Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 24 Jan 1929, page 5

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i Fi OR Re a, J PANA. . Brad]ey Creek, first vice-president; w| ren on ---- | A Edwgrds, Aultsville, second vice-pres | The Women's Missionary Society met ident; James B Anderson Mount V. Ww | at the home ofMrs A E Hamilton on treasurer; and T P Thompson, Al- Friday afternoon. A good number of - monte, secretary; George H Barr, a : members were present . rector of dairying for Ontario, addrese| s | ed the members of the convention on! : i Little Florence Dugdale, who has been, the necessity of school courges" for : confined to her beg for the past four cheesemakers in order to obtain a > weeks with rheumatism, is slowly re_|Righer grade i covering . Born..On Saturday, Jen 1th, 1929 : ; to Mr and Mrs Ford McKeown, a son Replete with yarns and articles on all topics .of outdoor life, the February! a [ ] : ; . «© sie sn osm en ev an se te son wins me) (EE ANNING Sat. Jan, 19th. 19 Jast week visiting friends at Edwards ine, Rod pnd Gun 'and Canadian Gra Mrs A E Hamilton spent Monday at| Silver Fox Nkws has just - appeored Russell Among the many authoritntive con- d ] t f t k ms tributors in this month'issue are the an as % or WO wee S Little Osgoode James, who had the; Well known names of Bonnycast]e misfortune to have his arm broken at De, Robert James, William Mac- Christ; is still confined to his bed | Millan J W Winson W C Motley ga cs remas cp swan ana m of 1 0€ Furniture Business so long carried on by Born..On Thursday, Jan 17th 1929 Bates Whose articles ocer splendid : 10 Mrs Harriet Switzer, a daughter pictures of hunting end fishing and life in the open. There iq also a 3 splendid: arsidle on wolf trapping by | N. 5 Jehnston, at Keamore C E Gillham EDWARDS The section devoted to the silver fox industry is ful] of up-to-date and Miss M MeCullough of Navan, who Informatie material cncering he fg ghoul to be closed and the Store and Dwelling has been the guest of her sister, Mrs ranching of these valuable fur bearers R A Bickerton, has returned home se ag iad TE Gla offered {or Sale Mr Elias Scharfe, while Joading hay| W J Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ont, | off a stack had fhe misfortune to fall| BE = THERE ARE SOME EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS OF FEHED FOR QUICK BUYx | ean be expected (of During the past year the number) ppg THE STOCK IS LIMITED, SO MAKE YOUR CHOICE EARLY. of cheese graded by the Dominion De- Mr Arthur McC is now draw- | Partment of Agriculture was 1567876 : : ver atl lof these 93.1 per cent graded special 8 te me for Me Bron Rl Pv NOTE A FEW ITEMS TAKEN FROM MANY : the family is recovering from Jagrippe : " | per cent third and no grade ve = pi TE, iE - The Ladies Aid of Knox Church held DINING ROOM SUITE, easily worth $200 for $1 50 ¢ Lea gi 7# id J EL eM ii FREE BEDROOM SUITE, several were sold at $200 for $135 ¥ : : FIBRE LIVING ROOM SUITE, worth $50 for $40 : : : 53 PICTURES in numbers at $1.00 to $5.00 AE SF A few cases of scarlet fever are re- ported in and sround Edwards Mrs Hugh McIntosh, of Garden Head a P r / n/ ti N as 2 Sask (nee Mjss McMaster of Renfrew) | Bits' Sk Ladies" Weis Newb. Swit moves @ former teacher here, has becn rc- ment, new tonuesu shape, white satin fin- : newing acquaintances and has been the Hie oh akeeper, cot plore wit nf Fiovon There are Phonographs, Radios, Chesterfields, Beds, and many other things you guest of Mrs W H Harrison for the The Boys' or Men's Watch is of same gual- ity as above, with f: leather wrist strap. . . TE. Fa 2 past few days Either of sone sabime Koei tedipmn would like to have in the home % od i { z for the sale of a few botties of our high-class pesfume with our new casy sale pian. Our general blacksmith, Mr D Pat- Canadian Premiums Regd terson, hps been very busy since the 8839 Notre Damo Street Exot, Montreal Come and make your choice while the choosing is good. Once the stock ie sold the very slippery thaw and ice have made the roads a i 4. 8) YEARS - chance is gone forever. «<r EXPERIENCE X : 1 Mrs Weljs Harrison, who has spent| the lest couple of months with her sons in Hamilton, has returned home | = FARM FOR SALE 3 ig : us That good 100 ecre farm, situated L. ul nch at A l ] a OoLrs Sy Taos MARKS just outside she Viljage of Russell. on : { DESIGNS a good road. First class house and out - CopyriaHTs &C. | bufldings. A most desirable property. 'AND snyone sending a ckeich and Aeseription may . Facet ascertal 10 whether an i Can be bought right. Apply te 0 ov cd ----------i | | HEADS DATRYMEN'S ASS'N | | J F Gibbons, Renfrew, was ejected | om muniea. | president of the Eastern Ontario Dairy | pcr te onc PH a Chesley Pillar 2 i : 0) 3 a men's Association at the final session | pea hn riikout dearga, inthe Rw Ruigell Omarto! A twater-Ke nt Radios of their fifty-third annual convention | gio A etd | | ' in Belleville last Friday. Other officers 5 D 5 . electeg were : Honorary president, J | ¥ LEGHORN HENS FOR Salz { | R Dargavel, Flgin; M W Sheppard, Having renteq my farm and moved Radio Batteries, Tubes, Etc. always in stock. t 33 26 13raatany, Mpa ¥ 4 to Embrun I have not room for afl 3 Bev. my hens and will dispose of about 200 . --_ Also Acetylene Welding " yearling hens. They are all laying. Felix Liapalme | Embrun, Ontario TREASURER"S SALE @F LAND FOR TANESS \ T Cc SWIT ys ER * By virtue of a warrgnt under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of | a : : : Rekeland, bearing the dave ef the 22g day ef Oetober, 1928, commanding BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE me to levy upon the land# hereinafter described for the arre,rs respestlvely| i... docured a fine young English due thereom, together with all costs imuerred, I hereby give notiee that, pru- Berkshire boar which is now ready for Sant to the Assessment Aot, ang am-endments thereto, I shall en Monday service SET . Ta 28th day of January, 1828, .t the heur of ten o'clock a m, at the Fown| . I - 8 3 rn *N 4 Hall, ia Nodiaka, pivwod ul by Public Auetion se muck ef bhe sald | ak Sli vy & ave on and lands as may be necessary for she payment of said arrears of taxes amd law, REN SE RE TET ful eharges unless such arrears and lawful charges shall have beca sooner paid | TK TY . i The adjeurned sale, if any, will ke held at the same place and hour en the! WA Late P eat F uel 11th of February, 1929, when the Municipality will purchase aay lamg Jor) : : These ds are of the highest quality which no priee is offered to cover the amount due for arrears of lames ekar- 20 d and it takes Tess to do the same work . . Bes aug oa k | as & greater quantity of ethers. Pine Mil WwW ood Description Arrears Cests 'Total This wo ks out to your advantage | the smaller quantiy goes farther. Lot 5, westerly 20 ft SIS Alert ........ $100 238 $850 $108 72 Patented The Watkins Co. are like the chain Fant 10 3 Laspiee St, frontage of stores, ore of the la, gest companies do . > . on Mo@:ul Ave ............ 9 47 848 10795 Patented ing business. My ohtfit J just your G d C h d Let 18 @Pavt Twp Lot 27) SiS Laurier St 402 06 1715 479 0 sie uy Sa . rin Ing, rus IRE an Lots 2 and 3 ES Pouliotte S%.......... 2625 - 1256 26 15 Padembed| We alm $0 give service, aud our goods Ket 1¢, HS Gavedu Avenue ....... vee. B689 T39 6338 Patemted | give satisfaction : S ed Cl { Part Twp Let 24, EIS Netwe Dame St ~ * STOOK FOODS of all kinds. We will, SC ean ng with foominge of 66 8¢ ............ ®a 758 099 Patemied ho pleased Yo quole euantity prices : ; rol Past Lot 8, M8 Ada 5¢, with froutage | 1 nave sevured the Township of Cun yo Of S0fs em Bt Loubent Bi.......... 9M 102 WOM Palewied bo lewd Jetted of Cambridge £ i Lot 28, westenly 41 £0 Si5 Chopimandt 02 3§ 530 300 68 IeWaned| wstoh fer Willems represominiive eo oh hp on CSB ; G. M. WAL Lot jeter £ WE Nate Dame 8 .... $4 @ 811 8273 Pha JOHN R. FADBR DAEED st Réchlanll, Out, Golder md, 1908 -» 5 a - . . a to RU : Treasatic of the Tél of Neckline

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