91 | 12.32 | 380.23 6 James Tavior,...o..i. ann ERS. ei ees 25 10 100 59.61 4.61 64.22 62 John Gagne... ...........vvue cad SPtSis. sh ees 13 11 55 | 178.51 7.58 186.09 63°] Ernest Bouvier................ 1 50 | ¥41.84 4.17 46.01 64 M. Shavers Est...... conv. 13 100] 106.57 | 5.78 | 112.35 and Peat 65% Edouard Lalonde... ............ 1 100; 6.74 | 151.43 66. M.Shaver'sEst. .............. 1 5.78 | 112.35 : 67:| Angus McDonald..... tei ; ST 1 7.44 180.33 68,| Emile J. Menard. ...... Ses b 23 Seen ease ry 1 4.81 72.57 00 1 Jos. OByrme.. co... o.oo... V. L. 117 to 125 Ottawa St..... 2 4.58 62,97 70.! Hubert Stoodley .............. V. L. 1-2 John St. & V. L. 1-2 By. : Andrew. St........ Sei sees on 2 5.22 80.24 (1 I WillamStillwell.......c.. oo. SILofSEl....... ers] 2 4 3 4.22 48.26 72; Cyrille Boulerice............. +: ELofWk...... Sere 35 o , 5.33 93.54 ? 73 1 Jan. Pornminville.......,.... NP ir ae esis 23 3 3.93 36.22 74} Wm. Dupuis........... Se SEPLeIW IA, iii resins 25 3 3.88 34.13 ° . ¥ - R 751 Jos: Lalonde... ..... 0... EXofWH&WIY of Wlof E El. os = ain sev ivree 15 3 4.56 62.20 %63i Ernest Leroux................. EYiofE MH. ....svsv. aera y 3 4 3.79 30.69 271 Sal. Quenneville... ............5 Waivers 4 4 5.51 | 100.95 78 | Dosithe Lallnde........... ad NEPt.-.....~..... a ves 28 5 3.63 24.12 7931 Can, Pefmanent Co. ............ Wi...........:... : 6 6.465 139.99 80 | Ferdinand Sauve. ..... Frere 6 4 51.68 § u nch at ! i i 5 i en A : & CR no TEE | 3 : AND | 85 | Mrs. J. D. McFall... .c....... V. Lots 96 & 97 Ist Ave........ 3 : 86 | M. Shaver's Est............... PES... 16{ 10] 92 W ci er- t 10 87 do = ...... cere Ws... 17 10| 150 = a en a ado The adjourned sale of lands remaining unsold will be held at L'Orignal on Tuesday, the 28th day of January, A.D. 1930, at the hour aforesaid, At which sale the lands will be sold as authorized under Section 157 of the said Act, subject FKoadie Bitties, Eubes, Ete. always in dindk . . = 'go the direction of Municipal Counsils, respectively. Dated this 31st day ofiJuly, 1820.5: : . BELANGER, se oo A : Treasurer's office, both] Oat, . : : J County Treasurer | > Acetylene Wilding ~ T. C. SWITZER --

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