Russell Leader, 1 Dec 1921, p. 5

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Tho Ruscell Leader " Crrr -------- J. lL ETERINARY SURGEON ax Dentist, Metcalfe. will he at his Bn esell 'Office, Gorinley's Hotel. avery CASE, FARING MACHIN ERY day ARTHUR FLYNN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer, Etc. RUSSELL -- -- ONT Russell Office open on Wednesdays in mew Flynn Block, Broadway. nes, Money to Loan on Easy Terms on Farm Property Bailing Presses, Made In Canada Kenmore Contiguation School. Repost. For October. agency ¥Yorm {. Verlie Hawkshaw .84 Alice Wosd 79 MARTIN Wilired Woodside 77 Arene Galbraith 70 Annie Wood 70 Evelyn Fisher 70 Margaret Tobin .70 r+. Park .69 Russell McGinnis ,69 Margaret Maclaren 67 "Gracie MacDonald 61 Form 11, A. Maclaren B4 #8, MacLachlan 81. E. Stuart JIE A, Dalgleish 72 I. Teitord 65 iK., Bruaton 60 M. MacDonald .59 D. Gillissie S58 M. Scharf .54 i#, Hill .53 A. Hall S52 £{i, Sparks 49 | mply because he had diserted the Form 111. {old farm himself and had gone to Evelyn Galbraith +73! reside in a nice heuse in Teronte, "Willie MacLaren +73] and was receiving $5.000 a year Donald Woodside +42 and ail his expences, "the wages of unrighteousness" te go all overthe ceuntry speaking evil of dignities, bringing railng accusations again- st lawfully constituated authority and denouncing their tair Dominion Elsie Dalyleish .69 Hilda Woodside 67 'Beatrice Lemoine .66 Robert Scharf .63 Estelle Stuart .56 Ray Bruaton #7 as a land of distress and misery Partial and ne lenger fit to live in, Was 'Hareld Park .80 it not a scandalous spectacle to be- Hazel Dillabough .48| hold? The Wood-Crerar alliance Emma Park ,42 'an unholly alliance" was simply a Formitii. piece of hollow Yankee-Doodle bom | bast, inspired by a foreign invader [from the wilds of Missouri, who had no interest in Canada and had no'sympathy whatever with British | institutions, but would sell the Em- pire for thirty pieces of silver". All Sorts And Conditions Of Men. In analyzing the Meighen Cabin- et, ],K.Muoro in Maclean's Mag. Mr, J. J. Morrison was going aly' azine says; But come to think of over Canada telling the agrizultur. | it, that patchwork cabinet is not #sts of fhe different previnces how causing trade-mark of its maker, secely they were oppresoed and now It is meant to please everybody. he would keep the people on thela-| ltis composed of protectionists wd. Well, Mr. Morrison has been | 20d low tariff men, Grits and Tori- blest with a family of nin: children es. Catholics asd Protestents, Fr- <tght of whom had gotten off the eachmen and French hutere, . fdfarm and the ninth was trying Aad if there is outstanding ability dard to get off it, And why? Si- SIZING THEM Up Rev. Mr, Lowery Presbyterian aninister of Franktown, Lanark Co. aty who bas always been known as 2 prominent Liberal, finds the Wo- ©d-Crear-Morrison combination too aauch for him to keep silent over, | and in an address delivered last week he says:-- anywhere in its maksup will some- body plegse point it out, Having been appointed sole Agent {er the Townships of Osgoode and Gloucester for the J. 1. Case, Farm Machinery, 1 am prepared to supply your wants in Steam and Kerosene Tractors, | arrows, and all kinds of up to date Far- ming Machinery, for full qarticulars apply 2 VARNISHES ANNOUNCEMENT I am pleased to announce that I have of ~-SENIOUR 100 per cent PURE PAINTS & VARNISHES Many of my customers will be pleased to know they will be able to procure this popu- lar brand of paints and varnishes at my store Information and suggestions will begladl given to those who are thinking of paintingy S. H. Merkley General Merchant, EE -------------------- Threshing Machi- Silo Fillers, Plows, Sold on Merit Kenmore, @nt. Henry's Shorthand School Ottawa, Ont. Our course includes & hort- hand, Typewriting, Spelling, Penmanship, Correspond- ence, English, Office Work, Civil Service, etc. Our standard of instruction bein 3 10 percent higher than any Other, our graduates are preferred and given BETTER pay. : Our teachers know what to teach, and how to teach it altbaving been practical st- enographers. it pays to attend the LAR. GEST nnd BEST. D.E. HENRY, PRESIDENT? Cornar Bank and Sparks Streets Court Russeh Ro. 49 IL. O. F, leets in the Forestass' Hall the ith Friday in every month at § a, James Morris J, H, Twees 2} R, R, 9 CF McARTHUR, Ld. We sell and carry a Stock « of the well known McCall Patterns See our Stock of Simmons, fam- ous Beds and Mattresses Me:'s new stoek of Fall Suits C. H. DALGLEISH. KENMORE ONT |' splendid Tweeds only $16.50 EEE RR Boys Fall Suits, a Shap $5.98 These Suits are at pre-war prices Navy Blue, Biack, and Worsted a beautiful Suit, will satisfy the very best dressers. canly $33.00 Our Stock of Fall Underwear been successful in securing the exclusive Isarriving, see the values we are sitering Prices away Down; CEMENT IN STOCK A complete line in Mill Feeds. Hen & Chicken Feed C.F. McArthur Lt RUSSELL ONT. The Late Thomas W. Hamiltos, Mr, Thomas W, Hamilton. sane of the eldest and most respected re- sidents of North Russell, passed away to hie eternal rest at an early hour Sunday morping Nov. 27th, aftes a very brief illness. Dgoeased was in his 77th year and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Hamilton, who came from Ireland in the year 1834, He was married ia 1877 to Matilda Loucks of Russell, whom he leaves to mou- rn his less, alse two sons Edwin and Robert both of North Russell, two brothers Andrew of Vairmede Saskatchewan and George of Stan- dish Michigan, U; S. ard threcgr- and children. The late Mr. Hamilton was one of the veterans who took part in the Fenian Raids 1866--70. He was a member of the Loyal Oracge Lodge 268 in which since his initia- tion on Mar. 13th 1865 he is report- led to have misSed, but three of the July celebration meetings, The funeral which was largely attended, was held at the home of the deceased at 2 p.m. on Monday, the seryices being conducted by Rev. N.D. Patterson pastor of St. Andrews Presbyterian church, after which the Orange Burial Service was read by the brethren of the or- der, Interment of the remains foll- Towed in the North Russell Cemetry The pall bearers were Messers, Alfred; Arthur and John Morrow, Alex and Robert Meharey and Ea, rnest Hamiltos all nephews of shai deceased and members ofthe Oran ge order, Enabrsn Meeting Ladies Liberal Club. The meeting held on Menday wight in Embrun, which was called by the members of the Ladies Liberal Club filled the town hall to capacity Mrs Cyprien St Onge presidisgr the chief speakers wers Mrs Arthurs Belanger and Mr. O, Langois ef Ottawa. Mrs, Belanger strongly emphasised the reason why the ele. ctors should support Liberalisnr, ana made a strong appezi to the |wemen showing hew they should supportthe party of Liberty, Justice and Progress, in dealing with thes Progressives, she said they haves no past, they ask the liberals fem support on the ground of what they will do in the future, no record nef. hing but vague promises, Mr. O, Langois made a very eff ective speech defining the Liberal policy, giving the reasons why they are entitled to the svpport of the people in the present election, M:. Lafond was the last speakes who supported the speeches made by the previous speakers, advisisg: one and all to support the liberak party, the great majority of thoser present were ladies who by hearty applause and enthusiasm make & large majority assured for the liber lal candidate on Bec. Oth. x Cm : 3 air + fe § fy N hy BY 2a "wy

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