Russell Leader, 24 Dec 1926, p. 7

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SOUT vo 8838 Lisfm JO SPURIIS wOpios SYS-W ed 'SAIST 18I00 JO sweaap pooydoq - «09 PUB S246 LW 9502 nq sw jery ] 'di1} punoqino UR UC I9Ull K[ejels ef opug jeu an. ZAU030Y, 38 cepiey -« 84°00 Sumsyqng uosim .NI1e38g ©] I9pIO InoA €S3IppE Jequinu yows I10y (A[njoaed jt 0am fparrvjead ui00) uiod to sdwre}s Ul 903 080[0ug 'ju¥m nok sw suisyyed -gons £2 oz1s pus zequnu Huard 'Af "ueid Sseapps puw owen Jnof era BENYILIVA 9Ha¥0 O01 MOH SE : "£doo ey SJU0d OI Y00q, OY}. JO eOlIg ISB -8§97D OWoy AIose 04 3sdr2jur Jo oq HI '591495 ¥01oRId (SOW PUR JSOMOU oy} Suijerisnyit 'yoog uoyysey InQ ¢ 'SIU (0g 'SuweaImbou [BLIsjB ao} edojeatd uxajzed jo yoeq nsue) 'After Acute Diseases the Blood Mult be Built Up Before. 'pneumonia and patient weak, with thin blood and uu- strung nerves. The period - of con-, valescence is often long and trying, and years of poor health bave fre: quently followed. so brief an illness as an attack of infixteriza 'or pneumonia. | Much of this sort of misery could' 'be avoided by taking steps to build up the HWbvd so that it ean carry to the nerves and other tissues of the body the elements they need to ro store their normal functional activi . ties, To build up the blood and re- store it to its rich, health-giving vigor, no other medicine can equal Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. From first to last it is their mission to improve the blood and thus restore good health and vigor. 3 The value of these pills fu conditions * described above is shown by the state ment of Mrs. Rebecca O'Britn, :Pem- broke, Ont., who says: --*"In Novi 4983, I was stricken with pneumonia, andl at the time but little hope was held out for my recovery. However, with .the best of care I was able to walk about after some months. But I did not re- me I was anaemic. My appetite wa -poor, I grew nervous and restless, I was deathly pale and practically gave up hope of ever being strong again. 5 However, remembering that in my | § girlhood 1 bad taken Dr. Williams' 2 Pink Pills with decided success, I de- iE cided to try them again. By the time Recdvery is Complete. N Z/ Fevers and other acute diseascs like | influenza; leave the} cover my strength, The doctor wold) It is a strange fact that the art of building spruce bark canoes, which were used extensively as temporary conveyances in hunting expeditions by the' Malecite Indians of New Brunswick, should, within the short period of thirty years, be lost to these people. 'This was disclosed recently he IM Adnaw a? Afacdaanl wrha fm. is an ardent student of Indian lore and considered it remarkable, gifter many failures, to discover that old Peter Bear, age 76 years and one of the very last survivors of the original tribe, still had the knowledge of this art. He is still Mving the simple Indian 4them a wonderful medicine for child- Baby's Own Tablets Are Effec- tive and Easy to Give. en to get the little ones to take Baby's Own Tablets. The ease with which they are given, as compared with liquid 'medicines, will appeal to every mother. None is spilled or wasted; you know just how hig a dose has reached the Httle stomach, As a rem- edy for the ills of <hildhood arising from derangement of the stomach and bowels they are most satisfactory. Mrs. Roge Veyer, Willimantic, Conn; the Canadian Northwest and found ren's troubles, especially indigestion and ccnstipatien, 'I have also given them to my children for simple fever | and the restlessness accompanying teething and they always gave relief. I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets to all mothers." Baby's. Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Nature's Reserve. When Nature tries her finest touch, Weaving her vernal wreath, . Mark ye, how close she veils her round, ; Not to be traced by sight or sound, Nor soiled by ruder breath? 2 Who ever saw the earliest rose First open her sweet breast? Or, when the summer sun goes down Light up her gleaming crest? You do not have to coax and threat- }. says:--"1 used Baby's Own Tablets in |; DY sureaq Surdooms oy) 'SIsM0} Wi . 40 SM | 0sMOMIYSY JuRIsp Wioug - oes" puy | AIUO zis ou WL 81 $13] ON "jesjood > x _SISRION OQ 2 "drys Sup pus fod ao 'goood pue qq Ym . b OA OL Ssed ¥ Jo wears pouo}-desp ony Jwey 10 hi if "510p Sreploaqus. io pejedog ; 0 ; -zod pue 'sje3pood em) sBY ou seis a, cc "SINEY ISAUS YIM TIN) snoLIeA 30 918 suoxde wey Louey oy, a «1993 MMOL | a0 pero Burysy pUmOGIIEGM eQIUM SIU G4 voq 38 SI9PUOM pur SIUINep oul Lofus pum : {dp 'smopeys © -qu1 SpaBL %g pue eov] spaek g pusq. 57 oR 'prox Lysap AY} SATE BOM | ams ogy 808804 pENOG-AS pay | PEAY (808) MOIIBU SpPIBA QT PUB [Bj] | il E: M9] © Leys, 'ussuuN SLvS Lo 'sire; BUIUGAS OTM ~8W Your-9¢ spared I: | soxmbes go erly wall £ wang, 'jsesrey OU} SIAR | 4 0 po-Iv Bm BA : '1SNq SOYOUL ZF PuU® 8¢. 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A 3 7 Aes wy # acs Lo coss comm - : ps = - : oi ee pu , ay THE TONIC THAT a wm CHILDREN LIKE THEM] Cloesifed Advertisements : sare : REMNANTS, ; %) LBS. $2. 3 aw'? Ontario. 5 LBS. PATCHES, A. McCreery, - tham, SILVER FOXES SILVER FOXES, $100--$500. Larges, Summerside, P.E.I, SALESMEN oer ionsy pay weekly to sell our complete and samples and full ce-operation, 4d money-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries. .. Montreal ---- In the West: phone. . Our neighbors have one." Caller--"Wheare do they tive?" A ee All = rriiren 3 A single pair of elephant tusks will make sufficient keys for between thirty and forty pianos. Bl Last word in builders' aid: Practical, up-to-date su ions on planning, building, furnishing, decorating and i gardening. Frofisely astated, ! if and scores of actual dolar. - J 4 gestions. Send 55 cenfs for I Quirrent issue. XE Macleza Builders! Gnide 344 Adelaide St. V/., Toronto, Ont. Rheumatism. existence of years ago, and believing implicitly in the legendarv teachings» his nannla i ~John Keble. Mares oa. ~1% exclusive lines of guaran ality, whole root, fresh dug-to-or trees and plants. ~ Attractive illustrated A Rancher--"We don't need a tele~ -.- Rancher--"About 40 miles due east." RU ---

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