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Russell Leader, 8 Feb 1923, page 1

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HE Yol; XVL., No, 4 E---- RUSSELL, ONT.; THURSDAY, FEB 8th 1923 OS aly -- Something to Crow About Poultry Show a Success = E a : Good Show----Large number of Entries--Evening Entertainment the Best Ever The 1923 Ponltry Show is now a thing of the past, and was most sucsessull in every way, but most of ail the ~educational success was most pronounced. This show, which is a yery am- biiious venture for a small commun, ity, was as large and well patrou- ized as those in Cornwall, Brock- ville, Smith's 'Fails, Almoatc, or any of these larger places and the prize list was Detter than most of he others, The chief neason for this is that theofficeis and directors gave free- ly their services and in 'every way cut down expenses to add to the list, _ This fait was appreciated by the axhibitors and entries from Corn" wtli, Almonte, Ottawa, Smith's Falls, Terofito, Brockville and oth- er places testified to this fact, The show rooms were taxed to the limit, and evcry entry was wor- thv of a prize, in fact the competi-| tion was so keen that the judges were a day longer than usual ia maklpg their awards, The interest shown by the pub- lic was great, and each and every exhibit had many friends who were watching to see what place it#trew The slbbons mide an imposing display when attached to the cages and were appreciated by the exhib- itors. 2 ] The show is an_event ef which the Poultry Association may wel} be proud, and everyone who cen . should get behind thls. worthy in- stitution aad help to boost, On Thu sday evening the enter- tainmest put on in Stephenson's Hall was one which will long be gembered by these who atiended, The Gaiety'Get-Us, our own lo- cal orchestra furnished tpe music and in their usual pleasiug mann- er rendered satisfaction, Miss Nesbitt, soloist, sarg a couple of numbers, and possesses 4 voice of much sweetnessand good Her selections were well received, Mr.g Roy Carson, baritone' of Ottawa, as usual captured thi au- dience with his singing,-and show- " ed himself to be a clever Monolot guist as well. But the part of the hrogram which will lingerlong in the minds of those who were present was the address by Hen. D, Marshall, Car nadian Commissioner of Agricul- ture, who for about an hour anda halt taiked to the farming commu- nity on the science of agriculture, Farming has been regarded in the past by many as the place tolo- cate the misfits and failures, a sort of place of last resort, but with the adveut of education it developed into one of the most cemplex sci- ences known to the werld. A man to be a successful farmer must have a knowledge ot chemistry, machin ery, vetrinary science, animal huse bandry* and hundreds of other sid- #nes which are amysterv to those engaged in other lines of industry He must study the markets, and Mave a foresight which will enable fim to ses a future need snd be prepared fill it. : Every firmer has some shecial fineiu which it is possible for him to excel, and he should gooverthe ground carefully, find what ne is best adapted to, and bend his en- ergies to the task of bringing this specialty te a standard of perfec \ : ps (tion. rie must constantly strive to 'reach the mark attzined by othars 'in this line, bu io endeavor to a- !ehieve stil! greate: prominence. { The oroblem of to-day wal bow ito keep the boy on the farm. The "tendency ws to educate the boy raway from the farm. Mr. Marshail "advocated education which would {show the boy tha dignity and the Ler of the soil.Give the boy achaace (to learn how to become a wetter farmer than his father, and achance to develop hislatent talents. If yeu want to be a dairy farmer, get and maintain a herd which will be a pride to the boy, gnd out of which he will get some pleasure, and it will be no trouble to develop an interest in the care and treat- ment of caws, Ip your sens, If you keep poor tools for the bops it wjll be hard to sustain their interest, therefore'it is to your in~ terest to the extent of your means' to provide the poy aplant whirhwill be the starting point from which he will go on to develop his own ideas, and which assisted by read- ing and education will land him at the top of his chosen profession Given a chance the boy will stick and nothing will be able to take him away from the lure of the farm Who would care to be handling dead merchandise or sitting at a desk, when they could be out in the npen ait d2aling with real yf thugs, getting real fon out of wat-. ching them grow, and develop in- to glorious creatures, which wlll lead all others in the competition of the prize ring. These and many other helpful thoughts were thrown out by Mr. Marshall in his most splendid aud inspiring address, | We are only sorry that every | farmer in Eastern Canada and par- tieularly those in this section were not present, If the Russell County Poultry Association acceqplished nothing else, it is to be congratulated on | bringiug such a man es this to cur midst, and the work which his ad. dress will accomplish can never be calculated, Ha ; More resdect can be paid to Mr. Marshall wheu It is known that he has made a pionounced success of the theme he discusses, At the close of the address a vote of thanks was moved by Mr, J. H, Tweed, and seconded by Mr. C, E, McCaffrey, to the speaker for his most interesting address. The vote was tendered by the chairman, Rev. T, I". Shaver, and the meeting closed with the Nat- ional Anteem, Following the entertainment an auction of purerbred poultry was held in tne show rooms and many bargains were secured. : The entire show was a most de- cided success and augers wall for future events. The Ladie's Aid of the Methgdist Church intend putling on a play entitled "Strictly Business", on Thursday Feb. 22nd 1928, A Public Meeting will be held in the 1,0. F, Ha!l' Russell, Thurs- day. évening, February 15th at 80' clock, called by the Village Trus- tees, to discuss the buildieg ofa Village Hall. All iviereeted in ha. viug a Public Hallin the village are urged tO attend, ' LEADER ADS. PAY | pleasure of®being a high-class till={ Battery 3ervice We have : 'ranged for an Upto themitiite Battery Service wih the Better Battery Service, Ottawa, which will he genuive Prest- OrLite, and exert mechanics to do the work _ This Batter is used ex- clusively on General Mctors products, h Service Bar Bes alwavs ou bend. Bting yours in if it needs altenticor: D., A. MeArthur RUSSELL, ONT. 3 Kanimusu Night Feb. 9, '23 Cn this night the Program Committee are" makirg arrange- ments for a POVERTY DANCE very member is going to look for their very oldest clothes for this night, REMEMBER---The vrorse yon look ore enjoyabie evirirg we are all going to have, ! Every member 52 om hand for the Grand Ma &:--8.CO sharp. Russell Tp gsr Aa fond ance, "ol if 45 ~¢ a e ' ENTERED INTO REST » Mr. James RusserLr Booru To every man upan this earth, Death cometh soon or late" : Almost tragic in its suddenness was the dasath of Mr, Russell Booth, a young man, just 26 years of age, resigibg just one mile north of this town.. : About two weeks ago he suffered from pain about the heart, and the trouble waa diagrosed as rheum. atism. He kapt getiing worse, and despite "all that medicaiskill and loving care could do he pass~ en away on Saturday evening. Just one month to the day he died he was married to Miss Onah Campbell, and was staating out in life with rosy prospects, but his call came, and he crossed the Great Divide. The funeral washeld en Monday afterncon frem "his late residence to North Russell cemetery. where interment was made. Service was conducted at the house by Rev. T. P. Shaver, a very large number of friends attending to pay their last repects. . The floral offerings were many and beautiful, prominent among them being wreaths frcm North Russell True Blue and Orange Lodges, both of which he was a member, Besides his young widow there survive his aged father, Mr, James Beoth; four sisters, Mrs, Jamas Lee, Mrs. Robert Buckingham, Mrs. Arthur Morrbw aod Miss Irene, and three brothers, Charles, Rogqert and Campbal!, atl. of North Russell. : In the sad blow which has fallen on them, the sympathy of the com~ munity is extended to the widew and the bereaved family: 3 L ) | | ) i £ T he "Star" | 4 WA Quality Car at oe ors Pool + Specificaeions wi Timken Rear Axle Timken Bearings {front and Spicer Universalfjoint Three Speeds, forward, and Disc Clutch Supply Tank at Rear§ Warner Steering Gear Half Elliptic Springs Autolite Starting, Ligntirg ---- Car Les Airived a Moderate Price 1 convince you, * Continental Red Seal Mctcr rear) reverse "Stewart Vacuum Gavoline Fesd and Igniticr Systems THOS, C. SWITZER hawe not trie i, do not put it cf! regret it. We have just received sizes, Get curs oday. :r Coal," wilings Lath, Watch thls Space tandeHouse~ Furnishings Farm Drain Tile Farm Upderdraining is a mest payirg iLvesim ort, 2rd ili yca anylergers (Fesuie vou wiliect a cerlcad 1 E. 4,610 8irch y p pp i 0 ; Syingles, Sa DSRS -- awrrve . A. WALKER &} SON . Lumber. Coal and Feed Merchants Scmetbing doicg all the time Remember That you have in Russell a Graduate Optician acd an Expert Watchmaker, who will guarantee Perfect Satistaction at Reascnable Rates LOUIS GAULIN BIGELOW'S DRUG STORE RUSSELL, GNTARIO CAIETY~ GET-US DANCE TRIO | Ea Music tir: siofis, ; Drumsyand ether instrumenta- ic1 allfccca ion: Three or more. pieces if desirad, Prices moderate. Phone or write G. JONES, Russa r 'none 58 NOTICE. Leave y-ur clipper plates in K, IM. Boyd's possession for resharp jonas. ; NOW Is thime to, look over the machinery and see that ey erything is in readisess for the beginniug of the spriug work, Maybe you need a new 5 Plow Harrow Syringtooth Die Harrow Seeder Or anything else in the line of Cultivating Machinery. Our Goods have stocd the test of time, and | THE BEST IS ' ALWAYS CHEAPEST J. D. K, CRERAR pAgent for Massey-Harr.s Farm Implements - Say, Seme of you farmers want an automobile, and money is scar- ce, Ifyouleavea few cows you can spare I have a Chevrolet car as goodas new which Lowill trade for cattle, or I will s for a reasonable price, interested, call the Leader Office, "hone 38. L FOR SALE, £ A baby Sleigh, in first class con ditien. Price reasonable. Apply to Mrs Arthur Watsey as Lumber, the d@me If you are A) 4 p a8 £8 <¢ 4 & y | | th, ww Lenin A A Ah AA BS BASE Bc]

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