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Russell Leader, 9 Dec 1937, page 1

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ae The Russell Leader RUSSELL, ONTARIO -- i -- SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, DECEMBER Sth, 1937 No. 49 20d oe, jo, 2, o' Co) >, ®, " RD " oeles oe Sas COME TO OUR TEA PARTY On Friday and Saturday, Dec. 10 and 11, there will be 2, "s > " > " > 2 0 3 a demonstration of BLUE RIBBON PRODUCTS at our 3 % store -- Tea, Coffee and Cake will be served -- Every 5 & Lady is cordially invited to attend these demonstrations. # 1 kt % ¥ $ i 3 3 . & «ee & : : & 3 En F. ur & : kX 3 COEEREY, 3 hy i = : oe § BLUE RIBBON i g % i 0]; F EE 3 & 3 i more % 3 3 ® " foedsdde Ke 0 per lb. 43c oe a per 1b 23c¢ * " ®e 2, bo KX " > 0 a "s > > : CHRISTMAS GOODS UPSTAIRS - - : 5 Be sure and see our display -- space will not permit 5 telling you all about it -- Come and see and bring your £ list of Christmas wants with you -- you will find useful % 1 Re "¥ 2, "s gifts for every member of the family. 2, "» RD " Ddededaddededdadeideds ay A FEW OF OUR PRICES FOR DEC. 10 and 11 IS FOUND BELOW -- Cash or Produce MIXED PEEL 1-216. Fins | 13c 3 SUNKIST ORANGES, new stock, per dozen . 25c § POSTS BRAN -- Reg. 15¢c pkg. -- SPECIAL at 10c ¢ SNOW FLAKE SHORTENING 2 lbs. for 25¢ # McINTOSH APPLES, per bushel ....._._. .... __._... ._ $159 3 SEEDED RAISINS 15-ounce packages at 18¢ 3 FRESH MINCE MEAT oor 2 Ibs. for 25¢ 3 PITTED DATES 2 lbs. 22¢ 3 ole 3 lbs. for 25¢ 1-4 1b. for 12¢ ICING SUGAR CREAM TARTAR SPECIAL PRICES - - We have Very Special Prices on Some Clearing Lines : A Few of Which are Given Below A Lot of LADIES' OVERSHOES, old style, per pair 39¢ CHILDREN'S VESTS and BLOOMERS, each 19¢ BOYS' CLOTH CAPS BOYS' FLEECE UNDERWEAR, each MEN'S GUM RUBBERS, per pair ' FLOUR and FEED-- A full line always in stock GET OUR PRICES ON BLUE COAL and DRY WOOD McArthur - Warner General Merchants and Funeral Directors 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 a 2a 2, +S 0s a0 Pessoa eaieel * "8 30 *, 2 IX "s' ey 2, D> 2, "s > 2, " > S, , "s pi he 1] 8 RIXTHIXTN pregrageedsaeadragendsefesd Teele; QS Cae eS * "* Ea 0) ESNCIICIIOI ILI IIE IIE SILI TIPS SULIT IPC IO SL FGE SOE SG MESO SSCS SOC SOME SC TIE EM a a a a a a i a a an VITAMINIZED MINERAL FOOD-- Our Government authorities claim that land which has been worked continuously fof years has lost much of its mineral content. Consequently. all food material from such land is also lacking in Mineral. Your Stock require this Mineral to keep healthy and you are aware of this fact. We Recommend "MINOVITE" Iodized Mineral, manufactured by Bell & Sons, Ltd., of Verdun, Que. A Druggist is in a position to KNOW a Mineral Food Supplement. Only $7.25 per Hundred. SOLD BY J. L. STEELE, Phm. B. 4 To festoctecteetosteleeteets Posteo ec ec este ete ite ds Poite ot acto eiTe ete ete teste ste os' BE a a om oa a a na OX aX XE EXER XEN EXE A aR a a a Poedealod Jools 0) 's' properly balanced Ra RR THE CAPITAL LABORATORIES If your birds have been suffering with worms, range paralysis or coccidiosis, we would strongly recommend feeding CAPTONIC and watch your production go up. Captonic may be purchased from our Agent, MR. D. DARLING, KENMORE, ONT. Young People's Union Russell United Charch The Young People's Union of the United Church at Russell held their annual meeting on Monday evening. The worship service was in charge of the Misses Marjorie Scott and Edna Curry. After the current business was disposed of, Rev. McNaught pre- sided for the election of officers for 1938, which resulted as follows: Hon. Pres., Rev. T. McNaught and Miss Lowrie. Pres., Miss G. Cherry. Vice-Pres., Donald McKeracher, Secretary, James McNaught. Treasurer, Robert Gamble. Conveners of Committees-- Missionary, R. J. McNaught, Christian Citizenship, J. Twiname. Christian Fellowship, Lois Scott. Christian Culture, Gwen Gaukrod- ger. Recreation, Mrs, Eloise Gaukrodger. Social Committee, Viola Presley, Edna Rombough, Edna Curry and Mrs. Wm. Loucks. Dramatics, Ella Hamilton and Mrs McNaught. Press Secretary, Alice Lowrie. The officers are to be installed at the first meeting in January. At the close of the meeting on Dec. 13th, the Recreation Leader, Mrs. Wynn will demonstrate the new re- creation activities sent out by the Presbytery convener. Wyman and ANNUAL MEETING OF W.M.S. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church at Russell was held on Wednesday of last week and the following officers declared re- elected: Pres., Mrs. J. L. Steele. Vice-Pres.;, Mrs. H. McKeown. Secretary, Mrs. J. Boyd. Treasurer, Miss A. Higgins. Associate Helpers and Strangers Sec., Mrs. T. McNaught. Supply Sec., Mrs. E. J. McEwen. Missionary Monthly, Mrs. D. Me- Gregor. Peace Sec., Mrs. J. Gamble. Library, Mrs. F. Sutherland. Mission Band, Miss Lowrie. Mrs. Fred McRae has charge of the affiliated C.G.L.T. Mrs. Snell gave an interesting talk on China from the Study Book and Mrs. McNaught conducted the Worship Service. ..COMING EVENTS. Hear ye! Hear ye! Kenney's Hall will be open on the evening of Friday, Dec. 10, for the purpose of entertaining you, you and you. On the above mentioned are invited by the A.Y.P.A. of St. Mary's church Anglican, to attend a 3 act comedy entitled "Let's Go Somewhere" and furthermore there is a splendid group of actors and actresses cast for the play. ~ -- Arthur May --Tes H. Lemond The civic political pot is starting to bubble and may boil over before election or nomination day. Accor ding to rumor there may be some changes in our township council but don't let anyone mislead you--the council went back by acclamation not so many years ago. It couid happen again but whether it will or not is a question. The people have the answer. NOMINATION MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS YEAR 1938 THE TOWNSHIP OF RUSSELL NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Ratepayers of the : Township of Russell will be held at the Forrester Hall, Russell, on MONDAY, the 27th day of December 1937, between the hours of Twelve Noon and One o'Clock P.M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Three Councillors for the year 1938. If there are more Candidates nom- inated than required a POLL will be opened on MONDAY the THIRD day of January, 1938, at the usual Poll- ing Places from the hour of Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon until Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, J. A. LACOMBE, Township Clerk Dated at Embrun, the 7th day of December, 1937. Pigs have a considerable im- munity to snake poison. They have rattlesnakes. evening yoa frequently been seen to kill and eat! Russell School Penny Deposits Up The Penny Bank, which is in vogue in a large number of Ontario schools, has shown good progress during the past year. In Russell the total ammount now on deposit is $472.99 as against a total of $285.57 last vear. 'The average weekly percent- age of pupils depositing in the Rus- sell school for Sept. and Oct. of this year was 49. The aim of the bank is to en- courage thrift and the slogan is "Not how much--but how often." Thrift is a habit and the time to acquire it is w¥én a child. There are now 498 schools operat- | i ing the Penny Bank and taking de- posit®sach Tuesday morning and the total on deposit in all the schools is now %1.286,030.68. Local and Personal Miss Ella Hamilton spent Satur- day in Ottawa. Miss Lois Scott in the-€apital. Mr. James McNaught spent Sun- day with Mr. Howard Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Rourke, of Gatineau, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morrow on Sunday. spent Saturday HOT WATER BOTTLES-- Make an excellent practical gift the year around--two quart size $1.00 each. Enema Syringes at $1.25 set. 35c. Breast Pumps 85c. Fittings for same at 75c set. Rectal Syringes 75c and Ear and Ulcer Syringes 35c. Christmas Gift Cards of Russell Village--only 5c each. Others from 5c to 25¢ each. Boxed Stationery and Cor- espondence Cards from 50c to $1.25 pkg. Full supply of Bibles, New Testaments, and Hymnaries--all of which are needed by someone. Purchase your gifts in Russell From Your Family Druggist J. L. STEELE, Phm., B. rn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sutherland and daughters Pheobe and Eunice spent Saturday in Ottawa. | Misses Mary and Muriel Hamil- ton wisited with Miss Janet Me- harey on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Evans and Mrs. George Fetterly, of Ottawa, spent the week end the guests of Mrs. Geo. May. |! Mrs. David Spence and son George. of Leonard, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booth. | Miss "Mary Barrows, of North' Gower, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Hail. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Reaney, of Metcalfe, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Johile Moke and son Arthur, of Lunenburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loucks | § My. amid Mrs. Paul Sanders, of Ottawa, Tove Sunday guests of Mr. and la Ted" Le Maistre. Myninisterdrs. Elmer Sparling, of Corns are guests of Mr. and Mrs. | samies Hamilton. j Miss Emma Birch, of Leonard, Mrs. | Milton. Payne, of Manotick, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bootk. My.- Fred Loucks, Mr. Wm. Ken- nedy, Mr. Homer McKeown, Mr. Russell Young and Leslie Marcellus are in I/Original, Ont., attending the jury sittings for the County of Russell. : Miss Violet Sklepherd and Mr. James Shepherd, of Ottawa, were Sunday guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Ho- ward Morrow. Miss Lois James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert James under- went an operation in the Civie Hos- pital. To date she is doing nicely. Mr. Henry Harrington, of Met- calfe, is spending a few holidays the guest of his brother, Mr. David Harrington. We are pleased to report that Mrs. C. H. Stewart who has been seriously ill in an Ottawa 'hsopital is progressing nicely and expects to be home in a week or so. Mr. Ken. May, of Mattawa, Mr. Herbert May, of Hull, Que., and Miss Kathleen Hedfer, of Hull, spent the week-end ' the guests of Mrs. Geo. May. We understand that the concert to be staged by the local Curling Club on Friday, Jan. 14, 1988, will be in the form of a contest between the men's curling club and the :a- dies curling club. At any rate pos- ters and Leader advertising wil appear in due course and we should then know for a certainty what it is all about. Mr. Joseph Blair who has been our local N.Y.C. station master for a number of years have removed to Embrun to take charge there. He has been replaced by Mr. B. 'Camp- bell who was in charge of the Ed- wards office. = What is Embrun's gain is Russell's loss and on che other hand we welcome Mr. Camp bell to Russell. Madden Motor Sales have pur- chased the Kenny block in which is situated your own paper "The Leader" but do not be alarmed Madden Motor Sales are allowing The leader to remain until some- time in the summer of '38. Madden Motor Sales intend using part of | the block for storage, show and garage. room PRE NENE NEN SESE AERE REET aca Costas ofralofoulonfoiedoiodsaiodiriooadsaiodieilodiaaioiriocdrilvdriioeddenioddediod jroieiaioeaiaslodioairiloraoniesd TALKING PICTURES - - A Program for the Whole Family -- MacEwen's Hall Russell, Dec. 14th, at 8.15 p.m. "BLACK BEAUTY"--A vivid picturization of your old favourite story. "ETHIOPIA"--A travelogue of the land - the conquered. "Melodies of Love" -- "An Aesop's Fable" -- Cartoon "The Village Barber" -- Come and enjoy a real program ADMISSION: Adults 25¢ - Children under 12, 15c a0 8 8 be ibe Peete cote ete ecte torte ste cteeteetecteets steeds ete ste e ste 206% 4% 0s eevee este e sve ees 04% (20s eats DE EE Ria ia Xa aX EX EXER ae XE EXE I ae Le aslo *0e% 0% 0%! SR * Cy > ha - "' E> °, So itesd XT ., 1, 4, 20s > be, 2, abd TI ) Racial oe a > los, ®. bo *, x oo tooo eles) °, * 0) CIXTX a4] a Italians boaesds beste d ts Tee SIRI >, 2S XD ° esto ted RMI * KD ., @ ALBERTA COAL Headquarters for Winter Accessories APPROVED -- GENERAL MOTORS -- GUARANTEED Single outlet, G.M. ANTI-FREEZE-- G.M. ENGINE JACKET-- priced at $4.50. G.M. FOG LAMP-- Powerful light, safety in fog or snow--3$7.75. MOTOR BATTERIES in 3 GRADES-- Superior $16.50 -- Service $11.25 -- Utility $8.50. i: G.M. SAFETY DEFROSTER-- Operates from heater, dual outlet, priced from $9.50; i priced from $6.50. i G.M. MASTER HEATER-- Prices include installation--$24.50. H G.M. Standard DeLuxe--$17.25. G.M. PANEL DEFROSTER-- Master, 16' by 7--opriced at $6.75. Standard, 16" by 6--priced at $4.75. Junior, 13" by 5 1-3--priced at $3.00. One filling lasts all winter--per gallon $3.75. ANTI-FREEZE--Alcohol Base--ask us for prices. Pre-heats Motor, plugs into house light socket-- McARTHU RUSSELL, ONT. - - MOTOR SALES TELEPHONE 44 HHH reverse HHH (HEN ith Hadi HHH a 313 HEHE Beirnes Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor, Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see- BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist Book your order for this Canadian Coal now J. H. TWEED - .- - - Russell, Ont. i USED CARS OUT THEY GO--NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED WE NEED THE FLOOR SPACE Special Ford V-8 DeLuxe Coach with Heater, 8,000 miles, Al condition. Pontiac Cabriolet. Durant Sedan. DeSoto Coupe. Essex Coach-- Three Coaches. Chev. Stake Body Dual-Wheel Truck. Ford Stake Body Truck. Cadillac 4-Passen- ger Coupe. Studebaker Coach. 1930 Special Chevrolet 1936 Sedan. 1930 Ford 11; ton Dual Whee Dump Body 1929 1936 Ford Coach, 1929 small mileage, 1930 A-1 condition. 1929 1935 Pontiac Deluxe Coach. 1930 Roadster. 1931 Chevrolet Roadster. 1929 1931 Durant Sedan. 1930 Marmon Sedan. 1920 1929 Pontiac Sedan. 1929 THE NEW 1938 PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILES HAVE ARRIVED AND ARE CN DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM CALL US FOR A DEMONSTRATION OF THESE NEW MODELS MADDEN MOTOR SALES RUSSELL - - PHONE 36

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