Russell Leader, 24 Dec 1926, p. 3

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Em ---- Sa-- % "LN MORE C Co roan ay SGHOOL REPORT RRL R urer's Sale of Land for Taxes ; UNITED C RS ge Form I 1e of a warrant under the hand Nie or oe oon AND RUSSELL, : Jo wit: : . ' Margarit: Ged usse fii Gute the 5th day of November, A.D. e Seal of the United Counties of Prescott and g PE Tends Hovinatter deteriiod. Tor the arrears "i : 1926, and to me" directed, commanding me to levy upon.the 3 Stevens Stuart...... SAR Ae h Just Oil Duiae row nn pursuant to the Assessment Act, Chapter 165, R.S. hE getisr with aif costs fnenviod 1 horshy give Boties that g Jewal /nderson..i.c.....o.. .89 with High and Public Schools ana i Vig ton 1927, at the hour of One O'Clock, P.M., x ection To wi ou sd, the Twenty.second 3 . iy J : vo usse one of the y illage @ ourget, in the sk J Arthur Cotensrs.... fos Fans ares ui8O ia station, 90 ac ~ under | as Ji I 168 Township ret or Connit Tebend ly jo by Pabhe fuse Fc of 3 said lands oy : ultivation: ; on | and the cha ; ary to discharge the arr ft iy Alice DacDonald ceca 88 - atien and free from st. es, ae Uo Ra arrears and charges shall have been sooner paid. Sars of tured 2 My-t}a MacDonald os RY _.q | The priceis'$3400 cash and 83000 | fowth day of February, 1927, at SS Cy ot Et Ly, ne twenty , Mb Wad rr '85/00 a Yong Smortgage. if desired, South indian In tho he hn ne O'Clock P.M, tae Separate School. House in the Village of - ' x or I Wri opis nd all the ¥nds in the Cound; 2 Margaret Little... ees eee..8 te at once if interested to 1927; at the hour of One O'Clock P.) M. yo or acne; Sh he store Es March, H iT ds Fava eo IB James Morrison: Prescott. The following described lmds are all patented. o Village of L'Orignal, in the said County of 4 Arol Phair. c..oi fue aness a6] - Iroquois, Ont. | x, Names P ns op ALFRED et ry ? : = tt "Tot Con. Acres : X Alber] Clarmo....... err ivees dB 1 Nap Lafaivre A o Lot Con Acres Taxes Exp, Total BROWN BROTHERS 2 Alex, Chatelain NO Mane i 21 13%. 41.7132 45.00 x Hazel Porteous .......o---e-:7% © NURS BoA Tavis ER VL 26 N.S. Philip St. 21 5 LM 19.838 2.74 22.12 her + Christia BriggSeeeeeesec ee: 71 A ERIES 4 Mrs S. A. ©. Johnston S. pt Wi Bis a 5 : 2% 15.08 2.43 13 g wt Sie 3 i In : 5 J. S. Dignam : : 9. oF od S78. 0.65 18.38 oT 0% Hae Varren oases a THE OLD RELIABLED | 6 Albert Gauthier dg sa fa > Png RE 2 nt jori Rel, See aie The; = : ; E 83.02 4.32 -B arjor * ol i &7 Too trees and plants grow| 7 Malcolm McDonald NY TOWN Hr On CALEDONIA : a > * Bessie Park..... .neeeeyrns ace yourcrder now for | 8 T.B. Mi N15 » : 16 1 100 172.037°6.58 '178. A spri . B. Millar Bl SE ye y 178.6& Ro eee 6 2 : 7 % Ir 2 ; RB abect Hill forlorn es 5 ousr 1:1: inspected 9 The Central Ry. of Canada Right of way: part lots 1 to Xen : : 52.5%. 3.56 : 55.09; Ferm il 7 : ie 24 in 1st to 7th con. inclu- = $ - id 'Hazel Litt'e 82 BRTHUR McGREBOR Sven os ald down on plans ; ES 'Hazel Litte ..... Reni aia : in Registry Office. : : Mery MucDonaldi Juss, 79 eAgent. Russell 10 uditeed 1ahuide WY of E% MOREE LT ap eg i Mrs. S. A. C. Johnston B pt. . : 5 101.82 4.50 106.62 °° it :3lazel Campbell ios ceie conn. 77 : 12 Nap. Marleau Wig 22 3 128 401.91.12.30 414.21 "© 7 Gladys "HIlls cvs Vis vigoses 7 ; ~~ [13 Mrs. S.A C. Jolmston Eth Wh 12 5 Ne I °F Notice abe : Wii 24 4 50 233.44 8.08 241.52 "Cora QuinD......c.eveeiencen 6 Cc 15 do Nib a 2 : 50 16.27 2.66 . 18.93 Deoroth FUGION vs voit s+ visio 75 ! : 18 do BE vg oy Tere 23 100 343-18 10.83 354.0% Dont £ Seuss z Boots and Harness Repaired | 17 John Bradley E Bt. SE dh =i 4 BH 20 3) SDInEOn. . vs. 4 coda Aa : do oe 160 334.18 10. 14.79 Wiliam Hall. «vs os ©" aol Satisfaction Guaranteed [19 Bd Steele Wot S % DL enn TE Stuart Armstrong....... ...: 66 Prompt Service » 2 Mrs 39 ex B pt Nig 22 4 2 : 97.28 HE 10004 ML Data eo 02 a Marlee g Ty me Lae AEE ve Dox Wissars 50 . May, 1s» 3ve., Rudll|22 Joseph Chouinard W pt Ng 9 2 1 hat $n 2238 2 / hari. oy os ha. 10 : .50 7.54 Form Lj} 24 John Bissonete = 5 gwNSHrP NoRtu PLANTAGENET : TRE 25 ; RNR pie. Sm Te Til "Norma Ca kne: Si, deat 5 : i 28 Cydusy Carriere Ct 2 3 ar v2 3 10.33 2.5 19.38 Clavie) Halletev. * aveka nil ~USSELL 27 Mrs. J. N. Lagrols NW ot. Bt a2 Tani ad so Wera Lone H 36 : 28 Mrs. S. A. C. Johnston Np: 3 W 3223 2072 NLS 23% ahd 2 Lowey Tia i ios ue ea ORCHESTRA A Ae ns 2 24 3 16.7327.96 5.95 80.9f Margaret MasEwen ......... 85 30 Nil Ba 5 : = 15 £3 '2.68 17.7% 3 Russell Phairs desist ives nase 5 31 Jolin Deguire Nig : | 3 MWe yy a iu +83 Featuring the I I atcst Dano 32 P. Vaudette Cartier St. W RL © a pa % Krthleen Anderson" "7 Teena a4 ' rT : A Po 2 . . 22 23 Aine Fie ask irs Musi¢ 133 Robert presiey x a SoyTH PLANTAGENET : to. Sug ey a Music for All Occasion: 34 J. A, Trase Sr * Bre 13 10 fe 131 Tors Anmbe Waddeld coer onnes vs 75 Tusic for ccasions 55 W. Wilson hr Le Bob eRe . Ray Witione. +1 SEN rol ATR Ware Les DH 36 Central Rafway Co. of @amada Right of Way Pt 19 13 1 CR . Margaret Hall....oooinionen, 69 i of the Bes DD, ( 38° Mrs. A. cn hii do Pt : Ap a TT 998) % : 8 Ralph Gillissie......... 67 E es Dance'. rchestras |) Nis. A Chessor- "Pt | ae eT Ba : aaa in Eastern Catario [40 D. Maranda > 23. 14. - 34 25.85 32.68 15.53. dva McNab........... FE 67 ' : 4; , ; 1 14 Y 36.41 3.16 39.57 Mergan Park... 67 Gea: Jeoe , Director °° [41 Joseph Drouin Front Ho Aa0s OF KORIGNAL : S-- US RRR nts T 3 42 Charles Levert Pe 3 pe : a 17.5¢ 2.69 20.2% Wailaee Carkner. hey aeRdTe 2 crggemaeo: rs apply to. | 43- Napoleon Portelance jo : 13 » 32 A S.747 2-00 9.24 -- Eihel McNab' oo. 08 = 508 SA. Harridgton Russell 44 Leopold Pertelance andy Hil E pt 3 3 6.74 2.50 9.24 1 Jack McDiarmid : 59 Phone Day 60, 4 Oao §] Pharand Longueuil S pf CER Ac RRL 4 Jac jarmid..... renee en DY one Day Night 42 46 Mrs. Aldege Dallaire Lengueuil S pt 32 : 2 pk 2-50 i 4 E, Stuart T.A. Boyles, Treasurer 47 Jos. Bourdon S 0 id WEST BAwnenEony : vara < 10S. . C. M. Fraser Em ---------- 48 Arthur Tessier SH oH od z : x uu 2.54 14.35 : AGENT WANTED 5 Central Raliway Co. of Sandda 1 TOWNSHIP AST HAWKESBURY = 512.51 1438 , : For Russell district Two fast BA 3 § J 4.17 80.83 LEAR ; LR - ; WNSHIP OF FE td EARN THE BARBER TRADE selliry household 'specialties. ~ 50 Aurelien Tropaniér SW ¥ CLARENCE | 19 INS it a.67 iis Percentage paid while learning, Write for full particulars : i 5 hers Avice Tora A N Ww ii pars Nan E27 ne 6.96 Pig] o Ts ; te fOr P qiars. 3 52.7 J «Wa con Np 4 sk Bk .! 161.72 Day and night asses. Agylo © Conso idated Sales Book & Wax 8 J sh Villeneuve: Gg Li TE Cp a 2 9.00 215.78 ayrite, (P °C | 54 Mra Adolphe Lavoie i! ol dg tse 3 27 af s.48 ; nis t Paper. Co. L553 Amert Hebert 5 pt NV mh 3 56 AY 3.63 25.0% Qttawa Barberi Gollege £CO Eurlirgten St 56 5 - g bY 0 of Wik : 4 > & C.X. 111.069 87 116.87 90814 Sparks St, taw : : 57 Fra. Groulx Cw, i : x 0 72.09 4:89 76.58 34 Sparks Bt 5 gad Hamilton, Oat. 53 John Armstrong Bs a : : : : 26 6 20 Sta fap 84 ; 59 Dnben Armstrong Nis of W pt ? : 3 s 3 Bix 81-308 « 60 Ifarold Armstrong 3) 1 C of NEY i gs $5, 80 ny 2.59 63.86 1 J. 7. Beauchamp 81 of N% ; i i 2 a Zt 8.72 28.83 . J . RD. Bruno Beellefeuille Si n . : 3 a4 3.81 4.63 68.50 x 4 ; . : 3 Plilias Larcse ' S¥4 ; 7 50 139.99 7.09 147.08 4 & ; 64 Albini Beauchamp = NL $ 8 BD 08:00 5-56. 101.18 al 65 a 4! 3 $i 12-0) 6.65 148.95 : p- 8 x oo : : . 5 3.33° 4.92 25 : 7 Joseph Goudreau 2p Poror es » 3 io 2y. 219 ot o1 ; 5 Na Landes os 26. 9 100 331.54 11.53 342.92 ig 20 Jo 69 Edmond Molloy . Wis 27 10: 100 . 133.80" 6.41 110.24 7 70 Ferdinand Houle "N 7 pt 16 10 100 276.42 10.00 * 286.42 a PE ia 71 Arthur Brownlee Bib : - 1s = ot 3.61 24.62 ---- - Z 40.3 95.16 ll \ iia an VILLAGE GI CASSELMAN 10 524040) & 4 eo. Langlois od Casselman Ave. 41 13.04 3.10 16.1 4 il tas = TOWNSHIP OF CAMBRIDGE = 14 %, Christmas Chocolates + |74 Adelart Pradhomme i Bol iEnah OR : 76 Joseph Benson S Wi a -86'% 6.89 11. {x A : : 77 'Francis MacDonald . DEA : ; Hy ] 2 rar 7-33 G 78 Annie Steyart BY 5 1° 100. 35.99% 3.677 -.39.68 anong Lg 79 Moise Labelle E01 TARY = 1 050 6295 1.35 67.31 : 80 Joseph Potvin dS a 11 3 ae Te 3 i ; 81 Sylva Desnoyers S14 of WH os 2 £4.15 5.37 108.5% Thi Gift of Gladness | 5: David Desabuais SESE hr gil, WERE EE J. C. Brownell pms gp Dae a 3:35 5 vip : 84 Zotique Lalonde 5 S BY B78 30.1270 BIA 13.0 Priced from $1,00 up 3 Fret domus ir z '3 39 SEE 343. 42.49 ey . ; ; A 2 5 67. 46 2. dr ee 5 $7 Miss wor ns AEs LCi Ca A : : 25 2 330 i38 88 Nelgon Quennevidéd nN e 1 % 4 50 28.29 34s 31.97 S, Cigarettes, 'Tobacces, £9 Dositho Ttonds 7" "Ren %o5 Wm am aed 505 Tee wad Dave oe EN | TOWNSHIP OF CUMBERLANB es Cass < : DP +21 1.O.8. 5 52.47 91 Wm. Thompsen y 14 fc. i ce 4.08 56.58 \ ¢ 1 In Gift Packages, 82 M. Shaver Estate yy 4 Zoo 29.8000 wiglh 10 : 1 93 P. Laflesche & J. E. Lalonde W 8 2 Ei 94 HB. Regimbald N HB 1% 1 3 1 019 2 58. 2 : 95 Miss Geo. Harbic ; VLoptSE : reiti { ; Bg: 8.44 30. : relte Holders I en. ov LE Hille £3 do oye 97 Emme Lacreix ~~ ~~ 7" NB Cor ; - Els 10 30.33 3.53 33.86 : 93 William Jones | | J | Pt rat colli 1 I a ker' 5 Acces «199 2 pe ; 3% 0 NIL Re 81913 108 Isaac Lemon = © Eo i : 9 50 21.03 3.30 = 24.33 Wm. Jenes Hi 23 9 100 133.40 6.31 139.51 achim Lavergne 4 WE S® N WY 28 = si B18:50 11.48 369.98 " PTE x 3,9: Tange, wie TOWNSHIP OF EUSSEBL : bo HHT Sate 22-91 is HE BOTY sagan ey orf VELEOSR Pi 3 % 37.17 3.70; 40.81 =t. Bl VL. §1 82 83 84 85 86 63 ° 1st ) BE Re . difer i 72 73 74 75 Ave 3 © 379.78 12.27 892.08 ° x TA VL1&S © 23 3 85 151.76 6.57 158. 2 5 | 2 VEER 2ndav 3 Y% 50.33 4.03 5 ¢ N% » : 16 10 1 70.36 4.53 74. 3 19 10 100 168.08 6.97 175. gi! 's remaining uneold wiM be beld at L'Orignal on Thursd th At which sale the lands will be gold as authorized sn ME nder Sect 5B Zon Wi respectively. . Bion ert is J Co 3 3 3.-BELANGER, ~~~ os Treasures - Ee

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