= Poe 4 4% ¢% % 4% <%s% 4% <% 000.4% 6%4% +20 s% +0 + Yoo Tees: %0 ee s%0 abe 00 e% Ddeafoalealocdralodorloatootocdoodoodootonloeloeloole loaloatseloeleelsrioaleeleslesteateateeloeteelsetertoatoslaetoateatoeteetolosteetosle " FERRICO--The new, Acts almost instantly, for Colic, Indigestion, Diarrhoea, a aca ea a BELL & SONS, Verdun, Bring to your attention the following of their products-- ANTISEPTIC PESSARIES for difficult cleaning in cattle quick method of checking scours in young pigs. UDDER CERATE--In pound cans, each For any udder trouble, such as Garget, Inflamed Udders, Milk Fever. Poste s®es'os's XEXIXIR IX XS x) Que. 4 & Shea % $1.00 for pkg. of Three Pessaries D> 2, a per bottle $1.25 % BLACK BOTTLE--Germ on the tongues of Horses, Cattle or Calves, kK) Chills and Colds, bottle .______ $1.00 <%¢ aver GLE Re SE $1.00 3 oe *, a CHILLEXINE--For drench used with Udder Cerate for udder % troubles. Four drenches in each bottle for. $1.00 & IODIZED MINERAL BRICKS in cases of 12 for -- $4.75 % Come and see us when you need any of the above. & 3 > J. L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell, Ont. 3 EE Oe Pete ce e%0s% e%e% Tes s% e0c%0 00 eo L0 00% 20 4% 00 0% Poe? WQeedeadesfecteaoifetaaiedocieateifocieiuilodfoiaio fois ocieeniel 3 R D OUR CLASSIFIE 5 o° 3 P SECTION 4 2 5 - oo 0 c®e Pe s%.4%04% o% 4% seb 2% oo obe oe t0 cto 0 ste 00s 0 ete ate 0d EIRENE EIRENE SEX EX SX Xa Xe LOST--Reo truck wheel and tire-- 650 balloon. Between Felton and Ottawa. Finder please motify D. Marion, Felton or Leader Office. pl0-11 NOTICE To our many (Russell we take this opportunity to thank them for their patronage and to in- form them of gur 'change of address. Marcellus Beauty Parlor, Permanent Waving and Beauty Culture, 200%2 Bank St. Ottawa. Dial 3-1444. p10 PERSONAL TO GET VIGOR, vitality, try raw oyster invigorators MEN! and other stimulants in New OSTREX | 1 Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, ex- hausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Call, write Steele's Drug Store, Rus- sell, Ont. c-5tf Earnest resolution has often seemed to have about it almost a savor of ommipotence.--S. Smiles. ONTARIO SALE OF PULPWOOD TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to and includ- ing Tuesday, 8th March, 1938, at 12 o'clock, Noon, for the Fuelwgod cut ind piled on a small Island in the ttawa River in front of Lots 81 and 32, Township of Clarence, County of Russell. ~ FURTHER PARTICULARS may be obtained upon application to the undersigned, or to Mr. P. J. Whelan; Assistant District Forester, Renfrew, Ontario, : 3 PETER HEENAN, Minister of Lands and Foo qo" : ; - 4 NBN navihonieed publication of ¢ V.«u1 be paid for. TORONTO, February 23rd, 1938. c9 Raa Bedside ded Seder ede deere § BUSINESS AND : PROFESSIONAL 3 DIRECTORY : CW) IWC IU ICIP TC SE SCE JE RCE SOC SE TR J. x3 Qoadeideidenteadeadeafoadofocfociocfosiaaaaioaiosfocfociociociodiodionedd JOHN B. WOODS _ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner for Quebec 33 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 Residence 224 Special attention to collection and Commercial matters. 0.0.0. 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 ete letetetetes DI EE EEX IX XX EX aX XX XX a] HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Vankleek Hill, Ont. ENCIOE SOLE SO SUC IE SC SO SOC I FO SP UC TORT HOC RIPE SE JOE J BX EX DE A I a LAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur Avocats - Barristers Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun Wednesday Evenings. 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 a. * Ce 883 Te. E., H. CHARLESON, B.A, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, Ottawa Telephone 2--3525 Ba A A A AMA I McILRAITH & McILRAITH Rarristers and Solicitors 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon Dunc. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. Mcllraitk 08s Pa Bote ®eiosbetecbertetestectestortedsstocte oateste ded Ba eS J. EE. JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Night KENMORE ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc., M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 Metcalfe 30 customers | | FIGUREIT OUT Answer teasers of 2 Prob. 25. 'Mrs. Lacey used the ear trumpet. Mrs. Pines was the president, Mrs. weeks ago. { Mason giggled, Mrs. Field was Mrs. Wooley's sister-in-law, Mrs. Hoyt spoke in a' loud voice and Mus. Wooley weighed B00 pounds. Prob. 41--Ask the carpenter. In the first case the window is shaved like a diamond; then it is changed to a square. Prob. 44. The guide was talking about fleas Prob. 46. Digits. The digits from 1--9 can be arranged to add up to 100 by empolying fractions, in vari- ous ways.. The following are four methods. : 24 3-6 plus 75 9-18 equals........ 100 95 3-7 plus 4 16-28 equals. 98 3-6 plus 1 27-54 94 1-2 plus v5 38-76 equals.......... 100 Prob. 23. This week's puzzlers. A motion picture company were on location somewhere in the tropics hard on the equator and one day the director wandered away from camp. He returned later and said to one of his camera men "A funny thing just happened to me. A little while back, just as 'I broke through a tangle of underbrush, I saw two deer. 'One was looking due -north and the other due south. Now how do your suppose those two animals could see each other? Prob. 27. How good a are you? Spike Regan was bumped off one night, at Mike Manelli's night club. Manelli was involved in the shoot- ing and hastily rearranged 3 tables, at one of which Regan had been sit- ting when he was killed, so that ail 3 tables appeared the same. He wanted to give the appearance or impression that the same number of guests had been seated at each table. On the 3 tables befora he rearranged them were 21 wine bot- tles. 'Seven were full--7 half full and 7 empty, How did Manelli ar- range the bottles so that each tabié had the same number of bottles and the same quantity of wine. MANELLI DID NOT POUR ANY WINE FROM ONE BOTTLE TO THE OTHER. detective - »Hubert Pothier! i WARVELVILLE A sing-song opened the meeting of the Marvelville regular Y.P.U. held in the vestry on Friday even- ing, March 4th. The programme was under the direction of the 'Christian Culture convener, Anne Wood, and the sub- ject was "The Worth of Beauty." An interesting story from L. C. Douglas' book, "Those Disturbing Miracles" showing the transforming power of a beauteous ideal was told by Vera Brunton. A talk on the. subject was given by the leader followed by a short discussion period. ~ Oscar Hill and Albert Lambert supervised the evening's recreation. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. John Stearns' last Sunday with a good attendance. Miss Margaret Little spent one, night last week with Miss Vera Brunton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fader and son, Kenneth, spent Sunday with Mrs .Fader's mother, Mrs. A. Wood. Miss Louise Stearns spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brunton have returned home after spending a week in Smiths Falls. Miss Ann Wood made a trip to the | Capital last Tuesday. Mrs. Olin Stearns visited with Mrs. H. Barber on Sunday. We ave sorry to report Mr. Jack Stearns is confined to his bed. Miss Vera Brunton visited with Mrs. R. J. McCormick on Saturday evening. The Y.P.S. held their regular meet- ing in the Vestry on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald visit- ed with Mrs. Jas. Robinson on Sa- turday. Mr. H. McCormick, of Kenmore, called on friends here last Thursday. Mrs. John C. McDonald and daughter, Muriel, spent Saturday in the city. The L.O.L. held their monthly meeting in the Orange Hall on Mon- day evening with a cood attendance. FELTON The Felton people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kinkaid on Monday evening, Feb. 28th, for a farewell party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Pillar and family. They will be greatly missed jn this commmunity and were presented with a lovely rose rayon bedspread and the good wishes of all for their future. Every Sunday, starting with the issue of March 13, you'll find FREE with The Detroit Sunday Times, PIX, the new 16-page picture book, with many frank, informative and entertaining (pictures. You'll enjoy PIX. OBITUARY MRS. LEONARD H. MUIR Mrs. Muir, wife of Reeve Leonard well known school teacher in the West died suddenly at 11 o'clock Thursday morning at her home in Lemieux, Ont. at the age of 44 years. Reeve Muir had been in Toronto attending the Good Roaas Convention, and had returned to Ot- tawa. It was there that he was in- formed of his wife's passing. Born at Vankleek Hill, she was a daugh- She had received her public and high schools in that dis- Banff for many years, and on ner marriage four years residence at Lemieux. She attended St. 'Gregory's: church, Vankleek Hill, and took a keen interest in the Reeve. husband was Surviving in ster, Mrs. R. Grant, alse of Montreal. Alex. Connell, of 'the Ottawa fire department is a brother-in-law. MRS. JOE LOUIS The funeral cortege bearing the remains of Mrs. Jos. Louis who pas- ter, Mrs. 'C. T. Lasalle, Ottawa, vears. reached Russell and proceed- ed to Loucks cemetery where the commitment service was conducted by. Rev. Thos. McNaught. of the church of St. Andrews and St. Pauls United. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and had resided great many years. The family is one of the early families of the com- munity. A number of years ago Mrs. Louis took up residence with her daughter in Ottawa. of 'Merrickville; Fred, Wilkie, of Ohio; Hattie, of Philadel- phia; Tillie, Reg.N., of Montreal; Mrs. Charles Lascelle, of Ottawa; Joseph, Walter and Jessie, of Ohio. The Louis family have many friends among the older members of Rus- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fraser. GOLDEN VALLEY week, ; part of Thursday in the city. { Mr. Maurice Hughes spent the week-end at his parental home. M r. D. McNabb left on Tuesday to resume his duties in Moosomi. tion much improved. bell is able to be out again. Miss Mabel Porteous spent week-end at her home. Mrs. ning. Mr. S. A. Park of Echo ed on his daughter, Mrs. Last, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cowan spent Monday evening with Mrs. McLeod of Kenmore. METCALFE The Monday evening bridge was held at the home of Mrs. M. Mulvey, with Mrs. J. A. Waddell winning the prize for highest score. At lunch hour Mrs. Mulvey was assisted in serving by Miss Marguerite Rowan. Mr. S. Henderson, who hasbeen suffering from a dislocated shoulder, and injuries to the muscles of the arm, is making steady progress to- ward recovery. Mr. Henderson met with the accident while loading wood in the bush and walked about a mile before receiving first aid. Mr. W. J. W. Woods returned home last week from Ottawa Civic Hospital, where he was a patient as a result of a fall on the icy street on Feb. 6th. At.present he is making good progress toward recovery but will be confined to his home for several weeks. The March meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity Church was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Bernard Lowe, with Mrs. Milton Jeacle as assisting hostess. The president, Mrs. S. H. Bishop was in the chair with Mrs. F. R. Stanley as secretary. An increase in member- ship was reported, and also the pur- chase of new linen for the altar. The rector, Rev. H. A. Irwin, closed the meeting with prayer, and a social hour, with refreshments, was enjoyed at the close. The recular meeting of the A.Y. P.A. of Holy Trinity Church was held at the rectory with the president, Svdney Irwin in the chair. Treasurer was authorized to settle all bills for the month, and plans were made for having Rev. Mr. Bradley, curate of Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, as ~uest speaker at the April meeting. Secretary reported one new member, and alzo read a letter of information an the work of the church, from Ot- 'awa Local Council Rally. Rev. H. A. Trwin closed the meeting and the re- mainder of the evening was spent in a social way. on Te who is unable to fortune indeed unfortunate. All men are foolish, but it's oniy man nis is the wise ones who find it out. H. Muir, of South Plantagenet, and 1 former ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. DesLauriers. | education in; trict, and graduated from the Ot-! tawa Normal School. Mrs. Muir taught school at Vancouver and ago took up. affairs of the distriot of which her! addition to her husband and parents | are seven brothers: Lawrence of A. E. Pierce and Co.; William A., cf the Department of National Re- venue; Charles, of the Northern Electric Company; Jack, Frederick! and Harold, of Montreal, and Ar- thur, of Vankleek-Hill, and a si sed away at the home of her daugh-' last week at the advanced age of 94! The late Mrs. Louis was a cdaugh-| in Russell for a; Left to mourn her loss are George . of Toronto; . sell community and were guests of | | i | I | J L] ; - was well patronized. Mr. Wallace Comrie spent a cou-. ple of days in Carleton Place last | Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McAndrew spenig adiudeed worthy of prizes. : --Best Gents Costume--Rheaul Blais | He, plante. spent ten days with his mother and} we are pleased to report her condi-| Young. We are glad to say Sinclair Camp- | | the | ' na McArthur. Mr. Fred Park called on Mr. andi W. G. Porteous Sunday eve- | Valley call- but luckily no damage was done ex- "at Mr. L. Quaile's. Po cbee P0.6% 6% 40602504702 6%4 200% 620.4% 6% 420400624 00.6% 6% 6% 6% ¢%06%0 6% 430 60 4% + L040 450 4% a IS \ 0 e%ee% os 0 ose 0s 0s 00 oo 06% CEXAXIXEXE RENIN XIX IX XIX XR e ot 0 et tet 06 06 06 0a Ue Ut ; CURLING NEWS |: . | mp 3 3 | i FOR SALE - - PRICED RIGHT : ! 2 ~, 1% --- £3 i Just about all you hear these days \& 4 . is curling with a big C. Saturday de ; % | last four mixed teams from R. C. C. t A Small Quantity of -- & | Journey tn Morrisburg fo. nduwige 44 No.1, No. 2 and No. 3 TIMOTHY $ the gentle game of push, sweep and: > yell. The R.C.C. lady aggregation | § A QUANTITY OF SWEET CLOVER $ | won both games but tie Mens, AND RED ALFALFA MIXED 4 | rinks were defeated. It was all in| ; : + | good fun and everyone enjoyed the % ) 3 | visit to the M.C.C. : Sona WALKER S CLEANING STATION - {| Morrisburg 'Curlers were In action | & 2 "here on Wednesday last--4 mized + RUSSELL, ONT. 2 rinks--the ladies won and the MEN | 'gsiesiiioairdsoiisodiioas "oieooieooied fonfeebaioeoaimoolioioadedboiodsododsadidooindosdtodsedoaboiods tied. The visitors were quite en- XX thusiastic about the splendid rink in operation here. . Seems to me the spirit of good sportsmanship and good fellowship was strikingly displayed in both Morrisburg and Russell clubs. That is the spirit that determines whe- ther a club justifies its existence or its demise. as ~ treat to witness the start of the mixed Bonspiel on Monday | night an? judging from the antics of some of the older members as well as the younger members they Russell W.M.S. Meeting late for Last Week) (Received too of the United Church held a special meeting on 'Wednesday, LE PEA hear the reports of the delegate to Presbyterial in Ottawa. Besides the members, a number of associate hel- enjoyed themselves to the utter-{ tion were present. Owing to a be-! most. reavement in her family Mrs. H. H. Metcalfe Curling Club annexed | Shepherd, the delegate, was unabie the Wilson Curling trophy with a| to be present, so Mrs. McNaught clean cut decision. The rink was | took charge of the meeting and] skipped by J. A. Waddell and J. A. gave the report, assisted by Mrs. | surely deserves credit for his per-| Steele and Mrs. H./ McKeown. much credit of 'this team. help but they J. A. te win formance and must go to the | Not only did ' made it possible the trophy. News regarding the presentation of the Wilson Cup to Metcalfe Club is decidedly scarce. None of the . Russell C. C. members were present again rest they for of the meeting. Russell Y.P.U. Meetin (Received too late for Last Week) The Y.P.U. of the United Church Russell C. C. was not invited. and | yet on Tuesday evening of last whether it was an oversight, deli-| week. The topic was in charge of | berate or otherwise, it still re-| Miss Gwen Gankrodger and Rev. T. mains.--Poor Curling. - McNaught gave a talk on "Tem- We understand that an Ottawa | perance." 'At the close of the meet- i Ladies' Club will journey to Russell to play some afternoon in the near future and that Russell C.'C. will be hests to Morrisburg club a week or two hence. Plans are going ahead for the an- nual C.C. meeting and we hear that a general get-together evening is being discussed: We would be pleased to have a re- port of the activities of the DMet- calfe club for this Curling corner . column. { | i ing the members went to the meet- Ewen and Stephenson's [rall to hear Mr. E. W. 'Charleson, barrister, give a very interesting talk on "Law." S. S. NO. 3, NORTH RUSSELL Standing of Senior Room, Janu- ary and February. GRADE IX Lois Dugdale--82.7. Hilton Buckingham--_82.4 Douglas Scott--=82.3 GRADE VIII Marie Fitzsimmons--®86. Audrey Buckingham--78.62 Bessie Allison--77.87 Betty Buckingham--76.87 Ernest Buckingham--68.50 Beatrice Wood--65.85 Mary Hamilton--65.25 Audrey 'Shelp--61.85 GRADE VI Doris Shelp--85.43 Erskine Morrice--78.14 Lulu Thompson--74.85 Muriel Hamilton--68 Jackie Rogs--60.25 --/E. E. Stevenson, Teacher :; 2 3 i Ice Carnival Is | | A Big Success 00 a Ut GoD = A successful ice -ecarnival was held recently in the local arena and despite tl:e extremely cold weather Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loucks and Gar Hall acted as judges with the following classes and winners being CU ODN = NORTH RUSSELL Y.P.§: The North Russell Y.P.S. held their social meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert James on Fri- i day evening, March 4th. The meeting opened with a _sing- Best Ladies costume--Miss Emily McCaffrey, Miss Pauline Scott. Best Gent skater--Mr. H. La- Best Lady skater -- Mrs. Russell The Woman's Missionary Society ! Feb. 16th, at the home of Mrs. L. G. iSteele to | pers and members of the congrega- | Re- | freshments were served at the close: 'meditation we will | conception of the Kingdom? "and join us in our meditation. Fifth ing of the Woman's Institute in Me- i discuss and explain Most comical skater--R. Blais, Best Boy's costume, 16 years and under--M. Eastman. Best Girl skater in costume--Don- song with the president, Clelland Ha- milton, in charge. The devotional part began by singing "Sun of My Soul", and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture lesson was read by Belle Beckstead. After the business session the re- creation period was enjoyed by all in! D. Graham. games and contests under the super-: Girls race--Ederiec Graham. vision of the social convener. At the ! Boys potato race--Archie Graham close lunch was served. | Men's relay race Ed. Young, John Carson, Bob 'Gamble. 'Men's obstacle race--Rheaul Blais Contest skating with one skate-- CGT. HOLD A MOTHERS' ! "DON de DIEU" OATS NOT AS REPRESENTED; AND DAUGHTERS' BANQUET SEED SALE ILLEGAL Additional attempts are made in both Eastern and Western | Canada to sell at a price of $5 per | bushel or 3 pounds for $1, an un- | licensed variety of oats known as { "Don de Dieu," which, according to | the claims of the promoters, will , vield as high as 300 bushels per » acre, but tests made by three Do- | minion Experimental Farms prove | substantially otherwise. These tests made in 1936 and 1937 at the Ix- | perimental Farms in Ottawa, Lecn- noxville, Que. and 'Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Que., have disclosed that | the "Don de Dieu" variety does not give as large a yield as the estab- lished and widely used licensed wa- rieties known as "Banner" and "Victory," which are currently cel- : ay in Ottawa at about 85 to 90c her talk. Aletha Whitteker, presi- pane, No. a a dent of the group, presided. | grade seed The Misses Jean Anderson, Hazel| = The tests at the Central Experi- Loney, Annie MacKinkade and Lil- ental Farm, Ottawa, gave "Vie- lian Loney, former C.G.LT. members, | tory" oats a yield of 65.5 bushels ~oraciously served. | per acre and "Don de Dieu" 44.7 bushes. At Lennoxville, "Baun:r" oats returned 58.9 bushels per acre and "Don de Dieu," 49.3 bushels. At : | Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, "Banner" Mr. Neil Campbell spent Wednes-| yielded 95.4 bushels per acre and day with his son at Hawthorne. "Don de Dieu" 83.8 bushels. The Canadian Girls In Training en- | tertained their mothers at a banquet on Monday evening, the theme being, "A Flower Garden". Ina MacLachlan proposed a toast to "Our Mothers," after which Mrs. MacLachlan responded. Mrs. Whitte- ker proposed a toast to "Our Daugh- ters," after which Mildred Dempsey responded. : Doris Carkner played a piano solo and as guest, Miss Thyra Warner sang a group of two solos, and led in a sing song with Miss Jennie Carkner ac- comvnanying. Mrs. Harold Snell was the speaker of the evening. She was introduced by a former leader, Mrs. Wallace Carkner. Mrs. Snell used the theme "A Flower Garden" for the basis of EDWARDS being | IN THE CHURCHES ST. MARY'S CHURCH Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector Russell, Ont. Second Sunday In Lent March 13th, 1938 10 a.m., Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.--Evening Prayer. Every Wednesday During Lent 7.30 p.m.--Evening Worship. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister March 13th, 1938 11 a.m.--The Lord's Prayer-- "Thy Kingdom Come." In our think upon the What was Christ's Come Kingdom of God. in series in Lord's Prayer. 7.30 p.m.--Public Worship. A Christian Welcome to All. COMMUNICANTS' CLASS A Communicants' ' Class will be held in the S.S. Hall of the Russell United Church commencing on the Sunday coming--March 13th--at 7. p.m. The object of this class is to "The Christian Life--Church Membership-- Its Re- sponsibilities and Privileges. All interested invited. AHA ! : The head of the firm was frown= ing over a letter. Calling for his chief clerk re said: "That typist-- you certainly did not engage her on account of her grammar." "Grammar?" said the other. "When you were emphasizing the importance of grammar, well, I thought you said 'glamour." "Elstree will never become a se= cond Hollywood," asserts an Ameri= can producer. Well, for one thing it takes too long to get a divorce over there. Most people can have a lot of nice things said about them hy dy- ing, FISH - FISH. .. There's Fish to Stuff And Fish to Bake; There's Fish to Broil Just like a Steak ; - There's Fish for Chowder And to Fry; Or any way you Care to try! £ We carry a splendid assortment of HATTON'S FISH "The Pick of the Catch'-- Fresh and Smoked-- A trial order of Hatton's Fish will convince You that there is a difference-- KENNEDY'S | MEAT MARKET RUSSELL We Deliver PHONE 27 - Mr. Peter Kerwin spent a few days On the basis of these tests the at Watertown, N.Y. | Dominion Cerealist has therefore Mr. Dalton Long spent Saturday at! recommended a license being issued Russell. | for "Don de Dieu" so that under the Miss Jean MacNeil is spending the provisions of the Dominion Seeds week with Mrs. P. E. Hanes at Ver- Act it is a violation of the law to non. offer these oats for sale as sead. The Bray Chick does the trick. Let me show you the proof. Place your order here. No writing. No bother. Call or phone. M. Rolland La Madeline R. R. 1, ST. ONGE ONT. Mr. Stuart Bradley spent Thursday evening with Mr. Tomalty. Rev. R. J. Turley called on several families of his congregation here on Thursday. Donald Campbell and Ross Wyman | went to Russell on Saturday. H Mr. Wm. Prophet had the misfor-: tune to cut his leg while cutting wood in the bush. Harold Bickerton spent the week- end in Ottawa. COMING - Another Car of | Tweed's Alberta Coal Basil Latimer's horse ran away on Saturday night. It ran several miles cepting a broken line. It was stopped Ne are sorry to report that Mr. B. Campbell is suffering acutely with form of rheumatism. PHONE 6906-R-21 a J H TWEED RUSSELL, ONT. Eid el aE