Page10 Friday, August 4, 1978 Classified NAVAN FLEA MARKET & AUCTION -- One mile north of Navan Village every Sunday. Antiques, furniture, vegetables, étc. 835-2747 or 835-2074. Bilingual mother will mind children my home, daily, weekly or occasionally. With references. Call 445-5347. FOR SALE -- New crib quilt appliqued 60 x 48, 48 inch bed, hip exerciser, odd chairs, all in good condition. If interested call 445-5470. FOR SALE -- 1970 Ford Galaxie 500 in good condition, asking $800.00 Call 445-2820. Will babysit for summer. Bilingual, sixteen years old with good references. Call 445-2860. FOR SALE -- Tent. Will sleep 4 to 6 people, asking $35.00. 445-2860. Babysitting wanted in your home. Call 445-5308 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE -- 3!» h.p. Gas Lawn Mower, 1 yr. old. Call 445-2805. FOR SALE -- Findlay Electric Range, 30", good condition, $50. Call 445-2983 after 6. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who so kindly sent flowers, memor- iams, cards, made_ telephone calls and brought food to our homes or helped in any way during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Ralph Wade (Annie). To all who were so kind to her during her two months in the Winchester Hospital -- nurses on the ist floor and Ist east: Doctors Argue, Justus and Kinnaird; and also our minister Rev. Woolfry. Thanks everyone and God bless. The Wade Family. CARD OF THANKS The Testimonial Dinner held on the evening of June 2ist will remain a most memorable and happy occasion. To the committee members and to our many friends who made the dinner possible, our sincere appreciation. A very special word of thanks to Douglas and Helen Stewart. Lynn and Myrtle Morrow. CARD OF THANKS The members of the Russell Lions Club would like to say thank-you to the people of Russell for their very able assistance during our recent Ball Tourna- ment. A very special thanks to the following: -- Our lady of Visitation Church, Gloucester. -- Camile Piche, Mahue's Store -- Marcel Gareau, Russell Slaughter House -- Embrun Co-op Without your help our tourna- ment would not have been such a success. DEATHS WADE -- Mrs. Ralph Wade, the former Hanna Leanna Coult- hart, a long-time Russell area resident, died at Winchester District Memorial Hospital on June 20, in her 93rd year. Born and raised in Finch Township, she was married in 1916 to the late Ralph Wade and since that time resided on the family farm. A member of the Russell United Church, pre- deceased by her husband in 1965. She is survived by two sons and one daughter; Mrs. Hubert MacDonald (Lillian), Mac and Lorne, all of Russell. Five grandsons and one great grand- son also survive. The funeral service was held at the Warner Funeral Home and conducted by Rev. Leonard Woolfrey at 2 p.m., June 22. Pallbearers, all grandsons, were Courtney Wade, Arden Wade., Ian Wade and Ralph MacDonald. Internment at Loucks Cemetery. CASTOR REVIEW "Visiting Mrs. John Twiname has return- ed home after spending a few weeks with friends and relatives in England and Scotland. Mrs. Pearl Grainger, of Roch- ester, Minn., is the guest of her sister Mrs. Robert Campbell. G. A. Heymans Gerry A. Heymans, son of Harry and Mary Heymans, R.R. 4, Russell, graduated on June 9th, from the University of Toronto where he received his degree for Doctor in Medicine. Beginning on the 12th of June he will begin an additional two years of training at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, in a Family and Community Residency Program. Following completion of this two year program he plans to return as a General Practioner in the Russell area. Gerry is a graduate from North Dundas District High School. with Dorothy Marquette Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burton are visiting relatives in Scotland. Mrs. Hubert MacDonald and Miss Karen Bekkers spent a few days with friends in Horseheads, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Wilkinson, Steven, Judy, Sylvia and Nancy visited Mrs. Wilkinson's mother, Mrs. James Dempsey. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Codring- ton, Adam, Toby and Alexander spent their vacation with friends in Farmington, Penn. Mrs. Edgar Wade was returned to her home in Consort, Alta., after spending two weeks with the Misses Florence and Dorothy Marquette and other relatives in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Ian McIntyre, Elizabeth and Susan, of Kent, Eng., are guests of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rowsell, Mark and Victoria. Mrs. Donald McLaren spent a week with her mother Mrs. Gordon Robinson, of Mountain. Miss Catherine Codrington, of London, Eng., is a guest of her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Simon Codrington and boys. Mr. and Mrs. William Lee and Linda, of Burlington, Ont. visited Mrs. James Dempsey recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wall, Debbie, Donna and David, of Medley, Alta., are spending their vacation with Mrs. _ Shirley Rombough and other relatives and friends in the area. Miss Joan Hollobon, of Toronto, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Codrington, Adam, Toby and Alexander. Richard and Florence Cowline, of Romford, Essex, Eng., are currently visiting for six weeks: with their son Peter and daugh- ter-in-law Joanne. They will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary during their visit. The Hamilton families, of North Russell, recently hosted relatives Mr. and Mrs. John Kaxhaus, Gina, Paul and Cory, of Prince Albert, Sask. They were entertained by the families of Clelland and Wilmer Hamilton before returning west by the U.S. The Robert McCallums of North Russell enjoyed a trip to several Horse Pulls in New York State. we BY APPOINTMENT Russell Hair Fashion SPECIAL GOLD STUD EAR PIERCING --- $850 Call Jackie at 445-5497 Tues. & Thurs. --9a.m.-5p.m. Wed. & Fri. --9a.m.-7p.m. Sat. --9a.m.-2:00p.m. Forced Rd., R.R. 2, RUSSELL a.m. Sun., Aug. The Light Kenmore and Russell Baptist Churches Minister: Rev. James Paul, Ph. 821-2144 Kenmore -- Morning Worship Service, 11:15 Russell -- Sun., Aug. 13, 7:30 p.m.: Music Night with John and Judy Bailey Sun., Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m.: Speaker, Rev. James Paul 27, Unknown God Sun., Sept. 3, 7:30 p.m.: Bible Study 7:30 p.m.: Film, The COUNTRY FLOWERS & GREEN HOUSES All brides to be placing their wedding order during the month of August will receive their going away corsage free of charge. Choose from a large selection of cut flowers, potted plants, hanging baskets, macrame, dried arrangements and cactus dish gardens. Regional Rd. 8, Edwards 821-2573 wht ot * eee THT Avi ab BOSE CENTRE DE COUTURE Thibault SEWING CENTRE Ventes -- Service -- Sales Machines & Coudre ® Draperies & Confection Custom made Draperies Big assortment of Springtime cotton, eyelet, challis, etc. Sales & repair of sewing machines Raymonde & Hector, Prop. (613) 443-5434 398 RUE NOTRE-DAME ST. -- EMBRUN