Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 10 Mar 1938, page 2

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pre. we ch. MM ZT em -- A Page of Interest to Women Fashions Recipes { for every Taste \LAI TEA $0 The Michigan Kid by Rex Beach - - ps -- Dawson grew, flourished, began to die; representatives of big eompanies appeared and bought up tracts of property; they talked of huge dredg- ing and hydraulic projects. Some of these newcomers were possessed of the gambling fever and they tried their luck against The Michigan Kid's. Rumors spread of big games in the back rooms of the Kid's place, games where the sky was the limit. One man in particular scoffed at "Michigan's luck" and prophesied that he would "get" the Kid--send him out of the country broke. This was a Colonel Johnson, a great engineer and mining promoter who represented a London syndicate. He and Rowan met, finally, much as famous duellists meet, and behind Jocked doors they played for twenty hours. What the stakes were nobody knew, but they must have been enormous, and luck must have run the Kid's way as usual, for Colonel Johnson rose finally, stepped out into the hall, and killed himself. That at least was the story which was made public and which the auth- orities accepted. Certain spiteful minded persons whispered knowingly that this story was all a fabrication: that "Michigan's" luck had finally de- gerted him and that the shot had been fired inside, not outside, the room. Ugly rum through th' reached t Pid nobody ever ley did. Per- haps that was Vee. sold his place two weeks later and without so much as saying good-bye to anybody he caught the next down-river boat. When Jim Rowan closed the door 10c a day buys a new guaranteed REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with all essential features FREE-- CARRYING CASE TOUCH TYPING INSTRUCTOR Write-- Remington Rand Limited Toronto HEALTHY ALY CHILDREN of all ages thrive on "CROWN BRAND'? CORN. SYRUP. They never tire of its delici- ous flavor and it really is so good for them--so give the children "CROWN BRAND" every day. Leading physicians pro- nounce "CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP a most satis- factory carbohydrate to use as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infants and as an energy producing food for growing children. "THE FAMOUS ENERGY 7 A CANATA STARCH COMPANY Limited of his steamer stateroom behind him, he closed it, ag he thought, upon The Michigan Kid and everything that had to do with that notorious character. When the first bend of the river had hidden Dawson City from view he drew from his pocket a wallet, and from this he carefully extracted a blurry, time-yellowed picture of Rose Morris. It was a picture he had clip- ped from a Dover newspaper on the day Rose graduated from the local high school and it showed her as a girl in white with a floppy hat and a sash of ribbon about her waist. It was perhaps the one and only personal possession that he had never risked losing at some time or other. He gazed at it now for quite a while. He wondered if Rose were still alive. If so, she must have grown in- to a beautiful woman, yes, and a good woman--here the gambler was speak- ing. No doubt she was married. He pondered this thought deliberately and it awakened a feeling of regret too indefinite to be called a pang, for long ago he had realized that it was not the flesh-and-blood Rose Morris that he worshiped, but an idea and an ideal. Of course he proposed to find her--that was the one thing he had in mind--but what would happen when he had found her was another matter. When he boarded the steamship at St. Michael he saw no familiar faces, and, inasmuch ds his name meant nothing to his fellow passengers, he felt a great relief. Already he had bégun to realize, as he had not realiz- ed in Dawson, that whatever The Michigan Kid may have stood for on the upper river, back home that name would stand for something altogether different. Back home! The words possess a peculiar significance for men who have not been "outside" in more than five years. Nobody but the homeward bound Alaskan could in the least ap- preciate them. Oldtimers Meet At Nome the ship hove to for twen- ty-four hours, and Rowan went ashore to see what .the place looked like. Here again he passed unnoticed, and he was greatly cheered by that fact. If he could walk the streets of an Alaskan gold camp without being rec- ognized, it argued that he would have no difficulty whatever in the big world outside. His attention was attracted by a poster which advertised an informal rally of all the citizens of Nome who hailed from Michigan. The meeting was to be held that night for the pur- pose of general good-fellowship and acquaintanceship and with the ulti- mate view of organizing a Wolverine Society. Jim decided to go. It turned qut to be a pleasant gath- ering. A glad-hand committee was at the door to introduce strangers around; there was a program of en- tertainment, with refreshments prom- ised afterward. Jim Rowan grinned. Here was old home stuff. He wondered what these pleasant-faced men and women would think if they knew that he, the unob- trusive visitor, was The Michigan Kid, the most notorious "sporting man" in all the north. A Stranger's Beard He heard his name mentioned dur: ing the evening--when a judge from EAK, NERVOUS? OR young girls growing into womanhood, for women in middle life going through the "change," or those who suffer from headache, backache and nervous- ness associated with functional disturbances, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a reliable vegetable tonic. Kead this: Mrs. J. E. Jones, 4 Antwerp St., St. Catharines, Ont., said : "I felt tired and weak and my nerves seemed to be all unstrung. But after I had used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a short while my ap- petite increased and I picked up strength and felt better in every way. 'Favorite Prescription," in my opinion, is an excellent tonic for women." Buy of your druggist. New size tabs. 50c, liquid $1.00 & $1.35. ARE YOU K Time To Serve The Community Women of Today Have Leisure Hours They Can Put to Good Use Compared with the woman of the days of Solomon and with the woman of the days of George III, the woman of the days of Georve VI has hours of idle time upon her hands and would live a very empty life if her interests were confined to "kirk and kitchen and kids." . Time For Leisure Tasks The emancipation of woman from the old tasks that confronted her leads up to the question of the educa- tion of women for the interests-sf life outside the home. id She now has time to spare from the easier job of home-making to serve the community in which she 1iv¥s, The better to enable the women of the rising generation to play their part in the community, the girls of today should be afforded the benefit of a liberal education, that will bring them into touch with the history, phil- osophy and literature of the ages, broaden their outlook and make them useful citizens to the fullest degree. Mysteries of Outer World Without neglecting those duties of the home from which the machine cannot divorce them, they must ®arn the mysteries of that outer woiid to which they cannot help being driven through the mechanization of the household arts that hag driven them outside the walls of their home to find a fitting outlet for their energies. Blouses and Skirts In Varied Colors NEW YORK.--Assembling blouses and skirts has been simplified at one of the mid-town Fifth Avenue shops. Here they have beautifully tailored rayon blouses which match skirts in such colors as beige, rose, yellow, black, navy or green. They do the same sort of thing in flannel, in shirts and skirts, and in salina cloth, a rayon and cotton mixture, they car- ry out the same tailored combina- tions., These are ideal for casual town wear under reefers, and for the country--even for active sports, such as golf. > Man tailored shirts, dong in white, black, navy or pastefs. Separate pleated skirts give a cos- tume look to printed sheer blouses-- nice when the sleeves are short and puffed, or long and full with tight wrists. Color Song Red is a swift young deer Running in the snow, Yellow is faint laughter When the spring winds blow. Blue is a deep garden When the evenings wake. Silver is dim music Heard upon a lake. Green is water coolness On a summer day. Purple is the shadow Where tall poplars sway. Black is the echo ringing From a great bronze gong. White is the moment after « The singing of a song. --Sara Van Alstyne Allen in The Christian Science Monitor. Lansing delivered a speech eulogiz- ing the home state and referred to the Kid as 'that unsavory character of the upper Yukon who has brought odium upon the fair name of our birth- place." Again Jim grinned. One has to pay something for success. Nowhere did he hear a name or see a face that he knew, with perhaps one exception--the face of an old man who sat in a quiet corner. It was a bearded face and the man was poorly dressed. He wore rubber boots and overalls and a faded threadbare mack- inaw that hung loosely from his stoop- ing shoulders. His hair was thin and gray and he coughed a good deal. Jim studied the old fellow's profile and decided that he had probably seen the man across the gambling ta- ble or the bar--a river of derelicts like this one had flowed in and out of his place during these recent years. He had about put him out of his mind when the man rose to leave. Then Rowan started, leaned forward; his eyes fixed themselves upon the strang- er"s bearded cheek. (To be continued) GRAY ROCKS INN {FOR WINTER SPORTS 4 Nomatter what kind of winter sport Gray Rocks has it. 123 miles of ski N trails. vous of ye £4 and novices. Reserve now. a ST. JOVITE QUEBEC LK + « Lenten Season Dishes During the Lenten season it is the custom in many homes to serve fish at least twice a week. Such adherence to the spirit of the season need not mean a privation however. Fish can be a very delicious change in the diet and there are many ways of serving it. Now is the time to try new varia- tions of your old fish dishes and some new ones which we are giving here. We have given the recipe for Cass erole of Salmon in these columns be- fore but many of you may not have saved it so we are including it. Casserole of Salmon 2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca 14 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 cup canned salmon, flaked 1 cup celery, diced 1 tablespoon onion, chopped 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon melted butter 68 to 8 unbaked baking powder bis- cuits, rolled 14 inch thick. Combine ingredients in order given. Turn into greased casserole; bake in hot oven (425 degree F.) 25 minutes, stirring mixture twice during first 10 minutes of baking. Place biscuits on top of salmon mixture after it has baked 10 minutes; return to oven, Make "Junior" This Eton Suit For All-Occasion Wear! By Anne Adams Little Jack looks mighty proud of his trim new eton suit--and well he may, for mother made it quickly, easily, and inexpensively at home from this simple Anne Adams de- sign, Pattern 4609! Just right for school, play, and. dress-up wear is the neat, well-tailored little jacket with its three buttons and useful pockets. The pants are cut in knee- length style--and will prove comfy for an active little boy. Appropriate fabrics for this practical suit are dark serge, a rough tweed, or an in- expensive wool or cotton fabric. Per- fect for school year with a sweater, and ideal for dress-up worn with a shirt. Pattern 4609 is available in boys' sizes 4, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 13. Size 6 takes 1% yards 54 inch fabric. II- lustrated step-by-step sewing instruc- tions included. Send Twenty Cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly Size, Name, Address and Style Num- ber, Send your order to Anne Adams, Room 425, 73 West Adelaide St., To- ronto. DO YOU FEEL SLUGGISH? Maybe you need more L] bile When you feel you haven't a friend in the world and life is not worth a red cent--that"s the time your liver is getting you down. Don't fall for it. Make your liver behave.. Tanol Tablets will do the job. They act directly on the liver, stimulating the liver's production of bile. Com- prising a special blend of certain laxa- tives, Tanol Tablets include a small proportion of calomel, probably the most effective liver stimulant known. In a day or two your liver is at work again as well as ever and you feel at friends with the wide. wide world. All druggists have Tanol Tablets. 50c. (C) bake 12 to 15 minutes longer to bake biscuits. Serves 4. Pimento Sauce 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 14 teaspoon salt Dash of white pepper 14 cup pimiento, forced through sieve. . Melt butter in saucepan. Add flour and stir to a smooth paste. Add milk gradually, stirring constantly, and continue cooking and stirring until thickened. Season with salt and pep- per. Add pimiento. Makes 114 cups sauce. Finnan Haddie Delmonico 1% pounds finnan haddie 3 tablespoons butter 114 tablespoons flour 14 teaspoon salt 115 cups light cream or top milk Dash of Cayenne Dash of nutmeg 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 6 slices toast. Wash finnan haddie, soak in cold water 1 hour. Drain, cover with boil- ing water, and cook slowly until ten- der. Drain; separate into large flakes to measure 114 cups. Prepare sauce by melting butter in top of double boiler. Add flour and stir to a smooth paste. Add cream and seasonings and cook until thickened, stirring constant- ly. Pour small amount of sauce over egg yolks, stirring vigorously. Return to double boiler, place over hot water and cook 1 minute longer. Add finnan haddie to sauce. Serve on toast; gar- nish with parsley. Serves 6. Baked Halibut 1 slice (1 pound) halibut, 1 inch thick 1 cup milk 1, teaspoon salt 1 cup fine soft bread crumbs Dash of salt Dash of pepper 3 tablespoons melted butter Dash of paprika Place halibut in shallow pan, pour | on milk, add salt, and let stand 15 to 20 minutes, turning once. Combine crumbs, salt, and pepper. Add butter, tossing crumbs lightly to mix well Remove fish from milk. Sprinkle light- ly with salt and pepper and cover with 1-3 of crumbs, patting them into fish. Place crumb-side down in well-greased shallow baking pan. Cov- er evently with remaining crumbs, sprinkle with paprika, and bake in hot oven (450 degrees F.) 15 minutes, or until crumbs are brown and fish is cooked. Serves 4. ° Molded Ramekin of Whitefish 3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca 15 teaspoon salt 1% teaspoon white pepper Dash of Cayenne 2 cups cooked whitefish, flaked 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon parsley, chopped 1 cup milk 1% cup buttered crumbs Combine dry ingredients, fish, but- ter, parsley and milk. Turn into greased ramekins or custard cups. Cover with crumbs. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 35 minutes. Un- mold, if desired. Garnish with pars- ley. Serve with or without Pimento Sauce. Serve 6. Any left-over white- meated fish may be substituted for whitefish in this recipe, such as hali- but, haddock, cod, or bass. Tuna and Celerv Souffle 415, tablespoons quick-cooking tap- ioca 114 teaspoons salt 14 teaspoon pepper cup celery, finely cut cups milk cup tuna fish, flaked egg yolks, beaten until thick and lemon colored 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten Combine dry ingredients, celery, and milk in top of double boiler. Place over rapidly boiling water, bring to GIRLS WHO HAVE NO BOY FRIENDS Quick Easy Way to Get Charm [SO Ce Girls who don't attract boy friends wonder why. Beautiful, perfect features are not the reason. Cleopatra and famous women were often ugly. Have nice skin, plenty of animation, and watch cut for your figure-- you'll be surprised how popular you are. So many girls have poor complexions --no life-- their figure slipping, and don't realize it. Take "Fruit-a-tives" and you'll soon be amazed how different and how attractive you've become. It purifies your blood, makes the skin pores work, gets rid of waste and poisons, gives you new energy, prevents flabby tissue from forming. "Fruit-a-tives" gives you new charm. 25c., S0c. FRUIT-A TIVES waits Issue No. 11--'38 : C 2-WAY RELIEF FOR THE MISERY OF COLDS ENTERS BODY ' THROUGH STOMACH AND INTESTINES TO EASE PAIN The speed with which "Aspirin" tablets act in relieving the distressing symp-~ toms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing . . , and the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three "Aspirin" tablets in one-third glass of water. Then gargle with this mixture twice, holding your head well back. This medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic on the sore, irri- tated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is reliéved. You will say it is remarkable. And the few cents it costs effects a big saving over expensive "throat gargles™ and strong 'medicines. ® "Aspirin" tablets are made in Can- ada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade- mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name ' Bayer in the form of a cross on every ' tablet. - { Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" ....... § MADE IN CANADA scalding point (allow 3 to 5 minutes), cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently.' Add fish and egg yolks. Fold in egg whites. Turn into greased baking dish. Place in pan of hot water; bake in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 60 minutes. Serves 8. Household Hints Fruits and berry stains will yanish from washable materials if you pour boiling hot water through the spots. Delicate fabrics should be sponged with warm water. And old stains can be bleached with hydrogén per- oxide. To get ice cream, cream or milk stains out of materials--use luke- warm water and soap on washables, but for more delicate fabrics, sponge with warm water, dry, and remove grease spot with a grease solvent. 5 MORRI FINE CUT ALSD:IN POUCHES 15° LYRA I

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