Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 24 Jan 1929, page 7

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ST. VITUS DANCE | A Trouble That Usually Young Children Vitus dance is the Attacks St. ally given to a disease medical men as chorea. name gener described by This trouble usually attacks young children, though older people may be afflicted with it The most common symptoms are a twitching of the face and limbs. the disease progresses the twitching takes the form of spasms, in whieh the jerking motion may be confined to the face or all the limbs may affected. Frequently the patient unable to hold anything in the hands or walk steadily. In severe cases speech is often affected. The disease Is due to debility of the nerves and relief comes through an enriched blood supply. Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills have been most successful in reaching this trouble through their! specific action on the blood, which it | enriches and purifies. The following instance proves the value of Dr.! Williams' Pink Pills in this trouble. ! Mrs. Thomas Bowen, Bath, Ont.,| says: --"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills| have been in use in my family for years and always with good results. Seon Troe Ag be i 1s the | I believe they saved the life of my | LATEST FUR FASHION only son. At ten years of age he ed > 3 ; ZTew Very. mervons and the: trouble). Lh. : Saptivating sport coat lg 'of developed into St. Vitus dance. His | | brown kangaroo, with the beret to legs and arms would jerk and twitch, | ™atch, the newest winter fur fashion then his speech was affected, and! creation by William Solomon. Punjab Sample Train Starts On Six-Month Trip | Exhibits Disnlos Objects oH Art and Utility Produced in India Similiar to Qur Ontario Train FAMILY SIZE 75¢ _TRIAL SIZE 35¢ ) === PER BOTTLE i { BRONCHITIS (OUGH SYRUP COUGHS AY == -- Children Lov | VENO'S Syrup e ASTHMA Bombay--The Punjab sample train, | witch was a great success last year | has again been equipped and will} undertake another journey of six | months, visiting &? stations in differ-! ent parts of the Punjab. Besides a cinema car, two bogie carriages are being run under 'the auspices of the] Industries Department, two under| that of the Agricultural Department, | and another under the Veterinary | Jepartment of the Punjab Govern-| ment. Each will exhibit samples of | work done by the various institutions under Government. | The Industries: Department's cars | partment Was Not : ~ contain the latest hand-worked fiy-| Consulted shuttle looms which are eminently | I 3 ' : suitable for the cottage industry pur-! songon Branly Baldwin, Prime J 4 | Minister of England told Fred A. poses, to replace Hosiery, dyeing, leather working pliances will be and a boy will cane-work can cupation to of the labor the primitive loom. calico-printing machinery operated in the show how basket and | be a remunerative oc- | supplement the incomes | classes. i car his condition was pitiable. Just then ! RT ee Among other exhibits will be lac-| there came to me a little book tell- | Big Navy Propaganda quered and inlaid objects, elegant | ing of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and | Saint John Telegraph-Journal furniture - beautiful vases and orna-| I decided to give them to him. By! (Ind.): Is the building program of ents of brass and ivory. These are | the time two boxes were used there | the United States Navy to be com- vas = Japrovement in his condition | | petitive or is it to be based solely on y the time six boxes more were | the needs of the Republic toprotect arranged side by side with value, cases con- | utilitarian such as dispatch boxes, sports taining articles of greater i finite opinion on it, Baldwin Sends Guarded Reply to Navy Note | } | Since the U.S. State De- No Definite * Opinion Given) British Firm Aids Workers Who Lose Jobs £2 a. W sek Paid Toward Wages of Employees Displaced by Ma- chinery | { Britten of Illlnois, chairman of the and | andi a | Naval Affairs Committee of the Uni- labor-saving machinery, ted States House of Representatives, { that the latter's proposal for a conv | forence on naval affairs by legisla- tive committees was "interesting," but that he could not express a de- because the U ni-, ted States Government had not been consulted. This came out in the House of Com- mons, when Mr. Baldwin read the reply. It stressed the fact,"too that when he spoke on Nov. 12 of the lack 2 of personal intcrcourse between Gov- London--*"A North DIritish manu- facturing concern, having to reduce staff through the introduction of is prepared to pay £2 per week toward the wages of each displaced worker employed by reputable firms for one year at not less than 558. per week. This is a splendid opportunity for a new concern to secure labor during early developments." This advertisement appearing in some of the big provincial dailies has caused a considerable amount of in- terest in business and industrial con- cerns. The firm in question wag identified taken all traces of the tr ouble had' jtg . ar: \rnali dr anil seaborne trade? From Great Paraphernalia, carpets, scientific ap-|er : 4 3 disappeared, and he was well and | Britain one has definite assuramee PAratus and household coari ernment men on the two sides of the at once by many students of eco- strong. I have also given the pills to a , ik Ji ? ROE Fen thr ah erey aries Atlantic, he was referring to execu- nomics, but as the advertisement was my growing girls, ; ; Fes 5 ential BOYES 4d itives and not to legislators. | a, "keyed" We oi better Ep » ow > 2 {IV the Washington iredty will be in 2S tapestries, damask, sills suitings, i J raves ee AR pein add that the same a is, i i may | accordance with Jreat Britain's €tc., some produced by the Govern- Text. of Reply | It is a rou. d th aps as well." bp ETOWD- | needs to protect British commerce Dent industrial schools for women] Anglo-American relations were 8 Tf Re Co as the You can get these pills throug! and will not complete with the United and girls and others in factories or in also 'the subject of remarks by Sir Wa 2 : x a 1 ie sae 3 in. pills through gtates, The United Statés bas a the home of weavers. The agricul- { William ~ Joynson-Hicks, the Home ca nCern ald. also: as ebair any medicine dealer or by mail at ; : ; S i ; man of an industrial welfare research 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil perfect right to build as many chuis- tural cars are a complete museum of | Secretary, in a speech at the Con- , nmittes Seebol on liams' Medicine Co Brockville, Or : "lers as she desires, and Great Britain Up-to-date equipuient. | stitutional Club. He predicted the _ ip. of "How gl Bpyunes 4 . y . % > = ' 3 at ) y e u - yomi does not intend to let that affect her A band of musicians accompanies the | tendency in some quarters to dig up etc., is proposing to ny sy fees 3 -- ix yd : 2 . ¥ S & " own judgment of her needs. go train. These will entertain the vi.) the roots of our friendship, to see his teaching iii put 2 2 prac Jee South America let the United States go ahead and lages with vocal and instrumental {bow the plant was growing." He fol- machinery in thi Si Soo Say ne oy Je build whatever she can convince her Wusice, the subject of their song be-| lowed this up with a hope that talk n.,qyctive eh vet - Wi . } ( C e. I¢ Te Busy Building people is necessary, but her big navy 18 the uplift of the rad community. | About comparative naval strengths n..ioq those benefiting by th wo ne i 3 J) ~ people should not confuse 'the issue' rr | would die down, and be replaced bY ion of wage costs are Br re we Highway Web by attempting to convey the idea that I HOUSANDS OF Me ™ > | the old friendship between the two (4 fing js, 018 21 es ¥ hoon there is betwee of AND: 3A § LAN | i nations. 3 ; . Gi an on Betwean the | Sa ; : I Mr. Baldwin' ai 7 arily displaced laborer. Thousands of M Milco wr tro RHR HRI. 20 bu pital shins. VOR ¥A ATH MERILINE | : s message said: Presuming that the new machi behind on a non-existent ratio | =i 'have learned ith great interest of g; : ; AY ganas Roads Costing Millions kd hr ehose de | = {mem Jers 04 obs SANA dis pose of | the work o#% 50 men, the Are Und W nd EE Baby's Own fablets Are the j Eress and members of the British they will have no mani igerial control, re naer ay a y i - See EE) P n Pp i v discussion 1 on Pl d The Radio Controversy Ideal Remedy for Babies Parliament for a friendly disenssion ijl pe over £5000 a year. anne : : 3 SIAL PE I lon the question of the lilitation of! r : Philadelphia Ledger: (Canada, dis-| and Young Children | aval tit | ORAS 5 New York -- Ambitious highway satisfied with the allotment of only : Baye WEL DD tisiaia the s init | programs, involving the construction |giy radio channels under the "gentle-| Canadian mothers are Loess "tof hi Nr! ¥ recibrOfR. um {| The most cautious man of our ae 5 y S . di fitle ones] whic nspired your sugges no { : RE, ¢ 4 of -thousands of miles of major} ,apy'g agreement" is reported to have the care they give their little ones 3 1 1 inspired you he ¢ iy 2 quamtance is think of taking a % 3 i 4 . the bs: ys 1s MOS x sare your earnes sire or 2 ra ha arteries and the expenditure of mil refused to discuss the allocation of the health of the baby is most jeal- | ih you: HE i i 5 little ocean voyage If he can find a . z hy , 191 ¢ ' Fhe } > ie | complete understanding ptwee ur . TR BL | lions of dollars, are under way in| short waves unless it is assured 50: ously guarded and the mother is} fo uplete unde nding between our oo =. ot hasn't been governmentin- Latin America, according to a SUIVeY | per cent. of the availabls channels) {always on the lookout for a remedy | | ons CORNEA : ¢ Noveniier ais spected. just completed by R. Whittlesey 11,4 it not been for the broadcasting which is efficient and at the same | n my Spegen of phi oe 2 oan ree : : : 5 5 24 © time absolutely safe. Thousands as Spe n ot of legislatures, b | vice-president in charge of the for-| controversy, Canada might have been '™° absolutely safe. Thousands ot} i the exe : oo 9 of i ates ~ Classshed Advertisements eign department of tie Central Un- content with from 20 to 25 per cent mothers have found such a remedy |© he ex i Yes. o Si is id T r a r vig Henle 'n Tablots ¢ anv VS =} sence acility p . jon Trust Company of New York. of the short waves Perhaps this iP Baby's Own Tablets and many of [and 1t es b on Wh Bani En STOCKING YARD : . . hel 3 ving else : Br r al interc 3 etwee 1inis- SOPOT Mexico, according to the sSurvey,i chanee of attitude is a warning tbat them use nothin else for the ail- {oe rin A + Tao ttod | 15 PER POUND UP. TWENTY: has completed plans for 6630 miles of something must be done, and done ments of their little ones. Among | which regretted. 1. i 15) one £a mp les fice. Glioening & highways and more than 13,000 miles quickly, about revising the "gentle- them is Mrs. Howard King, of Truro, Message Sent Direct | Yo uo P ' Lh st 5 J 7 ret . ctroncoly re- * | of feeder roads. Its expenditures men's agreement." It is obvious that | N-S- who Rays "1 can; strongly re | "Except to remove the possibility! Cy i) for road construction will be 10,000,- a loss of Canadian co-operation would commend Babys owl Fables, to | of misunderstanding, T feel it would Aa 000 pesos (35,000 ,000) in 1029, greatly complicate the task of con- mothers of young children he re [ not be consistent with the courtesy ist of wanted Inventions" i i g 11a hex es © i 1 roa ~ { Y Sy Cuba, in 1930, will complete its trolling the radio. situation in this of nothing to equal them for little | which 1 owe to the United States 3 Irull by nfor:aation Sent I'ree $76,000,000 highway, whieh: 'Will con- country. pones. y - ied ~ | Governmen (95 express any further on Bequest CO., Dept. W. nect all of the major cities on the is- Sea | Jaby 8 Own Tablets are sold by} opidion on th. proposal on which, as 273 Bank St. Ottawa, Ont. land. This road, 706 miles long, is A Period 'Building | modicing Goalers or by mall oat 29 1 1 understand if, they have not been one of the major features of a 20- Stranger: "Is that your new Dito Cuts a box from The Dr. Williams | consulted. SE ---- year public-works program for which 1 1 codr there? 3 | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | «I can therefore, only repeat ny. ¢ ii o Tae $320,000,000 will be raised by taxa-|>"i00 O%F te re fimo | 1 can, therefore, On Den ey ET CIIFH Soap dade ? Citizen: "Yes, that is our chamber| Most Adqtomohiles are paid for as | appreiation of vour friendly se nti- is 7 h > me Nad by is og Hon po $1 of commas."--Life. | they are used, but not so rapidly. - | ments. : } nore than a fine Saap Feru plans the expenditure of 31. : | Mr. Baldwin, answering an injury) dlp Zatlseptic and yo! only sleauton { a "3 ¢ a - 1 a 4 cals irritat 200,000 anpuAlly during 1924, 392% : 7 = { from Commander Kenworthy, Labor | tion or the poo at the' morsel and 1930 for 5300 miles of hiigu way A Rememberance Tablet { member froh Hull, said tbat he sent | For 50 years the standard of excellence Argentina is reported spending 19, | his reply diret to Mr. Britten. I 000 000 pesos (about $6,375,000) a y ! on vear on road building. It has about 15500 miles of road which have heen built without a general nationalized plan. Brazil this year opened the 341- mile highway between Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo as the first link in a group of roads to connect the capi- tal with the northern territories of the Republic. Chile has more than 200 miles of major hoads under construction, and a bill recently introduced in Congress calls for the further expenditure of 90,000,000 pesos (about $10,800,000). Colombia, the survey estimates, will expend $35,000,000 on highways this year. Panamg is expected to spend several millions to improve a road to the Costa Rican border, while Salvador is credited with completing "one of the most complete highway systems in the world," bringing the nation in close contact with Gua- temala. oie 3 ay < a a ON Talkative Lady: Do you know, pro- fessor, I think you are positively won- derful. Has anything ever puzzled you? Professor (bored): Yes, madam, One thing has. Talkative Lady: And what is that? Oh, do tell me. Pro- Sou, SECALLED at Ver-Sur-Mere, fessor: If exercise reduces flesh how ig it that so many women have double 2 chins? : lr The tatlet depicted above has been erec 10 I'Cuoca Gunie Jjra galiew allel Minard's Liniment for Chapped Hands. conquoring the Atlantis, France, | It Isn't Your Town--it's You! If you want to dwell In a town that's swell, { And the kind of a town you like; You need not pack Your clothes on your back, And go for a farewell hike, For youll omdy find What you've left behind; is nothing that's really It's a knock at yourself When you knock your town; It isn't your town--it's you. ere new, ~~. Towns are not made By men afraid Lest someone else get ahead, When everyone works And nobody shirks, can lift a town from the dead. And If while you make Your personal stake, neighbor can make Your town will be What you want it to be; isn't your town--IT'S YOU! You one, too. Your For it ol i . Uncanny Is Right alike one sardine is to another?" "yes, indeed. I think it's positively uncanny. --Judge. a Minard's Liniment for Grippe. "Did you ever notice how very muc h ! Cold Relieved or Money Back Everywhere men, womeri and children are finding instant. relief from Coughs and Colds "of all kinds by taking Buck- ley's Mixture. Everywhere druggists are selling "Buckley's" under positive guar- antee. The first dose proves how dif- ferent it is--and there are 40 doses ing 75-cent bottle] Never be without this proven conqueror of colds. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 BUCKLEY'S £20 =. Acts like a flash~ single sip proves it 75¢ and 40c 5 Foot Ills For aching feet, for chilblains and bunions, rub with Min- ard's. A sure relief. | } ISSUE No. 50 --'28 -

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