16. shops for the blacksmith and cooper were deemed necessary at that time. It took several years to establish this little village, but one must conclude it was rather complete for its day. aml (To be continued) e*eee ee ete eee et ee LITTLE MINDS HAVE LITTLE WORRIES, BIG MINDS HAVE NO TIME FOR WORRIES. Ralph Waldo Emerson NEW COMMERCIAL HOTEL RUSSELL ONT Fully Licensed =atertainment Thurs, Fri. Sat. Night Banquet Facilities 445-2808 OWNER BENNY COLASANTE The CHESTER LOUCKS property has now been officially purchased by the Russelk-Prescott Board of Education. The contract to work the Land and 40 make it neady for use in the fall has been given to Mr. George Hay and akneady he has done an exceLhLent job of cleaning the baush and weeds and making the Land more presentable. This means that when September rolls anound the boys and ginls will have considerably more schook grounds for thear use, * * * &® € & 8 F R OR "The learning and knowledge that we have is at the most but little compared with that of which we are ignorant." *DEAL WITH THE FAULTS OF OTHERS AS GENTLY AS WITH YOUR OWN."