Russell Leader, 24 Sep 1925, p. 1

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No XVII, No. 34 --_-- RUSSELL} ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT 24th, 1925 $1.50 a Year in Advance Your Column Mr. Thos. E.Lachapelie, of Em- brun, is giving out his farm on shares, and will offer his live stock and implements for sale by public auction o« Monday, Sepi, 28th. Everything without reserve. L- A, Lendro. auctioneer. a Owing to illness,Mrs. D. Dow will offer her choice herd of regis tered Jersey cows for gale ca Fri- day, Sept. 25th, at 2 o'clock p, m, This is an accredited herd; having threeclean tests. A good chance to obtain a fine family cow. Ross Morrow, auetioneer. Some people are pious, others have a great meuth for pis, and still others are jusi pic=faced. No matter whal your dispeaitian os what shape your face, you ars .in- wited to aitend tha Pie Social in 8¢. Andrew's United Church, Mar- velville, os Friday evenisg, Oct. "Bad. Besides the pie there will be a goed program given. Admiss- fon 25 cents, The annual glowing match of the Russell County Flowman's Associs atien will be held on the farm of Me. H. H. Shepherd. en Fridav., Oct. 9th. Good prizes are being offered for men in sod, and boysin sod and stubble with beth single ane two furrow plows. Large dist of specials. Join the Assecia- tion and take part in the match Wes for hrize liat to C, H. Stew- # Russell. Seord AV: SCHOOL FAIR One of the most successful sch- ool fairs which has has been held here tock place om Tuesdao: De- spite the cold weather the children and their pareuts turnvd cut in large numbers to this eveat, The exhibits were numerous and some of the manual training work was most excellent The gipls had a very lapge exhibit of baking, an. the display of seeds, vogetables, | os etc, was ve ¥ fine, Iu the atterneon sporte were held on the track and a longlist of events was run off. The winners were prepdated withribbon badges and wore them as proudly as Vic. toria Crosses. Mr, Larose had a carps of jud. ges te assist him with the exhibits, while the teachers and t ustees assisted with the sports, > Mr, Thomas Kinkaid There passed from life on Sat- urday night one of the most re- spected citizens ef eur tewn in the person of Mr. Thoesmes Kinkaid' at the age of 635 years, Deceased had lived all bis lite on a farm abeut threc mtles south of town until a year age, whem he rented his farm and meved inte the village, He had mot beca feeling well for some time, but was able to bo ab out most of tne time, up to about two weeks ago, when he suffered a stroke ot paralysis from which he never rallied, death eccurrirg/on theme; two sons, '| Wreaths--Mr.and Mis. Dan Hilly In his home community he was posimasrer, school trustke and road superintendent, He was a good ueighorf a kind husband and father, and a citizeu who was an asset to the to®aship, Aster a service at Lachute fhis rsmains were brought to kis home at Marvel villa, from which the funeral wos held on Thursday, Scrvics wns conducted at the house by Rev. Woodside, after whi [f iatermeut was mads ia St, Paul'g @:meterp. Atteg §1e religious ceremony the beautiig} ceremony ofthe Masonic Orde: @8f exemplified vr Russe'l Lodge AF, & AM. of which te was x member. He leaves to moura his 1038; be- sides his widow* six daughters, Mrs, Tace Wade, Russell, Mrs. E T. Cowanf Vermon, Jéam, Farin Point, Hoze!l, ¥ elen and Elsie at William, aad Horold oa neighboring farms. Four sisters, Mrs. D. MacKerra. cher, Russell, Mre. Alex Carlyle, Vavcouver, Mrs, Lucy Crawiord and Mrs, Maggie Sawyer, of Los Angeles and one brother, Proff- essor Harold of Jackson vilte. Flor- idar The floral offerings were num} ereus and beautiful, The follow_ ingisa list of the offerings. -- Pillew, Family Mr 'and Mrs. R. N. $weadfeger and family, Hume Fami}is, Lacbute Trustees Marvelville [Pubilic S Smturdav gight, week ona motor wip de. Dodi. Miss Baringliaom is Wi Old wa,' where she bas seeirsd a postion. Mes Bev.) Dr. Kile, of Norval, and her davediwer, Meg. Green, of Wes, Hgmboro, wens guests | "Mrs. S. A. Kyle last wiodk. Miss I. N. speat mst week wither sister, Mrs. 8 A. Ryle. Mgs. wish Mir | Pescod at Algonquin Park, Hs A. Liwis an . 18S ral) Loucks, accomparied by Miss Anna Lsucks, of town left the Kast of the | Bernt, of Gtpma WW, C. Pescod and Kttie] daughte, Edis, returned [2s] week from spendihg a souple of moathe While seifli a voung man he mar. ried: Miss Stanley, of Ovgeode, who with one son, Stanley, survive im. Jas do also two brothers, Johm and Daft, and one sister ids the West./ He was a quizt mas, a good) oeighbor and fiend and his deaths walllf be mourned by a lapge dircle 0] fHenes The fumeral, which was held on ergily amended, being odaducted by Rev. A. P. Menzies. Interment wys made in the family plotin the, Louwks Cemeteor The thorai offerings [wene many and testified to the esteem inwhich ae was held. Following is & lise We regret to report the death on lof those who sent offerings. Tuesda ay of Mr. Osgoode. The old gentleman suf. fered a stioke about two years ago and has siuce been costined to his We understand the fungral More bed. is being neld this afternoon, particulars next week. Bart Johasten's cempany with an all new show are again in town for three nights, starting tcsaight Those who attended the last 'show See wili welcome them again, advt, on anethea page, Mr. and Mra. A. A. MacEwen* of Maxville, spent some days last week visiting at the heme of their son Mr. Leonard MacEweux. Mr. Surtees, fisld man and Mr. Jones, consulting engineer of the Hydro, were in town on and gave us great encourgement as no the probable date of the arri- wal of electricity. called for the line, und it is prom ised before the snow flies, Mrs- D. A, McDiarmid, of Tay. _side, accompanied by a party of [the Plowmen's Assoelatica. He Iwas a gosd observer and his ad- vice was vers peacticad, He will bo sadly misepdly friends, wera guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MacEwen ca routc ie Metcalfe FalU 5c 1 Arehie Campbell, of Kenmore. one of the pioneers of | Wreath--Mr Tuesday The tewders are Wieash-- The Family and "Mrs. Bouer $Sprays--Mr, and ley, Mr, and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. CG. E. McCaffrey, Mr, and Mrs Russell Bauer. Miss BB. Hall, Mrs. Skeats; Mr, €C. Bau- er, Frank ara Haze , The sympathy of allis extended to the bereaved in their sorrow, d¢ Mrs. L. T.Ston- Albert'Stanley, MR. JOHN W. HUME announced last week the death of Mr. Johw W. Hume jat Lachute. Que. whe sacrificed himself for the good of the community' _and gave his lime' and abllit faeelv for the ebnefit of his fellow citizens. For several years he serv§d as deputy-reeve, he was a dircctor of the Agricultural Socfet4, faud at tc time of his death wag presi dent of thejWeat Russell Municlpa Asseciotionjaud vics-presideat of Russell AgriculturagSa - -- 3 Nbnrdesr, at his late residence, wad Walter| It was with real regret that we Deceased was the type of many sell AFT HYDRO See For strictly first-class work. - Will be Here ABOUT NOV. 15th Get your wiring done éarly and avoid the rush DEWAR @& LONG. Russell Bizteen years experience iad A ill line of Electric Appliances supplied BUILDIN G MATERIAL ener Chapter No. 210, Star--Esther EacKerracher &prays--Batrice and Tage Willie and Edna LHape acd Maddie Mi, and Kes. A. MacKewragher, 4 Mr. and Mus. J. J. MacDonald | Ploughman! s Assooiition 'AnnabelH ume Anchos--MacKerracher, family y= "We jom with "the con commubity :n wreoved, CARD OF THANKS Mrs, JohoHume and tamily wish lin this way te couwvey their thanks and appreciation of the kindness rendered by the Lodge and friends biso for the many floral coatribu- tions in their recent bereavement, © CARD OF THANKS Mrs Themas [Kinkaic rnd fam- ily wish in thisjway to convey their thanks and appteciaticn ts their friends and neighbors for kind. | ness shown duiinh the illness and | deafh of theizhusband and father, Messrs. Dewar and Long, elee~ tricians, have opened a shop on Mill street and are busy wiring hotises, Their advt, appearsin an other column. See them about your needs, Mr. Robert McKay, of Maxville; Ontario Department of Agricult- ure Judge at Metcalfe Fair, visited friends in town en Monday, The date of the laying of ihe corner stene of the new United Church at Morewoed, has been changed to Tuesday, [Sept. 29th. Rey, Dr. Pidgeon will" lay the stone at 10.30. 5 EK. ©- (oy 'Mr. "and Mss. D. MpoKerracher, { extending syshatiy te the be-| A Full Stock 'of Lum- ber, Lath and Shingles constantly on hand. : ST WALKER: &TEON dice __ IOEALERS{IN LLLBER, Fi FEED AND COAL . ea prices_beforeibuying tires. fo > 8 TIRE We can etjgly Tires at the lowgpt prices. Call an dget ouy A. McARTHUR Cm TE Se oe ~ One Touring Car RE ats ACE RRTRORR BEES Our 1826 Models will be i in our Showrooms in the next few weeks and you should see them. They are geod, I have two bargains in 1925 Models. One Tudor Sedan with Ballcon Jires. Also Four Used Cars'at $125.00 each Ei de 1 ).: W.i Robertson | i; uit crizecForéDealer Pal Lol. Roa ae a AS ARAASAARAAAN

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