The Russell Leader RUSSELL,« ONT. SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT PRESCOTT, THURSDAY, MAY 4TH, 1939" vege 8; KIX 1,000 CEDAR POSTS We have bought 1,000 Cedar Fence Posts. already sold. early. TX ee ax Part of this lot is If you are needing any, kindly let us have your order SEED GRAIN See us for your Seed Grain Requirements. Banner, Victory or Alaska Oats. O.A.C. No. 21 Barley. Marquis Seed Wheat. This Grain is ALL GOVERNMENT TESTED. TIMOTHY and CLOVER SEED As usual we have a splendid stock of No 1 Clover and Timothy Seed. It pays to buy the best. Let us show you the grade sheets. SATURDAY, MAY 6TH, at 10.00 P.M. we are giving away the Beautiful Congoleum Rug in our window. Be sure and put in your guess. oe vege "' 4 23a as os XRT AXIX Sedeidededododedrdodedododrdodo ddd deeded! lo > a > a4 eel ° a " e+, o* bot! SS e' QR >, i" 23 > 2 > >, las. a ", % . > A) "a os 00°, Seeder XIX >, eed eo " s oe, *, -, a' b> XT Nd x o Below are only a few of our prices for this week-end. CLOVER HONEY in sections > " > 2 for 25c % 3 COUKING FIGS _ 9 Ihe. 30¢ & % SUNKIST ORANGES _ i. 2 dos. 2Bc § § Elephant Brand LAUNDRY SOAP & 4 FANCY RED COHOE SALMON, per tin __ & % 'EVAPORATED PEACHES, per Ib. iio oT 21c 4 4 ROBIN HOOD CHINAWARE PKG. ROLLED OATS 20: 3 4 MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES, pkg. 18 + S$ CLARK'S SOUPS, 3 dine for... oo. __._ 25¢ I 4 GLASS FRUIT BOWL for 1c with pkg. of OXYDOL at 25¢ # a! 4 Celery, Lettuce, New Cabbage, Ripe Tomatoes, etc. etc. br) 3 4 i ;yecartnur - warner 4 3 *, ho XT > &, 2, oo! °, cS General Merchants and Funeral Directors RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 2, 4] 9, X oo 8 & KX? 0 BUILDING, REPAIRING and PAINTING ARE highly postponable, but not indefinitely so. The longer you leave the job undone the more it will cast to repair. Let us give you an estimate AT ONCE, D. CARKNER & CO. KENMORE, ONT. Telephone 28--2 ar? wn, a how * ---- yr T= oe Bearmie's Eve SERVICE Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE "Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists-on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist AUCTION SALE 27 REGISTERED AYRSHIRE CATTLE. 6 HEAVY HORSES. FARM MACHINERY. On the Farm of MR. C. W. JACKSON, 2 Miles SOUTH of NAVAN, Ont., on FRIDAY, MAY 12TH, at1P.M. GEO. A. McCULLOUGH, Auctioneer. OBITUARY JOHN E. LOUCKS fo Winners Declared In Russell County Musical Festival -Margaret McVey, 14- year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mec- Vey of Marvelville, Ont. was de- clared winner of the fourth annual; Russell Musical Festival which was] brought to a conclusion in the Uni-| The funeral of John E. Loucks, highly respected citizen of Russell, who passed away after suffering a severe and sudden illness, was held frem the family home to the Church of St. Andrew's and . St. P.ul's United, where a large num- ber of relatives and friends gather- ew to pay a final tribute to his mem- ory. The funeral service was taken by the family pastor, Rev. Thos. ted Church in Russell on Friday, McHaught, of St. iAndew's and St. > " : -| Paul's. evening. Miss McVey, with 9¢| vay Loucks 'was. in 'his 60th 'year. points in the elocution class, won| Tas porn at Russell where he re- cerned his early education and lived niaentire life. He was a son of the the MacArthur Trophy for one year; and a miniature trophy for life. DE od Mrs cas & SO 2 Wm. E. Fletcher, AR.CM., andj = Cor or ng Sully, To ny A.T.C.L. of Lindsay, Ont. and form-, union was born one son, Edgar, at erly of London, Eng. was the ad-| home. judicatof. | Left to mourn his loss besides his The MacArthur Trophy was re) Gr Fred, ir ET Bre one sented by J. C. Webster, public! Mrz. Alfred Morrow. school inspector TOF ussell County| The pall bearers were: Messrs. T. in the unavoidable absence of the! Carson, Allan Stevenson, Al Foster donor, C. F. MacArthur. Mr. Rath-| Sr. So unean, James Fader and well of Navan made the presenta- | Fiterment was made in North Ros. tion of the miniature trophy. Dip-| sell cemetery. lomas were also given to the with] ners of the various classes. i Promising Actress CARD OF THANKS i We wish to thank the friesds and | neighbours for their many kindnes- Fletcher in his remarks said; ses extended to wus in our recent avement. Mrs. John Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Loucks Mz. that Miss McVey had a beautiful] bere speaking voice and showed promise! of developing into a first rate ac- tress. He also said that many of the numbers used at the festival were very hard and the manner in which, they were presented showed unusual, Yao passed fonay : after Mi lengthy talent. Especial praise was given to eS was he from e family George Dikiertss whom be Josctibed residence to the Church of St. An- as an artist with a marvellous voice, and Frances Warner, for her excel lent rendition of 'Danny Boy." The guest artist at the presenta- tion was Mrs. Edith Young Brown, of Ottawa, who contributed several violin selections. She was accom- Clarence Ogilvie. { ek HENRY BOOTH . The funeral of Mr. Henry Booth, service was conducted by the family pastor, Rev. T. McNaught. A large attendance of relatives and friends gathered at the house [and church to pay a final tribute to one of Rus- sell County's pioneers. Mr. Booth was born at Huntley, Ont., 87 years ago, a son of the late Wm. Booth and (Catharine Brennan, pioneer settlers and emigres from Kilkenny, Ireland. The family to Russell when Mr. way jour years of age, vetiling vir farm where they remained until 12 years ago when Mr. Booth retired from active work. He was a devout member of the United Church and was also a member of the Orange Order. | Mr. Booth married Arvilla Camp- panied by Mrs. also of Ottawa. 5 The afternoon winners, with the: points they received, were: Piano, 10 years and under, Catherine Mec- Gregor, 85; Keith Boyd, 82. Un- graded schools, Greely, 82; Leon- ard, 81; Cumberland, 80: 9th school 78. Boy's solo, 9 years and up to J broken voices, Geo. Doherty, 84. bell, who predeceased him three Girl's solo, 12 years and under, | years age To ns iin was bom : : ; Ee : one son, Elvin, of North Gower; anc Erla Steinberg, 82; Annie Wade, two Sakgters, Mus Sealey Stork. 82; Donna McArthur, 81; Marion enson, of Russell, and Miss Florence Barber, 81. : Booth, at home, Evening Winners Many beautiful floral offerings Winners of the 'evening recital testified to the esteem in which the late Mr. Booth was held. The pall- bearers, Wm. and Campbell and Ro- bert and Chas. Booth, - of Russell and Percy and Wm. Booth, of Ed- wards. Interment was made in Rus- rell North Cemetery. Easter Exams. of Russell Cont. School The results of the Easter Exam- inations held at the Russell Contin- uaton school will be published next week, ° : COMING EVENTS were: Piano duet, 14 years and un- der, Audrey MacEwen and Shirley Steele, 83; Helen Carkner and Bryce McRuer, 80; Edna [Stephen- son and Dorothea Twiname, 78. Un- graded schools, winners of two sec- tions competing, Marvelville, 88: Greely 86. [Adult elocution, Aynslee MacEwen, (85. Graded schools, win- ners of two sections competing, Or- mond, 85; Kenmore, 84. Tenor and baritone duet, Harvey Caldwell and Rev. Keith Daniel, 88; Fred Gib- bons and Tom Reed, 86. Piano, 16 years and under, Emily McCaffrey, 84; Helen McDonald 83; Audrey MacEwen, 82; Doris Carkner, 82; Eleanor Gaukrodger ROYAL TOUR SUPPER and SALE under the auspices of Women's Association of Russell United Church in the church hall on Sa- turday, May 6th. Sale open at 81: Kathleen McCormick, 80; Mur- iel Edwards, 79. Soprano solo; Fran- ces Warner, 94; Margaret Brooks, 80. Rural choral society, Navan. ; ; 4.30 p.m. Supper served from 5 Wednesday's Winners | pam. on. 17-18 Winners, with marks, in Wednes-| day's presentations were: Mixed | quartet, Vernon, Ont., 80; Kenmore, ! 88; Mrs. Russell Young 85; Camp- Ont., 78. Girls' solo, 18 years andbell Wilson 83; Margaret Brooks under, Aynslee MacEwan, 87; Thyra | 81; Fred Gibbons 80. Male quartet: Warner, 86; Rita Berthiaume 84;| Metcalfe boys 82. Eleanor = Gaukrodger, 83; Mildred Girls' choirs: Navan 86; Russell Poreous, 76. C.G.1T. 82. Soprano and alto 18th birthday: Isabel Gauk- duet: Frances and Thyra Warner 90; Jean Hamilton and Helen Wad- dell 86; Mrs. Howard Porteous and Mrs. Duff Crerar 83. Ladies' quar- tet: Kenmore-Russell Baptist 88; Russell 85; Vernon 83. Mixed oc- tet: Kenmore-Russell 90; Calvary Elocution up to Margaret McVey, 96; rodger 87; E. Ross 85; Doris Cark- ner 80. Graded schools, Kenmore, 89; Morewood, 88; Russell 80; North Russell 75. Open piano, Jean McLaren, 87; Emily McCaffrey 85; Norma Stephenson, 84; Eliza- | Baptist of Ottawa 84. beth King 84. I - High school choirs: Cumberland, iiiiiii STE sehen en AO 80. 'Contralto solo, Thyra Warner| % 86; Aynslee MacEwen 83; Jean Ha-!+ VARS > milton 78. Ladies' trio: Kenmore-|3 i Russell Baptist, 94; Vernon 90;|% i Russell 89. Ladies' chorus, Navan, |% BEAUTY SHOPPE @ 90. & : 4 Thursday's winners were: Un-{% 5 graded schools, Marvelville 80; Fel-|& . ton 77. Bass solo: Kenneth Hayes! ¢ PERMANENT WAVING a 75. Girls' duet, 18 years and un-|3 FINGER WAVING & der: Jean Hamilton and Helen Wad-| % dell 82; Thyra Warner and Eloise|} MARCELLING, etc. pb Gaukrodger 80. Piano duet, "10|% 5 kd years and under: Phyllis Carkner|3 For Appointments -- i d Ralph McDonald 85; Faye Ste-|& 2 RS wns 5 Open|s Phone NAVAN 20 r 2 > phenson and Willa Brown 75. Open ° he 0 * ! REE a en ESTs. 05 Warner DU, vocal: Rev. Keith Daniel 93; Fran- Aynslee MacEwen drew's and St. Paul's United where | Booth | NO. 18 0000009000000 0000090000000000000000000000600000000H (3 % SPRING NECESSITIES FOR THE FARMER 8 % COOPER'S WARBLE POWDER -- Kill the Warble and you & 34 exterminate the heel fly. Apply a solution of Cooper's Warble 7 & Powder -- $1.00 per lb. : 9 3 CERESAN FOR SMUT -- The new dry treatment for wheat, x & oats or barley. One pound ($1.00) treats 32 bushels of grain: 3 3 Also in 5 Ib. tins at $3.90. & DRY LIME SULPHUR -- This is the proper time to spray your 3 CQ 2, 2 CX apple and other fruit trees or shrubs. In I lb. pkgs. at 35c. BLACKLEG VACCINE -- One vial of pills at $1.00. treat 10 head. INJECTORS $2.50. FORMALDEHYDE in bulk or bottled. Strong and fresh. 'Costs about 1c per bushel to treat this way for smut. J. L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell, Ont. POV 0000000000000 00000000000000009000000000060000000 5 ¢ will s, X os, , oe a *e CX * a Lo] °, Rog ha rE NN NNW CA ad aa aca a a ae a idl Fas SECT: °) NEVER BEFORE in our history such | I LOW PRICES | ae on dependable 1936 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN--BIlack. 1936 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN--Green. 1935 CHEV. SEDAN--BIlue. 1935 MASTER DeLuxe Sedan CHEV.--Gray. 1935--MASTER DeLuxe Coach CHEV.--Blue. 1933 PONTIAC COACH--BIlue. 1936 DODGE SEDAN---Gray. CHEVROLET BUICK CLD C.M.C. TRUCK DEALER, RUSSELL, ONT. MOTOR EMBRUN SHOE CLYNIC SPECIALIZES IN Boots, Shoes and Harness Repairing We Carry a Full Line of Work Boots SHIRTS AND OVERALLS LEO BISSONNETTE EMBRUN, ONT. A i i i... a i C--O EIEIO IOC IOC IEICE IE IEDC IC IE IE IO IL OL JE IEC SEEDS IN SEASON HERE IS THE PLACE AND NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR GRAIN AND SMALL SEEDS CLEANED BY BEST MACHINES AND EXPERIENCED OPERATOR. A. WALKER - - - - Russell -- GRINDING AND ROLLING OF GRAINS -- ANYTIME AND ALWAYS SIE DEC DEC DEI SEDC IC DE IE DE DE IE DEC OE. DE IE DEC OL IE DE EL DE 8. 5 EERE EERE ORO AGRICULTURISTS - Take Advantage of Our Prices on QUALITY SEED GRAINS Timothy, Clovers, etc. E We have never before been able to offer such High Grade Seed Grains at Such Rea- sonable Prices. 0. MAHEU & SONS, Limited Embrun, Ont. - Telephone 14 RUTH