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Russell Leader, 19 Sep 1929, page 1

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Andrew » "H i) ilapatrick E [a ---- THE ONLY NEWS PAPER Pt IBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY ¥OL. XXXIV No. 2 Serm---- RUSSELL, ONTARIO, TH IURSP AY SEET. 19th 1929 imi § 1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ! four Column The Russell County Plowmen,s Association have arranged to have Mr. McLean, expert plowman, visit Russell on Wednesday, Sept. 25th., to hold a demonstration ef 'plowing, fitting of plows for match plowing, laying out ridges, finish etc. The Association wisy as mauy as possible to attend this demon stration, especially the young - plowmen. For particulars apply to Mr. C, H. Stewart, Secretary. Mr. Andrew Fitzpatrick On Tuesday afiernoon there passed away one of the best known and highly respected res.dents of Russell, in the person of Mr. An- drew Fitzpatrick, in his 69th year. He had only beenill sinee last Saturday so that his death came as a shock to his many friends. The funeral is being held this afterioon from his late reside. ee to Si. Mary's Anglican Church, where service will be held. | Interment .will be made in the) Anglican cemet ry. At the game on Saturday night A full obituary will be published next, week.-- the Russell Football Club present : | ed Mr. Ben Villeneuve with Mantel Clo al he is held by his team and their supperters. ir. Ed York, of Plainsvilie, N. J., is spending a tew days wilh his brother, Mr. jas. Yoik. Mr. Thos. Shelp, sr., left last Monday to live with his sen Alex. in New York. Theold gentleman was a most respected citizen of this district, and a host of friends wish him a happy time in his new home. BorM--On September 15th., 1929, to Mr. and Mass, Clinton Miller, a daughter. Both Owing to the deatl of his wile Mr. A. D. MacDonald, ef Ken- more, will sell his house, lot stock of groceries, and household goods by public auction on Wednesday Sept. 28th, commencing at oclock sharp. See bills fos the particulars. J. W James auetionee, Mr. John Morrow, North Rus. sell had the misfortune to lose his buildings yesterday afterneon by fire of unknown origin. Metcalfe Fair, which clesed yesterday, was a decided success in spite of the cold weather. horse show was eqnal to that atthe Central Canada. The crowd was not quite equal to former years, owing to the weather, but the exhibits were better than ever. Wi il. "oe Tai The cold weather, together with the dry spell, has hastened corn cutting, and a great many people have started silo filling. The har vestis abeut finished except some buckwheat. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson and son Harold, returned Monday, after spending a ceuple of weeks holidays in New Ontario. Division Court is being held to day, with twelve cases on the decket. Mr. L. A. Harringten is spend a few days at Carlsbad Springs. Mrs. Duff and little son Brian who have been the guests of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Macd ougall, for the past six weeks, retusmed te their home at Flint, Mich. last week . The anneuncement of & Provin cial election has made greatactivity among the political leaders, and the mext few weeks handshakes wilh be in order. CEPAR WOOD FOR SALE 60 eords of geod cedar stove woed for sale. Charles Hitsma® Russell i ck as a wedding gift, Memorial Window testifying to the esteem in which | x The; I ,, © » On Sunday, Sept. 8th., the Sate! ed Church was filled to capacity | to take part in a special service! arranged for the unveiling of the | four are glass windews dona ted to the congregation, One window Was given anony mously, so carries a medailion of is come and calleth tor thee. and are inscribed as follows,-- (1) To the glory of God and in loving memory of E. F. Loucks, 1807--1387; His wife Elizabeth Mattice, I1807--1888, and Wm. Hamilton, 1810--1882; His wife Jane Cillespie, 1809--1888 Erec ited by R. N. Hamilton These| "four arel the prandparensy: of Mirod ik. N. Bamilton and belongto the first generation of pieneersin this community especially in churbh werk. Mr. Loucks was the first sunday school 'superintendent, the first precentor, and a member of thefirst essionin the Presbyterian church in Russell. Mugs, Hamilton was a member of the first Method ist church in North Russell, the first sunday school superintendent and the organizer of the first Orange Lodge. The window carr ies a medallion showing a copy of the open Bible, with a star above and the text, In Thy Sight shal] we see light. (2) To the glory of God: and in loving memory of Father and Mother, Wm. McKeown, 1849-- 1913, Amanda Ronan, 2854--1924 This window was giveu by the son, Dolton, of @ttawa and the daughter, of Vancouver. This window shows a bust figure of St. joou win tie text, He that lovetk his brother abidath .n truth, Mr. adn Mrs. DNcKeown are still widely knewn and beloved in in this community, W.ere Mr. McKeown served as merchant and post master all hig life He wasa ent of sunday school in the Pres byterain church for many years. (8) To the glory of God and in loving memory of Wm. Adams, 1826--1887, and his wife Margar et,, 1834--1928 Mr. Adams was net known to to mamy in this commuiity ashe spent his life in North Gower but Mrs. Adams spent the lasf32 years of her long life with her children here. She Was a devotedmember of the Methodist church anddespite the frailty of mer laser years, left many close and abiding friendships Jn velled + lilies with the words, The Master | The | other three are private memorials | member of sesion and superintend | IN MEMORIAM Rg =p p= . = LEE=In leving_ memo) my | WI A 1 pa LY- F J MN = dear Mother, Mir: | hn Lee, who | : passed away Sept. 20th., 1928. Yorn Green is the plot where my mother i's 100 Per cent of Household Insects of all kinds, is 13d ich as Flies. Moths. Mesquitoes, Roaches, Bed Bugs, Fond a: e me lories that neve: _neir larvae and eggs shall fade; a1] MH a Gone and forgotten-by the v ord. Hagmless to 'man Beings and Pets she mav be, gd 8 cz Can with Hand Sprages, 65 gents But the memory of her will "ys | 8 cz bettleon'y, 4.0 cents be precious {5 me. Hean p Dusgiter-Migedss St. 7 | lieep-your Home Eree from these pests boo 5 : | LEE --In loving inemor: m 4 | dear Mother, Mrs, John Lee, wlio] S 3 I rug . cr \ | { - t passed away Sept 20(h., 1928. | THELE, Your gist s.resting at last. Phone 30 weary troubles and | {rials are pas, silence she sul: she Lore, 'ered, in patience d called: ber home to suffer] 110 more. Loving and kind ia all her ways» | Upright and Just to the end of her days, | Sincere; and true, im her heart and mind, > A beautiful memory left behind. Sadly missed by her daughter Mrs. Robert Fisher or HUME--1n loving memory of J.| We have on hand at all[ times, Batterles, w Hume, who departed this life| Tires, Tubes, Paris and Hccessaries D. A. McARTHUR > For the i of a vanished hand li PE ------ Pickling Season The scund of a voice that 5 still." The Family And we carry in stock evergthing need fi? lo assist you in the Pickling such as Our Garage Is Open fremZ a.m. to II p,m , Bring your car to 'os['for service, guaranieed and prices salisfaclory.' : Work 3 < t HENS FO Having a larger number of pul' lets than my houses can accommo. date, I am disposing of some of my yearling and two-year old stock. These hens are all heavy layers and will be sold as they come. For auyone wishing foundation stock they 'cannot be beaten, only reason for selling, lack of room. Yearling hens, $1.25, two year olds $1.00. Theseare bred-to lay and do lay as the floek records show, You are getting the advantage of our experience. L. A. Harrington "Sunshine Poultry Yards" Russell, Ont, pickling Spices, Tumeric Rowder, XXX Vinegar Ciaer Vinegar, Parowax, Certo, Sealers, Sealer Rings, and alllolther requisites for the making et Pickles, Jellies, ete. Our stock Is fresh and of best qualitg. K. R. BURNS Phone 70 Ruseell EENCE POSTS FOR SALE 600 good fence posts for sale. Apply tO Delasey Rombough WwW WwW h Russell. Ont, et eat e r Finds ths'weak spots in your roof. {A leak disregarded soom FGR SALE 3 4 x # i BE growsibig and causes damage. A few shingles 'and a [littles werk willimak~ n difference. We have An oak combination buftet and china cabinet and table and si chairs, also two stoves, ene a hegter and the other a Findlay Terteise. Apply to Mrs. Robert Cherry a aud just received R CARLeoAP OF FMHINGLES And can supply your requirements SHED FOR SALE oo A Veranda Bex, Window Boxes, aud agdfew touches of this . The Wardens c¢! St. Magy's .._ : : Church, will sell about 40 feet cf pind a 29 Hie 3psvapenas of You Blemises. the Drive Shed at the ehurch. We can supply the material 'or male. them to lordes This is a timber frame which will Guil#ting ma,arial of 'all kinds. sAskiffer prises be easy to take down and erect again, would make a first class|- implement or carriageshed. Priced right. Apply to D. J. Barson or L. T. Stanley Church Wazdess D, CARKMER 8 Co, Kenmore TE er I in the community.

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