CASTOR REVIEW 1% cups raisins 2-3 cup boiling water Soak % cup margarine 1 cup sugar Add 2 eggs and beat 1% cups flour % baking powder % tsp. soda salt % tsp. cinnamon CASTOR CUPBOARDS Raisin Strips or Bars by Mildred E. Harrison Mix and Add 1 tsp. vanilla Place in 1514"' x 9"' cookie pan. Bake 16 to 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Icing 3 tbsp. butter 2% cups icing sugar 3 tbsp. milk 2-3 cup crushed walnuts (op) Metcalfe -- Royal Bank Tickets Passes monthly and 10 NOTE: to write to: Bus Line, P. KOA 3B0. CASTOR BUS SERVICE Schedule a Morewood 6:45 6: 00 County Rd. 6 Russell 7: 00 5:45 Reg. Rd. 6 Metcalfe 115 5:30 Ottawa: Bank-Heron Bank-Billings Br. Elgin-Slater 8:00 4:45 y Tarifs. 10Day Monthly Single Pass Pass Morewood $1.75 $32.50 $60.00 Russell 1.50 27.50 50.00 Metcalfe 1.25 22.50 40.00 Stops Morewood -- Post Office Russell -- Church and Concession Streets Public Library Kenmore -- Four Corners Gas Bar Bell Canada days will be available at the following locations: Morewood - Baker's Con- fectionary; Russell - Russell Restaurant; Kenmore - Four Corners Confectionary; Metcalfe - McLaur- in's store. Single tickets payable to driver. Persons interested in driving a bus are requested O. Box 364, Russell, Ont., Russell Village W.I. The regular meeting of the Russell Village Women's Ins- titute was held at the home of Mrs. Russell Phair. The motto was "Heart to Heart'. With Valentine's Day coming each member decided to bring a gift to a Shut-in in the Com- munity. The president, Mrs. Robert Gamble, presided for the business portion. It was decided to enter the Craft Show at the Russell County's annual Seed Fair which will be held in the Embrun Recreation Centre March 16-18. The Secretary treasure, Miss Edna Curry, read a letter from the provincial president Mrs. Florence Diamond. It was decided by the members to give a donation to the Russell Cub Pack. | The Women's institute also pre- sented a check of $100.00 to the Vanier Industries located bet- ween Embrun and Casselman. The money will be spent to purchase a used speach therapy machine, which cost $300. The remaining money will be donated shortly. Grace was sung, lunch served by Mrs. Ada Latour and Mrs. Kay Lake. Russell R.A. Minor Hockey tournament March 11, 12, 18, 19, 21. S.C.H.L. tournament featuring Russell Raiders March 31 and April 1 and 2. St. Patrick's Day dance March 17, everyone welcome. As of April 17, the ice plant at Russell Arena will be shut down and the new spring and summer season will begin. Friday, March 10, 1978 Page 9 GLASSIFIED FOR SALE -- Ladie's black leather coat, size 11-12, hardly worn. $75.00. 445-2048, Suzanne. WANTED -- Person to babysit at my home, 3 days a week, 7:45 to 5:30. Please call after 6 p.m. 445-5216, Mrs. Judy Strader. WANTED -- Summer jobs for two girls, age 15 and 16. Contact Lena Roder, 445-5549. FOR SALE -- Franklin Fireplace 34" wide, 36" high, firepot 21", grate and screen included, in excellent condition. $90.00. 733- 2015. Do you like to work with people. A unique opportunity to supplement your income in your spare time. For interview phone 445-2015. FOR SALE -- Electric guitar and small amplifier, $50. complete. Phone 445-5681. FOR SALE -- Hoover floor polisher, good condition. Girl Guide outfit, size 12. Bauer Supreme 94 skates, size 10, like new. Phone 445-5254. Mrs. John Aehtereekte, R.R.3, Russell. FOR SALE -- Hay, .50 per bale. 445-2091. Mrs. Marg Dreuniok, Russell, Ontario. THANK YOU We wish to express our thanks and gratitude to the members of our family. Also to our many friends and neighbours for the many calls and cards we have received since coming home. Edith and Chester Cherry SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cherry arrived home after an extended stay in Clearwater, Florida. Mrs. Cherry was hospitaized in Me- morial Hospital for two weeks. She is now on the way to recovery at her home. BIRTHS Gordon and Myra Kelly of Greely are proud to announce the birth of their second daughter, / Andrea Beth, on Feb. 24, 1978 Born at the Civic Hospit. Andrea was a healthy 7 lbs. 8 oz. Donald and Rose Marie McKin- non are happy to announce the birth of their son Christopher Michael, on Jan. 17, 1978, at the -- Riverside Hospital in Ottawa. Weighing seven pounds Chris- topher is the newest addition to the Russell area. Minor Hockey With the regular season over, two of the five Russell teams have entered first round COMHL playoffs. The Atoms who finished in second came up _ against Winchester and the Pee Wees who finished fourth play Met- calfe. Both are four point series. Major and Minor Re TIRES -- BATTER LUBRICATION RICHARD'S GARAGE Licensed Mechanic pairs IES -- 445-5551 445- scotiabanks THE BANK OF NOVASCOTIA RUSSELL 2880 'Grow With Us' Scotia Bank Essay A Fair Day for a Farm Boy by Brian Carscadden,9 Grade 4, Russell Public At seven o'clock in the morn- ing, my alarm clock woke me with a start. Boy, I hate getting up at seven o'clock in the morning. I could have broken that thing. I was as tired as a grumpy old bear because I had been up until midnight the night before. Oh, well, I wanted to get up anyway because to-day was Fair Day. We were going to take a big bull, a little calf, a four year old cow and a five year old cow. I was really nervous, thats for sure. So I got dressed and went straight to the barn. As soon as I walked in the door my dad told me to go out and get the cows in the field. That night we were expecting a new little baby calf so I ran out to the field and found a new little girl calf. Boy, that started the day off well, so I brought the calf and the other cows to the barn. After we got all the cows in the barn and all the chores were done up we went in for b reakfast. After I finished up my breakfast I went back to the barn and put the cows back in the field. After that we took the cows to the fairground. After the day was over we ended up with a first place ribbon, a third place ribbon, a second place ribbon and another first place ribbon. So we loaded the cattle from the cattle barn and returned the cows back home for the night milking. Oh, boy, I wish that we could do that well every year. Boutique La Couturiere SALE CURTAINS -- DRAPERIES March 13 - 23 Confection -- Sewing Alterations Tissus @ la verge -- Remnants Drapery fabrics & all needs for sewing, crochet, macramé... SERVICE REPARATION SINGER -- OTHER BRANDS Francine Dignard, Mgr. 528 rue Notre Dame Embrun VENTE 443-3113 G. J. (Gerry) O'Reilley TROPHIES & AWARDS for all occasions SEE OUR DISPLAY ROOM Russell Tel. 445-2008 <<) Mike's Beauty Salon Ladies & Men's Hairstyling 20% OFF FOR SR. CITIZENS Specializes in Perms, Tints, Bleach APPOINTMENTS MON. TO SAT. -- 8a.m. to6 p.m. AVAILABLE AFTER 6 p.m. METCALFE Res.: 821-1497 Bus.: 821-1488 i