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Russell Leader, 24 Mar 1938, page 8

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- yyy . 3. And Other Now On OUR Spring Wearing Apparel BH New Goods: Display. BH WE ARE NOW SHOWING A SPRING WEARING APPAREL FOR Men, Women and Children Consisting of Ultra Modern Models in Coats, Dresses Broadcloths and Prints in Yard Goods. NEW STOCK OF and Hats OMER MAHEU PHONE 14 = & ane ele ee & SONS, LTD. EMBRUN, ONT. & EMBRUN HARNESS SHOP Also Full EMBRUN, SHOE MAKING and HARNESS REPAIRING Line of Boots, and Rubber Boots. LEO. BISSONNETTE Shoes, Rubbers ONTARIO HHH SE NE SEIDEL AS BHHY & & A A nn an METCALFE The closing meet of the Ladies' Bridge Club for this season was held last week at the home of Mrs. K. W. Stuart. Five tables of bridge were played with prize for highest score going to Mrs. Jas. D. Cameron. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshment§ by Miss Hilda Harrison. We are pleased to report that Mrs. A. R. Boland, who has been suffering from a broken arm, is making satis- factory progress, also that Mrs. J. E. Woods, who has been a patient in Ot- tawa Civic Hospital with a fractured ankle, returned home last week and is gaining slowly. COMMUNITY MOURNS FOR MISS SARAH O'CALLAGHAN The funeral of Miss Sarah O'Calla- ghan, who passed away on Thursday evening, after a long illness, was held on Sunday afternoon to St. Cather- ines Church, where Libera Service was conducted by Rev. M. J. Mooney. Interment was made in the parish cemetery. The late Miss O'Callaghan was a daughter of Thos. O'Callaghan and his wife, Mary Masson. Early settlers of Osgoode Township, near the Vil- lage of Kenmore. During the past 25 years, however, Miss O'Callaghan has been a resident of Metcalfe Vil- lage, where she was.a devoted mem- ber of St. Catherines Church, giving her best efforts to the work of the parish at all times. Chief mourners are a brother, ! | Robert O'Callaghan, of Los Angeles, Calif.; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. B. O'Callaghan, of Cornwall, and Mrs. E. O'Callaghan, of Montreal, and several nieces and nephews, including Miss Ann Masson, E. A. Masson and W. J. O'Callaghan, all of Ottawa. CURLING SEASON CLOSES The curling season closed with a series bf competitions and bonspiels which occupied every spare moment of the players in the race against soft ice. The bonspiel for spoons given by Mr. F. Murphy, of Ottawa, only reached semi-final games in the men's club, but we understand the final round is to be played on an Ottawa rink. In the ladies' club the spoons were won by Miss Margaret Leahy, Mrs. Lloyd Graham, Mrs. J. Eldon Craig with Miss Marguerite Rowan, skip. In the green singles for irons, oresented by Mr. H. Kil- born, of Ottawa, Mrs. Lloyd Graham was the winner. The silver entree dishes presented by Mrs. E. McGirr were won by Mrs. J. Eldon Craig, Mrs. C. F. L. Morrow, Mrs. Lloyd Graham with Miss Mar- guerite Rowan, skip. In the "wee iron"' contest Miss Muriel Cameron, Mrs. Walter Palmer, Mrs. E. McGirr 20.6066 (0 6% 6% 42.6% 6% 4% 4% 0 6% 620.6% 6% 420.0% 4% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% Qoodeefefocfosdesdesdefonionieidesecfecfodionloclocdocfoclonleeledlonivele "wy § BUSINESS AND % PROFESSIONAL # ® a ®, 3 les ~sustsbpp---YRECTORY - } & : & 04% 6%06%4% 6% 704% e% 20 ec 0c 04% %00% 204% +0 s% Yes eee oe'. EX XX Ra aa Sa Xa XE XX XX] JOHN B. WOOD3 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public r Commissioner for Quebec 28 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 - Residence 224 Special attention to collection and ; Commercial matters. Srdrpririirdrfidibididiientostostostostostontontontostostontonted HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Vankleek Hill, Ont. radvedecdeasifecdaaeifociaeidocdectaoledsdodsderieeieded LAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur - Hubert Pothier Avocats - Barristers Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun Wednesday Evenings. 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 Qostoctetaitosdestoctaatosdostodantostoidoctradostosteintosdostodoid E. H. CHARLESON, B.A, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, Ottawa Telephone 2--3525 wefeadecdeciecfociesdeciondeedeatecieciofocieciaciocleclecdectaaleileded MCcILRAITH & McILRAITH Rarristers and Solicitors 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon Dunc. A. Mcliraith-- Gee. J. Mcllraith Gedeefetentontentosteateatiateigrateedeatsofpefratresrogregrecre " Jj. EL. JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Night KENMORE - - ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc.,, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. PANA Mrs. Hugh James and Mrs. Edgar Stanley spent Friday with friends in Greeley. Mrs. Ernest Hamilton spent the week-end with friends in the city. Miss Grace and Mary James, of Ottawa, spent" tne. week-end with their parents here. Miss Hilda Wallace, was the guest of Mrs. Edgar Stanley last week. Mrs. Ed. Morrow, of Saskatchewan, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrow, Miss Evelyn Latimer, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with her mother. Mrs. Lloyd Morrow spent a few days with her mothar at Manotick,. NORTH RUSSELL Y.P.S. The North Russell Y.P.S. held their literary meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hamilton on Wed- nesday evening, March 16th. The meeting opened with the pre- sident, Clelland Hamilton, in the chair, and singing "Unto the Hills." The Scripture lesson was read by Audrey Buckingham. After the business session, Jean Allison, the literary convener, took charge and presented a very interesting paper. The meeting closed by singing "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee." A game of progressive crokinole was enjoyed by all, the prizes being won by Ruby James and Thomas Buckingham. aith | & 3 2 00 00.0 te tebe ctectectoctoctectostestectocestotesteelecto ceed ERX IXIXD teideadeadedededodecdoctocdosdoieiiodoniecieciocieded Tel. Russell 40 - Metcalfe 30 Qeateifefefaiaifeddaeiediaieedaiodedise fesse decieienied < 2 OUR CLASSIFIED i & SECTION i i . s FOR SALE--1 1-2 horsepower Inter- national Engine, A-1 shape. Price reasonable. Apply Russell Sparks, Vars, Ont. cl1-12 PERSONAL MEN! TO GET VIGOR, vitality, try raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants in New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, ex- hausted, weakened system.' If not delighted with results maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Call, write Steele's Drug Store, Rus- sell, Ont. c-5tf TB as : DirEh Tur | : FOR SALE - - PRICED RIGHT % 3 kX A Small Quantity of == $ 3 No. 1, No.2 and No. 3 TIMOTHY $ a A QUANTITY OF SWEET CLOVER pi ke AND RED ALFALFA MIXED 3 : 4 he < ¢ WALKERS CLEANING STATION : EX ef & : » i RUSSELL, ONT. 3 BE I RE SA I of Metcalfe, |= with Miss Ida Cameron, skip, came out on top. The Scotch doubles for silver plates danated by Mrs. Lloyd Graham reached only semi-final stages and is being held over for the time. With a total membership of 80, the clubs here enjoyed one of- the most active and successful seasons since organization, and the only re- gret being voiced is that the ice went VARS The W.M.S. skating party came off with a big success Friday, March 18th and the students from Vars all had an enjoyable time, Miss Ada Griffith, whé is training in the Ottawa Civic Hospital, was home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tanner had their infant daughter, Patricia Irene, baptized at St. Andrew's Anglican Church on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. O. Aymstrong, of Cornwall, was in Vars Saturday on business. MARVELVILLE The W. A. held their monthly meet- ing in the Vestry on Thursday eve- ning with a good attendance. After the meeting a social hour was spent which was conducted by Miss Mar- garet Little and Mrs. Norman Mec- Cormick, after which supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hay spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Acres of Vernon. Miss Anna Wood is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G. Brunton at Kenmore. Mrs. Jas. Dempsey, Mrs. Miles Me- Leod and two little daughters, visited with Mrs. Jas, McCormick on Friday last. Mr. Gerald and Oscar Hill visited at their home on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Hume spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brunton. Mr. Harold Dempsey spent Sunday at his home near Kenmore. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fader spent the week-end with friends at Grantley Mrs. Hugh Fader and little son spent Thursday afternoon visiting at Mrs. Russell Eastman's. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robinson and Roy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dempsey on Saturday. Mrs. Jas. Robinson is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. A. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robinson. Mrs. Chdrles Brunton and baby Ellena spent Thursday with Mrs. Wm. Fader. : Mr. and Mrs. N. J. McCormick and family spent Friday with Mrs. Grif- fith near Pana. Earl Hill and Norman McCormick attended the Royal Scarlet meeting in Metcalfe on Monday night. " We do not know anything of our own resources until we have taught ourselves to stand alone. Not until we think for ourselves, act for our- selves, do we become more than in- 3 ®t 0 6%06 706% 4504670476067 6% 4% 475 T6.6%.¢7%¢%-0% 476 4%04% 470.4% 6% + "0.4% 4% XXIII XIX ENIX EXIX NIX XX ERNE IIT XXIII X DIN Folesdoseadedocbadodosoatedosdniodbadedodostodosndododidododoitododesdodecendedoedniodoadndodosddodoadntedesdodosoniodesd kX : : ES i Keep Your Herd FREE From Abortion 4 & & @ As you well know, Abortion is one of the worst evils which a & % farmer must fight. One of the Best Methods available as a Pre- J % vention is to feed daily, a measureful of "BELL'S MINOVITE." 4 % We strongly recommend using CATTLE MINOVITE, made by 3 é BELL'S of Verdun, Que., the year around. It creates strong, healthy & 3% Cattle, and a Sound, Healthy Cow is almost impervious to abortion. % é Costs only $7.25 per cwt. and is money well invested in Dairy Stock. 4 % Bell's Minovite is a properly balanced Mineral Supplement, and is, % & we believe, the best value for your dollar in this line, on the mar- § & ket. Come in and ask us about it and the method of using + & Minovite. Z EX I i J. L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell, Ont. i & ' & 0% 0%00%4% ¢%6% 6% 6%4% 6% 470. 6%06% + 0070 0%04 6 4"60% 6 0s 0a" XIX XXIII IX EXE XXXII XXX XT XX IN THE CHURCHES RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, March 27th, 1938 11 a.m.--The Lord's Prayer-- "Give us this day our daily bread." A prayer for Bread. Seventh in series on Lord's Prayer., 7.30 P.M.--Correcting Wrong Ideas of Religion. Sunday School 10 a.m. Communicants Class -- Sunday, 7 p-m. A Christian Welcome to All ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector Russell, Ont. Fourth Sunday in Lent March 27th, 1938 8.00 A.M.--Holy Communion. 10.60 A.M.--Sunday School. 7.30 P.M.--Evening Prayer. Wednesday During Lent; 7.30 p.m.--Lenten Worship. ST. JAME'S CHURCH Edwards, Ont. Fourth Sunday in Lent March 27th, 1938 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m.--Sunday School. This is the first test of a gentle-!: man: His respect for those who can be of no possible service to him.-- William Lyon Phelps. NORTH RUSSELL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The North Russell Women's Insti- tute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Scott on Wednesday afternoon, March 16th. The president, Mrs. Robert Whit- ley, presided, assisted by the secre- tary, Miss Matilda Hitsman. The meeting opened with singing the Institute Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer. Rol] Call was answered by an Irish joke. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Buckingham with Mrs. Howard Morrow as convener on "Health." Roll Call "Don'ts for Mothers." The social part of the March meet- ing was taken by Mrs. Russell Hay, convener for Education. Papers on Education were given by Mrs. Russell Hay and Miss Velma Buckingham, A Saxaphone solo was given by Mr. Russell Hay and the spelling match was won by 1, Mrs. David Little, and 2nd, Mrs. E. Hamilton. The Irish con- test was won by Mrs. Robt. Whitley. Mrs. Lorne Graham gave a reading "An Irish Wooing." Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. David Little. There were 16 visitors and 14 mem- bers present. No wonder a hen cackles when she lays an egg. She's given to the world something that may turn out to be a son that mever sets. ANS. TO LAST WEEK'S TEASERS: Problem No. 47 | | Nancy changed the position of the | three blocks and spelled CAB. and | FED. | Problem No. 48 | Tom's mother gave him 1 cent t which Tom gave to Bill on account. | Bill gave the cent to Ed, leaving his | debit balance one .cent. Ed then gave the cent to Tom, which left his balance one cent. Then Tom paid another 1-3 of his debt to Bill, who gave the cent to Ed, thus squaring that debt. = Ed then squared 'his debt to Tom and Tom then paid Bill in full. THIS WEEK'S TEASERS Note--An interested sends in the following riddles with their answers. , As previously stated we are always pleased to have contri- butions for The Leader, whether they are along the idea of this column or in the form of poetry or news stories. 1--Why is a tight shoe like an oak tree? contributor 2--Why is the largest city in Ire- land likely to become the largest city in the world? 3--How do you swallow a door? 4--When may a chair be said to dislike you? What is that" which is lengthened by being cut at both ends? Prob. 33--Concealed Animals I Four concealed animals are to be | found in each of the following sent~ ences: 1--I saw Eli on the sofa when I came later in the evening; he seemed to suffer at times from a severe cut and the doctor thought he would have ! to trepan the right side of the boy's "head. 2--Do not disturb earnest scholars { or repel ambitious ones; do not be | harsh or severe with dullards or pro I nounce them beyond help. ! Problem No. 35 i A woman had a basket containing 150 eggs. For every 1 1-2 goose eggs in her basket, she has 2 1-2 duck eggs and 3 1-2 hen eggs. How many of each kind had she in the basket? Busirared--2-passenger Master De Luxe Business Coupe PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES GENUINE KNEE- Chevrolet for us!'" = ROOMIER ALL-SILENT ACTION ™® ALL-STEEL BODIES VALVE- IN-HEAD ENGINE VENT "Of course, we all fell in love with the style of it at a glance. Inside and out, Chevrolet for 1938 changes all your old ideas of beauty and luxury in a low-priced car. "Before we'd driven a mile, my husband was thrilled at the way we could flash ahead of traffic, yet pull up in a jiffy if need be. "But what thrilled me is Chevrolet's *Knee-Action gliding ride, so smooth and restful for back-seat passengers . . . the comfort and safety of the All-Steel Fisher Body with its Safety glass and No-Draft Ventilation. "I could name a dozen other advantages we found only on Chevrolet. But my tip to you is... go see your Chevrolet dealer, see and drive the car for your- self! Chances are you will decide as we did, 'it's *On Master De Luxe Models. THE SYMBOL OF SAVINGS FISHER NO- ATRTOTRY a em "LET ME TELL YOU WHY WE CHOSE R ~ CHEVROLET" NEW TIPTOE- MATIC CLUTCH DRAFT ILATION "WE LOOKED at all the low-priced cars . . . but one ride in the new Chevrolet and the whole family agreed, 'Here's our car!' PRICED FROM $820 (2-Pass. Master Business Coupe). Master De Luxe Models from. $892. Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Government tax, freight and license extra. Convenient terms may be arranged through the General: Motors Instalment Plan, il v fants in 'the moral umiverse.--An- gela Morgan. McARTHUR MOTOR SALES - Russel, Ont. ort

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