Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet Mark Dutch Christmas ; : by Adriana de Waal . Not everyone knows how Santa Claus, that fat, jolly, whitebearded old gentleman in the red, fur trimmed suit, came into being. He was born in the ancient Lycian seaport of Patara (near modern Kalamaki, Turkey), and was once one of the most celebrated saints commemorated in Eastern and Western churches. His uncle, the ar- chbishop of Myra (near modern Finike, Tur.) ordained him and ap- pointed him abbot of a nearby Monastery. At his death, Nicholas was chosen to fill the vacancy, and he served in this position until his death. Under Diocletian he was imprisoned for preaching Christianity but was released during the reign of Emperor Constantine. He attended the .first Council (325) of Nicaea (modern Iznik, Tur.) In the 6th century, abbot Nicholas of Sion, near Myra is believed to have written his biography and accounts of numerous miracles, of which the best known deal with saving of children and sailors. Many charming stories relate Nicholas' charity toward the poor. He was choosen patron saint of countries such as Russia and Greece, of charitable fraternities and guilds, of cities such as Fribourg, Switz, and Moscow. His miracles were a favorite subject for medieval artists and liturgical plays. His traditional feast day is December 6th. The transformation of Nicholas into Father Christmas or Santa Claus first occurred in the country where the Reformed churches were in the majority, Germany. Dutch Protestant settlers in New Amsterdam (now New York) are credited with introducing St. Nicholas in America. Sinterklaas (Sinter Claes) later became Santa Claus, contributing fur- ther to the spreading of this folklore as a festival for the family and especially children, when presents are exchanged. In the Netherlands, this festival is still celebrated on the 6th of December. Sinterklaas, helped by Zwarte Piet (Black Peter) arrives several weeks before by steamboat from Spain, where he is awaited on shore by a marching band, many children and adults who will play and sing: ~ Zie ginds komt de stoomboot uit Spanje weer aan Hy brengt ons St. Nicolaas, ik zie hem al staan Hoe huppelt zijn paardje het dek op en weer Hoe waaien de wimpels al heen en al weer. Maar jongens wat zie ik een pop van speculaas! Die heb ik gekregen van St. Nicolaas. Een tafel vol speelgoed, Wie had dat gedacht? Nog nooit heeft St. Nicolaas zo ruim ons bedacht En dan nog voor ieder een letter erby. Nog nooit was er iemand zo gelukkig als wij. Zijn knecht staat te lachen, en roept ons steeds toe: "Wie zoet is krijgt lekkers; Wie stout is de roe."' | Later in the weeks to come until the 6th of Dec. Sinterklaas (Sinter Claes) and Black Peter will visit schools where the waiting children chant: ; - Kom St. Nicolaas, kom St. Nicolaas - kom binnen met je knecht Er zijn geen stoute kinderen bij ze zitten allemaal still en recht. Misschien heb jij vandaag gen tijd maar voor je weer naar Spanje rijdt. Kom dan nog even bij ons aan en laat je paardje in de stal maarstaan. (2 times) En we zingen en we springen en we zijn zo blij Er zijn geen stoute kinderen bii. At home families prepare for the evening of St. Nicolaas, by placing wooden shoes, filled with food for his horse, in front of the fireplace. In some lucky homes Sinterklaas will personally pay them a visit. Michel A. Cousineau B.Sc. Com. Accountant Accounting & Income Tax Consultant for corpora- tions, Partnerships, Proprietorships & Farming Enterprises. | Box 88, R.R. 3, Russell, Ont. k (613) 445-5291 KOA 3B0 fe ee from THE RUSSELL ey SS. LION'S CLUB DON'T FORGET THE CHRISTMAS AINOR HOCKEY TOURNAMENT! § x Oey aloe Bee? Ee Page 19 Help! seems to be weitied all over the face of 5 i : ' a -year-old Sandy Ris of Kenmore. She, along with many other youngsters enjoy skating lessons taught at the Metcalfe Community Secs week. (Castor Review Photo) MARVELOUS MAGIC. SHOWS 'Magical Entertainment Anywhere" MAGICIAN RICK GOODMAN P.O. BOX 376 METCALFE, ONT. KOA 2PO (613) 821-3508 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BEAT INFLATION? See my beautiful collection of nearly-new clothes. *"DRESSES* *BLOUSES* ANAS _ "PANT SUITS* QSe6 *SLACKS* By appointment-- Mary Lukac 445-5246. SEASON'S GREETINGS from RUSSTAAL DRAINAGE Harold Staal -- 445-3019 M.D. Ross Realty Ltd. FOR YOUR REAL _ ESTATE NEEDS. Hwy. 31 at Greely 821-2362 METCALFE PHARMACY LTD. | Metcalfe -- 821-1224 ~ REGULAR HOURS Monday through Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. BARIBAULT, BESEAU, CAMPBELL & McCUAIG Barristers, Solicitors & Notaries Public 90 Main St. N. . Industriel St. Chesterville, Ont. Embrun, Ont. 448-2349 ; "443-5683 «. 4 wuwrreae reer eee eee ivwewy