REALTOR MORTGAGES APPRAISALS ARRANGED GLENDON LOUCKS MANAGER You 344 OConnor St. Office 232-3567 73 Ottawa Ont. 7-4681 ELECTION RESULTS - RUSSELL REVIEW AREA VOTES CAST FOR POLL J. Albert | Ray Roger Total Total % Belanger Desrochers Charron Eligible Voting Voting (#137 North 49 21 18 143 88 62% Russell #144 Legion 66 28 49 229 143 62% (Rural) #145 Russell 87 24 36 214 147 69% East #146 Russell 124 45 35 264 204 77% West #147 Marionville 23 47 24 160 94 59% TOTALS 349 165 162 1010 676 67" (51.6%) (24.4%) (24.0%) On the above results we make the following commentary: (continued