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Russell Leader, 7 Apr 1938, page 1

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The Russell Leader RUSSELL, ONTARIO SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT -- i ---- PRESCOTT, THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1938 No. 14 STORE NEWS HOUSECLEANING TIME HERE WALLPAPER, from per roll oe. 10c to $1.00 LINOLEUM and OILCLOTH FLOOR COVERING CONGOLEUM and FELTOL RUGS at VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES BE SURE AND SEE OUR CHEERIO RUGS ad RS Sa bo i% > Oe % 0 e' Xa XD P0e% 's" > oo odes oo" 25a oe 0 2, xo 09 D> *, "* > 0 " £) IX IX Toe XI QR teoledlodlodle " > 2 W > 'e * " > % "s' 94.6% XD ee; b "6 ft. by 9 ft. at $2.98 each 5 5S * 1 & READY MIXED PAINT, per quart Sc and up. oo) ky We also have Some Broken Lines of PAINT that we are 2 : CLEARING AT HALF PRICE. EX bos oo 2 " ~ "e' boo! 'e oa Window Blinds... lca 75c and up Curtain Serim 12¢ yd. and up MURESCO for Your Walloeatn, all Leading Colors. * 'e' > +% % < XJ . ' boo a , "e LX xX %% x3 x2 > " BELOW YOU WILL FIND A FEW OF OUR PRICES FOR -- SAT. and MON. -- APRIL 9-11 -- Cash or Produce %% Zo TX of & -- ow 4 Crown Brand SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 lbs. 23c % 3 CORN SYRUP | prrrep paves, 2s... 2% } 3 : Par-->1% | FREE RUNNING SALT, box _ 7c % $ 1 GLASS BOWL Family Blend BLACK TEA ___ 52¢ # 4 FREE with RICE, Shs oo 19¢ % $ . 3 Eellosgs CORNED BEEF, 2 ti 25c % Corn Flakes, 25¢ 3 =X DINE sank or: 2 Rolled Oats with China, pkg... 29¢c 3 Golden oman Elephant Brand SOAP, 3 for__12c % 3 Aor can 82 EGG-0O Bak. Powder, 16 oz. tin 23c 2 3 : HANDY AMMONIA, pkg. 5¢ % 3 Sante So 25 |]. Fresh Ground COFFEE... 25¢ % Celery Hearts 12c | SUGAR, 101lbs. 59 % & bo 3 @ $ JUST ARRIVED THIS WEEK -- CAR OF OATS, 5 $ CAR OF WHEAT and CAR OF SALT 5 's > " " CHICK STARTER . Pionieer, Monarch, 0.A.C. and Purina McArthur - Warner oe ~ " +9 3 " RS > 0 " oo © 0 > "s' Gor eodofododee ide > o, e > 0 6% CdS * e vas General Merchants and Funeral Directors 24-HOUR AMBULANCE 'SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. ~ oo 2 > i a > Oo) X27 TELEPHONE 11 IS { THIS MODEL 1938 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM FOUR-DOOR TOURING SEDAN LOOK AT THE STREAMLINING-- MARVEL AT ITS RIDING SMOOTHNESS AND HIGH POWERED POWER PLANT. TRULY A GREAT CAR AT A REASONABLE COST We Will Gladly Demonstrate -- Phone or Visit pt -- Our Showroom. MADDEN MOTOR SALES RUSSELL, ONT. Bearnes Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations es ren AS ---- + co-- Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist Peetoe® Poe Pees etec®oe'setoebe ses FX EX XX XX I I i a i a a oe a a a oo oo @ @ ° LX 0 " > ® " > %' 0 FOR SALE - - PRICED RIGHT A Small Quantity of -- No.1, No. 2 and No. 3 TIMOTHY A QUANTITY OF SWEET CLOVER AND RED ALFALFA MIXED WALKER'S CLEANING STATION RUSSELL, ONT. ° & 1200} oo " > . %' &, "s boo %s' 2, XO ° KD D> > " 2. " > , " *, % > , s' 9, " > - ote C0) 3 > , IX ° IX " "e 9, e o4 D> CII) XIXTXIX CI) IIXIX ° "oe EXTXS 20s TXEXTXY > Hk 20 XTX | 67.6; Louise Laplante, i her duties. If you want to see as you should see you will see Public School Report | FOR APRIL GRADE VIII.--Norma Stephenson, 91.1; Shirley Steele, 90.5; Audrey MacEwen, 87.6; Donald Graham, 86; Ken Thompson, 81.8; Beryl Graham, { 81.1; Kathleen Loucks, 78; Gon | Miller, 77.8; Bobby Forsythe, 76.3; Annette Laplante, 76.3; Smyrl Coch- rane, 76.3; Lois Presley, 64.5; Leslie Boothe, 57.8; Everett Carson, 54.8; Roy McKendry, 53.6; Harold Presley, 42.1. GRADE VIL--- Edna Stephenson, 89; .Betty Boyd, 88.2; Wells Robin- son, 86.6; Royden Long, 84.8; Everett Graham, 82.8; Freda York, 81; Har- riett Eastman, 80.8; Margugrite Mad- den, 78.8; Lucien Laplante, 78.6; Eddie Boothe, 77.4; Margaret Rom- bough, 76.4; Merton Lake, 74.6; Mu- riel Harten, 72.2; Mabel Carson, 71.2; Earle McNaught, 70.4; Billie Campbell, 70.2; Valbert Eastman, 70; Donald Graham, 65.2; Edith Sullivan, 64.2; Ethel Sullivan, 62.8; Keith Campbell, 59.2; Margaret Boland, 58.2: Alice Pillar, 56.2; Orville Lake, 55; Meredith Rombough, 53.4; John Burns, 51.6; Eunice Sutherland, 51.4; George Young, 48.8; Eldon Harten, 40.4; Clelland Fetterly, 39.5. No. on roll, 46. Average attend- ance, 44.5. D. A. MacKERACHER. GRADE VI.--Dorothea Twiname, 86.8; Ralph McKendry, 83.7; Donald Campbell, 82.1; Sheila Watson, 75.1; Sheila Johnston, 71.6; McGregor Gra- ham, 67.7; Guy Harrington, 60.1. GRADE V.--Mable Morrow, 82.2; Kenneth Robinson, 80.3; Helen Ste- phenson, 78; Charlie Campbell, 77.8; Walter McKendry, 77.3; Billy Gauk- rodger, 76.8; Vilda Kerr, 67.5; Donna MacArthur, 61.7; Keith Pillar, 50.8. GRADE vo Faye Stephenson, 88.5; Edna Boothe. 84.1; Keith Boyd, 81; MacGregor Marcellus, 80.5; Lincoln Steele, 78.8; Stanley Carson, 73; Donnie Eastman, 70.6; Wallace Thompson, 70.6; Allan Graham, 68.1; Gerald Robinson, 68; Willa Browne, 67; Arthur Eastman, 63.8; Ruby Eastman, 55.1. J. TWINAME. Local and Personal Mr. Ernest Rombough, of Ottawa, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. dnd Mrs. Wilfréd Latimer, of Ottawa, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle. Miss Jean Twiname, of Ottawa, spent Sunday the guest of her mo- ther, Mrs. John Twiname. Mr. Elwin Booth, of North Gower spent Sunday with his father, Mr. John Booth. Mr. Alex. Vachon, of Ottawa, for- merly of Russell, was in town last week renewing old acquaintances. Mr and Mrs. Ellis Latour, of Ot- tawa, spent the week-end the guest of Mr Martin Fetterly. Mr. and Mrs. H. Durant and fa- mily and Mrs. M. B. Ford, of Ches- terville, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James 'C. Hamilton. Miss Angeline Deguire, of Mont- real, is spending a few weeks holi- days the guest of Ler mother, Mrs. Alex. Deguire. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beckstead, of Brockville, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John For- sythe. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward LeMaistre, Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay and Miss Helen Laidlaw, of Almonte, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Ted) LeMaistre. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley- Smith, Mrs. Robert Stanley-Smith and Miss Vic Olsen, of Ottawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gar. Hall. Miss Dorothy Lake who has beam spending a few holidays parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lake has returned to Ottawa to resume Mr. McEwen, Mrs. Sam Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Arbuckle, of North Gower, visited with their sister, Mrs James C. Eastman, last Thurs- ay. A number of youngsters, pupils of Mrs. Queenie Glover, have passed examinations in music with high marks: Miss Leila Russell 99; Ro- bert MeNaught, theory 98; Miss Aynslee MacEwen, honors in Ele- mentary singing; Miss Audrey Mac- Ewen passed grade IV piano. DR. J. S. MacDOUGALL, RUSSELL NATIVE, DIES Dr. John 'Sturgeon MacDougall, prominent 'Winnipeg dentist and Uni- versity of Toronto graduate died at Winnipeg on Sunday, April 3rd. The '53-year-old dentist was a noted rugby player in his university days. Born at Russell, Ont., in 1885, Dr. MacDougall went to Winnipeg 28 years ago. He is survived by his widow, his father and mother of Russell; a sister and four brothers, including Dr. D. MacDougall, of Winnipeg, and D. P. MacDougall, barrister, Toronto. Card in Florida paper: I lost a gold watch 1 valued very highly. Immediately 1 inserted an ad in vour lost and found column, end waited. Yesterday I went home and found the watch in the pocket of another suit. Your paper is o; Tea% ale o%0 0 6% o0 e% s% 6% 0s S00 ® 2 o. [2X XENI XE IX AIX XXX INN XXX RX XXX IY Wgrefefeofesiesiearadeiie deals dsadsddeedecdeefesdeofeedeadideedseleeds é wonderful." with her! "Prursday | CURLING NEWS i CURLING MEETINGS HELD AT RUSSELL March 31.--Russell La- Russell, d their annual dies'. Carting Club hel meeting and election of officers in the club room with the president, Mrs. L. "A. Harrington occupying the chair and a large number of memisere in attendance. Plans for the 193%:39 season were discussed. A vote of thanks was moved by the members to Mrs. Wm. Loucks who had devoted considerable time to the interes: of the club. Electiens of officers followed and resulted in last year's president as to office. The officers are: L. A. Harrington; vice-president, Mrs. Wn. Loucks; secretary, Mrs. Garland Hall; treasurer, Mrs. Eccles McCaffrey; entertainment com- mittee Mrs. Geo. Browne, Mrs. J. President, Mrs. L. Steele; rink committee, Mrs. K. M. Boyd; Mrs. Geo. Gamble; chap- lain, Mrs. Thos. McNaught. The presentation of curling pins and spoons donated by the president to the winning rinks and runners The winners: First rink -- Mrs. Wm. (skip), Miss Mabel Forsythe, Alice Lowrie, Miss Jennie Roberts. Second rink (spoons)--Mrs. K. M. Prizes to winners of last half of season schedule donated by Miss Alice Lowrie and to the runners up by Mrs. Harrington were won by: First rmk, Miss (skip), Mrs. J .L. Steele, Mrs. John M. Jen. Roberts, (skip). y Men's Club Meeting Previous to the ladies' meeting the Men's Curling Club had held their annual, the ladies' club doing the catering. Various reports were read and adopted and showed the club to be in a flourishing condition both financially and numericaily. The J. E. Kyle Challenge Trophy was presented by Mr. Kyle ta Skip H. H. Shepherd and his rink, J. C. Hamilton, Walter Dennison and Geo. Duneag hs consistent holders of the cup their names will be engrav- ed on the shields surrounding the, Forsythe, Miss A. Lowrie, Mrs. 'Wm. Loucks well 2s the secretary being returned |i up in the ladies' bonspiel followed. I Loucks | Miss | § Boyd (skip), Mrs. IG. Gamble, Mrs. ii Tros. McNaught, Mrs. E. Le Maistre. i Ella Hamilton 3 3 0% IX ® 's IX , ' EASTER CHOCOLATES JUST ARRIVED-- 3 Send a Smile to someone for Easter with a package of ¢ % our Fresh Smiles'n Chuckles Chocolates. Just arrived-- % in 21b., 1 1b. and 1-2 lb. boxes. ¢ % Easter Booklets and Cards--Our selection of Greeting % % cards is always new and dainty--10¢ and 5c each. 2 % Pearson's Stock Tonic and Condition Powders--is the # + ideal quick pick-up for your horses, cattle or hogs when 3 kt you need only a small quantity. In small packages at 60c & kt CONSULT YOUR FAMILY DRUGGIST $ 5 : 3 KS : JL. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell i D Take a Ride-- Write a Winning Slogan -- Win a Car DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE, A GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCT -- ABSOLUTELY FREE? Of Course You Do -- and Here is How You May Win a New, Sleek, Fader, Miss A. Higgins; second rink i Miss ii Up-to-the- Minute Motor Car JUST TAKE A PAPER AND PENCIL AND FIGURE OUT A SLOGAN -- A WINNING SAFETY SLOGAN -- AND A CARS YOURS! FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT-- McARTHU RUSSELL, ONT. - - - MOTOR SALES TELEPHONE 44 base. Silver trophy spoons were pre- sented to the rink skipped by Tace Wade in recognition of their win- ning the regular schedule. The team members were Edward (Ted) Le- (Maistre, 'Chas. Kenny, H. Slaughter, Tace Wade. Curling pins were presented to Mr. Wade's rink 'who also won the mid-season bonspiel and to John Gamble's team who were in second position, team members being J. Me- Arthur, L. Lemond, J. Twiname, John Gamble (skip). In the bon- spiel, points to count, C. 'H. Ste- wart's winning team of fH. Penne- father, R. Phair, Dr. P. B. Proud- foot were presented with sterling silver pins. Rev. Thos. MeNaught of the 'Church of St. Andrew's and St. Paul's United was guest speaker. The officers for season 1938-39 fol- ow: President, John Gamble; vice- president, Wm. Fielding; secretary- | treasurer, Robert Atkinson; chap-' mittee. 'M. Warner, Wm. Loucks, J. T'winame; auditors, | J. E. Kyle, A. Walker; Royal Cale- donian representatives, J. Harring- ton, RR. H. Tweed. Russell Continuation School Report of half-days FORM 1 . Campbell--2 . Little--4 . Rombough--2 FORM II Blais--8 . Boland -- Bradley--4 Browne--1 Cochrane--1 Cumming--4 Kerr--3 Loucks--10 Madden--1 Robinson--aé6. . Rombough--7 Scott--4 FORM IIT Eadie--2 . Gaukrodger--4 Little--2 . Waddell--1 . Waddell--11 Trompson--4 FORM IV Long--2 Lone--2 Stanley--2 . Switzer--7 Warner--4 --A. Murday, Prin. S.S. No. 2 Primary Room March Report GRADE II C. H. IStewart, Number March. absent in SEE OFISEED WEED UOESRDN HOE Hit lain, Robert Turley; executive wad ARRAY SOW FERTILIZER FOR BIG CROPS WE SELL SHUR-GAIN 2--12--6 FERTILIZER-- at $27.00 per ton NATIONAL 2--12--6 FERTILIZER at $28.00 per ton Order Early and Avoid Disappointment MacEWEN & STEPHENSON Phone 48 Russell NEW @ SPECIALS Apartment G.E. Refrigerator Special $149.75 Regular price $189.00 B Family Size G.E. Refrigerator . .... $175.00 i Monitor Top - 5 year guarantee - Regular $250.00 ; Five Year Guarantee - De Luxe G. E. Vacuum Cleaner Special $59.50 : Complete with attachments and floor polisher Regular price $77.50 i Toaster and Bread Knife ........ $440 § Regular price $5.00 J Time Payments, if Desired Russell, Ont. i LX El -. es 3 (xt an team Loam Lo GRADE I--SENIOR Elaine Fader--65.4 K. Mary Trainor--58 GRALY I--JUNIOR Maynard Eastman Ella Eastman Jimmy Morrow--Absent. Tilton Robinson--Absent. Jessica Trainor--384.4 Floyd Cochrane--T74.4 Teresa Robinson--73.8 Donald Pillar--72.2 Glenn Harten--66.8 { Beulah Sullivan--50.8 Allene Marcellus--92.7 Hilton Browne--50.8 --N. Moffatt, Teacher.

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