Russell Leader, 19 Sep 1929, p. 4

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i Oh i dnd oD ih Als gb didieaiiti dluilin, AB Jit duh dh Sf Alt dio BAB dln db ih gin gi ofl dl di ce ih di Gib di fh be cde db di dhe de Bik diy. dis. dibs db df Capt. Maynard aad his piane added novelty to the proceedings and many made their first lying As we state" last week the Rus- trip. sol Fair was exceptionally geod,| Tne Ottaw- Highlanders Pipe in fact, the streak ef bad luch which | Band were generous with their, sontinaed for several years, seems |, cic and gave good satisfaction, te have broken. The ofiicers and committees On Tuesday the ammual Scheel ;..c ye congratulations on thegreat a Fair for the Pabllc Schools of Rus-| 0,5 ovement they have made in ; . sell Towuship was held, and was a the fair grounds and on the great | : = " most eacour: ging shew. Thechild-| uy. og which attencedtheir eft rts, ol 7) O 8 a re ) 10 & rea hrought their produse from the : 1 ; sseds given at school. their manu | facturers in manuvai traiving, their | MUST BE SOLD pets and their calves, making areal| Lot 21, Cen. 4, Township of wr and demostrating that their | Russell, comtaining 100 rey ot Under the Ausplces of the Russel/ P/owmen's schoel work is disclosing talents choice clay loam, one'of the best and developing them which will!grass farms in Russell, Will be Association tend te make life easier When these!sold at a sacrifice. Terms can be pupils begin life on their own, arranged. The scheols marched, sang, gave Apply to their school yell, but owing te the Angus Scharf high wind making it disagreeable Gatineau Mills W = a 5 th 1029 out of deors, they adjourned to the: | ! ¢ x es Cx Y : Ee p : 4 . ! | RUSSELL FAIR THE BEST IN| YEARS arena for the public speaking {SEPTEMBER ROD AND GUN I este ete, Th 2 monet Fer Senn : ® With the approach of fall, the! children did wel displaviug a re-| Sh | markabile facility in publi: speaking | > : ' i ; »jowards hiatinz both deer And | Vie sed sos pasties jo ite esmuend LI5 SUES S08 SF or Particulars apply to od and Gua and Cana | 121 IS syacrsnen are turning | ed, as it helps the kiddies to over] - : : f come Self--consciousness, which af > au . . 3 | (dam 5 (ver fox News, just issued | UE er of | fects so many adults wh-n called ; : 3 =r comtains amcxcept sal jel upen to say something in public. 3 Mouth organ contests were keen] , OF €eer hunting by C. N. A. Iresan | C. H, STEWA RT, Secretary | which will prave ef great iatcres, | comtested and brougt cut a number P ; » : iid : : | te dsvorses of that sport. from each school, and it was finally : Mewever this is saly ere of a won by Gertrude Morrow, of the y ollwction of squaliv goed artigles Rassel' school, with Geo. famed, ot ; SS : ; - 2 p 2 : and features which dsal authoritat. | Soon E------------ -- S. S. 17 a close second. The races i ively with other departments ard' driving harnessia and other : ; ; > a hl bel = adventures in sautéesr life an which couaests ware the e eng quite : nl ' beg provide thorseghly goed re adn excitinrg., We h ve not bern able testo stectrsd ; 3 : for all isterested in samtdeer life to secure a list of the prize winuers Opsa samsons for game throusheu. as Mr. Larose thek them with him. > Camads and n full report of the an hn \A7 qd: 1 1a v . 1 ~ . v On Wednesday morning the day jnun] meeting of the Canadian Nat. broke bright und clear gladdening 'icuaj Silver Fox Breeders' Assoc! the hearts of the o'f'cirs, as forthe] ation areincluded in this issue. = os 23 I F. GIBSON past three years raiu spoiled the|gection fair. Rod and Gun and Canadian The exhibits had all been placed | $y|var Fox News is published mon - the day before and judged. thly by W. J. Taylor. Limited, : « The ladies worl, which always Woedstock Ont SHOPS AT WINCHESTER ONT. occupies the entire north side of the Telephone 75 P, Q. Box 385 Manufacturer and vaperter of ; RW. : ox Marble and granite Monuments 1 vi mre you SOLION < / '5 / { ddd 2 x : : 3 overfl] BT TIRES re A WOOD FOR SALL : Cemetery "eires Uopinge Ji ing this year While itis inevitable] 60 cords geod cedar wood, 18 Scotch GTamiles a specialty that some work will be brought |inches long, for sale. Sold delivered back from year to vear, yet this|or purchaser can draw his own. DR oy R ROOTH . ESL 95: s a year's display centained a large |riced right. percentage of the new weak and R. C. Kinkaid B.V. S. C. the exhibit macea great show, . Kenmore Veterinarian Owing to the dry seasonm, the] . Graduate 'Torento University vegetables were not quite as well OFFICE --- FLYNN BLOCK Russell # . Br SUS huge show building threatened to] X0108y | 21s 8 Too ny)? Yeveloped is in former vears. but The Brown Lantern Inn Ont pevertheless a good exhibit, of a For Tourists yuality better than fair. Thedisplay ar _ , > .. mE of grains was geod, and of extra On Provincial Highway ARTHUR FLYNN quality. The apples were nice but MORRISBURG Barrister, Bd Nosy ind-the wheel of the late vaiities werenet developed Coilortable Robins "And Bat : New let, just what it means to drive a - enough to make as goed a showing OIBIOFIAN'S NK) Russell Office open on Wednesdays eal six . . a six with a high-compression valve-in- -as they would a month Inter but RATES REASONABLE m the Flynn Block, Broadway, auch and stylish Body by fenty of th Money to loan on easy terms on Fisher . . yet a Six at the price of a four. sthers Sera pioniy of ihem, THE MISSES BROWN Farm Property The dairy produce aud grains were good, espevially thr baking, hornsoloos themselves on y taste the joys of six-cylinder ve i RUSSELL -- = =ONT nT dwar or and Ri é : hevrolet's: ma £ hh was helasget I year NOTICE RE The poultry show coutinues to Notice is hereby given that a ; * new Chevrolet gives them: every modern conven- grow, this year the classes were By-Law was passec by the Munici ience feature . . such as twin-beam, foot-controlled -- larger, and competition was keener|pal Council of the Township of RANGE FOR SALE headlights; finely up! Istered, deep dr tian ever. The cuttle c'asses were| Cmberland on the 5th. day of Findlay Range for sale. in first SR A Han excellent, some of the best breed:| August, 1929, providing for the|class order. Sold only because it lighted.instrument panel, including electric temper ers in Eastern Ontario, being pres | issue of Debentures to the ameunt |g too large for the family. Priced ature indicator and theft-proof Electrolock. ent with the pick of their herds, and' of $2500.00 tor the purpese of | rersonable. When you are considering the purchase of a car local breeders baviay a good show | constructing a new School House | Apply to : sell yourself on the car you want. Get behind the ng made this exhibit show to great [on the present site in P. S. S.No. | Robert Long f wheel of the New Chevrolet and make your own =~ kvamtags. As usual, sheep mad|g, on part of lot 16 in the 5th. Russell tests. Then decide on Chevrolet only after you wine were "vell represented, and | encession and that such By Law have proved to yourself that it offers you more jxhibiters had spleudid specimens was registered in the RegistryOffice ey yoy than any other car in the low- of the different breeds. In light | for the Township of Cumberland in : S-14r9u28t herses the classes were better filled the County of Russeil on the 31et Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan than ler a great uumber of years day of August, 1929 at 1) o'cloc The heavy fnorse ring was well a. number 101. i patronized, both by spectators and| Amy motion to quash or set aside exhibitors, and the class ef horses | (he same or any part thereof must shown waa beth numerous amd of be made within three months of the h'gh.oat quality. Ne shew ring| this netice and cannot be made im Ontario could show better steck { ¢hareafter. The races were good and keenly A. E. Morris contested, Township Clerk The grounds ware in first class| pated this 3rd. day of Sept., 1996 Zhape, and had a viry gala appea, ance with flags and bunting flyisg gud the merry-go-round gelng. PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED P. AK. MeARTHUR - RUSSELL ONTARIO IT BERTIER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN

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