Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 7 Apr 1938, page 8

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-- EMBRUN HARNESS SHOP Also Full EMBRUN, SHOE MAKING and HARNESS REPAIRING Line of Boots, and Rubber Boots. LEO. BISSONNETTE Shoes, Rubbers ONTARIO mE --.EM------_p------ The sacred cantata, "The Cruci- fixion" by J. Stainer will be pre- sented by the Kenmore--Russeil Baptist Choir during Passion Week, in Russell United Church on Good Friday evening, and in Kenmore Baptist Church Saturday evening. The soloists will be Mr. Grant Mills and Mr. Arthur Carkner. 'The ser- vice will begin at 8 pm. and the congregation is requested to" be at the church promptly as no one will be admitted after the service has started until the first congregational hymn. IN MEMORIAM BRADLEY -- In loving memory of Mrs. Stuart Bradley who passed away 'April 9th, 1936. Too 'dearly loved to be forgotten. --Husband and Family. Poe es®e see sete Peete ste te ete ec estes ete coe sete ects ete torte' XX aX EX EX EX IX III 3: BY bo X a or $f OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION alededfedededlededededededed x be? 0! < < Po ctetestetocteetoctectecte tes XE EN CI EX IEEE | FOR SALE Weber Player Piano with library of over 100 player rolls in good <on- dition. Only slightly used. Must be sacrificed. 'Apply to Leader Office. HOLSTEIN BULL Calf for sale from a typey, good uddered cow, now on R.O.P. test.| Sire one of the best of the Rag apple family. Priced reasonable. W. R. Wilsen, Kenmore. i FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of land, known as the Joseph Geoffrion farm. Situated south-east of Russell village. Apply to Wm. 'L. Wood, Marvelville, Ont. : pl4 TENDERS WANTED Tor the caretaking of the Horti- cultural plot--duties to consist of grass-cutting, care of border, plant- ing, weeding, etc. for the season of 1938. --Russell Horticultural Society cl13-14 MEN! RAW OYSTER TONIC FREE if not satisfied with new vim, vigor, pep, vitality. Contains raw oyster invigators and other stimulants. Get package OSTREX Tablets today. Be delighted or maker refunds price $1.25. Call, write Steele Drug Store. ROW RPC TCE TCR J SS SO L a aaxixl XX EA SAXENA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY RW RC Poctectecs ROW TG GE IE TOE TPE EW Crofecfodfodoiieifoioiedendedadoniededdeddecdecdoctoctocdonted JOHN B. WOODS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner for Quebec «. 83 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 - Residence 224 Special attention to collection and Commercial matters, Qodaefealocdoefeafoocdoafodocdrafsafododifodocioidsdodsddsiodss HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. . Vankleek Hill, Ont. Goatosgecdesdoeuntantoatostesdosteciutiatosdosdosdoste rir donde SE AFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur Hubert Pothier Avocats - Barristers Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun Wednesday Evenings. 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 De 0 I a a A E. H. CHARLESON, B.A. LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, Ottawa Telephone 2--3525 Qoeidodadofaiodeiondriloddsiorfedodeiodfsdodedodeiedsd McILRAITH & McILRAITH Rarristers and Solicitors 66 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon Dunc. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. Mc]lraith Foto tectost 9 rostoels , ' 2 ht 4 Teele 03 Loolesles * Z Gosgesteatoadosdocnfostesioiostostostosioiostostecontoniosioiontond J EE JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Njght KENMORE ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc.,, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. i Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 Metcalfe 30 IN THE CHURCHES HOLY OR PASSION WEEK SPECIAL SERVICES APRIL 10th to APRIL 15th Theme: for Meditation--The Cross Sunday, 7.30 p.m. in United church, Rev. J. Maecaskill, . B.D, speaker. Monday, in United Church, taken y Y. P. Union. Lid Presbyterian Tuesday, 8 pm., in church, Rev. J. Manaskill, B.D. speaker. Wednesday, 8 p.m., in Baptist church, Rev. Keith Daniel, B.A, B.Th., speaker. ! Thursday, '8 p.m. in United | church, Rev. H. A. Bunt, B.A, speaker. ! On Good Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the United Church, Stai- ner's Crucifixion will be presented by the Russell-Kenmore Baptist choirs under the leadership of Rev.| Keith Daniel, B.A., B.Th. Pray for these services. Special | Music. Come, and invite others to come! A Christian Welcome to All! RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, April 10th, 1938 11 a.m.--The Lord's Prayer-- "Lead us not into temptation." A prayer against temptation. Ninth in series in Lord's Prayer. 7.30 p.m., "The Cross of Calvary." Sunday School 10 am. | Communicants Class -- Sunday, 7 | p-m. Communion Service: upon Easter Sabbath, April 17th, 11 a.m. i A Christian Welcome to All. ST. MARY'S CHURCH RUSSELL, ONT. Rev. R. J. H. Turley, Rector PALM SUNDAY Sunday, Apeil 10th, 1938 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.30 'p.m.--Evening Prayer. Wednesday During Lent 7.30 p.m.--Lenten Worship. ST. JAMES' CHURCH, EDWARDS, ONT. Rev. R. J. H. Turley, Rector PALM SUNDAY Sunday, April 10th, 1938 3.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. NORTH OSGOODE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY | W. B. Greenwood, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a.m. | Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Service, 7.830 p.m. | | Tuesday, Prayer Meeting 8 p.m. GOLDEN VALLEY Mr. S. A. Park, of Echo Valley, called on Mrs. Last on Friday. Mrs E. T. Cowan spent Friday , with her sister, Mrs. Dow, Spring Hill. ' Miss Doris McDiarmid, of Win- chester, spent Sunday at her par- ental home, ! Miss Marjorie MeAndrew is visit- ing her ecrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. | Peter McAndrew. Mr. Charlie Thompson is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. James Thomas. 'Mrs. Tace Wade and Lyle, of Fair- banks, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Cowan. Miss Katie McAndrew Vernon on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D.. R. McDonald and family, of Vernon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McAndrew on was in { Monday evening VARS Miss Maria Walsh who spent the winter in Ottawa has come out to her house in Vars for a few days. Miss Alice Hayes, of Bearbrook, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hayes. Mr. Jas. A. Mitchell and family spent Sunday afternoon in Ottawa visiting friends. The Junior Girls Club held their weekly meeting at Miss Mildred Griffith's Saturday afternoon. Misses Alice Rickard and Dorothy Lowe are the joint leaders. Mrs. Jas. A. Mitchell picked a full bloomed pansy out of her front vard last week so spring must be surely here. IN THE CHURCHES AT VARS St. Andrew's Anglican Church VARS Rev. Franklin Clark, Rector. April 8th, Friday, 7.30 p.m. April 10th, Sunday, 3.00 p.m. Sunday School at 2.00 p.m. KNOX UNITED CHURCH VARS Rev. Gordon Patterson, Minister Sunday, April 10th, at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.00 p.m. ' Hill, spent a few days 'with his sis. | district when he leaves i a well-known firm. | ed a few days in Ottawa this week. the village ladies at her home on Sa- turday afternoon MARVELVILLE {Miss Annie Wood was the guest of Miss Vera Brunton on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brunton spent a day in the City last week. Misses Edna Warren and Lillian McCormick called on friends here on Saturday. Mr. Gerald Brunton, of Kenmore, called on Mr. Wm. Wood on Monday Master Kenneth Fader has been on tte sick list. We hope Ken, will soon be well again. : The Mission Band had a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. W. Fader last week. Misses Vera Brunton and Ann Wood, Messrs. Robert Hill and Os- car Hill attended a banquet in Ot- tawa last Friday evening. 'Miss Leonis Stearns who is teach- ing at Dalminy spent Sunday with friends here. ° . Mrs. Wm. Brunton who has been a natient in the Civic Hospital, Ot- tawa, is home again and feeling much better. Mr. Wm. Wood made a trip to Russell on Monday. Mrs. Norman McCormick called on Mrs. H. Barber .on Monday after- noon. Miss Dorothy Brunton, school- teacher, has returned home owing to her mother's illness. Mr. Wilmott Stanley made a busi- ness trip to the Capital on Saturday. business Kenmore Continuation | School Exam. Results The following is the Paster ex- amination results of Kenmore Con- tinuation School. Names are given in order of standing. Subjects af- ter a student's name indicate fai- lures. These subjects should re- ceive special attention in the next term. FORM IV Harold Brunton, Theresa Murray, Jean Anderson (Latin Authors.) FORM III Hazel Loney, Isobel Harter (Eng. Comp., Anc. Hist., Chem.), Isobel Murray (Anc. Hist.), Agnes Barber (Geom., - French), Rosella Ralph (Eng. Lit.), Aletha Whitteker (Eng. Comn., Eng. Lit., Ane. Hist.), Dovis Carkner (Geom.), Kenneth Warren (Ane. Hist., Geom.), Alex. Dow (Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit., Geom., Clem.). FORM II Kenneth Rankin, Keith McRuer, Vera Kinkade, Dean Loney, Donald McLachlan (Latin), Kathleen Me- Cormick (Physiography), Leonard Craig (Eng. Comp:, Geom., Arith.). FORM I Lemoine, Evelyn Ross, Kenneth Loney, Margaret McVey (Math.), Ina McLachlan (Math.), Mathew Murray (Eng. Comp. Mu- sic), Victoria Clarme (Social Stu- dies, Math.), Willis Anderson (Eng. Comp., French), Robert Anderson Leonard EDWARDS April Fool's Day has (Eng. Comp., Social Studies). i ¥ o. one and many "fools" Te Two Competitions at telephone calls, fire calls, etc. ~The roads in the district are dry- ing up nicely, although some of them are quite rough. Mrs. Borden Loney and daughter Joan have returned to Ottawa after |! a prolonged stay with Mrs. S. J. Loney. 'oe i Mrs. C. Buckley, of Russell, spent a day with her daughter, Mrs. Ray- mond 'Kerwin. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson Scharf and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wyman. | Mrs. Borden Loney spent Satur! day afternoon with her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Bickerton. ! Mr. Duncan MacNeil, of Spring ter, Mrs. A. Wyman. : All sorts of dire calamities were reported as 'having happened to] James Christie when he called the | local garage man to go for his car out near Ottawa but it was only a case of engine trouble. Mrs. S J. Loney spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. John Stanley. ~ We lad a free circus of our own I town on Saturday when Basil La- timer's horse gave a demonstration of bucking with Cecil Scharf as the cowboy. Miss Mabel Corneil, of Carlsbad Springs, is spending a few days with Helen Prophet. _ Little Royden Tierney is recover- ne nicely from his recent eye afflic- ion. We will miss Jim Prophet in the to go near Brockville to a saelsman's route for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Watson visit- Mrs. D. MacTavish entertained and served them taffv. Mrs. Dan Dewar is convalescing at the home of her parents after an cperation and we all wish her a <peedy recovery." Quite a number of the United Y.P.S. members attended the ban- quet held in First United Church in Ottawa last Friday night 1st. All reported an enjoyalle evening. My Earl Snider and Miss Muriel Curry, of Ottawa, spent the week- cnd with the latter's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Join Curry. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whitteker and family spent Sunday at Dundela, the guest of the latter's sister. ° Mrs. Geo. Warren spent a few days with Mrs, D. McNab and Mrs. Geo. MacDonald. A page nt entitled "The Chal- speaking competitions. Kenmore School On Saturday evening, April 2nd, { the Drama group of Kenmore Con- tinuation Se'ool sponsored two verse There were six entrants in each class. Tn the Lower Zchool competition, the win- ner was Evelyn Ross of Grade IX, anc runner-up was Matthew Murray also of Grade IX. Other contestants were Kenneth Rankin, Ina MeLach- { lan. Leonard Craig and Dean Loney. In the senior commetition, Isobel Murray, of Form Three was the winner, and Kenneth Warren was placed second. The winner of this competition will compete in tte Pro- vincial contest at the Ontario Edu- cational Association meeting in REas- ter week. Other contestants in the senior class were 'Agnes Barber, Ro- sella Ralph, Alex. Dow and Jean Anderson. A nrogram of musical numbers and sketches was also presented. The principal, Mr. J. Blacklock act- ed as chairman. s Injuries Prove Fatal To District Farmer ~ Succumbing to injuries received at his home near Harmony on Thursday evening of last week, Henry Wood, prominent farmer of this district, died at the Ottawa Civic Hospital at two o'clock last Tuesday morning. Mr. Wood was taken to the hospital after he had been tramped and crushed by one of his cows, while assisting with the milking. He and hjs brother John were both in the barn at the time. Upon hear- ing the injured man shout for help, John immediately left the cow he was milking and went to investigate his brother's plight. He found him lying on the barn floor between two cows. Realizing he was seriously injured, John had him removed to the house. and called Dr. J. J. Kendry, of Winchester. After examining the man, the phys- ician had Mr. Wood rushed to hospi- tal wiere an X-ray examination re- vealed that he had suffered a frac- tured spine, just below the base of his skull. Little hope was held out for his recovery and he passed away as recorded above. Just how the accident occurred cannot be learned, as the man's bro- ther was busy milking a cow several yards away and did not see what happened. However, it is believed | that the cow crowded its milker off of the stool and probably kicked him or trampled on him. lense of the Cross" is being put on "y the Choir and the W.M.S. on the evening of Easter Sunday in the United Church. We ask that as many as possible attend, for a lot of time las been given by all taking part, to make it a success. We are sure you will enjoy the special mu- sic, solos, duets and quartettes and wil} find the talks very inspiring. CHANTICLEER IDENTIFIED A small boy visiting in the coun- try was asked to keep the fowls out rf the vegetable garden. "Did any of the fowls get in, dear?" he was asked. "Yes, auntie," he replied, "the one with the meat on its head." The late Mr. Weod was born near Hz:mony, five miles north of Win- } eestor! 75 years ago, a son of the | late James Alexander Wood and his wife, Virtue Jane Docksteader, ' pioneer settlers of the district. For the past 35 years he had operated 'farms at Russell asd Harmony, and between the two places had spent his entire life. He was of a quiet and reserved nature and was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends who will regret his passing. He was a member of Harmony L.O.L. and Ormond Baptist Church. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. J. McGregor, of Winnipeg; Mrs. Willis Froats, of Port Dalhousie; and Misses : Effie and Nellie Wood, at home; also one brother, John Wood. It is expected the funeral service RX EX Sata aX a Xa Xa Naa Xela aXe X pose salve--$1.00 per tin. or sore teats or for difficul Black Bottle, for chills, f cattle or calves-- $1.00 bott RAI EI I RT oleelselsale. a RE XIX E EEE XY Come and discuss your probl ua rel als oo EI REXEXI XIN Pot Oat Eat 0 et A TN To Testo %e beset deo eateet esate coat alee RCI SE SDR IDES XX RIX IX XX XX aX BELL & SONS Ltd., Verdun, Que. -- Chillexine, one of the most reliable drenches for all cases of Garget and Milk Fever--$1 bottle of 4 drenches. Udder Cerate, the external ointment application to be used for all udder trouble. Makes an excellent general pur Wax Teat Plugs for damaged J. L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell, (ni. 2 Posen 0s 0 ee ee % 0% 6% 470 6% 4 04200 470 6% 47% aes I I EX BEE EXE XE XIX RX SX EXE Xa Xa Xa XXX aX AX Lee®ee®re' Pe sestos beetoelselealselocls & eels leeloeles! °, 2X > Tos! 2, ho od! Too! ofaates t milkers $1.00 box of 36. evers, scours, colic in horses, le. XT 0 Poateat °, To e% 2 seta alete alee. ems with the local Bell Agent Sestant: *ceate a! 6% 6% 50 ¢%06% 674% 6% 6%66% 6% 6% ¢%-6% e% KAN AX XA XE XE XIX IRIE IX] YOU ARE CORDIALLY New Office and TUESDAY, Paints, The Ottawa Brick The Opening of Our Our Show Rooms Have Been Specially Constructed to House Not Only Our Own Products but Those of : The Canadian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd. Asbestos and Asphalt Roofing Shingles; Building Papers, Insulating Board, The A. Ramsay & Son Lid. Varnishes, Brick in Various Designs. For Many Years THE HOUSE OF CARKNER Has Supplied the Estimate and Building Material For the Surrounding Counties-- We Supplied Your Grandfather's Building Needs-- Let Us Supply Your Buildings Needs. INVITED TO ATTEND Show Rooms on APRIL 12th Rock Wool Insulation, ete. Brushes. & Terra Cotta Co. 1874 - D. CARK Kenmore, Ont. Telephone, Metcalfe Rural 28 r 2 KENMORE, ONT. Telephone -- Metcalfe Rural 28 r 2 : A a EE a LL RE i, NER & CO - 1938 will be held at the family residence officiating. Interment at Springhill. REGULAR MEETING OF RUSSELL UNITED Y.P.U. The regular meeting on Tuesday evening last, April 5th, of Russell! United Church Young People's | Union opened with the business! period conducted by the president, | George Cherry. The Christian Citi- | zenship Convenor, Jack Twiname, | then took charge of the meeting. The Scripture and interpretation | were given by Mr. Twiname after' which he led in prayer. Mr. Twiname | then gave an interesting and thought- worthy message on "Refusing the Cross." | The meeting closed with a hymn! and the Mizpah Benediction. | QUITE TOO SMART Customer in Drug Store (on Sun- day morning)--nPlease give me change for a dime. Druggist--Here you f are. 1 hope you enjoy the sermon. | { | In the American Weekly, with the with Rev. B. Armstrong, of Ormond, | April 10 issue of The Detroit Sunday | Times, you will find an exceptional= ly interesting and informative ar- ticle by Dr. E. E. Free, internation- ally known scientist, which reviews the latest achievements of science in its fig't to give man earthly im- mortality. 'Be sure to get The De-= troit Sunday Times for this and many other features. The 1.17) 44, /(4,1 Does the Trick! Bray Chicks are real money- makers. I can prove it. Place your order here. 100% live de- livery guaranteed. M. Rolland La Madelaine R. R. 1, ST. ONGE ONT. and fine service ... and Paint Right". painting purpose. Ramsay's paints, varnishes and enamels guarantee durability and unexcelled appearance for every To buyers of quality paint, this appointment brings together a dealer known for quality merchandise a paint that, since 1842, has maintained its reputation as "The Right Paint to

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