Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 9 Dec 1937, page 7

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ep i OTA TOTOTOTOTATOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTNIOTOT HINO SOOO XXX XN 1d NC 9, " DX] RS Bgn a a Bd) RS ) be K0 : SW idSSITIE vercising : Cf (] KS IX) EEO IIIIIHXIXH IIR IHAX KX XXII NIHR XIX RHR X XIX XXHIXXXN AGENTS WANTED FURNITURE SALESMAN WANTED BY "THE OLD RE- liable Fonthill Nurseries" (Established 100 years). Send for Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines. tart now, exclusive ;terri- tory in town or country; liberal terms; free ouifit. Stune and Wellington, Toronto 2. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR HOS- tery ~manufacturer for this district. Only energetic man considered. Write full par- ticulars to Mr. ronto. Elliott, 72 Queen West, To- AGENTS TO SELL MEN'S NECKTIES FOR Christmas. Good profits. Write for samples and price list. Murgatroid Agencies, Yonge St. arcade, Toronto. SELL GLYCO HANDCLEANER AGENTS WANTED IN ALL COMMUNITIES to demonstrate and sell Glyco, the perfect hand cleaner. Glyco overcomes competition, sure repeat sales summer and winter. EXx- clusive territory. Glyco Company of Canada, St. Nicholas Building, Montreal. CASH, WATCHES, BLANKETS, SETS OF Silverware, Toiletware and many other use- ful articles given to our agents. Send for free catalogue. Royal Mail Order Co., 88 Sherbourne Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL BABY CHICKS in your district for one of Canada's largest Chick Hatcheries. Apply Box 10, Suite 421, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. ARMY STORES The Army Store Christmas Specials MOTOR RUGS, $1.75; ARMY GRAY BLANK- ets, large size, $2.95 pair; Men's Heavy Mackinaw Breeches, pants, $2.98; 100% Pure Wool Combinations, $2.50; Drawers, Shirts, $1.25 each; Heavy Fleece-Lined Com- binations, $1.39; Drawers, Shirts, 65c each; Heavy Wool Socks, 4-lb. weight, 35¢c, 3 pr. '$1.00; Heavy Doeskin Shirts, zipper style, : Heavy Blanket Windbreakers, zipper $2.98; Heavy Wool Sweater Coats, black, blue trim, $2.25; Heavy Horse-hide Pullover Mitts, 85¢c; Heavy Horse-hide Wool Lined Mitts, 85c¢; -One-Finger Horse-hide Gauntlets, lined, 85c; Heavy Police or Dress Braces, boxed, 45¢c; 1009, Pure Wool Mitts, 45c; Men's Leather Caps, fur lined, 95c; Fur lined Wool Caps, 95¢; All Wool Ski JPants, Ladies' Slacks, $2.98; English Broad- cloth Shirts, blue, grey and brown, 95¢; English Silk Ties, 35c, 3 for $1.00; Sheep- skin lined Moccasins, $1.65; Heavy Horse- hide Driving Gauntlets, lined, $1.45; Car- hart Overalls, guaranteed, $1.95; Lumber- men's Driving Caps, $1.25; Heavy Felt In- goles, pair, 5c; Ski Jackets, Ladies', all col- ors, $3.75; Children's Snow Suits, 2 to 6 wears, Helmet to match, $2.75 - 7 to 10 years, $2.98; 15' Men's Leather Top Rub- bers, $3.75 - 12', $2.98; Men's All Felt Rubber Bottom Rubbers, 7", $2.98; Men's All Felt Boots, $2.25; Men's 6-Eyelet Rubber Boots, $1.75; Two-Buckle Overshoes, $1.98 - Four Buckle, $2.98; Men's and Ladies' Bki Boots, $3.00; Men's and Ladies' Boots and Skates (Tubes) $3.50 complete - Boys', $3.00 complete - Youths, $2.75 complete; English Heavy Wool Breeches, $2.00 up; English Bedford Cord Breeches, $2.50 up; English Riding Boots, $12.95. Orders over $5.00 prepaid. THE ARMY STORES 838 Queen Street East :- "Toronto BARN ROOFING--FENCE POSTS LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. The wonderful bargains in our Furniture Trade-in Dept. have made this the most popu- lar in Toronto. Space will not permit us to list more than a few of our specials. If you do not see what you want advertised, write and let us know your needs. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. All orders care- fully packed for immediate shipment on re- ceipt of money order. $39 4} Beautiful 5-Piece bedroom suite hg in two-tone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full size bed, sagless spring and new all-feit, roll edge mattress; new condition. $69 ¢ 6-Piece walnut bedroom suite -- - large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- finished like new. Cost over $200.00. A real bargain. $49 00 Modern 9-piece walnut finish din- . ing room suite. Buffet, china cab- inet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. A real smart suite. $14 95 Dining room suite, 8 pieces, large . buffet, extension table and six strong leather-seat chairs; and in good condition. $24 0 Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, in- lid cluding 3-piece chesterfield suite upholstered in a good hard wearing brown repp, with reversible Marshall cushions; end table, bridge lamp and shade, metal smoking stand and silk chesterfield cushion. A real outstanding value. $13 50 Large 3-piece chesterfield suite, hd upholstered in brown repp with fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions. A real good looking and comfortable suite. Hurry for this offer. $9 9 Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- . less spring and new roll edge all felt mattress. Large assortment of kitchen cabinets, sewing machines, gas stoves, library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, odd dressers, chiffoniers, studio couches, ete., at amazingly low prices. Trade-In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO, 478 Yonge St., Toronto guaranteed clean HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPEES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest qual- ity Hair Goods. Write for fllustrated cata- logue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HONEY DELICIOUS AMBER HONEY, CONTAINS NO buckwheat, 6-10's, $4.20. H. D. McIntyre, Bridgeport, Ont. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER? ONLY 38¢ WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Varicose Salve will give permanent relief from ulcers, running sores, new or old wounds. Money-back guarantee. Mazar Mfg., 331 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg. ARE YOU SICK? NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM- mon ailments. No drugs, pills, capsules, or liquids--ONLY NATURAL REMEDY-- Free Booklet, "Nature's Way to Health' -- No obligation. Indian Herbal Remedy Com- pany, 2090W Dundas St. West, Toronto. YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY FREE FROM OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES SAVE YOU money on Supertite galvanized roofing. Superior Steel Fence Posts and steel gran- ny ining: Superior Products Limited, Sar- nia, On BOOKS AND MAGAZINES USED 'MAGAZINES--DETECTIVE, ADVEN- ture, Western, Sport, Love, 30 for $1.00. Collect. Harbord Stamp Store, Toronto 4. * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN -- START A DRESS AND LIN- gerie-bucinesg of your own. A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit, increasing business. Prices to meet competition, and garments superior in quality. Small invest- ment starts you off. Write, €anadian Dress Company, 7A Camden Street, Toronto. WOMEN -- START A DRESS AND LIN- _ gerie business of your own. A shop, or from your own home. Excellent profit, increasing business. Prices to meet competition, and garments superior in quality. Small invest- ment starts you off. Write Camden Dress Company, 7A Camden Street, Toronto. DOGS ENGLISH FOXHOUNDS, 1% YEARS, EITH- er sex, $20.00, including pedigree; walkers, either gex, $15.00 (started), pups three months, $8.00; dark silk mink, $25.00. Bugle Kennels and Fur Farm, Lombardy, nt. ELECTRIC WELDER THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER--WON- derful new invention. Operates from 6-volt battery. Welds--Solders--Brazes. $3.95 de- livered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25¢. Re-prints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183% King St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25¢. Trevanna Stud- los, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. FREE!--TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored) with roll developed, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest qual- ity. 'Machray Films, Winnipeg. HAY FEVER AND: BF tionary dfscovery . of; .F has worked wondérs, 'It traces of respiratory iro - however stub- born they appear to be, Write for free in- formation. R.M.B. Laboratories of Canada, Ltd., Dept. 1-629, Vancouver Block, Van- couver, B.C. WHY SUFFER? WHEN YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head Colds, Catarrh and Deafness, by using 'NAMELESS' Cold Remedy. Trial will convince. By mail 50c. A product of The Purity Chemical Co., Exeter, Ontario. GARLIC PEARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSENTIAL OIL of fresh garlic. No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, ca- tarrh and other obstinate disorders. They are an internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeks). R. Adam, P.O. Box 374, Vancouver, B.C. DR. LEFEVRE'S GENUINE DEHYDRATED Garlic and Spinach Powder in capsules. Na- ture's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, tasteless, blood builder, strengthener; anti- catarrhal; for men, women and children. 50c and $2. Prepaid. Address Frisco Importing Co., Ltd., 441 Seymour St., Vancouver. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typrewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, Canada Business College, Hamilton, Ontario. BIBLE READERS--THE TRUTH OF ETER- nal Life information free. Write, G. Luard, Clover Bar, Alberta. 20 YARDS! "QUILT REMNANTS" --. $1.00. Washfast. Cottons! Prints! Broadcloths! Silks! Free! "70 Quilt Patterns." "Collect." Refund guarantee. Maritime Textiles, 8049 Degaspe. Department: Wils, Montreal. Company Protec 'Aspirin' Tradem: Judgment Obtained Against Par- ties Marketing the Product Under Other Names OTTAWA. -- The Bayer Company Limited having brought actiops to re- strain infringements of its registered trade mark "Aspirin" the Exchequer Court of Canada has given judgment against its five defendants. In each case the Exchequer Court perpetually restrains the defendants Ivan Lam- bert, Joseph Nozick, Standard Bottlers and Packers Ltd.,, B. Neuman and Joe Beckman from using the trade mark "Aspirin" on preparations put out by themselves and awards the Bayer Company costs and damages. The defendants were marketing the infringing product under various names including Pioneer Sales Co. Western Sales €o., Western Distribut- ing Co., Advance Specialty Co. and Acme Specialty Company. The tab- lets labelled "Aspirin" were not of Bayer manufacture and were packed in small envelopes, each containing three or four tablets, and mounted on cards. It is the intention of The Bayer Company Limited to take every legal method to uphold its trade mark, "Aspirin" is the trade mark of The Bayer Company, Limited, Windsor, Ontario. ent Alleged WIT The bus was crowded. People were going home for the holidays. The lights had gone out in the bus and the tall man asked the young lady who crowded on at the last stop if he could help her find a strap. Young Lady--TI've already found one. Tall Man--Then, would you mind letting go of my necktie? This one from the Wall Street Journal strikes us as being funny: An Irishman had been thrown over a fence by an enraged bull. He had "just recovered when he noticed the bull pawing the ground and furiously tossing his head. "If it wasn't for your bowing and scraping," said Mike, "I'd think you-{ threw me over on purpose." eZ Often think the most praiseworthy human quality is the power of self restraint. . . . Takes much will power to overcome habit or desire of any kind. . . . "He that overcom- eth,' says Revelations," shall not be hurt in the second death." . . . "Overcome evil with good," admen- ished St. Paul. . . . Not bad for Christmas thinking, what? The train with three drunks aboard slowed down for the stop at Wem- bley. Said the First--Is thish Wembley? Second--No, it's Thursday. Third--So'm I. "Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merriment is a phil- osophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence." -- Lord Byron. Begin your Christmas giving now! POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP, COLDS, SCRATCHES, SORES, ETC., quickly relieved with Briggs Electric Oil Many home uses. Two sizes -- 79¢ (8 oz.) 25¢ (2 oz.). Makers of Briggs Black Oil, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof Ointment. De- pendable over 88 years. Sold by druggists. For FREE information write G. C. Briggs & Sons, Toronto. MEN WANTED WANTED -- AMBITIOUS MEN, 18 YEARS or over, to learn detective work, Big pay. Rewards. Interesting home-siudy course. Free information, Write to- Morris L. Julien, Box 25, Station T., Montreal. FILMS DEVELOPED WITH SIXTEEN GLOS- sy prints (two of each) 25c¢. Free enlarge- ment. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, 25c. Speedy, satisfaction guaranteed. Su- perior Service, Machray, Winnipeg. CHRISTMAS CARDS. FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 2ic; 75¢ a dozen; com- plete with envelopes. Enlargements 5 x 7 in easle frame, 39c¢; 2 for 75c. Roll films developed and printed, 25c; reprints 3c each. Free enlargement with every 25c order. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. SPECIAL CFFER! THREE, 5 x 7 GLOSSY enlargements, 25c. Send your best negatives. Everett Wees, Route 3, Sarnia. FOR SALE BPECTACLE FRAMES, $1.50. PRESCRIP- tions fillea Special low prices. By mail Schaefer Optical, 158 Yonge, Toronto. FOR SALE--GOVERNORS FOR AUTOMO- bile engines for land use. H., W. Crosby, 25 Clyde St., Hamilton, Ont. PURE BRED TOULOUSE, EMBDEN, AFRI- can Geese, Pekin, White Runner Ducks, Ex- PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel, Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton. Ont. PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE RAYMAR, CANADA'S FOREMCST ADVIS- er on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart free to anycne who writes him. This am merely to advertise azing iree offer is made Iason's 49 Cold Remedy and is available for a limited time only. Write foday enclosing a sejf-addressed, stamped envelope and your bivih-date Ad- dress -- Raymar, care of Mason Remedies, QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! -- 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! -- $1.00 *'Collect." Sample bundle -- 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 8049 De- gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS 1938 CUSTOM-QUALITY RADIOS SENSATIONAL NEW 1928 MERCURY CUS- tom-Quality Phonola Radios, delivered dir- ect from our laboratories. Eighteen models, automatic tuning. Battery and Vibrator. New low prices. Send for free catalogue. Mercury Radio Company, 970C College St., Toronto. STAMPS 95 000 STAMP ACCUMULATIONS -- ) Jubilees, Coronations, Airmail, Edwards, Colonials, Revenues, Pictorials, in- cluding Commemoratives. Samples 1,000, fifty cewts. James Shrimpton, Wadena, Sas- ketchewan. STAMPS FOR HIGH-CLASS COLLECTORS CHNUINE NOVA SCOTIA STAMPS, SUPERB (i three cqifferent, $1.00. (Catalogues Bizger bargain, six different, $3.95 log .35). Limited supply. Rush Approvai inst references. New- 948 Tit, oria, B.C. TAXIDERMY Ar H thsmile or a kindly deed is one of cal cheapest yet dearest things you give. : d-latient -- Am 1 g-g-g-oing to d- .die, d-doctor? : . th 'octor--My dear Mr. Smith, that's last thing you'll do! tutor (your fown) -- Take off r hat, please. lig Sister's Boy Friend -- Sure 1g, but why? t if unior (Your town)--I wanna see IL t's s0; sister said you're cracked IM ihe head. th ¢ ere's a tip that'll save you oodles i! time in the next two weeks: Buy 81 the stamps you'll need for Christ- 'ys greeting cards right now and won't have to spend hours in the PO} office line a little later on. 'ou May Have Noticed That-- | race nearly always goes to the swift, h solace to him who frets; It's the babe who yells that gets the An milk, ; ™ it's he who grabs that gets. Ti farold had taken his girl to lunch she had spoken to a very nice- ing man at the next table. rold--Is that man a friend of Yrs? Firl--Yes. piparold--Well, why don't you ask 2 to join us? tirl (cooing)--Oh, Harold, this is lo 50 gudden! Harold What's so sudden? on™ -- Why ---- Why ---- he's minister! wi fre fish that swim down deep, Whe there is little daylight, are red, but ER Tenth makes + . them, pale light ae Jal aepv The (SOLUTION OF BIPHOSPHATES OF LIME) DIRECT FROM THE MONASTERY TO YOU! Will build you up rapidly. Used suc- cessfully for over 150 years--for nervous debility--diseases of the brain--anaemia--diseases of the bones. Especially good for growing children and the aged. GOLD MEDALS WON AT WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS OF HYGIENE PRICE $1.00 At All Drug Stores . Blake Scholarship Smpltching TORTURE In A Minute For quick relief from the itching of eczema, blotches; pimples, athlete's foot, scales, rashes and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis' pure, cooling, ant! tic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle of soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and stain- less--dries fast. Stops the most intense itching ine stantly. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it-- 'sz money back. Askfor D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 28 Cn - x Eile TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? SESE Your liver is lazy, that's why you feel so rotten half the time, Your system is not getting enough bile. Your head aches, your back aches. Your food doesn't digest prop- erly. it stagnates and decays for lack of pile. Bile is a digestant and ap antiseptic. Your liver sheuld produce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every 2% hours. panel Tablets will make your liver do its work, Based upon a small proportion of Cal- omel biended with certain other useful medi- cinal ingredients, Tancl 'Tablets act promptly and directly upon the liver, stimulating the flow of bile. They nro easy to take and pro- vide a safe, easy w using calomel, prob- iver stimulant known. hibition Stock. Enclose stamp. Harold Limi or reat, Lor ta- ably the most effeci:. o ici Blasing, Neustadt, Ontario. Liztited, ; 4. McCaul. Stress, Soronte, Ca- | ARTIFICIAL EVES AND SKULLS --=TaXl: | Tpef are not farsa Lut ey are sifident; dermist and furriers supplies (as used in Your druggist has thea. Hoc. ) For SALE TLAVENDUI A VERA -- TRUE PIGEONS our own workshops) Send for free cata- tnglis) avecder flowers, for sachets. One logue. Oliver Spanner and Co., Ltd., 28 Dollar 2 pound, delivered. Canadian Pacific Elm Street, Toronto TRENCH'S REMEDIES Buib Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. MAGPIES, HELMETS, HOMERS, NUNS, Fantails. High class pigeons priced reason- TANNING . y building TONIC TABLETS, STOM- FOR SALE--GREEN'S RECITATION BOOK, ably. Write Perry Anderson, Kincardine, Af mABLETS to relieve stomach troub- 35c. Dialogue Book, 35c. Tanning Book, Ontasio. FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO CH'S REMEDY. Free Booklet Boe Green's Concert Co., Kenilworth, On- Scarfs. Animal skins tanned and made into { Write today. 2 a POULTRY floor rugs. Deer and Moose Heads mounted. -- a , HAIR By expert Furriers and Taxidermists. Satis- TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LTD. DRESSING SCHOOLS SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D faction guaranteed, prices reasonable. Oliver Dept, VW. 11v CIlURCH ST.--TORONTO ' WS' TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED Spanner Co. 1td., 28 Elm St., Toronto. ANDREWS ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Poultry and Eggs. Ed. Wilson, Reg'd., 44 Government licensed. We train you for Bonsecours MKkt., Montreal. TOBACCO Board Examination. Free prospectus, 961 ' Bloor West, Toronto. PUREBRED BOURBON RED TURKEYS, LUAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS $1.00, Iscue No. 50-- 37 VADAMEZ HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIRDRESS- ing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamph- let, 707 Yonge Street, Toronto. bred from prize winning high pr ducti'a ancestors. Large, healthy, vigorous birds, toms $4.45, hens $3.20. Stanley Barstead, Douglas, Ont. fourteen p unds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Lea- mington, Ontario. Cc--1 I of . ton ope abs gal Sec vit wo lov © Vaughan Road Collegiate, won two of the year's scholarships, the Edward in Physics and Chemistry and the Moses Henry Aik- en Scholarship in Science and Mathe- matics. He was honoured at the col- legiate's commencement eX ercises with the role of valedictorian of the 1937 class. * * A 28-foot whaler was presented to the Sea Scouts of Vancouver by the Vancouver Lions' Club. The craft, which will accommodate 16 boys, is the; second of a fleet of four which the, Club plans to provide the British Columbia Sea Scouts. The first was presented last spring. * * * Boy Scouts of distant points at- tend ling the year's International Scout Fans WUE 1a mvlana acladed 8 from Ven iezuela, 9 from Siam, I2 from Ja- pall, 25 from China, 5 from Iran, 30 from Mexico and 30 from Iceland. | * * * Unlike many adult hunters and prospectors from time to time lost dp the North country, when Scout Louis Vollans, 15, accompanied by four "younger boys, including one of five found he had lost his bearings in the heavy bush near Wanless, north of Flin Flon, during a Satur- day afternoon hunting expedition v') te There | erywhere" wut regard to race or creéd th a small rifle, he did not lose 5 head. When darkness shortly came on th a chilling wind, he bivouacked ¢ the night, kindled a fire for rmth and comfort, and grilled the rtridge they had shot. The parte 'ge he divided with care, giving the sast meat to the youngest boy. len, in preparation for daylight, he ok direction from the North Star 1d set a stick pointing in the direc- on that should bring them out on the railroad. Early in the morning they set off, and finally came out om the rails four miles from home. | Meanwhile * the alarmed searchers who had failed to find them the pres vious afternoon and evening, were on the point of summoning aid from Flin Flon. A lookout on top of the station. water tank reported distant figures on the track. A sectionuman spe away on a gas-car to t and the lost quintet Ww back at home. ; But for Scout Vollans' coolness and' head work the lads might have been 'lost for several days, if nothing more, serious had resulted. The partridge: was the only food eaten since leav- ing home, and they had been with- | out water. The stout little five year: old, when asked if he had not been terribly tired, replied, "Well, I was getting tired, but I could have gone: two more miles." x : } amore] i 2 NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATE Nature's Non-Burning PLANT FOOD For Better Pastures - Better Crops Send for Folder "R'* to Room 709A, 137 West Wellington Street, Toronto. & PR eg *¢ ,..I never got such heat from my old furnace before . . . every room in the house is warm and cosy. HAMCO is so easy to regulate, too -- gives just the warmth we want--when we want it. And it's sure saving me money!" You too will like HAMCO-- " the dustless, smokeless, money-saving Coke for the = furnace, range or heater. Order from your local HAMCO dealer -- he deserves your fuel business. Gu 0A mote heat (oss less me ney HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA Your Local Dealer's Name Appears Elsewhere In This Issue "INSIST ON HAMCO CANADA'S FINEST COKE

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