Russell Leader, 30 May 1907, p. 4

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«pl on EPI Tre TI OE a Foti x . : ; io po : : THEE FUSBELL LPADER 7 Sd ' a £4 PE Pn Ed i 5 2 os Sie rE Pe ala ry | = 5 i c Business & ofessional James McCormick's land id the 10th o ea con. lot 37, This Council recommends z FRIPP, HENDERSON & MoGEE that this branch be l¢lt- out of 'the : ARR'STERS, 8OLIC ATORS, BIC. scheme as Messrs McCormick and C 53 and, 54 Corle on 'Cham ers, . : ; ; a2 Dunes a5 : | Stewart have agreed to take the water AT Frire, Sonn Hexponrso off the side road across their land for! Time Table éffective' Nov sth Tous = 41° Ci "AL D'Apnoy MoGen. : : : IN] : 7 2 the sum of five dollars. Carried Er op : E : : 5F Vi Yoved by: T-AMeTv g TEEN ] : *. "Pranchy Commercial House, Busgell,|§: : LN i Moved by J McEvoy sec "by Theo! saad NEW MES § 8 TAY A LINE: : Open Tuesdays and Court days only ; ; Cleland that this corporation dc x od hs : pStiiohdo agree OHE PREFERABLE WAY 1 : : Phi iv F Goo io pay one quarter the cost of a tile Utica R v Sinclair : JH | drain at Spring g Hill cemetery, said Albany, Bola New. York > > . ; di itch to cross the Concession Road Sag x3] - an > Express, Express! Mixed BARRISTER & SOLICITOR between the 6th and 7th con. and a.| Nerthbouna Jol ni . ; Sunday 1S Ss ay «oom No 17 Carleton Chambers. bout sixty rods on said road, and the | Sunday | Sunday | Sunday Sparks St, Oi. .wa Cle: ; : * lerk be instructed to draw the ne- : ' Lv Tupper lake B 15 A.M. [1.50 : cessary agreement for the interested | » Santa SEED » 317 *, E: - : egis ralis ; 3 W. H. Lowrie 7 See our [parties Ee Carried. Dlekelison Cir 3 a EAL ESTATE AND LOAN Agent, Con- Bi Moved by Jas McCormick sec. by!" Halon iil z veyancetr, a utary Public, Camm; ssioner. | ° . A Walker thot the chi Z, Bio... 8.57 Si Mur Lo oan at trom 5 to § por cent English Prine }A Walker te hy teers reborpon fv fuse! i : Bae : re McCaul dre y , RUSSELL .... : z RUSSELL, ONT : : & MeCaul drain he now read, RK, i Sehr 2 Eg 11 & Dressgoods Corrind "| Express Express, Mixed : ! Moved by A Walker sec b as Southbound |daily ex. daly 6 1X. tie a Magwood & WwW alker 3 o - y y ike y J g Sunday | Sun ay 4 Suiany : Fine Display McCormick that the Reeve be in-- Lv ot 9 a i : = iV awa. .....17.50 amid: J "CIVIL ENGINEERS structed to. sign the McCaul Creek RUSSELL 83 , 3. a : : in = : : 3 pinch a... 3.58 =, ~ .. Colquohoun Block, Cornwall Ont. |§ of Ribb ons petition for the Municipality Carriedy » Cornea ; 2.3% "" : > 4 OR 206 > J - Moved by Theo Cleland. sec by J| » Helena. fe : Moira... .....- = : : rs hm / & =1 1 | McCormick that J McEvoy be au-| » DickensonGir 5 { H. MaGgwoop H. J WALKER Laces mal td Sohvr be am) I ; : : 5 . 3 thorized to build a culvert on 'the| ;» Santa Clara. Ju i] Te: Ts : > 5 Ar Tupper. Lake. = ps a Re W CLA eS = nincaile road between lots 20 and 21 v2 ene i EE - - W. R. Graig Cr] fe sn oh con 3, Also repair the road between - : Re ? . 7 ZC > Qs x a TY Ha ORVEY AOL . ~~ H|lots 20 and 21 con 4 Carrleg | oR TAYS o- PRILIPR] © ; ol 5 = oS Pant oF 2) § : Moved Bs Valk - 7 AuPA Gen. Pass. Agen, | oN oN, 5 a a ef itul i : oved by A Walker sec by J Me sai 9) . RUSSELL. ONT HEH OC, PD ALEY, Passe nger Traffic Man : 8 YT, O) McCormick, that the Court of Revi : ; 3 = Tan : ET = - - CER), Be ; : om : a In all Ii ines comblete jon for th A Assessment - Roll of ts : lA : : is ; iii 7 » na 14nd Save: I'your cream " i! D. P53 Proudfoot ¥ Township of Osgood e forthe year : 3 7 ont £] Rusoell 3 2 ctl GRADUATE OF ROYAL COLLFGE OF [{ ° at close pr ces 1907 be held on 'Saturday June 1st at ia 19° : feniiin Dental - Surgeor 8, Toronto University. : lelbak ar & Hi . fier mira > Chicago College of Dental Surgeons. : 1 "Elio o'clock a. m. Carried }-- This is the best made and at BRANCH OFFICE : 20alo off all Furs Moved by A Walker sec'by by Jas O =o] : Sy Me tealfe, 1st and 3rd ha 4th d adhe A iq = > 2. <n .0.10 moderate rice Wednesdays : McCormick that the Treasurer be au- ah : pres At Crysler every Poe : thorized to borrow by way of over-| * Meéts: inthe Forester's Hall the r : - : = caje YW : a : draft from the Union Bank here the [second Friday in every meth at 81 or sale Ly SE. 3. MURPHY, Wm. Pe trie sum of fourteen hundred" dolldrs on |P* ™ : iy a ETERINARY SURGEON AND the Statute Labor account 1go7 + |W -L. SUMMER Ww. H Low RIE, Dentist, of Metcalfe," will be at i J ; : 3 is Russell. Office, Kinkade's Hotel, & Co. Moved 2 very Tuesday. = £| Cleland tha | eterinary Dentistry a Speciality. | Walker on | ah ; crm sceeme be ddopted and-that the clerk] ; = ¢ AREY 1: nn Soi a instructed to prepare tHe STV 3 1 hotels TOWNS Bip OF 0800840 IE be instructed to prepare thie necessary stissell UoOc 0, 241 - . SNUBS by-law : Carried > : : re ir : i E Moved by T Cleland sec by J Me Mects eve 3 | Tuesds 7 at 8 pom. in their : 3 3 rk ar . Lodge Room, RP a Russell © 3 4 = The Gommareial Tlouse Tows Hall, Metcalfe, May 4th; 1907 Cormic :. Reeve and 'Iréas y 2 >a ' ! ig hd : Pursuant to adjournment the Coun | rer be authorized to renew VISITING BRETHREN ALWAYL WELCOME x i >. nin ain 3 ir Sav made © ate : JOHNKINKAID, Pioprieter. |. met at the hour of one o'clock p. i fo 1 mady on ja T. A Corscadden Vi. F. Kenney rst class accommodation for guests, AY : 5Y-LAY-ON LASIOr FAN GUE NG Twi Sj ecial attention to Commercial Trade All the members present. Minutes | tthe Union Bank Metcalfe nS 2 foe : GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION, ast meeting were read and approv-| months. = qa = a . 3 * 2 3 ed : ed, Moved by 'NOTICE To crEprToRs. | WAI inding ! = : The following accounts were read MeCormick that the NOTICE is hereby given pursuant ; oe f : and filed, viz :--The accounts of ih nized fo Ppen an account to B.S. 0 C129 3.38 that all CARTING otnest. Goods, Jas Tolnston and Union Bank here for the Police Vi il- | persons having any claims _ or de- 1 an -enared do 1 Lk ° Saad Mel ob i 4 lage of Metcalfe and that the eas- i mands against Jol in-Wa'son lato of a1} prepare to > ai inds . ; 1 cLean for board an iw ot Troi Sotics Vi = aT The wnllersipind- ls pleoired io). ¥ of 1 nd assis urer collect from the Police V iilage the Township of Russell in thé Coun-{ of Gi inding at cts per-cwi, Sp tance rendered to the Engineer injof Metcalfe the amount advanced out | ty of Russ ol, Farmer, who died oa or draw and deliver to any address ex- : for i fil 1 to Qaticfptl ¢ tobi ; bl connection with the survey of the Mc | of the Generali fund with the usual |or about the fifth day of Janu ry, 3 atist LCUion ¢ : J : ; - 307 A gh Y ve 2 7 7} pene ns fn e-1ates. Hl oo ick drain Account of Samuel | Bank interest and that the Village of nye at the said Towuship of Rus- Gu 1875 nteed tinds of hauling i . 7 . ; 3 sell, are requires x Ne tbl dd 5 one: Woods for wood for stone crusher | Metcalfe be advanced out of the Gers to the ut 3 ne 3 Soli ; hy or i | ted vd Su pi " Tw ok unde] ed, Solicitors for the | g DAN GRIFF iT 8 ~land:helping the engineer. Telephone eral overdraft the sum of Two - Hun. Exocutors un lor, ; fihelio. . Mil x runs every d ay - RUSSELL account for March and Apiil. Letter | dred Dollars Carried | said John Wa ! hi f - from -H B Spencer: re enlarging the| Moved by J McEvo; ua y and add EP re WW "A LK ER culvert where the Doyle Creek 'crosses land that J McCormic £ Bem in writing La 5 . a : re fhe © = and statéments'of theid aceounts and | Riiles's old Stand, Broadway the railway. Account of the Robert | tO tepaiithe concess a WEED | tha nature of "tha if any Boome rein - . Wha Cardina ] Flouse Bell Thresher and Eagne Co. The 3513 and 1th coh. osite lots 3¢ them. : 2 = aa ¢ journal account. - Municipa World) 2 and 40, cost AGt to exceed $25.00 T/ alk BE NOTICE that afi or : : . NT ietor er . . Fo - % he fifteenth day of Jui 907, the | Sen] = r. + WM. MONTROY, Proprietor. account. The account of Jas. Moses. |= % Carried | rE u sors 'will pro Li he 58 Seman 5 ates $1. day. 'eleptione No. 26. ' : Svs : ald Kxecut v sroceed to dis-- Bea gs - Rates $1.50 per day. Telephone No. 20 Moved by A Walker seconde -d by Moved by. : by Jas | tribute : 1 C a wt a's cei 'Bus meéts all trains, inclu ding mid Jas McCermick that 'the minutes as McCormi ck i : in eas i AT oh EH B) wis night train. read be adopted. Carried, ; J to , the FE : ¢-. #Buropean and American plan. First-C Moved by Mr Cl land seEon hen Jave AT ONCE FOR I RUSSELL and sur- Cle £01 | ; Accomadatio. WIT Furnished Rooms f : B | . 3g /. Hot ani Cold Water Baghs. faneh Counter. | Mr McEvoy that this council g said Hs- rounding District a 5 Sed spabiing A sands, s 8 ¢ liable {oer the said a : : ieated throughout with Hot Water Bower lil to keep oates 1 J linh nce Ononigitls ie Good Sample Rooms in Conneotion : Power gery to keep gates therof 10. hy per High Clas a : ; : 3 1. TT AAe a ntl shall nat ABR hg pg [road onlot 27, con. 3, until shall pot) ; CARDINAL, OHT. of September; 1907, on road lead : ak ol a 0 Jame from. Prescott Road to the line e line eRe ween the 3rd and 4th Con. Ca hii Notice _ Moved by Jas McCormick sec by rreanent situation for the right 5 "| A Walker that the Clerk be in structed eral io Tics suc is Li woek- Notice is hereby given that the |to notify Engineer Walker that in the first meeting of the Court of Revision | award he is making on the Miotai: r for the Township of Cumberland in|mick and Goode drainage scheme the County of Russell, to revise the |this council having been informed Daaf © assessment roll for said Township for | that he has left the natural course of s bea . th: year 1906, will be held at the |the water and is running his drain on Town Hall at Leonard Station, on |the road allowance opposite lot 34 in Menday, the 3rd day of June, 1507, [the oth con. on east side, this ¢ commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. "cil will appeal against any awa Dated at Cumberland; the 6th day [leaving a natural watercou of May, 1907. : 9 making a dangerous drai n on theroad ttarrh an W. W. DUNNI NG, And also thiat on he same sch : - : : Cle "Sal 'or Sale. . Tp.: Clerk. SAL. | BEAL | 5 bred Beillion Fook ot 2Uin the 4th con, Rus- and terws upon | : under eultiva-> oy OF 1 1 id 3 Swill be mada to tion } yeu diagied and eneea Fhis is onc of the [WO frame bans; 1 log Lar, pig : red in Canada. Ic| house, box « and hen house, ; Bells Ta ! * lurge exhibi | Good biick ) 1 'acre of Be jorchard. A A. Oo Tadieror IW. et low :

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