Russell Leader, 24 Dec 1926, p. 2

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Con : gpisers 2 BLE82 sedi Lo 23 wi Ses Pus HBG. 164010 Jo 310d STH Jnoqy [HE TOW nod ™ o00e Tea um 3 JO Supway Sf Bp ne) ee T00°L¥1YF 10°96 WOpFaI peu | peveguy EL Bw ihe EE uwepeindod aumndg SON Tul} SAPILNING 043 'MOT [ Noo] ay OP OS JOS IsuuSw papimmg ev s100p i99P) B 103 PUGeseL 9p Sumer? yo |S 31 'eomped spy) sejue med uw), 4 LADO] Soansy noes we) pun ; BIS Mg, QOL 10D B. OIL © 4R) Jou YOIUA STORANGL SUI JO SACD IBY) £31ed8 0] pul] oy} Jog 'wsyl ©} jue POLE C; PRAII00 SUA SO{ISIIBIE ooo SO Op PUE PIO BIEL [MIFASS SuR 'SPOT ISHY Sell moter drquiesn posi SE SV] eq) 18 9B) NUR | 498001) TOA DioymAur 08 wes 10. oLIpu ory poduBADE ne jo ssom Sis : ISUNBL [} 03 FUDIIXT '946 GRC TRY JO [HH BURY] SO JO Ie o TE sewed NODE (ey dnpuedd £1U3 Pejels eAwy nox, | 106 (Funof oul 0) 188xSGRI JO BANOS : Te) eroul smwqunu wopwmdod sj "agen SST JO GLROi-on0 jnoqu B,USAROI] WOM] je Bp o% wisoq iY d ipesiuw |B 1940 Bam WHS PIRZSL JO. 878g 3 "SOTJW Surnbe ¢OT'YOF'ST FIPRPU] SuoljuN. WILD) URI ST, nod Jues al 'tpg SUISSGIpPR GOPUBXSY "Juotn I8ISO I PRI 4g 3 2 T ; ; 8H uous Iujpus sem PoP 18YE FUR) | - : : CININOGQ LSYA SIV. INO STE MAN | qn veg op = 0 THNGD TNIYIQHOM V N ¢ 2 IN | ID [ews Asp = of aid 11d Te == Fo xs RE 8 SRS TOES adr Ee = rey x > Ln -- EF; ; 3 3 / Tremayne produced a strip of 'va. | NAMED VICE-PRESIDENT per folded and endorsed. He unfolded and spread it on Sir Terence's table, | OF CANADIAN NATIONAL whilst Captain Stanhope, producing a | Le Albert T. Weldon Will be in note i Shen hi came equipped, stooped to eheck off the items. i Charge of Traffic and : Express. "Hal" he suid quietly at The new Vice-President of the Cana- FOR ALL\§ ur baking, use last. "What's this?" And he read: " Note | from lord Liverpool of reinforce- ments to be embarked for Lisbon in| OT Ne BE Ti raed Mo June or July) That would appear to the most Important document of all. And it was net included in the ! dispatch as it reached Lord Welling- ton. lave you a copy of the note, sir?" re tN toa copy--but a summary of its contelits are pencilled there on the margin," Tremayne answered, "Allow me, sir" said Stanhope, and lafing. up a quill from the adjutant's table he rapidly copied the summary. "Lord Wellington must have the memorandum as soon as possible. © I dian National Rys: was born at Dor- chester, N.B., {i 1876, and entered the |' employ of the "old Intercolonial Rail- way as messanger wt Moncton in 1890. In December, 1901, he became Chief Clerk to Division Frelght Agent, Nova | | Scotia Diviaton, with headguarters af' Halifax. In 1804 ha resigned fsem the railway to accept the position of Secretary to the Halifax zjard of Trade, and two years later was ap- pointed Ceneral Sales Agent, Port BAKING 5 mors 3 Mode in Canada = No Alum! po FOWDER | 3) {had best set out at once ; Hood Qeal Company, with headquar- g Later, after Captain Stanhope had ters at Halifax. Afier belng less than taken his' departure, the duty fell to|a vear with the Port Hood Coal Com. 1 Tremayne of framing the general |pany le again accepted a position : order, bY Ca ; {with the Intercolonial Rallway as Di- : APS 'a deyilish stringent regula-|yvision Freight Agent at Hallfa¥. ia : eon, Ro said io Sir Teron oo... |charge of the Nova Scotia territory. 3 : Sonar 7, Very sautary and fp. continued in this position for two ; The Master Tals-Teller, Author of 493 15s, He Magnificent." Another i) ike, By J Soalditentd iy sary. Su, again resigned to seoopt 4 : : yi . 7 3 e stra 1 3, (} = } Stirring Story of Adventure 3 Lan on 4 New Setiing-- : heaven I have no enemy thirsting for : 8 : The Péntoguiis my blood." : ; 3 Sir Terence's brow darkened. "How re i \S ms - oe --j lean a gn be confident of that?" he Classical Words. 73 : bat ir de A 4 wondered, : 5 pe ; , hg : Lt REL a Trish dra devs £ ions : Sp Tren Se ar fosn Sontglenct, I supwote," I kid Fb am hagas Sete» 4 BU he: tr VAS IT adshon, : . laughed Tremayne. ~~ 128 lately been calcuiat 5 : Son Woh hig aging =r SE E ha foie" asked Mings. hoe "Do you boast a clean conscience, eh. many as one-fourth of the words which. : Lill ayy £h 2 £ 19 11. a a y Prone in Porte ts an "Wks. To Name of a po Ned? O'Mey asked, : we. can find in a full-sized Latin dic ; / 1 In Sortagal, alent NRT Tat a "Almost clean," said Tremayne. tionary have found their way directly 3 fence during a drunken revelry, whith W escape!" the major mopped "Temptation doesn't stain when ith' ary: : Yo Bamiich Socatet ; arouses the resentment of Portuguese "Ssvow with a silk handkerchief. ; ap d. does tT" rr or indirectly into the Eng : 5 fficials, and disappears from his reg Fare im, Monsi de Sam [Tour ed, does 16 "ilary. A large number of these are oificials, and disappears frou Fare of him, Monsieur de Sam ment 4 % : waht. : : Sir Torenee frembled. And ke ask, Greek words which the Romans had t Terence O'Moy, brother-in-law. < |. Shortly after the major took his de- od JLo ineliank; What's tempting taken from them. Thus, taking into! 5 But'er and adjutant-general, is visited! storesand drove home, congratulat- [YOR EL : RI account those Greek words which have! 2 by BE 1881? upon his most fortunate Tremayne was in a moo = iS DF other chaniels. Oreck ; " Wh 5 T 4 A] 4) : a a 3 4 a Miguel Forjas, Portuguese secre. ong 5 Gm the hawk eye of Colqu- pt PAST ys -- large and a 4 ticy of state, 'who warns Bir Terercl hioun Grant, : . mars Sor TAROT Trt of the Emit) ; that Butler must be shot for his of- But when in the dead of that wi a. AI ouch tite Rittory of % fence. O'Moy promises. he was aw" 2 language, throug! Ty. oN Principal Souza of the council of regency is.opposed to Lord Wellin® tons plan to devastota nes ra "mation the two threads can be seen' sther. At first sight they! 50 inextricably twisted ar as to form but one Jt is not so dif The fact, for parliament, "turch and Tatin

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