Russell Leader, 8 Feb 1923, p. 7

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= Ea cy WIEN NERVES ARE NEAR EXHAUSTION The Right Thing to Do is to Take a Tonic for the Bloed. When you become so exhausted af- ter a day's work that you cannot sleep, or sleep fails to refresh you, it is time to look after your health. Failure to: -act at once means a steady drain on your health reserve, which can result | in but one thing--a nervous break- down. Do not wait for a breakdown. The treatment is simple enough if you do not let your condition become too far advanced. The treatment is one re- quiring an effective tonic to enrich the blood 'and feed the starved nerves. The most effective tonic known is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which act direct- ly on the blood, and with proper diet have proved of the greatest benefit in nervous troubles and all conditions due *o impoverished blood. Mrs. Mary Hanson, Braeside, Ont., has proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and says: --"I was taken ill with what doc- tors whom I consulted called neural- gia of the tissues of the system. I was a complete wreck from constant pains in my -bedy and limbs, dizzy headaches, fainting spells and consti- pation. So intense was the pain that at times it caused vomiting and I would have to go to bed for two or three days, only to get up so dizzy and so weak that I could not cross the: bedroom without aid, and while these spells lasted I could keep nothing on my stomach. I doctored for almost a year, but with no beneficial results. Finally the last doctor who cttended me said medicine would not benefit me. I must have perfect rest, and spend most of my time in the open air. He gave me very poor encouragement. Knowing that the mother of four child- ren could not spend all her time in ldleness, I told my husband I was through with doctors and was going lo try some other remedies. I got one, but after taking it for a month found no benefit. Then I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and at the end of two weeks I found these were what I needed. With nerves worn thread- bare from all the suffering of the past, I continued the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for three months and by this time I was able to do most of my own housework. In fact I soon felt well and was able to do any kind of work without feelirg tired. Since that time I have continued to do all my own work and have' had ne return of the dreadful pain I suffered before. I have recommended the pills in many cases and have always seen good re- sults from their usc." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ---- Co Flax Seed for Canada. On account of the standstill of the flax industry in Ireland, an investiga- tion is being made with a view to growing flax in Canada. -- em eee Port Said in Egypt, gets on an average only 2 inches of rain yearly. London has 24 inches, New York 38 inches. 2, 's' Bituminous sands 150-200 feet thick lie along the Athabaska river for 73 miles. Drawn out by the sun, the tar runs into deep pools. Similar of solid asphaltic material. --_-------- Minard's Liniment for Rheum: tism. | Drugs and "I believed in Prohibition, absolute- ly, but my- faith is shaken," said a friend to me a few days ago. "The statement attributed to Judge Mur-| phy," he continued, "in a letter in a morning paper last week, seems to | make it clear that those deprived of i liquor are turning to drugs, and the ! results are deplorable." {Judge Emily Murphy, in her book, The Black Candle, in the chapter de- voted to Prohibition and Drugs," i makes it elear that she does not con- | sider Prohibition to be the cause of | inereased addiction in drugs. She be: "leves it is 'bad association and the urge. of an illicit traffic seeking to! profit hy the sale of the habit-forming | drugs that are the most potent causes | for the growth of the evil." She fur-: ther states: "In most places those; deprived of liquor seek substitutes not | in opium, cocaine or other allied drugs, ! but in raisin jack, home-made wines, jamaica ginger, paregoric, essences or moonshine." Another argument ac- cording to Judge Murphy, why drugs cannot be said to be a substitute for drink is the fact that such a large per- centage of drug addicts are in their 'teens. : Many medical authorities confirm Judge Murphy's statement. Joseph C. Doane, M.D., the Chief Resident Physi- cian of the Philadelphia General Hos- { pital, states that from the testimony of their drug patients, there is no con- nection whatever between drug-dis> ease and the inability to get liquor. The New York City Health Depart- ment, in the year 1919-20, asked 1,403 drug patients the cause of their ad- diction. Only 1 per cent. came to it from alcoholic indulgence. The Secre- tary of the Rhode Island State Board of Health says: "Wa fail to find among the applicants for treatment any. one formerly. addicted to the free use of alcoholic beverages." Prolibition By Rev. Peter Bryce. The City Health Ofiicer of Jackson- ville, Florida, reports that from the historics of addicts registered, "it ap- pears that there is no relation be- tween the habitual user of alcoholic liquor and the drug addict." The Medical Committee of the Ki- wanis Club, Vancouver, states: "Prac- tically all observers state that there seems to be no special connection be- tween the use of alcohol and the use of drugs. There is no evidence to show that the suppression of the use of al- | cohol increases to any appreciable ex- tent the addiction to drugs, as drug addicts are rarely alcoholics." Cora Frances Stoddard in her Pre- liminary Study on the relation be- tween prohibition and drug addicts says: "Of 1,169 patients treated at the New York Narcotic Relief Station in one week (April 10-16, 1919), most of them were mere youths, nearly one- third of them -are mot out of their teens. One boy began at the age of thirteen." These youths are doubt- less animated by a morbid desire to imitate what they believe to be the habits of the underworld and gunmen. Dr. C. M. Crawford, the Ontario Hos- pital, Whitby, says: "Morphine and cocaine are responsible for certain type of mental disorder. There has been no increase so'far as we can de- termine in either morphine addiction or cocaine addiction since prohibition came into effect." Dr. G. H. Kirby, Medical Director of the New York State Hospitals, says: "Since prohibition has come into ef- fect alcoholic mental disorders have practically disappeared, and further, morphine and cocaine addiction have not increased at all." He bases his statement on many thousands of cases. If other causes have not shaken my friend's faith in prohibition, there is evidently no cause for the foundation of his faith being shaken hy the facts regarding the drug trafiic. The Drawback "Im glad you don't like candy any better than you do." "I 'spect I would only I get full too quick." SAE A aly a! INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH § Instantly! '"Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so ; Meals Digest i 3 : The moment you cat a tablet of :: sands are found at intervals from "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is Lat. 57 deg. to beyond the Arctic|gone. No more distress from a sour, circle. The soaked area is possibly acid, upset stomach. 10,000 square miles. This deposit re-| heartburn, palpitation, or misery-mak- presents the largest known occurrence ing gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. = Each package guaran- teed by druggist to overcome stomach i trouble. A. CENTRAL NURSERIES Have the kind of Trees, Shrubs, ete, you want to plant. The best that grows and sure to please. Free catalogue. No Agents. 8T. G. HULL & SON CATHARINES, ONT. and lungs. Acts well as cure. So HORSES COUGHING? USE Spohn's Distemper Compound to break it up. and get them back in condition. Thirty years' use has made "SPOHN'S" indispensable in treating Coughs and Colds, Influenza and Distemper with their re- sulting complications, and all diseases of the throat, nose S8FPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, marvelously as preventive; acts equally 1d in two sizes at.all drug stores. GOSHEN, INDIANA YOUR HENS MUST LAY REGULARLY # IN ORDER TO PAY YOU BEST ; f SWIFT'S MEAT SCRAPS Produce More Eggs and Blgger Profits for you. § Mix one part Swift's Meat Scraps with 3 Bran and Shorts for best Its. ¥ Write for Free noon et and Prices. ¢ # SWIFT CANADIAN CO., Limite # 1185 KEELE ST. TORONTO No flatulence, |] WINTER HARD ON BABY The winter season is a hard one on the baby. He is more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches colds which rack his little system; his stomach and bowels get out of order and he becomes peevish and cross. To guard againsi this the mother should keep a box of Baki, Own Tablets in the house. They regulate the stomach and bowels and break up colds. They are gold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams® Medicine -Co., Brockville, Ont. ; ree ees of Dragon-flies can catch up other in- sects travelling "at over forty miles an hour! ; STARS MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Oe " Irish people, who eat large quanti- ties of potatoes, never suffer from . gout. ----t 3 The sea covers three-fourths of the earth's surface, or a total area of about 145 million square miles. Classified Advertisements. 'HELP WANTED--FEMALE. ELP WANTED. WE REQUIRE parties to knit men's wool socks for us at home, either with machine or by hand. Send stamp and addressed envelope for information. The Canadian Wholesale Distributing Co., Dept. 6, Orillia, Ont. i Footsore? Bathe your feet with warm water then rub well with Min- ard's Liniment. Soreness goes --feet feel fine, for Minard's Liniment is King of Pain. - scons] HUBAM CLOVER. id td Minard's UBAM CLOVER, THE GREAT se annual. Write for interesting in- Liniment formation, .D. Fraser, R.R. 2, Iiderton, Ontario. The Family Medicine Chest. POULTRY. RED-TO-LAY BARRED ROCK cockerels, good individuals, $3.00 each. David A. Ashworth, Denfield, Ont. BELTING FOR SALE ELTING OF ALL KINDS, NEW OR : used, pulleys, saws, cable, hase, i etc, shipped subject to approval at low- | est prices in Canada. York Belting Co. i 115" York St. Toronto. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ade dress by the Author. H. Clay Glover Co, Ino. 129 West 24th Street New York, U.S.A, MRS. ANDERSON TELLS WOMEN How Backache and Periodic TORQNTO SALT WORKS Pains Yield to Lydia E.Pink- || ¢. J. CLIFF. - TORONTO ham's Vegetable Compound | -- -- COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots Leslie, Sask.--"For about a year I was troubled with a distressing down- bearing pain before and during the pe riods, and from terrible headaches and backache. I hated to go to a doctor, and as I knew several women who had taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with good results, I finally bought some and took four bottles of it. I certainly do recommend it to every woman with troubles like mine. I feel fine now and hope to be able to keep your medicine on hand at all times, as no woman ought to be without it in the house.' -- Mrs. OSCAR A. ANDERSON, Box 15, Leslie, Sask. . ' Mrs. Kelsey Adds Her Testimony Copenhagen, N. Y. -- "I read your advertisement in the papers and my husband induced me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to get relief from pains and weakness. I was s0 weak that I could not walk at times. Now I can do my housework and help my husband out doors, too. I am willing for you to publish this letter if you think! it will help others.'" -- Mrs. HERBERT KELSEY, R.F.D., Copenhagen, N. Y. . Sick and ailing women everywhere mn the Dominion should try Lydia E. throughout theDominion. Canadian Depot: Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before Lymans, Limited, 344 St. Pau! St., W., Montreal, they give up hope of recovery. c L558 Cuticura Soap shaves without mugs | Chest colds- broken! Inflamed membranes. congestion, oppressive pain. Apply Sloans to chest and throat.It scatters congestion ~your cold is gone! Sloan's Liniment ~kills pain} . (Clear Your Complexion With Cuticura Bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water to free the pores of impurities' and follow with a gentle application of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for the toilet, as is also Cuticura Talcum for powe dering ang perfuming. Soap 25¢c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25¢c. Sold LY * Made in Canada < Joe Clean your bowels! Feel fino! When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour or gassy, just take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation. No griping--nicest laxa- tive-cathartic on 'earth for grown-ups and children.' 10c¢ a box. "faste like candy. J lita Rice paper is not made from the rice plant, but from; the pith of a tree growing in. Formosa. Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. ISSUE No. 5--'22. iT, a - i. é n b Cascarets" 10c ; 2 For Sluggish Liver | 1 i or Constipated i 1 Bowels § UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, yom are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package' of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer 'Manufacture of -Movno- accticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it Is well Jafown that Aspirin means yer manufacture, to assist the public against Imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." aia

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