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Russell Leader, 24 Mar 1938, page 1

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---- ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SAMPLES FOR MEN'S SUITS RUSSELL, ONTARIO p -- gm SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, MARCH! 24th, 1938 Re 32 CTI TE rr xs Te Local 20d Personal [Flosd Waters Conse |; COD LIVER OIL : 3 i OR KE N KE WS : aia. 3 % We Have PURE VITAMIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL 3 2 go = : 3 Dama a In Dis YiC 5 at 16 ozs. for ____ na -- 75¢ : bY %| Miss Ella Hamilton spent a day | x GUARANTEED FRESH. TRY A BOTTLE TODAY. 2 N IC 3 | in Ottawa last week. ' LEE HALIBUT OIL CAPSULES ' : CONGOLEUM RUGS : ® Re 3 No; * fo The summer weather of Mondh & For those who prefer the oil in this form. 50 capsules to a box $1.00 2 § Ask to see the New 1938 Patterns. We give you the | Ors. Orton Harrison spent a few] Ce SHOE Soo oo com. |i OUR SPRING TONIC--When that lazy indolent feeling arrives, it ; choice of any pattern made, and note our prices on *% days with friends in Ottawa recently |.. = ith a heavy rainfall Wednes. | & is time to pep up with a bottle of Our Spring Tonic. 2 » Regular Congoleums-- &| Miss Nettie McCooeye spent the |day night are responsible for flood | Full 16 oz. bottle for . Be oo - $1.00 & 3 day night a sp % BLA : gre : ho $& 8x9 feet 2.75 ' 1/ % | week-end at her home at Edwards. |conaitions in Russell village and other | 4 CK LEG VACCINE SEASON is almost here. This is cheap in- 3 ¢ eet... $2. 9x 101, feet $9.25 4 ; 5 his dread c 1 + 41 72 Ti Rie hao Ade. =e ; centres along the Castor and Nation |% surance against this dread disease. osts only 10c head for Vaccine. & 3 41x 9feet $4.20 9x 12 feat 7. 7: $10.65 $1 Mr. Harvey Morrow was taken to| Lo = % It is also time to treat for Warbles by using COOPER'S WARBLE * $ 6x9 feei ............. $5.2 9 x 131% feet $11.85 % the hospital on Jueseay Jee started moving in the Castor |¥ POWDER. Per pawn pa MAY PRUCEGEE $1.00 3 Yoox 9fect $6.65 5 1% p t $13.25 %| Russell's grand old man, Mr. |Riverat Russell on Tuesday, jamming |& o FaMi DRUGGGIS & rx 9 feat. oo 8.00 X eel . 3 Charles McArthur, has 1 inter- | at the bridge and causing inundation | Ra : 5 §1 cure ein se sey via 3 ere nd sing Stitt! | J.T, STEELE, Ph. B., Russell | : INCUBATORS and BROODERS bs Miss Doris Long _-- the week- DE Maley and 3 30 Per Cent. Discount Off All Incubators in Stock. #! end the guest of her aunt, Mrs. |ateli the jam broke up later in the 5 If interested be sure and see us. *1 Tobi. Lone. day, allowing the water to recede. i Our New Stock of Brooders is in. 500 Chick Size for 3 Mii RB NN Hamilton spent 8 - On Wednesday Jaks water in the ~ 4 this BX Ars. Re IN.omamil spent oSun-| Castor River again started to rise i $11.75 Cash. Also Feeders and Drinking Founts. 5 dzy atlernoon with Miss Tenet Me- [rad By midnight water won flowing TAKE A RIDE - & Below Find a Few of Our Prices for % | harey. fhouph the fre fall and Siarieg Jo ' $ SAT. and MON--MARCH 26-28--Cash or Produce. 3 Mr. and Mrs. A. Fitzpatrick visit- York Contral Soi ation. Bose. : & Girls' AMBER HONEY, 4 1b. pail ____ 31c | ed with Mr. and Mrs. F. [Sutherland | ments of homes along the river were | i : > ; 2 ¥ { on Sunday. { flooded. ; WRITE A SLOGAN ) RUBBBERS Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins -- 18c 3 - ; aos an Reports reaching here Wednesday % sizes 11 to 2 CANNED TOMATOES, 2 tins.._18¢c x Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gamble ant | night from Embrun indicated that 3 per pair 49c Family Blend Black TEA, lb. 52¢ | Beverly spent the week-end with |the Castor River in that village rose |i & | friends at Cardinal. five to seven feet early in the eve-{: WIN A CAR % SUNKIST Shaan; 0 Ibs. jor ---- for. 59¢ 2! Diss Dorthea Twi the | Ning and by midnight had increased KY ORANGES Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 OTe 23c 5 Miss Dorthes | Winaie spent another two feet. i & 2 doz 32¢ FLAKED WHEAT, 5 1b. bag______ 25¢ = week-end the guest of Miss Ethel An ice jam above the N.Y.C._ rail- | 3 in wn Ground Wheat, 7lbs. 25c | and Miss Edith Sullivan. road bridge at Embrun was given as JUST AS EASY AS THAT! i LETTUCE __ 7c ICING SUGAR. 2 ibs... 15¢ &5| Mr. and Mrs. P. Hummel, of Ot hs gauge Tor the Saddes rise in the 1 4 ot Sandiv + evel o e river. ater is flowing E h1 CELERY Whole Wheat Flour, Tbs. 29¢ ® re ew the, guests of over the road in the village to a 3 HEARTS __ 12¢ CHIPSO, large nize .... 21c = Mrs. Robert Fraser. deptk of one foot. And the Contest is Sponsored by -- 3 B Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morrow The cooler weather of today-- Po! y § "BLUE" Chestnut COAL | Our Own Laying % | visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stan- | Thursday--is expected to ease the i & For Your Brooders. MASH, per bag ______ $2.39 3 !ley on Sunday. situation. gi General Motors Corporation i 3 %1 Miss E. Birch, of Leonard, is BEE . = 3 D3 . . i iz § MEN'S RED SOLE RUBBER BOATS, pair $2.39 4 | spending a few days with Mrs. M, lL | d P l i % | Booth. 0Cal ana rersola: 2 McArthur - Warner General Merchants and Funeral Directors 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. iodo docioodadindir door donee ited TELEPHONE 11 jo, " oa se" DEX oo, "o' " A * s' > 0 IX CD a eo e®s 0% XIX bee >. 4 *. 3 oe ha a TX *. ta 2 NOW IS THE TIME To Make Arrangements To Satisfy That Desire FOR A NEW CAR CALL US OR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM-- We'll Gladly Give You a Demonstration of the Plymouth or Chrysler Royal z OR 4 Try One of Qur Good Used Cars MADDEN MOTOR SALES RUSSELL, ONT. | | Sask., is renewing acquaintances in | Russell district. | WATCH FOR DODGERS GENERAL @D ELECTRIC GIFT OFFER FREE TO ALL HOUSEWIVES--General Electric VACUUM ATTACHMENTS G.-E. Up-to-the-Minute Vacuum Cleaners 3 BEAUTIFUL MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM-- Model A.V. 5, streamlined $54.50 Model A.V. 1, standard $44.50 Model G.-E. Air-Flo, super cleaner _______ $59.50 Let G.-E. VACUUM CLEANERS ease the grind of daily and Seasonal Cleaning. We Will Gladly Demonstrate Their Superiority. RUSSELL PHAIR PHONE 29 RUSSELL, ONT. { i tory. i ination last week. Mrs. Wm. 'Booth is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Payne, Manotick. Mrs. Wm. Scott spent the week~ end in Ottawa with her daughter, Marjorie. Mrs. Edward Morrow, of 'Wawota, visited with 'Chester- Mr. 'Alex. 'Melarey Mr. and Mrs. J. Hummel, ville, on Friday. Mr. Wallace Barrington, of Corn- wall, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bennett | Barrington. M#s. Garland Hall has returned home after spending a few days in Ottawa, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley-Smith. : Mr. and Mrs. George Gamble and daughter Beverley spent the week- end in Cardinal the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Anderson. Councillor Edward LaMaistre, of Almonte, Ont., is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Ted) La Maistre Jr. Mr. Donald Stewart, of Howard Smith Paper Mills, Cornwall, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. Charles H. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carkner and son Edward, of Ottawa, spent the week-end the guest of Mrs. Ro- bert Long. i Mrs. Jas. Robinson has returned home after spending a few weeks' holidays the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Asa Sullivan. Mrs. Clifford" Miller has returned home from Ottawa where she had been spending a few days the guest of family friends. {Milton Little, of Metcalfe, has been elected to the executive of the Queen's University Theological So- ciety for the 1938-39 academic year. Mr. J. Madden, of Osgoode, has been spending a few holidays the : guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maa- den. Miss Doris Long has returned home from Ottawa where she has been taking a special study in His- Miss Long wrote this exam- Mrs. Robert Fraser has returned ! home to Russell from Detroit whare she had been wintering, the guest of her daughter, Kathleen and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown. Last year we asked: Who will be the first to see our red-breasted harbinger of Spring and we receiv- ed quite a few answers-to our ques- tion. And again we ask--Who will see the just Robin this season? ! on April Tth. Books in connection with the travelling library of the Russell Women's Institute are now avail- able and are temporary at the home of Mrs. L. A. MacEwen until Mrs. H. Snell is free to work of librarian. f Spring has definitely arrived-- and a number of owners of sugar bush lands have started syrup-mak- ing. {Water rose so high in the Eh ice has broken up Cast et the _ & dam take over the |i the hi MARCH 15th to APRIL 30th VISIT OUR SHOWROOM -- MAKE INQUIRIES We'll Tell You All About It! McARTHU RUSSELL, ONT. - - MOTOR SALES -. TELEPHONE 44 | whild 'below river .i§ clear. } CURLING NEWS Five days since the first day of Spring and curling is now a thing of & season past, Still you hear of the good shots so and so made and the hard luck so and so had. , The date of the men's annual meet- ing has been set for March 28th and it is expected that the Women's Curling Club will furnish the eats. The Ladies' Curling Club will hold their annual meeting on Wednesday, March 30th, at 8.30 p.m. in the club room. There will be plenty to hash at the Men's Annual--the digging of a well--the repairing of the irons and many other matters of business con- nected with curling. And sp we conclude for the week. . .COMING EVENTS. . The Women's Institute supper in the United Church Hall at 6.30 p.m. | Guest gpeaker, Her Excellency Lady Tweedsmuir. Only about 35 tickets are available to non-members. Those wishing tic- kets kindly see Mrs. Cecil McKen- dry or Miss Lowrie at once. Ticket- holders must be at hall at 6.15 sharp to receive Her Excellency. this column IN MEMORIAM : McCORMICK--In memory of James McCormick who departed .this life March 18th, 1914. The rolling stream of life rolls on But still the vacant chair Recalls the Love, the Voice, Smile, [Of the one who once sat there. --WIFE AND FAMILY. the Assuring Husband: "Pve insured my life for $15,000, so that if anyt:ing hap- pens to me you will We provided for." Wife: "How nice and thoughtful. Now you won't have to see a doctor ! every time you feel sick, will you?" = ADMISSION -- Adults 25c¢, MATINEE -- THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, ADMISSION -- Children 10c. EE ES ET TE Te Se Sono " A THREE ACT COMEDY-DRAMA, ENTITLED LOVE'S MAGIC Will be Presented Under Auspices of the Y.P.S. and W.A. in UNITED CHURCH HALL, RUSSELL Friday, March 25th, at815P.M. Children 15c. at 4.15 P.M. Beatties Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practiee should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. > KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist BARGAINS IN SPRING MERCHANDISE New Stocks for the Entire Family MEN'S TOP COATS--raglans and tubes-- New styling and colors $7.95 to $15.95 LADIES' SPRING COATS--new colors and up-to-the-minute styles $6.95 to $22.50 With Every Purchase of a New Coat. we are giving FREE a pair of High Grade Silk Stockings. LADIES' SPRING HATS $1.49 to $2.49 MEN'S NEW HATS $1.49 to $2.49 MEN'S CAPS 49¢c to 98c RUBBER BOOTS $1.98 to $2.25 RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT CLEARING PRICES. GROCERIES Soda Biscuits, per lb. 10c Macaroni, 20 lb. box 2 89%¢ Bee Hive Golden Syrup, 5 lbs. for 37¢ Pure Bulk Honey, per lb. ___ 7c Keta Pink Salmon, 2 tins for 19¢ Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins for 15¢ A. LATREMOUILLE ST. ONGE, ONT. PHONE 31 i I WE RL EATER. PH en, IEE Nim RAT lr Rg

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