Russell Leader, 24 Jun 1915, p. 8

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gi .. Hall, Embrun. A THE RUSSELL LEADER The best that money in the British Empire: car is built right. Buyers of Ford cars will Ont., headlights. RUSSELL . ile "MADE IN.CANADA" 'Ford Runabout that goes into the Canadion Ford. men are the highest.paid motor. car This means dollars sav- ed in after expense to the man who drives a Ford 'Made in Canada." we sell 30,000 cars between Avg. Runabout $540; Town Car £840; F. O. B. Ford, with all cquipment, Cars on display or sale at McVEY & CARKNER Tord $540 can buy--is the labor Qur work- mechanics Because the Ford share in cur profits it '14--Aug. 15. including electric . \. ONTARIO 4 nr Un VERSAL CA For Sale Large Gramaphone with 27 re- Lords almost new cheap for cash-- »2pply to Mrs. JOHN CHEERY Fisst Avenue Russell FOR SELE 6000 feet 2-inch oakplank. "7 ~No. 1 Blue Oak. Apply to' Adam Young, Ormond, Ontario TS om -- J.A.G. Fielding RUSSELL, ONT. Agent for Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Money to Loan at Lowest Interest ~. RUSSE LL COUNCIL 6th meeting, Court of Revision, ] held in the Town Hall, Embrun, Juaoe 5th, Scott--Emard, that the Reeve be appointed Chairman of the Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Rolls, 1915. --Carried. The following considered: Felix Dignard, reduction of $75.00 Tel. M. Menard, Jog Gauthiery, Lewis Amvyot, ©. N. Y. Railway, settled, Bell Telephone Co., dismissed. Annie Dow, Andrew Herrington, reduced $100. Marcille Menard, $50. - Court Adjourned for one hour. On assembly, moved:-by Hebert--- were appeals dismissed. [X3 (X3 'é [73 . Scott, that the Court: of Revision! be declared closed and that the Reeve be authorized to sign the Assessment Roll as revised for the year 1915.--Carried. Meeting of Township Council held June 5th, 1915, in the Town Emard--Gregoire, that the reeve Pe authorized to have repairs made sell the following jobs, ditching on the N. M. road be- tween lots 20 and 21 in the 2nd concession, repairing road between 8th and 9th ccncessions opposite lots 18 and 19, ditching on N. M. viz, ;-- 9th concession. grading N. M. road between lots 5 and 6 in the east half of the 9th concession, ditching both sides of N. M. road between lots 5 and 6 in the 2nd concession for about one third of a mile, building cedar culvert on N. M*+0ad between lots 5 and 6 in the 3rd concession.-- Carried. Scott--Guegoire, that Adolph Emard be authorized to- sell the job of repairing the road between the 4th anc 5th concessions op- posite lot 11. --Cariied. Gregoire--Emard, that Adolph Emard be authorized to sell the job of building the bridge on the N.M. between lots A and 1 in the 7th concession.--Carried. Scott--Emard, that By-law No. Cherry* Drain, be : and read a third time and finally passed.--Carried. 5, ~--Hebert--Emard, that the follow- ing Rath. Masters be appointed to replace some resigned and others who refused to act: Adelaird Mar- ion, Louis Laballe, Joseph Martel, Ovila * Levesque, Moses Black, Damase Martel, Medric Brisson, Martin Labelle. Scott--Emard, : rhat the petition of R. C. McVey and others, for cleaning, widening and deepening the Dunbar drain be adopted and a copy of same be sent to the Township Engineer for his report. --Carried. Hebert--Emard, that the Coun- cil grant the sum of $50.00 to the Russell Branch of the Red Cross Society.--Carried, Hebert--Emard, that the Reeve and Clerk sign an order in favour of Omer ' Lapoint for the taxes overpaid in the Bassillion Drain, on the n e gr lot 15 in the 8th con. for the years 1912-13-14 and that the i ie be charged to the proper person in this years collector's port on the same.--Carried, Scott--Gregoire, that the Coun- cil grant six strand wire to Andrew to the Town Hall, Embrun, and the ditch in connection with same. ~--Carried. » Scott--Hebert, that the Road Fitspatrick for fencing the forced road on the 2nd concession. gcar ried. Superintendant be authorized to Scott Gregoire, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign road between lots 15 and 16 in the! introduced : roll according to the engineer's re- | orders in favour of the Iollowiog parties: A. Walker, lumber for Loux Bridie .... Ali vie urns $ 11.76] A. Walket, lumber for cul- vert at H. Cochran's.... 13.13 B., Murray, cal oil, etc., for street lighting in Russell 21.49 W. R. Craig, clerk's fee's, : different awards, ditches ; and watércourses, (1914. 7.00} '| Cothrane and McKay, sup- plies, street lighting, I. . V." Russell... ......5% 9.18 Lawrence James, asst. to engineer on.Champagne Arainh vies vars vite toe 2.C0 Chas. Revais, asst. to engineer on '"Champagne dealt die vain sin i ens 8.50 Jos. Menard, asst, engineer Fournier Creek.......... 2.00 Hochelaga Bank, postage stationary, etc., re taxes 1014 es 4.00 Royal Bank, postage, sta- tionary, etc., re .taxes, ; 2) SRE Ee Rg 4.00 D. McArthur, printing no- tices re taxes 1914...... 5.75 Sawyer Massey Co, repairs for grader ..i..cevi..ns 9.75 John Young, culvert on boundary Russell and Os- .goode, opposite lot 16, half charged to Osgoode 7.00 Elzear Lachapelle, balance assessor salary 1915.... 2500 Wm. E. Loucks, balance assessor salary 1915.... 25.00 J. B. Bourgie, repairing Loux Bridge, culvert and drawing lumber,....... 19.00 J. B. Bourgie, repairing Chevrefils Bridge....... 21.75 J. B. Bouwgie, repairing St. Ogne and. Embrun s bridges a Lae 11.90 J.B Bourgie, expenses re burial Jno. Laplante. . 23.50 J. B. Bourgie on ac. grids ing forced road in 4th & Sth concessions ...:.... 100.00 Arthur Maiscneuve, repairs to road grader ........ 7.50 W. R. Craig, clerk's fees Marshall-Seguin® drain.. 70.00 Odilion Chenier Swapairing Rochon bridge ...o... 0. 1.25 Ontario Bridge Co. 6 road drags at $14.00 ........ 87.50 Ceorge Stearns, tile on boundary Russell and Os- goode ........... 20.00 Geo. Stearns, tile supplied for different culverts . 63,00 Jos. Seguin, premium in surance on Town Hall, Embrun.....oovvivnees 15.00 Beaudin and Benoit, con- tract Embrun sewer .... 12.50 Nap. Savage, work on Em- brun Sewer ......c000n. 2.00 Josephat« Gregoire, burying 23 75 dogs. Emard--Hebert, that we grade the forced 10ad in the 6th Con. from St. Onge corner west and that the Police Village of Embrun be charged for their share "of same as requested by the Trustees.-- Carried. Gregoire--Scott, that Council adjourn to meet in Russell on Saturday, the 3rd day of July, at ten o'clock a. m.--Carried. Special Meeting, Township Coun- cil, June 7th, 1913. Scatt--Emard, that By- -Law No. 7, 1915, for the prevention of fires in a certain area and for the con- struction, alteration and repairs of buildings in said area in the Police Village of Russell be introduced and rend a first time.--Carried, By-Law was then read a second and third time and finally passed, sealed and signed. Scott--Gregoire, that the trus- tees of the Police Village of Russell be authorized to purchas a fire en- gine and appliances for fire pro- tection at a cost not exceeding $3000.00 and pay therefor in instalments by Debenture within ten years and this Council to have jurisdiction over any contract and approve of said appliance which the trustees shall purchase. -- Carried. Hebert --Emard, that the Trus- tees of the Police Village of Em- brun be authorized to purchase a fire engine and appliances at a cost not exceeding $3000.00 and to pay therefor in instalment by Debentures within ten years and Council to have jurisdiction over anycontract and approve of said appliances which the said trustees shall make a purchase. Carried, "At Once Wanted immediately, 10 tons Wool for which we will pay 40 cents per pound in trade. Ladies' Wear Gigantic Sale of Ladies' White Wear in all the latest styles our stock comprising Ladies' Blouses Skirts Underwaists Princess Slips, Etc. Are being sold at a discount of from 33 to 50 per cent off reg- ular prices. Also a wide range of Ladies Silk Blouse son same terms. Ladies Take Notice We will hold a millinery sale for ten days only, commencing on June 18th, when all millin- ery will be sold at a reduction of thirty-three and one third per cent: This is a bona fide Sale. Enough said. C. F. McArthur, LIMITED RUSSELL, ONTARIO {| |] iA ' sth Bata th) Ter a rol EE il of Ae Fanny. ash bi a 1

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