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Russell Leader, 2 Dec 1937, page 1

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The Russell Leader RUSSELL, ONTARIO SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT -- i -- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1937 No. 48 Christmas Goods ! AS USUAL, WE HAVE A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GOODS--BE SURE AND SEE OUR DISPLAY UP- STAIRS BEFORE BUYING. BLUE COAL The Cold Weather is Here--Let BLUE COAL keep you warm this winter. Carload to arrive in a few days. We shall be pleased to fill your order. nt ® 'e' > 2 i ooo] oo; ogee} 0 ® of os = Pe joo} ® 0 x2 ®e CX 2 Pe joo} ® % ., 00509 > " * " > > e' > > > 6% joo3es; ° > ® ' joo; ° " -o, % *, be oot 13043 9304 oe, 0 " X2> > "" Sredrddododoateiindds ioe dredodsdeadridriedsduadrdeddadsde pei duaiedsds ded XD 8 - 3 3 SPECIALS 3 3 2 3 NOTE BELOW A FEW OF OUR PRICES FOR & $ FRIDAY and SATURDAY--DECEMBER 3rd and 4th # i MEN'S LINED SMOCKS, regular $2.49 for $2.19 3 § BOYS' LINED MITTS, pair - ee 19¢- % ¢ BOYS' CLOTH CAPS, each 29 % BOYS' FLEECE SHIRTS and DRAWERS, each 49c & MEN'S PLAIN RUBBERS, pair 79 & % FRESH MINCEMEAT, 21bs. 23c % $ SEEDLESS RAISINS, 21bs. for 22¢ & & PITTED DATES, 2 Ibs. for nel uupse 8 $ SHELLED WALNUTS, per Ib. Eid 39¢ ¢ GOLDEN BANTAM CANNED CORN ie 2 AMBER HONEY--No. 4 pail a BEER § GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 Ibs. for --'59c 2 0; IN [;] XX HARD CABBAGE, each mpi ar egaDr sive: 3 Cakes LIFEBUOY SOAP and 10c Pkg. RINSO--AIl for ______ FRESH GRAPEFRUIT, 4 for McArthur - Warner e 04; * "s' D> % 26¢ 23c joo " "e' 2X " o REX ® 0 "' oo} ° "s XD eS oe %e > 2, "4 Gots po ofp Leeds Bele detodtoiteiess lx Xa General Merchants and Funeral Directors 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. ® ee 2% a A 2 " IX) oes TELEPHONE 11 Sidrdoddodsaiedosiedosdriodododosdrdoddedooltodoadodsododosddodoadodoadododddodidodosdodssindsdnodondodosdnodniodondr VITAMINIZED MINERAL FOOD-- 3 Qur Government authorities claim that land which has been 3 worked continuously for years has lost much of its mineral content. 0 J. L. STEELE, Phm., B. 3 CA 00.0% e% e%¢% % 20 cba' Ye c% 0 ee 0 csc ee CW) So toctos®e cbs Poec'es' BE ER a a SS at a XX XE Xa Xt a Xa Xa XXX A a a aa a XE XL XN Consequently zll food inaterial from suc land is alse Theking in® $ Mineral. Your Stock require this Mineral to keep healthy and you are aware of this fact. We Recommend "MINOVITE" Iodized Mineral, manufactured by Bell & Sons, Ltd., of Verdun, Que. A Druggist is in a position to KNOW a properly balanced * Mineral Food Supplement. i Only $7.25 per Hundred. 2 SOLD BY & 2 THE CAPITAL LABORATORIES If your birds have been suffering with worms, range paralysis or coccidiosis, we would strongly recommend feeding CAPTONIC and watch your production go up. Captonic may be purchased from our Agent, MR. D. DARLING, KENMORE, ONT. ECS IST IIT SPC SE FE J SE TE JE Hr) aleatetedteidetectedletictestadtodtesteectestooctoctoiteatoctoateatocloitoatoctostsateatectoclectoctoctocloctealecdeeloctoatealoctoclealocfocioalaclodds be IT » y ; 5 5 's* BS © @ RE we > 0 > "0% %' Still Prevail Through- jo, 0 $40 0 joes EX : out the Store % EX 3 GET YOUR SHARE OF THIS HIGH CLASS & MERCHANDISE AT MONEY £ SAVING PRICES ! 3 6% XIX ie > "8" ie 8 5 Watch The Leader FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THRIFTY CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ! BEAUTIFUL, NEW IMPORTED AND > ie Sosteots 4309 XIXTX RX o a leo °, al tos ®, 2 4 *, ha 3 & DOMESTIC CHRISTMAS & 4 GIFTS! $ & $ :0. MAHEU & SONS Larus : LIMITED bois tes COL AD a Embrun DX ' LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Qla Stanley, of Rotherglen, Ont., spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanley. ~ * * * Mr. William Stearns, of New York, visited with his sister, Mrs. John Boyd, on Monday of this week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harten and son Eldon visited with friends in Ottawa last week. + & @ Miss Alice Lowe is spending a few holidays the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harten. x x = Mr. C. Sparks, of Markham, Ont. was in town this week renewing old acquaintances. * x » Mr. Charles Rombough, Toronto, is spending a few holidays the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Delacey Rombough. EJ * * Mr. and Mrs. E. Simser and family of Ottawa, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harrington. * * - Mr. Harrison Bennett and Miss Burns, of Arnprior, were visitors at the United Church- Manse on Monday of this week. x % % i Mr. and Mrs. C. Carkner and family, of Ottawa, attended the fu- neral of Mrs. Wm. McVey, of Mar- velville. * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robinson and two sons, accompanied by Mrs. Jas. H. Robinson, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson, of Toronto. * * * Mrs. Chris. York, of Hamilton, Ont., is spending a few holidays with her sister, Mrs. Robert Long, of Russell, and other friends in the district. * x EJ Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rogers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Allen and family, of Vankleek Hill, were recent visitors at the United Church manse. * - EJ Mr. and Ted LeMaistre visited friends in Almonte over the week- end. They were guests of Council- lors James and Mrs. Lindsay, Edward and Mrs. LeMaistre. 4 *® = de Mrs fThos. Harrington 'and Myrtie Harrington attended the Buymanship Course held last week at the home of Mrs. F. H. Tanner, Vars, as dele- gates from the North Fussell W.I. S 4 Mr. Button, president of the On- tario Bridge Co., was in town the later part of last week in connection with the repairing of the west side of the approach to the new bridge, which gave way with the first rise of fall water in the Castor. The ap- proach has been repaired in an ap- parently satisfactory manner. x x » According to grapevine reports there is agitation to discontinue the teaching of French in the local public school. Many reasons are advanced and the main one seems to be that there is no apnarent result after approximately seven years of teach- ing, with the additional cost of the salaries of the teachers a close second. All these criticisms are worthwhile because they draw our attention to the subject of French and the object of its teaching. We would welcome any comments or letters on this or any other newsy subject. It is understood that any letters for publication must bear the name of the writer. OBITUARY COMMUNITY MOURNS LOSS OF JOHN MARK BOOTH The funeral of John Mark Booth, 123 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Booth, who passed away after a short illness, was held from the fa- mily residence to the church of St. Andrew's and where a large number of relatives and friends gathered to pay a final tribute of respect to his memory. John, as we all knew him, had in the 'teen age suffered from infantile paralysis and in later years this af- fliction brought about complications that caused his death. Left to mourn his loss besides his parents and one grandparent, Mrs. Mark Booth, is his sister, Mrs. Milton Payne, of Manotick. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Thos. McNaught, of the church of St. Andrew's and St. Paul's United and the pallbearers, all neigh- bors of the deceased, were: Edgar Young, Donald Boland, Chair Coch- rane, Stuart Moffatt, Eiburn Little and Jack Little. COMING EVENTS CHRISTMAS CONCERT-- The Christmas Concert of Kenmore Baptist will be held on Dec. 17th. the Sunday School Friday evening, "them. Mr. and Mrs. Acres have been Jat Ks Dec. 7 St. Paul's United, | MR. AND MRS. GEO. W. ACRES CELEBRATE 50th ANNIVERSARY A very enjoyable time was spent on Thursday, Nov. 25th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Acres, of Vernon, being the occasion of 'their 50th anniversary. About 100 guests assembled at 3 p.m. to congratulate resideats of the Vernon district for over 50 years. Mrs. Acres, formerly Clara Ellen Docksteader, was born at Wineiiester, Ont., a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Docksteader. Mr. Acres was born at South March, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland Acres. They were married at Qely Trinity Church, Metcalfe, by Rev. Greison. The bridesmaid was Miss Emma Docksteader, of Winches- ter, and the groomsman was Mr. Hammett Richardson, A buffet luncheon was served. The toasts were tendered by Rev. A. Ir- win. rector of the Anglican Church, Metceife; Mr. Roy Allport, Smiths Falls Ont.; Mr. A. H. Acres, M.L.A. and Mr. A. A. MacMillan, Ottawa. A granddaughter, Vyvienne Acres, pre- sented Mrs. Acres with a bouquet of roses, on behalf of grandchildren. Mrs. Roy Allport, Smiths Falls, and Mrs. James Cameron, Metcalfe, poured tea. Those assisting to serve were: Mrs. J. E. Madden, Mrs. Cecil Acres, Mrs. E. M. Stinson, Misses Olive Bassett, Helen Acres, Dorothy Acres, Ethel Docksteader, Jean Por- teous, Irma Allen and Mabel Poyp- teous, also Beatrice and Doris Mad- den. Mr, and Mrs, Acres ieceived CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES-- 'Come in and look over our selection of small GIFTS ranging in price from 25c¢ to $1.00. Toilet Sets from 50c to $3.50. Bill Folds, Genuine Persian Leather, $1.25 to $3.50. Something new in Tree Decorations--Christmas Bells, Silver and Colored Icicles. Fancy Wrapping Paper, Stationery, Bibles and Hymn Books. COD LIVER OIL-VETERINARY-- Biologically Tested and Standardized, contains 1000 Vitamin A Units and 100 Vitamin D Units. Price $2.00 gallon. FEED IT TO HOGS AND POULTRY ALL WINTER! CONSULT YOUR FAMILY DRUGGIST J. L. STEELE, Phm., B. South March. tii mary "oeautiful gifts. Mr and Mrs. Acres have six chil-1 dren living, namely: Wm. H., of Ver- | non; Cecil G.,_of Osgoode; Howard, of Ottawa: Gerald, at home; Mrs. J E. Madden, Russell, and Mrs. E. M. | Stinson, Osgoode. Mr. Acres has two brothers and one sister living, namely, Charles H. Acres, Manotick, and A. H. Acres, M.L.A., Britannia! Bay, and Mrs. Howard Graham, of Ottawa. Mrs. Acres has three bro- thers and two sisters living: Hudson, Docksteader, Vernon; Lorne Dock- steader, Royce, Alta.; Justin Dock- steader, Ofmond; Mrs. Abel White- horne, Ottawa, and Mrs. Duncan Mec- Martin, of Osgoode. RUSSELL WOMEN'S INSTITUTE sell" =gven's Institute will be held ae > of Mrs. A. Jlurday on , at 8 p.m. Pgzper on "Christmas Decorating" to be given by Mrs. A. Shelp. Paper on "New Suggestions for a Christ- | mas Menu" by Mrs. L. A. MacEwen. Roll Call--My favorite carol. Hostesses--Mrs. R. Phair, Mrs. C. F. McRae. Visitors always welcome. Members of the Russell W.I. have been invited to join with the Vars W.I. in celebrating their tenth anni- versary on Dec. 6th at 8 p.m. in Har- mony Hall, Vars. PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS The Russell Branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association held their an- nual meeting in The Leader office with a goodly number of officers and interested persons in attendance. Much business pertaining to the work of the society was discussed and plans of a far reaching nature and of benefit to the district at large were discussed and drafted. A vote of thanks was moved to The Leader for the use of the office for meetings. The new slate of officers for the ensuing year follows: President--A. Walker. 1st Vice-Pres.--W. J. Hume. 2nd Vice-Pres.--Geo. Duncan. Sec.-Treas.--Tace Wade. Directors-- E. Robinson, John Gamble, V. Bourbonnais, Jos. Le- mieux, M. Bouchard, Jno. Buchanan, W. P. Cherry, T. N. Menard, C. F. | McArthur, C. Brunton, H. A. Cherry, | iA. E. Long, A. C. Little, F. Scott, A. T. Brunton, N. J. McCormick, H. C. Robinson, W. McCormick. Y.P.S. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH On Monday evening, Nov. 29, the | Young People's Society of Russell | United Church held their weekly meeting in the Sunday School hall. ihe president, Miss Georgina Cherry, opened the meeting with prayer and presided over the business period which followed. During the business period it was decided that the elec- tion of officers would take place at next meeting, on Dec. 6. After the] business period the Scripture lesson was given by Herbert McNaught and the ipterpretation by Miss Lois Scott. Following this Mr. Howard Hamilton gave an interesting story entitled, "Confusion of King Alcohol." Mrs. Thos. McNaught led in prayer, after which Miss Scott took over meeting. She gave an interesting address on "Temperance in Life, Give Your Best." Rev. Thos. McNaught then 'made some remarks and closed the meting with the Benediction. oe 6%% + 0% DX XX XEXIX NOTICE -- TAXES (00% e% 0% oid " a > * a! 04] 2 Ps oo KS " 00% Xa 2 x ed * a 204 3 CII IR CII) 3 « §? ezeel 120.0%66%0 6% ¢%¢%0 cess a o*. >, (PO 00 00 ogee deedoeeete de oT roared lediaaledualeduifentroleadeedrafeadredeet For the convenience of those wishing to pay their taxes I, the undersigned, will be at the BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA on THURSDAY, DEC. 9th and TUESDAY, DEC. 13th. Seeteeteeteste steele cto' Peete e®eetes Toots CCAS Ra XE XXX XIX ARENA 100 00007002 6%0.6% 626% %6%06%¢%0%% ¢ 00% "0c % ¢% ESA Xa XE XXX XIX XN IN IX EXT XS 2, > , 2d > ° s' bee ° 2S > CW) a! > RD a hoe ® ho > . C% TACE WADE. ° IX * oo __#ei, December meeting of the Rus- - = The New 1938 Models Chevrolet Oldsmobile are now on display in our showroom. | COME AND SEE THE CARS THAT ARE MAKING AUTOMOTIVE HISTORY ! Headquarters For Winter Accessories McARTHUR 'Sigs SALES PHONE 44 - - - RUSSELL . 7 ! 5 - - Beatties Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. LW If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist | @ } 2040047040 4% 6% +20 e%0 +20 s 0% s%0u006% 6% <2 6% 4% +20 6% 0% 0% + %0 124% +%04% AX XXIXIXIXIXIX IDEN EX IRIN INE XIX IX EXTEN IX SX] | USED CARS OUT THEY GO--NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED WE NEED THE FLOOR SPACE 1930 Special Chevrolet 1936 Special Ford V-8 Sedan. DeLuxe Coach with 1930 Ford 1% ton Dual Heater, 8,000 miles, Wheel D Bod Al condition. Trock ump. Tody 1929 Pontiac Cabriolet. 1936 Ford Coach, 1929 Durant Sedan. small mileage, 1930 DeSoto Coupe. A-1 condition. 1929 Essex Coach-- 1935 Pontiac Deluxe Three Coaches. Coach. 1930 Chev. Stake Body Roadster. Dual-Wheel Truck. 1931 Chevrolet Roadster. 1929 Ford Sike Body ruck. 1931 Durant Sedan. 1930 Cadillac 4-Passen- 1930 Marmon Sedan. ger Coupe. 1929 Pontiac Sedan. 1929 Studebaker Coach. THE NEW 1938 PLYMOUTH AUTOMOBILES HAVE ARRIVED AND ARE CN DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM CALL US FOR A DEMONSTRATION OF THESE NEW MODELS MADDEN MOTOR SALES PHONE 36 RUSSELL - - - :

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