7 / * Retail At a Delightful Luncheon and Concert ge On= of the most unique, as well as one of the most pleasant enter- ainments ever given in Russell, was given by the lecal branch of the Retail Merchants Association, of which Mr. C, F. McArthur is President. The opject of the entertainment was to psesent the aims and ob; jects of Bhe Associstion, to thc peo: ple, so that any doubt existing in their minds might be removed. Many people had the idea tha, his Association was for the pur ose of price-fixing, and by cor= certed effort keeping the merchane dise so that the public would Le made to pay. The speakers, who were conver-| sant with their snb¥et, explained that the object was almost entirely ito help one another to devise ways and means whereby they (the mer-. chants) could better serve the pub- lic. and as *'in the multitude of id- cas there the consumer was bound to result, Myr. Alfred Goulet, ex-M. L. A merchant, of Bourget, was called to the chair, and in a few wo ds ex is reason,' benefit to plained to the audience, the aim of the meeting, and dwelt at some length on the Transi:nt Traders Act. We heartily enedossa the senti- ment exprz:gad cs we ourselves hhve beer and are the victlm of pedblers, who pray nothing' for the upkeep ot local inktitutions ani charge what they people forget | if he carries in sto cure the artic'es offered. like, as many | the local man k, or can Mrs. N. D. Patterson, then ren. Ne qualityso necessary. comment is She was genesously applauded by those pre- sent' and graciously responded to an encore, Mr, Henry Watters, president of the Ottawadistrict of the Asseiation was the next speaker, "After paying his rcspects to the Russell branch, ladies and to the he spoke on the many activitics of the Association, and presenjed the c'aims for co-operation by sll in se- curing legislation which, while {irst being of benefit must ultimately be passed on to the consumer, Without the lecal merchant. the consumer would be badly handi- capped. and to make i} possible for the lccal man to do husiness, itwas to fhe retailer uecessary to use him, and if those who were sending out of townwould take their lists and ask the 'ocaj man to compare prices, they would in many casessave themselves mon <y and get goods of better quality. Mr. Thomos Humilton, enter- tainer, of Ottawa then delighted the audience with Scotch songs, and responded to a hearty encore, Mr. Hoyghan, field officer of the Dominion Association was the next speaker, and told ofinstancdswhiah had come under his notice iu which the retail merchant had not ben! used fairly. 'He presended the case of te merchant in the capacity of serva: t! to the community,and told hew tue consumer could help himself by helping the-local merchant, The time has come when team work and co-eperation are needed, and the ** every man for himself' period has passed, After some community singing led by Mr. Hamilton, the ladies served a delightful tuncheon and the crowd enjoyed a sociai time. iv : Entertain Following the luncheon Mr. A. Sweet M. L, A. for Dundas, made a short speech. In addition to be- ing a legislator Mr. Sweet is one of the oldest members of the Associ jatiea, and was able to speak with authority on the benefit to be de- rived frem membership. Mr. O. Maken, of Embrus. then aendered o solo in Faench which was well received. Mr. Auriel Belanger, M. IL. A. for Russell, was the last speaker, and after paying his respects to the ladies and the Jo-al Association, he gave a short historical resume of s'milar organizatious which could be traced to the fourteenth century Mr, Belaoger is a bright, eosy speaker, and his address was close. ly followed by the audience. He closed his address with a toast to the King, theCcuntry, and the Retail Merchants Association. The eatertainment provided wes of the best, and" while the subject under discnssion is usually one hard to maintain imterest, the wan- ner in which it was handled held the au lience throughout, and gave | those present some weolesome food | for thought Visitors from Ottawa, "Ninzhes-' ter, Metcalfe, Kenmore, Vars, Murtonville, Embrun, South Indian | anc AVIRA Ce +1 > TA ! ~ and Bourget, expressed their pleas- ure at bingy present at so pleasant o function, Tho h Lil is that the sead drop- > torth fruit. | Dentistry. Tasnusel LL seAD HR \ MADE BY 0) "Tne Qui ker QatsHmpany ADORLSS of TERBORGUGH AND SASKATOON 4 "Thi: best pies I ever made" | "The loveliest-I ever Quaker Flour. rigidly tested during absolute satisfaction, you your money back say of all your cakes and pies if you bake with Your baking will always Ve best with Quaker Flour because Quaker quality is always the same, and always the best. Quaker Flour is samples of each day's product are baked by our staff of expert bakers. Every sack is sold under our guarantee of Our master baker has collected a number of I original recipes for home-made bread which we will gladly send you, on request. H Quaker Flour Alwags the Same-Always the Best A product of T 1 Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saskatoon Merchants a baked" is what you will the milling process, and or the dealer will give without question. 222 { E.J. MURPHY V.8,V.D. | Beginning Moniay. April st, | 1923, and every Mcnday thereafter wil! be at The Counalercial House, Russell, from 10 a,p. to 4 p,m. Special attentidif to Vetermnary Phone 138 METCALFE ARTHUR FLYNN/| Notary Barrister, Solicior, Conviyay HONOR ROLL RUSSELL --_ = ONT Russell Office open on Wednesdays in new Flynn Blck, "Broadway. Money te Loan on Easy Terms on Farm Property JOHN JAMES Licensed Auctioneer forthe three United Counties, Stormont, Dun. das, and Glengary, Prescott ard Russell, for dates call at the Russell office, or phone me at my expanse, Joha James, R. R. No. 1, Edwards LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Provinces of ONTARIO & Quebec In future I intend to devote all my time to auctiontering. Sales of all kinds handled. Pure bred stock Terms reasonable IRVING a specialty. THOS. Kenmore Continuation School for October Form 1 Milton Little 82 Clayton Tall 78 Sohn Briggs 76 Vera Loney 74 George Wilgen 74 Ray Wilsen 72 Edith McDiarmid 72 Bob Telford 72 James McLachlan 71 Russell Lemoine 74 Bessie McNab 64 Russell Phair 57 Annie Waddell 48 Form I1 Flo Dolgleish 85 Ruby Wilson 85 Bissie Sparks 82 Vera Brunton 79 Watlaze Carknér 78 Katie Campbcll 77 Katies Briggs 72 Edna Brunton 08 Norman Carkner 53 Archie Campbell 46 Form III Verlie Qawkshaw 87 Ireue Galbraith 77 Margaret Tobin 77 Kenneth Brunton 75 { Park 74 lice Wood 69 Grace McDonald 66 Mamie MacDiarmid 66 Evelyn Fiseer 65 Amy Half 95 Lloyd Lemoine 58 Dick Telford 58 Margeret MacLaren 57 Annie Wood 54 Orlin mark 55 Garland Sparks 53 Albert Robinscn 50 Wilfrid Woodside 46 Elwin Hill 40 Christine Fraser Teacher | MORRISBURE Phone 76] RET Dr, D. Wallace, F, A, Cy S,., for- merly of Kemptville, 82 Park Avenue. {ce'der) of Elgin, Street, Ottawa Ont, DANCE TRIO! Music furnished for all occasions "Drums and other instrumBnta- tions. Three cr more pieces if desired ®Prices moderate. Phone or write I Gro.' JouEs, Russell, Ont. | ---- J r, Etc. agg I* DISTRIBUTORS Russell e. F. McArthur Ltd, Stephenson Vars---A. Cholette Henry's Shorthand School Ottawa, Unt. Our course includes = hort~; hand, Typewriting, Spetling, fenmanship, Correspond- ence, English, Office Work, Civil Service, etc. Lur standard of instruction neing iO percent higher than any otner, oliT graaudies are preferred andgiven BETTER pay. : Our teachers know what to teach, and how to teach it all having been practical st. enographers. : oe Ha to attend the LAR' GEST nnd BEST. D. E. HEBRY, PRESIDENT Corner Bank and Sparks Street. International Machines The wishes to innouucs to th: Farming [Puablic o the Townships of Russell Osgoode that he has been appoint- ed agent for this District for) International Harvester Co. Machinery- Ard that he is suppiy their naeds for any and all kiods of Seeding, Harvecti~~Nachinerv. Undrsigned and now prepared to Haying and ---- WEIR Gam f ] i . ang adres [| 9A Full Line of Repairs, Rep 3s trictly cash. 1 E3Call, phone or write to THOS, C. SWITZER Remember That vou have in "Russell a Graduate Optician and an Expert L1G. T,R. station, £ NY [(WAW BE § LLY MacEwen a LACHAPELLE Ys . ansurarnce and Log ve to lock cver ithe oe Y 2nd see that €renyibing 1S 10 readiness § ; 0 readiness for 1he beginpiug of the Sprivegpeots, Moor, 1 5) Viavha «you Deed anew Plow machine € Harrow Syringtooth Die Harrow Seeder Or anything else in the lige of Cultivating Machinery. Our Goods have stocd the test of time. 2nd | ALWAYS CHEAPEST J. D. H, CRERAR tAgent for {Massey-Har:.s Farm Implements THE BEST 18 For Sale Tao enttf 1 a : 10 settid an estate the farm be low is for sale at once, One hundred acres on "the St, with High and Public $hools ane g0 am tun ' 5 "er leultivation and free from su rag a » *| The prices $3400 cash ang 23000 on a 'ong mortgage if desired, 'Write al once. interested +. tr wrrrw Gu Jantes {Mf orrison Iroquors, Opt: Chesterville Citizens' Band Under the leadership of i Mr. Watchmaker, who will guarantee Perfect Satisfaction™ at Reasonable Rates LOUIS GAULIN BIGELOW'S DRUG STORE RUSSELL, GNTARIO Barton, formerly of the 42nd Battalion Baa J (Overseas), Are open fos engagements fog Lawn Pas ties, Fairs, ete, Vrite fur prices, and let ne take arc of the musical end for ou. Dr. S. H. Hurr, Pres? V7. O. Divon, Sec. Lawrence, just one mile from town,