Russell Leader, 27 Dec 1923, p. 9

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at 'Mary Macnab in the house on the . Springhill. * evening ELL LY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN THE ON DER IL RUSSELL COUNTY SE a------ WHT" SE fe VOL. XXXIV No. 2 THURSDAY, DECEMBI R 27th, 1922 (qf $ 150 A YEAR IN ADVANCE mm---- = ---- -- ------ -- SR ca, a - A ' | "8 : i dene wy 3 HOCKEY The annual New ¥ear's dance in i Boyd's Hall, C arlsbad Springs will be The hockey season opens on Friday held on Monday evening, Dec 3ist fevening, when Russell team visits the Everybody always enjoys themselves - -- . Perth team 'at this 'dance ang it promises well fo, Owing to viather conditions the Rus-' this one. Come and watch theold year | sell team has only had a couple of out to music. Admission 95 cents and The old year with its trials and trib." req) practicds and may net have the amusement tax {our Column 5. re a a ulations is nearing the close. Our record, wind to go at top speed for the fllu dis, "Having sold his farm Mr Victor Main | - whethegp good or ll, will soon be 3 yance put are going well and with a, ville, who lives at Zo '14, Con 6, Town matter of history. The New Year with! gamed or two two under their belts they, ship of Osgoode wil sell his stock and its promise is due. It remains for us 1nok jike the goods and will be up near! implements by public_augtion on Thu to make or mar it. It is ours to make' 4: tn, | day, Jan. 3rd at one 0'; >lock sharp. John use of. In all sincerity we wish you all' my. grst home game takes place at W.James auctioneer A HAPPY NEW YEAR { the Arena on Friday evening, Jan. 4th ; ' ' when the} Cornwall team will visit Rus-' ee The many friends of Mr Thomas G' go) These will be new faces to local Be Hommes, who conducted a tinsmith busi go, an, thdy come with a strong rep ANNUAL MEETING L.O.L. No 268 ness hare a number of years ago Willi ytation behind them. Our local team The annual meeting of L.O.L. No 263 regret to learn that he died last "week: .are the same snappy line-up which was hdd on Dee. 17. A goadiy number in Brantford. His refains were brought; gave Chesterville heart-failurc last ycar of the members Were 'in attendance. to Winchester and placed in the vault TyTney have another good «defejice Bro. Jps. MeShia DX CM , conducted for interment in the spriig. i player in viéw, and when he is signed the election and instellation of officers | the line-up will compare favorably with, which resulted jas follows : Mz: John D Macnab, who lived in the any in the league 17 M--Stanley Morrov: 9th concessoion of Osgoode south of pyeyvone will went to see this new ID .I--Osgoode Bradlev * the Scotch passed away on Monday: i,m jn action and 'see how our boys'C: ~p--Herbert James last in his 87th year. He was the last:, | stack up with them. Come out and see 'R © --Howard MorTow of thd older generation of the family.! { the first game and encourage the boys F S--Arthur Long He sold his farm to his nephews some; , Treas--Ernest Hamilton time ago, and lived with his neice, Miss 'D of C--Robert Booth 1st L--Lloyd Morrow "2nd L--Richard Morrow The annual school meeting was held Committee--Howarg Ross Fred Scott (yesterday in the schoolhouse {Alex Meharey, Roy Wnitldy, Fiwin More interest than usual was mani- Hamilica fested this year, about twenly being present and taking paxt in the pro ceedings. | The first item was the report of lhe secretary, which showed that the busi- | SCHOOL MEETING farnt, The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, interment being made at Messrs Geo McKendry and - Wesley Rombough, of Kingstoon spent Christ mas with their parents here SCHOOL REPORT S| S No 1 Russe! for December Messos. Nelson Rombough and Donald, Senior Fourth Clpss Campbell, of Cornwall -~:nt Christmas ; ; ness of the section had been looked Donald Cumming ,.....i... cece ee 80, with their families he, after as well as pohsible, and any out- Ela Shepherd Nia oy eek eg gp! ; : lay of money had been done to the Violet Hitsman ........... .. Fa. 51 Mr Wm Gamble, of Prescott, spent best advant 7c and with the objecl of Junior Fourth Class getting value. ~ i Lillian Wade ..... ....017 The trustees report showed thal we 'George Shepherd . the week at his home here. To Our Many Customers We wish to extend the Sedson's Greetings and Best Wishes for the coming ver Rr i Nis po is i & EE We appreciate the patronage extended to us duing 1928 and look forward to continued service to you during 1928, and may your shadow never gowl ss = _° = dg = a RE SF STEELE, Your Druggiit We Extend to Our Customers and Friends Best Wishes for A Happy New Year Miss Bessie Walker of Sudbury, iSsnaye an efficient staff of teachers who Third spending the week with her parents 2 ) POTOtV, To argue ie gre giving satisfay Aon. A ' irre The question of puiting ejectric, 'Douglas Cumming : lights in the school whis taken up and Grace Arbuthnot The annual Christmas entertainment; it was dacided to install them in lhe Mabel Hay ....... = 65, of the United Church will be held injpasement. Donald Hay .....0.. oo Tun 63 the church hall tommorrow (Friday); A resolution was passed instructing 'Jennie McLaren ./............ovues 62! the boarq to see that school was con-| Gordon Arbuthnog | . tinued until June 29th, instead of be- Katie Cumming ........i......cven. 48 'Mr Ken McDonald, of Almonte, and; ing closed on June 15th. Secord Class Mr Gordon McDonald, of Ofttawa,| Dr Proudfoot was he-elected as trus, ! John Htsman...... a 00 vias 74 spent Christmas with thefr parents, tea for the next lhree years® Mac Wade... 5 ee 60 Mr and Mrs Wm McDonald K. Seaton, Teacher i | | On Christmas night a party of young ._ Mr C E McCaffrey presided TO THE ELECTORS OF THE WEST people met at the home of Mr Wm. PART OF RUSSELL TOWNSHIP :-- Lambert to celebrate the first Chris NOMINATION MEETINGS | Thre has been a rufor. circulated mas of Mr. Robert Bush in Canada. Ap On Monday next you will ke called , that the east end has sta' zd a move- most enjoypble evening was spent andi upon to select the candidates for mu-iMent to ave the full rdpr ssentation of Bob sure will remember his first Christ: nicipal positions, and it is your duty) the municipal council, an." that I am mas here and privilege] to be among those pres-| the author of this movement. T want 'ent, ang help to select the best men. to deny this, and I am in a position to Mr J C Hamilton of Pembroke, i8| Tn these days when taxes are high Prove my assertion. I have plways been spending the week with his family here pnd going higher, any old thing will not do, and we must be big enough Mr and Mgs Chas Carkner and chil-f'to sink our personal likes 'and dislikes dren, of Ottawa, spent Christmas with! and combine to get the right man for, Mr and Mrs Robert Lony the different offices 'and not the one who will bring the: expenditure of the Mr R C Bhrrington, of Toronto, spent' most money to oir particular corner Christmas with his parents Mr and! The municipal pot has stiarted to boil Mrs Wm Barrington. His mother re-!and unless all signs fail there will be turned with him and will spend a few! confests in Russell, Osgoode, and Cum- days » z perland. Some of these will be becausé jf existing grievances, and jare perhaps A New Year's Dance will be held in? "justified, but principally it is only al MacEwen's Hall, Russell on Tuesdpy! {case of ins and outs. Those who are evening, New Year's night Russolians, out want to be in. Of course, torealize Lucky Five will furnish the music. Be{ these ambitions is going to cost money sure and reserve the date. Admissionjput who dares about another few cents. gentlemen $1.00 ..... . {on the txaes In our opinion the ratepayers could Word was received hege the last ofiget together and pick out a council they wegk thet Mr Chas Stearns - off which would do the work right and be New Westmistr, B.C., 'had been beréay- really representative without going te¢ ed of his. wife, pneumonia being ihjal the trouble of an eldction. 4 cause of death. The sympathy of al Every who can should make it large circle of friands in this district{ a point to go to nomination and sup- is extended to Mr Stearns in his sor- (port the man who who best administer TOW . | your acairs for the coming year. The Lother fellow is going to protdet his MecDonald--McIntosh-- Marrie d on; interests. Are you going to have yours Wetlnesday, December 26th 1927, at neglected Go to nomination. the Baptist 'manse, Kenmore, by Rev. 3 Harvey Merrit, Alice eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, to] 'Word was soeeived here sh week of Harrison, eldest son of the late Mr! 'the death of Alex Marr in California and Mrs John McIntosh of Ormond No particulars wee received A pS £3 A Jos. Lemieux, in favor of giving justice to evikrybody I thank the electors for the support they have given me in the past and wish them one and all A Happy and Prosperous New Year Your servant, I Deputy Reeve. -- TT CUTTER FOR SALE A cutter, in good shape. Also a single sleigh. Have no futher use for them Priced right fer quick s3le ; Mrs-Dyncan, MeDiarmid . WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS These goods are of the highest and it takes less to do the Dif odk Taney as a greater quantity of others. = This wo ks out to your advantage as the smaller quantiy goes farther. 'The Watkins Co. are like the chain stores, one of the laygest companies do; ing business. My ohtfit is ust your local unit We aim to give service, and our goods give satisfaction Glos, * STOCK FOODS of all kinds. We will 'be pleased to quote quantity prices I have secured the Township of Cums | beyland instead of Cambridge Watch for Watkins representative JOHN R. FADER Konmt, 3 oe Rl ~ D. A McARTHUR Zor -- : SSA Ni To You and Yours From Us and Ouas The Compliments ~t the Season K. R BURNS Phone 70 ewig g Much of YourjHappiness To SE RR I en AAT ts Semi -i er Eat pDevonds on the comiort of your home. Storm windows SE and sterm deors meke a deelded imprevement Some fol%s go threugh life welshiink the other fellow eniay ing these homey eemforts Please order in time EEL Tad TY) DP. CARKNER & CO. Felephone-- Metcalfe 19 r 2 & { ry ia --- Russell ia ad

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