THE RUSSELL. LEADER -- A I Sm s------ --_---- 7 7 ) FORCE the | i OPEN ¢ A M. CLOSE RRuRRERERREIRR EARN AREER XRAEERS ZAARARKAEPRRNT XR a =x & | % wn 4 Mw » a = wn a ou wo *® a 1d wn Ee #® # ® w ® » A Ded - = ® 2 #2 ® # w o * LIE 2 EIR BURL ARR AREER RRARRE LAULHAAARRAAARAXLAAR RAARRE SAL: 16 P.. iM. EACH DAY RREFRK i CANADA BYTHE HONOURABLE LOUIS _ODERRE, SECRETARY OF STATE OF CANADA, flO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, OR WHOM THE SAME MAY IN ANY WISE CONCERN, GREETING: = J.A.G.Fieldng RUSSELL, ONT. J ESSN t for Fire Life and Accident Insura ce to Loan Agen Money ny HEREAS, in and by the {ist p "of Chapter 79, of the Revised Yalu of Canada, 1906, and FH as lne Companies Act," iif ent other things, in effect ted, that the Secretary of State REBERER BELBRE 7, by Letters Patent, under his +l of Office, grant a Charter to TA M Ww 0 R T H & number of persons, not less PIGS Bn five, who having complied Re the requirements of the Act, BOTH SEXES PRIZEW|INNERS at aply therefor, constituting such THREE FALL FAIRS, prsons, and others who thereafter {b:ome shareholders in the Com- CLOSE tb IMPORT- @ ED STO! re 7 Wn gry thereby created a Body Corp- oite and Politic for any of the piposes or objects to which the Good,* ais owthy animals. Prices reason. able. of Loislative Authority of the Par- 7 liment of Canada extends, - except I SR" C. H. Dalglish, KENMORE el th construction and working of BEE ERI at Lowest Interest aa HEY > FEN i Rilways or of Telegraph or Tele- ! pone lines, or the business of K Bnking and the issue of paper &# mney, or the business of insurance § oithe business of a Loan Company fluon the applicants therefor es- tblishing to the satisfaction of the Scretary of State due compliance vith the several conditions ad terms in and by the said Act et forth and thereby made condi- tons precedent to the granting of sich Charter. AND WHEREAS Andrew Walk- ir, Manufacturer, and Hiram Ken- ley, James Alexander Cochrane and Robert Morgan Warner, Mer- |:hants, all of the Village of Russell in the Proaince of Ontario, have made application for a Charter under the said Act, consituting them and such others as maybecome |shareholders in the Company there- by created a Body Corporate and Politic, under the name of "Russel] Fire Proofing, Limited" for the 'purposes hereinafter mentioned, and have satisfactorily established A farm of 100 acrés, land extr [the sufficiency of all prcceedings Lud Soil, well w atered, good out| required by the said Act to be taken buinifgs, close to cheese factory |and the truth and the trnth and schodand post offi « Apply "td sufficic: of all' facts regnired to MISS IDA MORROW, a2d previous to granting | Pana, | and ha Eglin RUSSELL GARAGE PRACTICAL (GASOLINE ENGINE REPAIRING All Work Gharanteed Automobile Livery in Connec- tion Gasolihe at Reasonable Prices THOMAS MATHER COR. BROADWAY & MILL STS Farm For Sale he estab of such Letters. Patent, NPE ag nr filed in the department of the Sec- retpry of State a duplicate of the Memorandum of Agreement ex- executed by the said. applicants ing conformity with the. previsions of said Act. 'NOW KNOW YE, thatl, said Louis Coderre;, Secretary of State of Canada, under the author- ity of thee hereindefore in part recised Act, do uv these Letters Patenl, constitute ty said Andrew Walker, Hiram Kenney, James Alexander Cockrane, 'Robert Mof- gan Warner and all 'others who may become shareholders in the said Company, a Body Corporate and Politic, by the same of 'Russell Fire Proofing, Limited," with all the rights and powers given by the said Act ond for the following pur- poses and objects, namely :-- (a) To manufacture and deal in fireproofing, agriciltural tile, brick cement, hollow blozks, sewer pipes, conduits, drain ties, floor tiles, pottery, fireproofing blocks, clay products, shale prodwcts and all articles containing shale or clay and generally property of every class and description; the (b) To purchase lease or other- wise acquire shalelands, clay lands peat lands, and other lands, timber limits and water power, movable and immovable property, rights, easements and piiveledges of all kinds nnd any interest therein, and to explore, work exercise, develop «| nt the company, and te use, turn to account, deal in, sell or otherwise dispose of the same; (c) To manufaciure, refine, buy, sell, render saleable or supply light heat, power, natural gas, peat, wood, lumber, c#dl; stone, lime and the like, provided, however thae any sale, distfibution or trans- mission of electricor other power or gas beyond the lands of the company shall be subject to local and municipal regulations; (d) To apply for, purchase or otherwise acquire any trade marks, patents, licenses, concessions or the like conferring any exclusive or limited rights to use any secret or other information as to any inven- tion or process which may seem capable ot being used for the pur- poses of the company or the ac- quisition of which may seem calcu- tated directly or indirectly to-bene- > Prop Atom Pay Age we SRE SB -. Red ihin< it des exercise, develop or grant licenses in respect of or otherwise turn to account the property, rights or information so acquired. (e) To construct on the property \owned or coutrolled by the company { reads, tramways, sidings, factories ! warehouses, electrical works and i the like, and carry on any other business whether manufacturing or otherwise which may seem capable of being carried on with the com- pany's business; (f) To acquire or undertake the whole or any part of the business, properiy aud liabilities of an? company, partnership or indvidual carrying on any business which the company is authorized to carry on or possessed of property suitable for the purposes of this company and to pay therefor with shares of the company or otherwise; (g) To enter into partnership or any arrangements for sharing pro- fits, union of interests, co-operation joint adventure, reciprocal conces- sions or otherwise, with any company carrying on or engaged in any business or transaction which this company is authorized to carry on or engage in, or 'any business or transaction capable of being conducted so as to directly or indirectly to benefit this com- pany, and to assist any such com- pany and to take or otherwise acquire shares or security of any such company and to take or other- wise acquire shares or security of any such company and to sell, hold re-issue, with or without guarantee or otherwise deal with the same: (b) To take or otherwise acquire, hold, ow n, sell or otherwise dispose of shares in the capital stock of and the bonds, obligations or other securities of any company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this company, or carry- ing on any business capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit this company or possessed of property, rights ot franchises capable of being used so as to directly or indirectly to bene- fit this company or enhance the value of its undertaking, notwith- standing the provisions of Section 44 of the Companies' Act, and to guarantee the payment of divi- dends on any such stock and the payment of the principal and inter- est of any such bonds, obligations or other securities and to aid in any manner any such company; (i) To enter into any arrange- ments with any authorities, su- preme, municipal, local or other- wise, that may seem conducive to the Company's objects, or any of the, La GB trom any su authority any rights, privileges : concessions which the shan comp: 'rable te Obtuin, * Sonia i, iy, VE >= SON ; and to carry on or exercise and comply with any su¢h arrange- ments, rights, privileges and concessions; (j) To issue fully paid up sharess bonds, or other securities for the payment, either in whole or in part of any propeity, real or personal, rights, claims, privileges, conces- sions, choses in action and with the approval of the shareholders for services rendered or other benefit which the company may lawfully acquire, or in or about the formation "or promotion of company, and to issue such fully . paid wp shares, bonds or other securities in payment, part pay ment or in exchange for shares, bonds or other securities of any other company; (k) To sell or dispose of the whole or any part of the assets and undertakings of the company as a going concern or otherwise for such comsideration as the company may think fit and in particular for shares, bonds, debentures or secug= ities of any other company having power to acquire the same; : (1) To distribute in species, or otherwise as may be determined, any assets of the company among the tits mewbers and particularly the -| shares, bonds and other securities of any other company owned by this company; (m) To draw, make, endorse, ascept, execute and issue promis- sery notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable and transferable instruments; (w) To do all or any of the above things as principals agents, con- tractors or otherwise and by or through trustees, agents or othee- wise, and either alone or in com- junction with others; (0) To amalgamate with aav other company baving objects al-- together or in part similar to those of this company; (p) To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive te the attainment of the above ob- jects, and to carry on any other business which may seem capable of being conveniently carried on by | the company; (q) The powers in each para- graph to be in no wise limited or restricted by reference to or infer= ence from the terms of any other paragraph; 'The operations of the company fo be carried on throughout the Dominion of Canada and where. The place within the Dominion of Canada which is to be the chief place of business of the said Com- pany is the Village of Rusself, in the Province of Ontario. The Capital Stock of the said Company shall be Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars divided int> Twenty-five Thousand shares of Ten Dollars each, subject to the increase ot such Capital Stock under the provisions of the said Act, That the said Andrew Walker, Hiram Kenney, James Alexander Cochrane and = Robert Morgan Warner are to be the first or Pro- visional * Directors of the said Company. PROVIDED ALWAYS that no- thing in these presents expressed or contained shall be taken to authorize the construction aad working of Railways or of Tele- graph or Telephone lines, or the business os Banking und the issue of paper money, of the business of Insurance; - or the business of = Loan Company by the said Com pany. Given under my hand and ceaf of office at Ottawa, this Eighteentfr day of August, 1915, P PELLETIER, Acting under-Secretary elses ~eal) EA of Statdf