Be ad x FR 9 a Eg = wp Sy gt | Ra 3 wel Fn a fi x iad w Re i Hoa Pa RE TOMBE a ES Pro Ei fh en conan Si Yol, XV1., No. 37 p------ RUSSELL, ONT,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ist, 192i. $1.00 a year in Advance \ ers ------ AA ME of Mr Mr. Percy Talbot of Lacombe, Alberta, arade a flying visit to our town on Wednesday st. Percy is a son of the late Semator Talbot former principal of Ott public sch- oal, Although bom in Russell 39 years agoy and having left our town at the age of coe year, he hardly remembers mach about his old bir- th-place but still 'holdsa very warm feeling towardsithe land of his bir- th, ana specially requested of a fri- end that a snep be taken of the hos. me of his biz¢h, 'then owned by the Late ArchibsM! Carson but new pur- chased by Ms, James Adams ot North Gowes, ° t Mr. Wilson Muir of Ottawa spe- at Armistioe-day with Russell frie- nds. Messers McEwen and McRae of Max ville, who have purchased 'the business anil buildings of Mr. Stan- ley SALE assume possession of the sann: to-day. Neatly A Serious Fire, 2 hat nearly happened to be a mest disastrous fire took place on Tuesday shout noon when Mr Wm J Hume who was in his cow barn applying a coat of tar to a water tank which caught fire froma coal oil stove used in heating the tar. Mr Hume endeavoused to extin- guish the blazing tank but was, un- able to de so, heran to a ciose nes iirhbeur &nd gave the alarm, by th- is time sparks nad penetrated thro- ughthelofrsettingfire to th : kay ab- ove, by this time a crowd had gath- ared and Proce gga to cour, watts oo Ais! 'hay, pai ith fo perdeptible results. A hay k knife was used in cutting down the bay on two sides of the fire and throwing it-out thro- ugh an opeaing made in the side of the barn, The two Chemical ext- inguishers were hurriedly despatch- ed from the willage and with their assistanees and a continuous Stre- am of waser, the fire was brought nader control, several cows were badly burned but not seriously. Mr Hume's face and hands recei- ved savere burms, which was atten- ded to by Dr Macdougall, Theba- ras were erected only this summer with all modera improvements am- ong the best in the Township, Mr. Marshall. Rathwell the U.F.' Q, candidate in Russell announces' ibat he has signed the recall and. proud of the fact, after Dec. 6th he will have no further use for the do- cument it will be merely a scrap of Paper, The Progressive party speakers are calling for purity 'n poiitics, th- ¢y have a Provincial Gevernment in power at Toronto, it the closing aight of the last session of that Pa. sliameat is an example of how they intend to purify politics, allwe can say is, God help Canada, Mr, E. J, Menard of Embrun, whe has undergone am operation in the Water Street Hospital Ott- awa, has returned this week to his Home much improved in health. Mr, McRae and family of Max- ville, have removed to Russell, awhere they will take up permanent sesidence, Mr,Mclatyre who was the Liber- al Candidate in Dundas in 1917 was in, Ruy»sell on Tuesday for a short time. Mr. Mclatyre is assis- ging Mr, Cheverier the liberal can- didate for Gleugary, and announces the lattery chaages of beiug elected As very favourable. {week piclous, Mr. Ira Hughes of the Norma School Ottawa, spent the week end at his home Me, L., Morrow, of the Ottawa Collegiate Institute, spent the week end with his parents Mrs, Beamish and family of Dal- meny, have moved into the house lately occupied by Miss M, Stanley The Liberal Meeting held ia the Town Hall, despite the inclement weather was well astended Miss Sadie Iyeson, of Ottawa, { of their claim duly verified on or ---- : re ------ - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of Thomas Buckingham, tate of the township of Russell, farmer, who died on or zbout the 1921 deceased, the fifteenth day ef Cetober, are required to send post-paid to for Ruckingham and Richard Bucking executors of the last will of the said deceased, fall particulars the undersigned solicitor John ham {spent the week end at her home ection with Armistice day was hl ing, with a large attendance pres-| ent, Messrs R, I, Thompson and F, York, spent Sunday in Ottawas Miss Gertie McPherson, has re. turned home after sister in Morrisburg: visiting with her Palmer, have returned from the North West Mr May of Wrightwille, has op- ened a Shoe Repairing Shop, in the old Commercial Hotel Building Messrs S. S. Latimer, C, Tattle, J. H, Haines, Dr, j. C, Byres, R, McEwen, J, Albert, H. T, and Fo- rd Latither, have returned 'from a very successful hurting trip Miss M, York of Waketield Que, who has been visiting with Miss Iveson, has rcturned to her home Rev T, A, Shaver and Mr, T. A. Hicks were delegates to the recent 0, R. C.C. convention at Brockville, FARIS, TIS ow 41 em- ployee of the Union Bank Mr E. H Rolston, spent Sunday in the Capital Miss Lowery, of Pakesham, bas been visiting at the home of Mr, C, T, Craig, Mr. Harry Craig, has returned home after an extended wisit to Pakenham The C, O, P, held a meeting in the Town Hall, on Thursday sight of last week, followed by a Banquet at Mr, Wm, Gillissie's in the Com-. mercial Hote! Mr, Bobert Dow, returned home, from Detroit, on Thursday of last. Card of Thanks I cannot thank in person all who worked so heroically to save my Barns from destruction by fire, but take this opportunity of tenderin te you ene and all my very sincere thanks W, J, Hume - Hog. Clifford Sifton, At a meeting recently held in Tor- onto by Mr.T.A, Crearer the daity papers of that city annouhced that the Hon, Clifford Sifton was oa the platform, strange to say the Farmers Sum in reporting the meet- ing omitted Mr. Sifton's name, is it afraid of the moral effect his ap- pearance would have om the U, F. O. supporters throughout the coun- try, thisis the same Sir Clifford Sifton who bought up the Press of Caeada in support of Union Gov- ernment in 1917, the large ameunt of expensive advertising and came paign orators now flooding the co- untry inthe jaterest of the U.F,0. party has all the appearance of the Sinster hand of Sir Clifford behind the sceae, coupled with the emiss- Sun, makes the matter doubly sus- 4 "afore the first day of Tusuary 1922. A community gathering ia conn ! : tday hide y 1922 in the Town Hall, on Friday even i Messrs Roy Rowan, and Walter; # lich a very large attendance of frie- And notice is hereby given that A Bediately after said last date the distribute the assets of said estate 10 the parties entitled there io havirg regard on- ly to the claims of which they shall i said executors will then have notice and: will not be responsible for any part of said ass. ets to any person of whose clain notice shall not have Been received at the time of distribution, Dated at Russell this December 1921, Arthur Flyon Solr, for said Executors. B {first day of Mrs A, L, McTavish The death of Margr.* McTavish, widow of the late Archibald L. Mc- Tavish, an old and high y esteemed resident of Kenmore, to ok place at her howe, ou i1th at the age of EL, Tt 's, after an Friday me ning Nov, illness extenbing WoV ci period of twelve months due rg héari (ailure, The deceased had « u ircle of AR 1d i in the highest respect both for her) LRN NAL 2 En ? a] se in her home, a welcome which | 48ion to visit her home, 'thay were rich or poor the same fr- iendly whole hearted greeting was always the same, without fuss or show, Her depa sed by the members of St Paul's Presbyterian Church, heradvice and rture wiil be much mis- council was always in the best int- erest of her Church, of strong relig- ious convictions who by her daily] walk and 'conv. essation bore testim-| ony to the fact, a kind and loving | morher whoes departure willbe sad- ly missed by. her sorrowing family of two sons and ons daughter, Dinc-| 20 A, Lorne and Annie, all at home and three brothers, Alexander of (Gloucester, Daniel and Robert of Kenmore, The funeral was held on Monday the 14th the service was conducted by the Rev Mr. Wood- side, pastor of the deceased, at wh- nds, and neighbours were present to pav their last tribute of respect to the departed. after which the rem- ains were conveyed to Sprioghill Cemetry. IN MEMORIAM ia loving memory of Pg. Abie hospitality and sound common sen | premise it only requires a few min- could be felt was genuine and sin-| sible mar or'woman to judge fo, cere, was given to all who had occ. themsely whether | al Candidate in the Deomiaion: be antrusted to govern, ag Kindling, Cedar Wood and Fen. ce Posts, WANTED--- Local at Russell to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries," to cover sumounding territory, Sp- lendid opening for the right man. Exclusive territory, highest cemn- issions paid. Toronto, Ontario, frame, in good condition will be so- ld cheap. Everybody Welcome Te The Xmas Bazaar Friday Decem- ber 2nd 1921, in Stephensons Hall Russell, Commencing at 5.30 p,m, Sale of useful and fancy articles Aiso, Home made baking aod candy, "Nill be sold by the Melhcdist Ladies' Aid Supper will be served®ren, 5.30 p.m, to 8,30 p,m Admission 23 cts. A Past And A Futwe. Three parties, National Liberal Conservative, Progressive, United Grain Growers, United Farmers of Ontario and Liberals are en trial be- fore the people The Conservative pa- rty hasbeen in office since 1911 tk- eir record is before the people, The Farmers party have no past history they are composed of disgruntted individuais from the two old parties or of visionary ¢haracters who are always ready to join any new mov- ement, many more honest ia their covictiors believing that 1he core all in the political world is in their bands, with one Leader and not one single man of outstanding abil | ity behind him, ahd they ask the pecple of Canada to send them to Vttawa to govern the country, The Liberal party bave a past: for fifteen years they gave a period: of peace and prosperity unparalled in the history of this ceuatry, they have 2 future, with the content of of the electorate thev promise to bring stable guvermment cut ofthe or e32nt fea -- Pa at of their ability to carry (tt this - 3. a utes study on the part of any sen- es the calibre of the Liber each province in we ask who should eerie FOR SALE I have for sale a guantity of Ced- Apply to Clinton Millar Russell Ont, SCORN "SR. + Cf. JO representative and Stone & Wellington, BARN FOR SALE. For sale a barn 34 by 36. pine Apply to Hubert Cochrane, Russell Ont, STRAYED. Strayed unto my premises on or ion of his name ia the report by the |. Cochrane killed in action Nov. 18th 1916 age 17 years. Er The sweetest flower how soon it dies, 'So our time, how swift it flies; Therefore, repent whilst you ha- vetime, God came for me just in my prime. Father, Mother, Brothers. An amendment has been made to the Division Court act whereby ac- tion can now be taken up to $4C0, WP cen country boy. about Oct, 20th, one two year old nolstein heffer, owner can have sa- me for paying this add and expen- ces, J. W. James, Edwards R, R. 6 Ont, HORSES FOR SALE For Sale one good work horse, also ome yearling filly, Apply to--George Merrice R. R. 2 --Russell, Ont. The champion wrestler of Alber- ta, was {aid on the mat one even. tag a couple of weeks age by a gr- LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Provinces of : ONTARIQ & Quszbec In future I intend to devote ali my time to auctioneeriny. Sales of all kinds handled. Pure bred stock a specialty, Terms reasonable THOS. IRVING 33 Cleary Ave, Of Phone Catlia PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Or. D. Wallace, F, A, C. S,., for merly of Kamptyille, r 82 Park Aveaue. (corner) of win, Street, Ottawa Ont, -- - MUSIC The undersigned is wepared ot receive a limited number of pupils for instruction in Violin, Piano, and theoretical subjects, those desirous of taking instructions in any ore of the above subject, apply at once to -- G. W, Jones Russell Ont, Ls . Riverside Pines Pou try Yards Single Comb White Leghorns Exgs for hatching, Ferris strains | send for descriptive circular. Mrs. Duncan McDiarmid ei i i NURSERY STOCK The undersigned Fas been app- ointed Sole Agent for the distriot Brown Bros. of the ccunty Welland Nuisery Stock can suaply & kinds olor Zepto, Ea 2 it, apply th -- Arthur Merit "rr Rusig i > ea ~ . = : Public {livery and Carting =x w¥ I intend opening a Public house In the village of Metcalfe about Ap- ril 1st a good Livery in connecMon with same, all kinds of Carting att» endet to from Russell Station. Ray E. Thompson. Mzstcalfe Oat, Phone No. After March tne 15th, the bader. signed will be prepared to do all kis ads of cartage, special care given in moving Furniture and Flousehold Effects. -- Apply to A E Foster Russeii Ont REE Cn DR LOST Lost at Vars from the Town Hat : on Wednesday Oct. 12th. a black dog with white ring around his neck and white paws. Kindly Notify-- James O'Regan, Edwards, Ont, FOR SALE ¥ For Sale Barred Rock Cockrells, best strains, prize winners, ata re« asonable price. , Apply to Edgar Craig, Russell Ont, FOR SALE for sale young Pekin Ducks male and female, at $2.50 Each or $4.00 per pair also a few single comir White Leghorn hens selling to ma-~ ke room for young stock.. Apply to--R. Mebarey Maple Yalley Poultry Yards, Russell Ont, ; St. Mary's Church vy The Wousen's Guild of St, Mary's Anglican Church, will hold a sale of useiul and famcy articles at the Forester's Hall, Friday, Dec, 9th beginning at 5 oclock p, m, Home Cooking, Candy und Poppy Garden